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1、 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: A Study on Teachers Role in Translation Workshop 翻译工作坊教学模式中教师角色探析 系 部 外语系 学科门类 翻译 专 业 英语翻译 学 号 0802111035 0802111033 姓 名 常艳、权威 指导教师 范东生 2012年 4 月 10 日A Study on Teachers Role in Translation Workshop Written by: Quan Wei、Chang YanSupervised by: Fan DongshengForeign Languages Departme

2、ntHefei Normal UniversityMay 2012AcknowledgementsWe would like to express our gratitude to all those who helped us during the writing of this thesis. A special acknowledgement should be shown to Professor Dean Fan Dongsheng, from whose lectures we benefited greatly. We are particularly indebted to P

3、rofessor Dean Fan Dongsheng who has exerted so much time and tolerance in his generous provision of constructive suggestions for the present dissertation. Professor Dean Fan Dongsheng has shown too much patience and guidance in all matters. It was his insightful input, constant encouragement, and ki

4、nd understanding that assisted us complete this paper. His profound knowledge and abundant experience of teaching have guided us a lot from beginning to end. We are grateful to all the students from Foreign Language Department of Hefei Normal University who offered us all the valuable data for the p

5、resent study. Similarly, we continue to benefit from the dissertation written by Hu Mingyue, Yu Hui and Liu Xikun.The dissertation is result of the cooperation, honesty, kindness, confidence, tacit understanding and endurance of many people.Our heartfelt thanks should also go to Hefei Normal Univers

6、ity which has provided us with favorable conditions of reading and doing research on the teaching model of Translation Workshop.IAbstractAlthough the teaching model of Translation Workshop is still on trial now, it demonstrated its obvious advantages in many directions. In the recent years, there ar

7、e many of studies on the teaching model of Translation Workshop in China and abroad, which have proved it to be an effective way in translation class. The most impressive one is that it improves students translation abilities and the cooperative spirit at the same time. For its unique superiority of

8、 translation teaching, we have had visions of a more perfect theory of teachers role in Translation Workshop. First, this paper introduces the background of the Translation Workshop. The second part of this paper elaborates the studies about Translation Workshop and presents its practice in universi

9、ties in Europe, Hong Kong and mainland China. By introducing the general process of class in Translation Workshop, especially the teachers work in the process and analyzing the feedback from students, the main part of this paper summarizes the teachers role in Translation Workshop specifically. This

10、 study inquires into the teaching model of workshop,and especially focus on the teachers role in Translation Workshop. Key words: Translation Workshop; teachers role; advantagesII摘 要尽管翻译工作坊在目前仍然是一项崭新的试验,它的优势显而易见。近些年来国内外有许多学者对翻译工作坊教学模式进行了研究与试验,都证明了这一教学模式在翻译教学上的优势。最为突出的一个特点是,它能够有效的同时锻炼学生的翻译能力与合作能力。为了让

11、这一教学模式的优势被更多的发掘,本文作为作者参加指导教师的科研课题应用翻译工作坊教学模式研究项目的一个分支,在此对教师在翻译工作坊中的角色进行探究,并完善现有的理论。首先,本文介绍了翻译工作坊的相关背景。第二部分具体阐述国内外对翻译工作坊的研究和实践。在本文的主干部分,着重介绍在我们的教学试验中教师的做法,同时对学生进行调查,结合这两方面,总结出在翻译工作坊中教师的主要作用。本课题主要探讨翻译工作坊教学模式,着重点在于翻译工作坊中教师作用的描述,总结与建议。关键词:翻译工作坊;教师角色;优势IIIContentsAcknowledgements .IAbstract.II摘要 .III Cha

12、pter 1 Introduction11.1Origin of the study11.2Structure of the thesis2Chapter 2 Literature Review32.1Theories about Translation Workshop32.2 Practice of Translation Workshop32.2.1 Practice of Translation Workshop abroad32.2.2 Practice of Translation Workshop at home4Chapter 3 the Present Experiment

13、of Translation Workshop73.1 Background73.2 The objective of the exercise73.3 The Design of Translation Workshop7Chapter 4 the Teacher in Translation Workshop94.1 General Procedure94.1.1 Assignment by the teacher94.1.2 Discussion in groups under guidance of the teacher104.1.3 Presentation in class un

14、der guidance of the teacher104.1.4 Evaluation and summary by the teacher114.2 Time Arrangement11Chapter 5 Teachers role in Translation Workshop125.1 Materials125.2 Class management125.3 Supervision135.4 Evaluation135.5 Encouragement14Chapter 6 Survey on Students156.1 Research Design156.1.1 Responses

15、156.1.2 Research questions156.1.3 Instruments156.2 Summary166.3 Comment17Chapter 7 Conclusion19Bibliography20Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Origin of the studyThis paper is a partial fulfillment of professor Fan Dongsheng, our supervisors research project, an Experimental Study on Teaching Model of Works

