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1、International College, Zhejiang University of Technology Zhang XinyiThe Design and Implementation of a Mini Electronic DictionaryA Thesisin Computer SciencePresented toThe Faculty of theCollege of International Zhejiang University of TechnologyIn Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the DegreeBachelor

2、 of Science in Computer SciencebyZhang XinyiJune, 2010On my honor as a University student, on this assignment I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid as defined by the Honor Guidelines for Papers in ZJUT Courses._ _Approved _ Approved _51摘要随着社会的发展,在人们生活中学习外语变得越来越重要。 现在许多文件和资料都是电子版,所以更多人喜欢

3、通过电子工具学习外语。为了给外语学习者更多便利以及实现无纸化的教育,基于以上的原因开发了这款迷你电子词典。这个系统是基于电脑桌面程序的电子词典,它主要实现单词查询、背单词和生词本管理三个功能。查询功能提供英语单词查询中文意思以及中文词组查询英语单词;把单词添加到用户定义的生词本;浏览已查询单词的记录。背单词功能部分有两个子功能-测试和猜词游戏。测试是单选题,并且测试结束后可以查看正确率。猜词游戏是用户根据英文单词的发音和解释,然后通过软键盘拼写正确的英文单词。生词本是根据用户需求将单词分类,方便用户记忆与复习。本系统运用MFC 应用架构,使用C+语言编写。使用WindowsXP作为开发平台,开

4、发环境是微软Visual C+ 6.0,后台数据库是SQL server 2000。关键词 词条查询,生词管理,MFC,Abstract With the development of society, learning foreign language is becoming more and more important in persons life. Nowadays many documents and materials are electronic, so more and more people like learning foreign language through el

5、ectronic tools. In order to make language learner convenient and achieve no-paper education, the development of a Mini Electronic Dictionary is proposed in this thesis.This system is based on the desktop electronic dictionary and mainly achieves word inquiry, word recitation and notebook management.

6、 The inquiry function provides the translation between English words and Chinese words. It also provides that add English words into user-defined lexicon and review the words which he has inquired. The word recitation part has two sub functions-tests and guess game. The test provides questions with

7、multiple choices and can calculate the result at the end of the test. The guess game is according to the pronunciation and explanation of English words and then spells the English word by soft keyboard. The notebook management classifies the words depending on user. The system uses MFC application f

8、ramework through C+ language. The development platform is WindowsXP and development environment is Microsoft Visual C+ 6.0. The background database is SQL server 2000.Keywords:Lemma inquiry, Notebook management, MFC 目录摘要i英文摘要ii第一章 概述11.1课题背景11.2现状.21.3 研究意义31.4 工程目标4第二章 应用技术介绍52.1 编程语言概述52.2 微软基础类概述

9、62.3 数据库概述72.4 开放数据库互连概述8第三章需求分析93.1 目标93.2 描述103.3 性能需求113.4 功能需求123.4.1 查询单词133.4.2 背单词133.4.3 生词本管理133.5 环境需求143.5.1 硬件143.5.2 软件14第四章 系统设计154.1 原则154.2 功能结构设计164.3 数据库设计164.3.1 数据库设计原则174.3.2 表设计174.3.3 数据库实体联系图20第五章 系统实现215.1 数据库配置与连接215.2 单词查询模块235.2.1 介绍235.2.2 状态图245.2.3 模块实现245.3 背单词模块285.3

10、.1 介绍285.3.2 状态图285.3.3 测试模块实现295.3.4 猜词游戏模块325.4 生词本模块345.4.1 介绍345.4.2 用户定义词库管理模块实现345.4.3 生词管理模块实现385.5 其他415.5.1 电子时钟415.5.2 按钮贴图435.5.3 网上冲浪445.5.4 历史记录455.5.5 文件导入导出47第六章 总结50参考文献51Table of ContentsChinese AbstractiAbstractiiChapter 1 Overview11.1 Background Information11.2 Current Situation21

11、.3 Project Significance31.4 Objective of the Project4Chapter 2 Introduction of Technology52.1 Overview of Programming Language52.2 Overview of Microsoft Foundation Classes62.3 Overview of Database72.4 Overview of Open Database Connectivity8Chapter 3 Requirements Analysis93.1 Goal93.2 Description103.

