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1、 Module5 My school day 基础练习一、单项选择1.Ifive books and my brothertwo books.D. has; haveA. have; haveB. has; has C. have; has2. Weany Chinese classes on Friday.B. arent having C. dont haveA. are havingD. are have3. The boatlike a duck.A. isnt lookB. dont lookC. doesnt look D. doesnt looksan English class

2、 now.B. dont have; haveD. dont have; are having4. Wea Chinese class today. WeA. arent having; are havingC. arent having; have5. He arrivedA. at; in; atShanghaiB. to; on; at9:30March 5.D. in; at; onC. in; on; at6. - Does Mary have P.E.- No, she doesnt. She has P.E.Thursday.Friday?the afternoon of Mon

3、day andA. on; inB. on; onC. in; onD. on; atD. Are7.Lily and Mary like to learn Chinese?A. DoB. Doesmusic?C. Is8. Does AmyA. likes listening toC. like listening toB. like listeningD. likes to listen to9.The English for “8:30” is.A. eight past halfB. half to eightD. eight thirteenC. half past eight10.

4、 She oftenA. eat lunchat twelve oclock.B. have lunch C. has lunch11. I dontA. have; have12. MillieD. eats breakfasta tennis racket, but Kate one.D. has; haveB. has; hasC. have; hasBeijing now.A. dont live inC. dont lives inB. doesnt lives inD. doesnt live in13. I used to be crazy about the film when

5、 I was young, but IitD. hadnt feltthat way any more.A. dont feelB. didnt feelC. havent felt14. - Look, there is a lot of litter in the river.- Yes, people say that 80 per cent of fish in this riverlive long.D. arentSaturdayA. doesntB. dontC. isntthe airport15. Lingings aunt will meet hermorning.A. i

6、n; onB. on; atC. at; onD. on; on16. His birthday isalsoSeptember 1st. And my birthday isthat month.B. in; atA. in; onC. on; inD. on; at17.A. Does; has18. - Yes, but not often.A. Are; cleaning B. Does; clean C. Are; cleanhea ping-pong ball bat?B. Do; haveyour sisterC. Does; have D. Do; hasher room?D.

7、 Do; cleans19. The train from Shanghai will arriveA. in quarter past six.B. in a quarter past sixC. at quarter past sixD. at a quarter past six20. - When do you usuallybreakfast? - At seven thirty.A. goB. haveC. cleanD. get21. My fatherA. have; hasa baseball bat. But hea ping-pong bat.B. has; doesnt

8、 haveD. has; doesnt hasC. have; dont have22. In the 1960s, the Beatles were Mr. Greens favorite singers, but nowhelike them.B. doesntA. dontC. didntC. dontD. /23. Helike reading the book.B. doesntA. isD. do24. Theytheir homework in the evening.A. dont doB. dontC. do notD. not do25. Lets meetA. in; a

9、tthe shopping centerseven thirty.D. in; onB. at; inC. on; at二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. It is ten oclock in the evening and I want to go to s27. Jane is b . She cant go to the movies with you.28. Mum often tells us to w hands before each meal.what I do, then you try.29. W30. Math(数学) is very dfor me, so I do

10、nt like it.31. Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. He always makes his classes i.32. At school we study many sand so on.such as English, Chinese, maths33. China is a great country(国家) with a long(长的) h.34. In g35. My little brother loves telling jokes and she never stops t36. If you take some s pills, you

11、will sleep well.37. The traffic during the rush hour is much b than usual.38. I often help my mother w the dishes.lessons, we can learn much about many famous places. 39. He doesnt play sports, and he only w40. The third question is the most dthem.of the three.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. When the farmers

12、were growing rice in the fields, suddenlyit (开始) to rain.42. - Lets play computer games.- That sounds (有趣的).43. After getting up, he usually(洗) his face with cold water.44. I dont like math because they are very(难).45. The Lion King is such an interesting cartoon film that it isworth (看) a second ti

13、me.46. I want to be a reporter because I enjoy(交谈) with people.47. We have six48. We have two(课) every day.(地理) classes every week.49. I have porridge and eggs for50. Jason often does his(早餐).(作业) at 8:00 in the evening.答案一、单项选择1. C 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. D6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B

14、 15. C16. C 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B21. B 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. A二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. sleep27. busy28. wash 29. Watch30. difficult31. interesting32. subjects33. history34. geography35. talking36. sleeping37. busier38. wash39. watches40. difficult三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. began42. fun/interesting43. washes44. difficult45. watching46. talking47. lessons48. geography49. breakfast50. homework


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