密卷2019-2020年六年级小升初语文试题 (3).docx

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1、 最新六年级英语小升初精品试题学校班级姓名一、Think and write.(记忆我最棒,写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。5 分)-二、Think and write.(森林里举行化妆舞会,作为化妆师的你,也给单词们化化妆吧。按要求把单词写在横线上。20 分。)A 组:根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母。(10 分)s_d (难过的)p_ _ sent(礼物)w_ _ kend(周末)t_ _ed(累的)h_pp_(高兴的) short_ _(更矮的)h_ _t(疼痛) g_t(到达) h_ _(怎么)b_ _ed(无聊的)B 组:写出下列单词的适当形式(10 分)1、make(ing 形式)3、h

2、ave(过去式)5、read(过去式)2、cook(过去式)4、dance(过去式)6、go(第三人称单数形式) 7、sheep(复数形式)9、do(过去式)8、collect(ing 形式)10、watch(第三人称单数形式)三、Read and find.(火眼金睛,读一读,选出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。10 分)() 1. A. taller) 2. A. bigger) 3. A. sheep) 4. A. short) 5. A. hasB. shorterB. smallerB. monkeysB. betterB. doC. olderC. longC. bookC.

3、 oldD. youngD. heavierD. classesD. newC. makeC. singC. goesC. tookC. tiredC. studiedD. cleanD. danceD. skiingD. climbD. angryD. swam) 6. A. washed) 7. A. playing) 8. A. gotB. listenB. doingB. boughtB. excitedB. rowed) 9. A. matter) 10. A. skate四、 Read and match(搭配小能手,读一读,将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前的括号中 10 分)() H

4、ow did you go to Shanghai?) What did you do last weekend?(1) I am going to play sports.(2) I went there by train. () How does your mother feel?(3) No, I didnt.) Did you go to a park on the holiday? (4) She feels sick.) What are you going to do tomorrow? (5) I went hiking.) How big are your feet?) Wh

5、ats the matter?(6) I have a cold.(7) I wear Size 17.(8) Hes a driver.) Where did you go on your holiday?) How tall are you?(9) I went to Xinjiang.(10) Im 160 cm tall.) What does your father do?六、Read and choose the right answer.(火眼金睛。选择填空,聪明的你一定能够完成,加油!20 分)() 1.you play football with Mike last week

6、?A. DidB. Do) 2. -I am 156cm tall. -I am 170cm tall. I amthan you.A. much shorter) 3. -Whats the matter?A. hurtsB. much taller-My throat.B. sores.) 4. -I am 11years old. -I am 13. Imthan you.A. two olderB. two years older () 5. Imthan youA. taller and hea vierB. taller and heavy) 6. A sperm whale is

7、 longer than a killer whaleits length.A. inB. on) 7. Zhang Peng lookshappy.A. soB. to) 8. Theyre laughingJohns funny goal.B. aboutA. at) 9. A(在打电话):Hello! Whos? B: Hello! This is Mike.A: This) 10. Zhang Li went to XinjiangA: onB: thather holiday.B: in) 11. WhatZip do last weekend?A. didB: doesautumn

8、.B. at) 12. Some people feel sickA. in) 13. Mr. Black is playing footballA. togetherhis friends.B. with () 14.Monday morning we went to Baotu Spring.A. OnB. InAugust 1st.B. on) 15. We went to BeijingA. in) 16. -What are you doing? - Imwith my friends.A. singing and dancingB. sang and danced) 17. - W

9、hat do you do on Sundays? - I usuallythe room.A. am cleaning) 18. There is a football matchA. in, andB. cleanClass FourClass Two.B. between, and) 19. I wentQingdao last weekend.A. toB. at) 20. I am one yearthan you.A. youngerB. young七、Look and write.(记忆大考验,根据汉语提示完成短文。10 分)Dear momHow are you? Every

