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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern heroPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample plan for reading(ELIAS STORY)AimsTo talk about peoples qualitiesTo read aboutenablepeople s life storyTo study The Attributive Clause (where, when, why, prep. which/ whom)To learn to write lettersProceduresI.

2、Warming upWarming up by describingBoys and girls,thismorning we lltakeup Unit5 in which we lllearnto describepeople. Now lets describe ourselves first. The questions in the warming up partwill help you find out what qualities you have. Then tell me what kind of a persondo you thinkyou are.Do you thi

3、nkyou have the qualitiesto be a greatperson? Whatqualities do you think we should find in a great person?a. Give the students one minute to answer the questions.b.Ask some studentsto talkabouttheirown qualitiesaccordingto theiranswers.c. Have a discussion with the whole class and help them to sum up

4、 the qualities that a great person has.( Suming up:A great person should be determined, hard-working, unselfish, andgenerous. He should follow his ideas and never lose heart when he is in trouble.He usuallygives up something to achievehis goals.He should be willingto do publicservicework withoutpay,

5、be activein socialactivities,getson wellwithothers,and help others, etc.)Warming up by brainstorming用心爱心专心1Boys and girls,in Unit 5 we willtalkabout NelsonMandela,a greatleader who fightsfor the rights of the black people. When talking about a person, what adjectivescan you thinkofto describe hisorh

6、er qualities?What arethequalitiesyou shouldfind in a great person?(Adjectivesfordescribinga person:kind,honest,brave, loyal,happy,wise,smart,friendly,warm, cheerful,popular,generous, hard-working,diligent,weak,stupid,lazy,dishonest,mean,tense,cold,unkind,miserable,dull,strong-minded,determined,)Warm

7、ing up by expressionsBoys and girls, we are going to learn about some great people in Unit 5. Can youname some great people? Now discuss in groups of four: Who do you admire most? What kind of person is he/she? What are the qualities that great people have in common?Sun Yat-sen (November 12,1866 Mar

8、ch 12, 1925)was a Chinese revolutionaryleaderand statesman who is considered by many to be the“Father of Modern China” . Hehad a significantinfluenceintheoverthrowofthe Qing Dynastyand establishmentof the Republicof China. A founderof theKuomintang,Sun was thefirstprovisionalpresident of the Republi

9、c of China in 1912 and de facto leader from 1923 to 1925.He developed a political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People.Sun is uniquelyadmired by most Chinese.Yet,his lifewas one ofconstantstruggleand frequentexileasfewofhisvisionsforhis countrymaterialized.II. Pre-reading1. Now, lo

10、ok at the six people in the pre-reading part. Can you recognize them? Doyou thinkthey are importantpeople?(Yes.Because theyhave done somethingreallyimportantto benefitthe worldor a country.) But do you thinkallof them are great用心爱心专心2people?WilliamTyndale(sometimesspelledTindale)(ca.1484- October6,

11、1536) was a 16thcentury priest and scholar who translated the Bible into an early form of ModernEnglish.Althoughnumerous partialand completeEnglishtranslationshad been madefrom the 7th century onward, Tyndale s was the first to take advantage of the newmedium of print, which allowed for its wide dis

12、tribution.2.Speaking task: Students read the information of each of the six persons and discuss in pairs to find out whether he is a great person or not according to the criteria they worked out in the previous step.Remind the students to use the following expressions for giving and asking for opini

13、ons:I think/I don t think ,;inmy opinion;I m afraid,;Iagree/don t agree ,;I prefer,;What s your opinion? Why do you think so? What do you think of,?A sample dialogue:A: Do you think William Tidal is a great person?B: Yes. I think so. He had a strong belief that all people should be able to readthe B

14、ible for themselves.So he translatedand printedit intoEnglish althoughhewas not allowed to do so. And later he died for his work.A: Yes. I agree. William Tyndale went through a lot of struggles and difficultiesand even sacrificedhis lifeto realizehisdream. He isa greatperson that everybodywho picks