12、3 Performance Requirements113.4 Function Requirements123.4.1 Word Inquiry133.4.2 Word Recitation133.4.3 Notebook Management133.5 Environment requirements143.5.1 Hardware143.5.2 Software14Chapter 4 System Design154.1 Principle154.2 Function Structure Design164.3 Database Design164.3.1 Database Design

13、 Principle174.3.2 Table Design174.3.3 Database Entity Relationship Diagram20Chapter 5 System Implementation215.1 Database configuration and connection215.2 Word Inquiry Model235.2.1 Introduction235.2.2 State Diagram245.2.3 Implement Model245.3 Word Recitation Model285.3.1 Introduction285.3.2 State D

14、iagram285.3.3 Implement Test Model295.3.4 Implement Guess Game Model325.4 Notebook Model345.4.1 Introduction345.4.2 Implement User-defined Lexicon Management Model345.4.3 Implement New Words Management Model385.5 Others415.5.1 Electronic Clock415.5.2 Button Texture435.5.3 Surf the Internet445.5.4 Hi

15、story of Dictionary455.5.5 Import and Export File47Chapter 6 Conclusion50References51Chapter 1 Overview The development of science and technology changes our lives styles and our learn methods. It is special for learning foreign languages. In the past, people use the paper dictionary, books or radio

16、 to learn languages. But now the electronic dictionary (ED) and the computer can replace all of old tools. The ED is a convenient tool to solve language problem. In modern society, the international communications are frequently. People need to deal with documents which are written in different lang

17、uages and students have to learn foreign language. In the past, people are always using paper dictionary when they find the unknown words. This method spends much time on searching and needs to carry different language dictionaries. The electronic dictionary not only inquires words, but also pronoun

18、ces words. So it is suit for the information age.1.1 Background InformationED combines the computer science with the linguistics. The use of the computer in linguistics, as compared to for example the natural sciences and engineering, was however a gradual process 1. In our country, ED also originat

19、ed from the study of the natural language processing (NLP) and the machine translation in our country at the start of the 1970s. The Academia Sinica established the monographic study of the notebook of machine read dictionary in the 1980s in Taiwan, which mainly studies Chinese machine read dictiona

20、ry. In mainland China, the study had made progress in the phasal sense which included the analysis of sentences and the understanding of sentences and phrases by the mid1980s. The English Chinese handheld electronic dictionaries (Instant-Dict EC-1000) which were really suitable for Chinese-speaking

21、English learners came out in our country in the end of 1989 2, 3. Now if you have an ED on computer, you could get the meaning exactly and quickly.Not only can it do on-time translation, be consulted in a quick, accurate, and detailed way, but also it contains a lot of appendixes which can help user

22、s to enlarge their ranges of knowledge.1.2 Current SituationThe design of accurate translation for ED is difficult for computer software developers. In many cases, the actual translation of ED does not understand the words depending on the occasion and just gets together the meanings of word in the

23、sentence. While natural language processing will grow into a vital industrial technology in the next five to 10 years. But this growth depends on the development of large linguistic databases that capture natural language phenomena 4,5. Another important theme for future work is development of large

24、 knowledge bases that are shared widely by different groups. One promising approach to such knowledge bases draws on natural language processing and linguistic knowledge.Toshio Yokoi considers the computer should understand the human learning. When people come across a word they cannot define, they

25、consult dictionaries that explain the meaning of the word through simple phrases or usage examples. However, such dictionary entries do no more than provide an occasion for initiating the understanding of a words meaning. Human users must still search a vast amount of commonsense knowledge in their

26、brains, perform complex reasoning, and decide on a satisfactory meaning for the word. Dictionaries created for human users assume such human capabilities. Computers lack such capabilities, although, to a degree, they need the same capabilities. Electronic dictionaries are designed to meet this need

27、for computers. But because human commonsense knowledge and the ability to handle such knowledge are not well understood, only the capabilities relating to language can be provided to computers 6.Although electronic dictionaries enable computers to process and understand language, dictionaries and da

28、ta compiled for humans remain an important foundation for research and development.1.3 Project SignificanceWhen reading articles or documents written in foreign languages, we may encounter words that we do not know the meanings or we cannot read. Traditionally, we look up the words in a dictionary a