10、day I had fun with my friends. On Saturday morning we wentto the Quancheng restaurant. We(吃美食) . In the afternoon, we(去了)to Quangcheng Square. Weand(唱歌跳舞).On Sunday morning wepictures(拍照).Ihome.a mountain(爬山). Wemany(买礼物)for you. Tomorrow Im going to be八、Read,choose and tick or cross.(阅读理解 10 分)A (火

11、眼金睛,选择正确答案。5 分)Zoom: Hello!Whos that?Zip: Hello! This is Zip speaking. I have a fever. I cant go to your birthday party.Zoom: I am sorry to hear that. How do you feel?Zip: My throat hurts. I am tired.Zoom: I hope you will get better soon.Zip; Thank you. What are you doing? Is everybody having a good

12、 time?Zoom: Yes, My mother is making a cake. Chen Jie and Amy are singing and dancing.John is opening a present. Wu Yifan is playing the piano.Zip: I want to come , too.Zoom: Dont be sad. We will give you a surprise.Zip: Really?Zoom: Yes, just wait and see. Get well soon. Zip: Thank you again. Bye.(

13、) 1. Who is sick?A. ZipB. Zoom) 2. Where is John? A. Zips home) 3. Whats Wu Yifan doing?A. Hes playing the piano.B. Zooms home.B. Hes dancing.() 4. How does Zip feel? A. Hes excited. B. Hes tired.) 5. What will Zoom give Zip? A. A present. B. A surprise.B 小小审判官。读一读,判断对错,打“”或“”。5 分)Dear teachers and

14、students:You are invited to aBIRTHDAY PARTY.Place: Sarahs Home.Date:May 20thTime: 79 P.M.Food; Chinese dishes will be served.(Pizza too!)() 1. The BIRTHDAY PARTY will be on June 20 .th) 2. Only students can go to the party.) 3. Pizza will be served, too. () 4. The party will be at Sarahs Home.)5. Th

15、e party will be have in the morning.九、Writing. (我是小小写作家。书面表达。5 分)如果你是 huanhuan(欢欢),给你的笔友 yingying(莹莹)写一封信,告诉他/她你的家庭,老师、年龄、爱好、学习等,要求 50 字左右,语句通顺,时态正确。不能出现自己的真实姓名。 答案期末质量检测六年级英语一、Think and write.(记忆我最棒,写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。5 分)Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu二、Think and write.(森林里举行化妆舞会,作为化妆师的你,也给单词们化化妆吧。按要求把单词写在横线上。20 分。)A

16、组:根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母。(10 分)a re ee ay er ir ur e ow orB 组:写出下列单词的适当形式(10 分)1. making 2.cooked 3. had 4. danced 5. read 6. goes 7. sheep 8. collecting 9. did 10.watches 三、Read and find.(火眼金睛,读一读,选出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。10 分)1-5 DCCBA6-10 ACDAA五、Read and mat ch(搭配小能手,读一读,将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前的括号中 10 分)25431769六、Put

17、 the words in the right order.(推理高手,连词组句,我能行。10 分)1.Youre 6cm taller than me.2. How long are your arms.3. What did he do last weekend?4. Did you play football yesterday?5. How did you go to London?六、Read and choose the right answer.(火眼金睛。选择填空,聪明的你一定能够完成,加油!20 分)1-5 ABABA 6-10 AAABA 11-15 AABA B 16-2

18、0 ABBAA七、Look and write.(记忆大考验,根据汉语提示完成短文。10 分)ate good food, went, sang danced, climbed, took, bought present八、Read,choose and tick or cross.(阅读理解 10 分) A (火眼金睛,选择正确答案。5 分)ABABBB 小小审判官。读一读,判断对错,打“”或“”。5 分)九、Writing. (我是小小写作家。书面表达。5 分)如果你是 huanhuan(欢欢),给你的笔友 yingying(莹莹)写一封信,告诉他/她你的家庭,老师、年龄、爱好、学习等,要求 50 字左右,语句通顺,时态正确。不能出现自己的真实姓名。略。


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