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1、选修 6 Unit5The power of nature大自然的力量. 单项填空1Disappointed,I was about toleave_somethingoccurred ,which_myattention.A while ; paidB and; gotC before ; drewD when; attracted2 We should make every_to protect the wild animals and let them livefreely in the wild.A affectB affordC effectD effort3 The crowd f

2、led in all directions_when they saw the monster.A in hurryB in panicC without doubtD beyond wonder4 The littleboy , _two attempts toclimb overthe fenceof thegarden ,decided to have another try.A having madeB makingC madeD has made5It is all agreed that a good education doesnt_a good job.A guaranteeB

3、 resultC dependD swear6 The research projecthas only beenunderway forthree months,so itstooearly to_its success.A concludeB evaluateC indicateD reveal7 (2009 年徐州二模 )Hillary Clinton arrivedinBeijingyesterday,_thestart of her short visit to China.A markedB having markedC markingD to mark8 If you want

4、to_in the world,you must learn to work hard while youare still young.A make much of yourselfB make the way outC make you outD make your way9Before the final examination,many studentshave shown_of tension.Somehave trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.A signsB marksC anxietyD rema

5、rks10 Fathertogetherwithhis goodfriendswas_togo outforacamp_it began to rain.A hardly ; thanB around ; asC about ; whenD nearly ; while11Hes been_as judge in the State Supreme Court in California.A determinedB appointedC admittedD assumed12 _by the rising price of gas, many car owners use their cars

6、 lessfrequently.A DrivenB Being drivenC To driveD Having driven13 I wonder if she will show up at the concert. She will.She is only too_to watch the famous conductor.A anxiousB proudC interestedD satisfied用心爱心专心114 To our great_,Geoffrey s illness proved not to be as serious aswe had feared.A anxiet

7、yB reliefC viewD judgment15 As Iwaitedfor Mike to arrive, I_theclock and saw thathe was late.A glanced atB stared atC watchedD noticed. 完形填空(2009 届英语周报模拟四 )For 52 years my father got up every morning at 530 a m., except Sunday ,and went to work.I_1_sawmy fatherhome from work ill.Hehad no hobbies ,_2

8、_takingcare of his family.For 22 years , _3_I left home for college, my father_4_me every Sunday at900 a m.He was always interested in my_5_, or how my family was doing,andI neveronce heard him_6_about hislot( 生活状况 )in life.Thecallseven came whenhe and my mother were in other states.Nine years ago w

9、hen I_7_my first house, my father,67 years old, spent threedays_8_my house.He would not_9_me to pay someone to have itdone.Allhe _10_wasa cup oftea , a paintbrushand to talktohim.But I was too_11_.Ihad a law practiceto run ,and Icould not take_12_toholdthebrush ,or talktomy father._13_thingshappened

10、 several times later.The morning on Sunday.January16,1996 , my fathertelephonedme_14_, this timefrom my sisters home inFlorida.Butthe_ 15_came againat440 pm.thatday.Myfatherwasin the_16_inFloridawithan aneurysm( 动 脉 瘤 ) Igoton anairplane_17_ , and on the way , I_18_of all the times I had not taken t

11、he timeto talk to my father.I determined that when I arrived, I would_19_for the losttime , and have a nice long talk with him.I arrived in Florida at 1130 p m.,my father had_20_at 9 12 p m.Thistime it was he who did not have time to talk, or to wait for me.1.A.everB neverC alwaysD often2 A.other th

12、anB rather thanC more thanD or rather3 A.becauseB beforeC althoughD since4 A.visitedB praisedC telephonedD met5 A.workB lifeC studyD plan6 A.worryB careC talkD look7 A.builtB foundC purchasedD sold8 A.repairingB paintingC cleaningD decorating9 A.teachB adviseC forceD allow10 A.askedB keptC orderedD

13、served11.A.smartB upsetC busyD tired12 A.practiceB taskC teaD time用心爱心专心213 A.DifferentB SimilarC FunnyD Strange14 A.as usualB in painC casuallyD finally15 A.callB momentC situationD scene16 A.churchB schoolC homeD hospital17 A.immediatelyB happilyC graduallyD carefully18 A.heardB spokeC thoughtD de