15、up the Bible must think of. Now, let s come to Norman Bethune. What doyou think of him?B: , .III. Reading1. Skimming for general ideaSo far we have talkeda lotabout greatpeople. Do you want toknow more aboutthem用心爱心专心3and learn from them? Well, this morning we are going to read about Nelson Mandela,

16、who was considered as a modern hero. Now open your books to page 34 and read thetitleof the text.What kindofwritingisthe text,can you guess? ,Yes.A storyisusuallya pieceof narrativewriting.Now skim the textto get the generalidea:What does Eliastellabout in his story?(He tellsabout hislife,how Mandel

17、a helpedhim and how he supported Mandela.)2. Listening and scanning for detail informationa. Listen to the text again and do Comprehending Ex. 1.True: 2, 4 False: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8b. Scan the text and do Comprehending Ex. 2.Suggested answers:1940 Elias was born.1948Elias left school.1942 Elias was tw

18、o years old.1950 Nelson Mandela opened his law firm1944 Elias was four years old.1952 Elias was 12 and met Nelson Mandela.1946 Elias began school.1954 Elias was 14 and encouraged by Mandela.3. Questions for further understandingDiscuss the following questions in groups of four:a. How did the white p

19、eople stop the black people from being treated fairly?b. Why did Elias support Mandela?c. Why did he support violence when he did not agree with it?Suggested answers:a. Through unfair laws.b.There are threereasons forthis.Firstly,Mandela once helped him and he thoughtMandela kindand generous.Secondl

20、y,he agreed withMandela s politicalideas.For example, he agreed with his explanation of how the black people were nottreatedfairly.He also sided with him on his view of peacefulfighting.Thirdly,he knew thatwhat Mandela foughtforwas to make blackand whitepeopleequal.c. Because their attempt to attack

21、 the law in a peaceful way failed. They had to answer violence with violence.用心爱心专心4IV. Closing downClosing down by discussinga.What do you learn about Nelson Mandela from ELIAS STORY?b. Do you like the way Elias tells his story? Give a reason. Suggested answers:a. I know thatMandela isa greatleader

22、who foughtfor equalrights forthe blackpeopleallthroughhislife.He organizedthe ANCYouth League which foughtagainstthe government.He isinfavor ofpeacefulfighting.He iskind, helpful,generous,brave, and determined.b. Variousanswersare possible.For reference: I liketheway Eliastellsthe story.Elias is a b

23、lack worker with only a little education, so he uses some simple andshortsentencestodescribehisexperiences and hiscontactwithMandela,and thusmakes the whole story more real-like and close to the readers. The quoted speechin the story objectively reveals Mandela s political views through which someas

24、pects of Mandelas qualities are shown clearly.Closing down by retellingRetell the story according to the following clues:introduction of Elias problem; Mandela s help; Elias supportClosing down by an interviewAsk the studentto do an interviewinpairs.A journalistisinterviewingEliaswiththe following q

25、uestions:When did you first meet Mandela?Can you tell me more about how he helped you?Can you tell me about the problems that the black people are facing?How do you like his idea of peaceful fighting?What do you think of him?What will you do to support him in the future?用心爱心专心5Period 2: A sample pla

26、n for Learning about Language(The Attributive Clause: where, when, why, prep.which/ whom)AimsTo helpstudentslearnabout attributiveclauseintroducedby when, where, why, andprep.+ which/ whomTo help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To help students discover and learn

27、 to use some useful structures ProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsTurn to page 35 and do exercises No. 1 and 2. Check your answers against yourclassmates .II. Learning about grammar 1.Reading and thinkingTurn to page 34. Read the text of ELISA STORY and find