29、ccording to the alphabetical order. But now, with an ED in the computer, one can not only get the meaning of words exactly and quickly, but also can receive a lot of other information, such as pronunciation, example sentences and synonym of the word. Most EDs have additional functions to help user r

30、ecite or review words. So it provides people with a more convenient and efficiency way to study foreign language.1.4 Objective of the ProjectMy mini electronic dictionary is an application that helps people to learn English, and it can make the learning process comfortable and interesting. The more

31、functions and friendly interface electronic dictionary has, the more popular it is. The system has three main functions, i.e. inquire of words meaning, reciting words, and the notebook management. The interface of the mini electronic dictionary will be single interface, multiple window and multimedi

32、a application. The whole project has divided into several sections:(1) Requirements analysis(2) System Design(3) Programming(4) Testing(5) CommissioningChapter 2 Introduction of TechnologyUse C+ MFC to create windows application and use ODBC to connect database. These implement functions - inquiry,

33、test, game and management.2.1 Overview of Programming LanguageC+ is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features 7.(1) Statica

34、lly typed: type checking is performed during compile-time as opposed to run-time.(2) Free-form: the positioning of characters on the page in program text is not significant.(3) Multi-paradigm: supports more than one programming paradigm.(4) Compiled: implementations are typically compilers and not i

35、nterpreters.As one of the most popular programming languages ever created, 8 C+ is widely used in the software industry. Some of its application domains include systems software, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainme

36、nt software such as video games. Visual C+ is much more than a compiler. It is a complete application development environment that, when used as intended, lets you fully exploit the object oriented nature of C+ to create professional Windows applications 9.2.2 Overview of Microsoft Foundation Classe

37、sThe Microsoft Foundation Class Library (also Microsoft Foundation Classes or MFC) is a library that wraps portions of the Windows API in C+ classes, including functionality that enables them to use a default application framework. Classes are defined for many of the handle-managed Windows objects a

38、nd also for predefined windows and common controls.MFC is a large and extensive C+ class hierarchy that makes Windows application development significantly easier. MFC is compatible across the entire Windows family. As each new version of Windows comes out, MFC gets modified so that old code compile

39、s and works under the new system. MFC also gets extended, adding new capabilities to the hierarchy and making it easier to create complete applications 10.The advantage of using MFC and C+ - as opposed to directly accessing the Windows API from a C program-is that MFC already contains and encapsulat

40、es all the normal boilerplate code that all Windows programs written in C must contain. Programs written in MFC are therefore much smaller than equivalent C programs. On the other hand, MFC is a fairly thin covering over the C functions, so there is little or no performance penalty imposed by its us

41、e. It is also easy to customize things using the standard C calls when necessary since MFC does not modify or hide the basic structure of a Windows program 10.2.3 Overview of DatabaseA database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.

42、Databases consist of software-based containers that are structured to collect and store information so users can retrieve, add, update or remove such information in an automatic fashion. Database programs are designed for users so that they can add or delete any information needed. The structure of

43、a database is tabular, consisting of rows and columns of information. Its merit is reduced redundancy, integrated data, integrity and the protection of data security and privacy.In this project, I use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SQL Server) as the database management system (DBMS). SQL Server is a re

44、lational model database server produced by Microsoft and has Client/Server model 11. Its primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL. SQL Server is the widely useful DBMS and has several advantages as follows:(1) UsabilityThe interface of SQL Server is graphic interface. User can understand the f

45、unction of each button and menu easily.(2) Dynamic data storage SQL Server uses the advantage dynamic manager. The size of database can be expanded or reduced with the data size.(3) Tight integrationSQL Server system and operating system are tight integration. It operates the relational model databa

46、se server on the Windows operating system.2.4 Overview of Open Database ConnectivityIn computing, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) provides a standard software API method for using database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of programming languages, datab

47、ase systems, and operating systems.The Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface is a C programming language interface that makes it possible for applications to access data from a variety of database management systems (DBMSs). ODBC is a low-level, high-performance interface that is designed specifically for relational data stores 11.The ODBC interface allows maximum interoperabilityan application c


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