14、manded19 A.take upB make upC turn upD put up20 A.started outB given inC passed awayD come back. 阅读理解(2009年东北三校第一次联考,E)Madame de Stael says that only the people who can play with children are ableto educatethem.Forsuccessin trainingchildren, thefirstconditionisto becomea childoneself.Itmeans totreatt

15、he childas reallyonesequal , thatis , toshowhim the same consideration,the same kind of confidence one shows to an adult.Itmeans not to affect the child to be what we ourselves want him to become, but tobe affected by the impression of what the child himself is; not to treat the childwith cheating,

16、or by force,but with the seriousness and truelove suitabletohisown character.Not leaving the child in peace is the greatest problem of present methods oftraining children.Parents do not see thatduring the whole life, the need of peaceis never greater than in the years of childhood, an inner peace un

17、der all outsideliveliness.But what does a child experience? Corrections, orders,interference (干涉 ) ,the whole livelong day.The child is always required to leave something alone, orto do somethingdifferent,tofindsomethingdifferent,ortowant somethingdifferentfrom whathe does , or finds, or wants.Heisa

18、lwaysguidedinanotherdirectionfromthe true inner will that is leading him.All of this is caused by our so-calledenthusiasm in directing,advising, and helping the child to become the same modelproducedinone assembly line( 流水线 ) Understanding,thedeepestcharacteristicof love ,is almost always absent.To

19、bring up a child means carrying ones soul in ones hand ; it means neverplacing ourselves in danger of meeting the cold look on the face of the child.Itmeans the truth that the ways of injuring the child are limitless while the waysof beingusefultohim are few.How seldom does theeducatorremember that

20、the child ,even at four or five years of age, has already had a sharp feeling! The smallestmistrustand unkindness,theleastact ofinjustice, leavewounds thatlastforlifein the heart of the child.While, on the other hand, unexpected friendliness andkindness make quite as deep an impression on those soft

21、 senses.1 The passage mainly talks about_.A misleading zones and right ways in educating childrenB current problems in training childrenC what should be taught to childrenD the importance of educating children2 Children,according to the passage, are experiencing_.A corrections, orders and peace用心爱心专

22、心3B orders , interference and peaceC interference , orders and correctionsD peace, guide and praise3 If you were a parent, which of the following methods is TRUE according tothe text?AYou could treat your children not so seriously for they dont understandmany things.B You could train your children a

23、s you wish them to be.C You should sometimes leave your children in peace as they wish in theirchildhood.D You should correct your children immediately if their behavior is not whatyou want.4 We may conclude that the author believes people should_.A play with the children with enthusiasm all day lon

24、g just to please themB try to give an order, advice and suggestions to their children at any timeC treattheirchildrenjustas theway they treat an adultin theirdailylifeD regardtheirchildrenas an equaltothem and have understandingof theinnerpeace of them. 短文填词Mr Browns wife was a nurse.One day he was

25、driving her home_a green taxi traveled crazily close to his 1._and sped by.The taxi driver was in such a h_2._that he didn t see a huge truck just in front of him.In order to avoid h_it, the taxi changed 3._direction suddenly and_(不幸 ) slid off the 4._road in an uncontrolled way.The driver and his_(

26、 乘客 ) were injured.They were badly5._cut by glass from the b_window screen.6._Mr Browns car quickly_over.His wife 7._got out of the car to help the injured.The truck driveralso stopped to help,c_the first aid center.8._About 20 minutes later an ambulance_( 到达 ) The injured were taken 9._to hospital.