28、 out all the attributiveclauses.Thinkoverthisquestion:On whatcircumstancedo we usewhen/where/why tointroducedan attributiveclause?( “Where” isused when the antecedentreferstoa place, and“ when” is used for time.“ Why “ is used when the antecedent is“why” .)For reference:The time whenI firstmet Nelso

29、n Mandela was a very difficultperiodof my life.The school where I studied only tow years was three kilometers away.This was a time when you had got to live in Beijing.The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of thehappiest days of my life.We have reached a stage where we

30、have almost no rights at all.The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.The places wherethey were sentto livewere thepoorestareasin South Africa.用心爱心专心62. Comparing and discoveringTurn to page 36. Do Ex. 1. Then compare the following sentences and find out why we use diff

31、erent words to introduce the attributive clauses while the antecedentsare the same.a. The government building where we voted was very grand.b.The governmentbuildingwhich/thatwe paid a visitto yesterdaywas very grand.c. The government building in which we voted was very grand.In sentence a), a relati

32、ve adverb“ where” is used because it refers to“in thegovernment building” which serves as the adverbialin the attributiveclause.“ inwhich ” can also be used as in sentence c)because italsomeans “in the governmentbuilding” in the attributive clause. While in sentence b), a relative pronoun“which ” is

33、 used as it refers to“ the government building” which serves as theobject of the predicate“ visited” in the attributive clause.Compare another three sentences:a. The date when I arrived was the 5thAugust.b. The date which/ that he told me was the 5th August.c. The date on which I arrived was the 5th

34、August.In sentence a), a relative adverb“ when” is used because it refers to“ on thatdate ” which serves as the adverbial in the attributive clause.“in which ” canalso be used as in sentencec) because it also means“ on that date” in theattributive clause. While in sentence b), a relative pronoun“whi

35、ch ” is used asit refers to“ the date” serving as the object of the predicate“told” in theattributive clause.Read the following sentence and find outa. The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.b.The reason that/which he gave forgettingthe job was because of hishard work.c. The reason f

36、or which I got a job was because of my hard work.In sentence a), a relative adverb“ why” is used because it refers to“ for thisreason ” which servesas the adverbialin the attributiveclause.“ forwhich ” canalso be used as in sentence c) because it also means“ for this reason” in the用心爱心专心7attributive

37、clause.While insentenceb), a relativepronoun “ which/that” isusedas it refers to“ the reason ” serving as the object of the predicate“ gave” inthe attributive clause.III. Ready used materials for attributive clauseDefinitions:Attributiveclause:An attributiveclause is a clausemodifyinga nounor pronou

38、n in a compound sentence.Antecedent:The wordbeingmodifiedby anattributiveclauseiscalledtheantecedent.Relative:The word that is used to introduce an attributive clause is called arelative.Therearetwokindsofrelatives,i.e.relativepronounsincludingwhich,that, who, whom, whose, as, etc. and relative adve

39、rbs including where, when andwhy, etc.Note:Relativesplaysthreeimportantrolesinanattributiveclause,i.e.introducinganattributiveclause,replacingtheantecedentin meaning,andfunctioning as a sentence element in the attributive clause.e.g. : The girl who is talking to Mr. Li over there is my sister.In the

40、 sentence,The girlis the antecedent andattributive clause as the antecedent is a person. It (whois used to introduce the who) refers to the girl andfunctions as the subject in the attributive clause.The choice oftherelativesisthemost difficultin learning theattributiveclause.However, thereare some r

41、ulesthatcan help us choose thecorrectrelatives.Usually,which relativetochoose depends on what the antecedentisand what sentenceelementthe relative functions in the attributive clause as shown in the following chart:AntecedentRelativeSentence elementpeoplewhothatsubjectobjectwhomobjectthingswhichthatsubjectobjecttimewhichthatsubjectobjectwhenprep.+ whichadverbial用心爱心专心8placewhichthatsubject objectwhereprep.+ whichadverbialreasonwhyprep.+ whichadverbialNote:relativescan be omitted


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