27、The Browns offered to report the details_the accident to the police station.10._. 单项填空1 Dwhen 并列连词,常用于“ .beabout to do sth.when.”句型中,表示“正要这时”。 attract/drawones attention 吸引某人的注意力; pay attentionto注意。2 Dmake every effort to do意为“不遗余力地干”。3 B见到怪物人群应“惊慌地”四处逃窜。in a hurry 表示“匆忙地”,其中hurry前的 a 不可省略。4 Av-ing形

28、式先于 decide 发生,故用 A 项。5A句意为:大家都一致认为受过良好的教育不能保证有一份好工作。guarantee保证。 B 项,结果,导致; C项,依靠,依赖;D项,发誓,这三项都不符合句意。6 B估计用 evaluate 。7 C考查非谓语动词。根据句意, HillaryClinton 到达北京这件事情标志着她短期访问中国的开始。根据句意应用marking 。8 D根据语境应是“如果你想成功”,故选D。make ones way 除了可表示“到 ( 某地 ) ,( 向某地 ) 走去”之外, 还可表示“成功; 有出息”。 make much of sb. 重视;make sth.ou

29、t看清;辨认清楚; make sb.out 看透;弄懂某人。9A 考查词义辨析。 句意为:在期末考试之前, 许多学生已经表现出紧张的迹象。 sign用心爱心专心4意为“征兆,迹象,病症”; mark 意为“记号”; anxiety 意为“忧虑,担心”; remark 意为“评论”,均不符合题意。10 Cbe about to do sth.when.意为“正要做某事,这时/ 就在那时”,when相当于 at that time。11 B句意为:他被任命为加利福尼亚州最高法院的法官。determine决定,确定;appoint约定,任命; admit 承认; assume 假定。12A考查非谓语

30、动词的用法。补全为:many car owners are drivenby the rising.,也就是说, drive和其逻辑主语是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,表示原因。句意为:受日益高涨的油价的影响,很多车主用车的次数大大减少。13 Abe anxious to do sth.渴望做某事,符合语境。14Banxiety焦虑; relief放松,放心; view 观点; judgment 判断。由题干后半句可知选 B 项。 to one s relief令人如释重负的是,是固定短语。15 Aglance at意为“匆匆一看”,符合题意。stare at意为“盯着看”;watch意为“注

31、视”;notice意为“注意到”。. 完形填空【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。父亲即将离开人世的时候,作者突然感到应该和父亲多说说话,可生命会允许吗?1 B联系首句For 52 years my father got up every morning at 530 a m.,except Sunday , and went to work可知,作者“从来没有 (never)”见父亲因为生病而呆在家里。2 Aother than意为“除了”,此处指除了照顾家庭他没有爱好。3 D作者是指“自从 (since) ”他离家后的22 年里。4 C根据下文中的The calls even came.可知,父

32、亲每个星期天都给作者“打电话 (telephoned) ”。5 B结合后面的 how my family was doing.about his lot in life可知,此处指的是作者的“生活 (life) ”。6 C父亲很关心作者的生活和家庭,却从来没“谈 (talk) ”到过他自己的生活。7 C根据上下文的语境,这里指作者“买了 (purchased) ”房子。8 B联系下文中的 a paint brush可知,此处是指“粉刷 (painting)”房子。9 D 该句的意思是他不“让 (allow) ”作者花钱请别人做。10 A根据后面的 .a cup of tea, a paint

33、brush and to talk to him可知,此处 All he asked意为“他所要的东西”。11 C结合下文作者要做的事情可知,作者很“忙 (busy) ”。12 D 由于工作忙,作者没“时间 (time) ”拿起刷子刷房子,也没时间跟父亲说话。13 B后来,“类似的 (Similar)”事情又发生过几次。14 A1996 年 1 月 16 日那个星期天的早晨,父亲“像平常一样 (as usual)”给作者打了电话,是从姐姐家打来的。15 A但是,“电话 (call) ”在那天下午四点四十分又一次打来了。16 D根据下文可知,父亲生病,故此处指他在“医院(hospital) ”。17 A 听说父亲生病,作者“立刻 (immediately) ”上了飞机。18 C在路上,作者“想到 (thou ght) ”自己一直都没花时间跟父亲说话。19 B联系该句的意思可知,作者决定到了后一定要“弥补(make up) ”失去的时间,跟父亲长谈。2


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