16、hop in Advanced Business Translation(2011sk342). Nowadays, globalization is the objective trend of the world economic development. As a result, the demand for professional translators in China is increasing. However, the traditional translation teaching model in universities of China exist a variety

17、 of defects. At this point, Translation Workshop, a new translation teaching model appears, and it is also of great help to improve the translation teaching quality.In the recent years, there are many of studies on the teaching model of Translation Workshop in China and abroad, which have proved it

18、to be an effective way in translation class. For instance, Liu Jingzhi (China Translation, 2001, 3) introduces the teaching model of workshop in Chinese University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University and Hong Kong Baptist University. In addition Wang Yu(2003) applied the teaching model of Translation W

19、orkshop to the two classes in Soochow University. Zhu Huifen (2007) also adopts Translation Workshop in her vocational translation course. Wang Lei(Science, 2011,12) from Nantong University, demonstrated her practice of Translation Workshop.By analyzing the above studies of Translation Workshop, we

20、can see that in Translation Workshop, teachers role is no longer the “sage on the stage”. Actually teachers look more like “Guide on the Side” in the Translation Workshop. And because of this, the introduction of this teaching model can stimulate the students enthusiasm of participation. All in all,

21、 experience over the past few years has proved that Translation Workshop plays positive roles in translation class. Not only can it involve the translation practice into classes, improve students translation abilities, but also train the students cooperative spirit. Therefore, it paves the way for s

22、tudents future as professional translators. However, the teaching model of Translation Workshop is still a new attempt in this field. How the course could be designed and taught in Translation Workshop? In this paper, we will focus on the description of teachers role in Translation Workshop. The des

23、cription based on the previous studies, mainly from the practical trials in our class. At the same time, we conducted a survey of students from the Translation Workshop. These feedbacks from students and its analysis are also an important component of this paper. Study on this issue will contribute

24、to the improvement of the teaching model of the Translation Workshop, in order to achieve the purpose that students can improve their practical translation ability.1.2 Structure of the thesisThis paper consists of seven chapters to make discussion and exploration. Chapter 1 is introduction. Chapter

25、2 is literature review. It provides readers with the general ideas about Translation Workshop. Readers will have a better understanding by the introduction of theories and practice about Translation Workshop. Chapter 3 is about the Present Experiment of Translation Workshop. Readers will get general

26、 ideas about the design of the experimental course though 4 details: the objective of the exercise, the design of Translation Workshop, materials for the exercise and final evaluation. Chapter4 will describe the process of our experimental class of Translation Workshop in 4 specific steps. Chapter 5

27、 is a periodically summary of Teachers role in Translation Workshop. Chapter 6 is survey of students and the analysis of the survey. We believe that the students point of view is of significant in understanding teachers role in Translation Workshop. The last Chapter is conclusion.This paper is compl

28、eted by Chang Yan and Quan Wei together. Chang Yan collected the theories about Translation Workshop in Chapter II and concentrated on finishing Chapter VI and Chapter VII. She also concluded and analyzed results of the questionnaires. Quan Wei was responsible for finishing the part of the practice

29、of Translation Workshop in Chapter II. As to the main body of the article, Chapter III and Chapter IV are written by Quan Wei. In addition, Quan Wei sent out and called back the questionnaires. Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1Theories about Translation WorkshopThe definition of Translation Workshop wa

30、s not taken uncritically, but some scholars give their comprehension of the new teaching model.Gentzler, in Contemporary Translation Theories, believes that Translation Workshop is a forum similar to a translation center where two or more translators gather together to conduct translation activities

31、 (Hu Mingyue, et al, 2011).Li Qiang and Zhong Weihe (2010) define Translation Workshop as a kind of activity in which a group of people do translation together, discuss any ideas of one specific task ardently, and agree on the target text, acceptable to everyone after consultation.Leandro Wolfson (2

32、005) quotes some characteristics distinguishing the workshop environment from other places designated for translation practice. They are the following:(1) A workshop is extracurricular. It is not governed by grades, points, credits or exams, but it is rather a voluntary encounter. (2) A workshop is

33、a place for bilateral communication between the coordinator and the participants.(3) In a workshop one does not inculcate knowledge in the way that a traditional course does, however reading, interpreting and communicating are discussed freely. The purpose of the workshop is to serve not only to ass

34、imilate techniques, skills, or knowledge but to acquire a way of working that can serve as a model for future professional undertakings.(4) Translation Workshop is an intermediate entity between a language course and a literary workshop.2.2 Practice of Translation Workshop2.2.1 Practice of Translati

35、on Workshop abroadLeandro Wolfson (2005), he applied the Translation Workshop in his courses. He enumerated the stages of his class as follows:(1)A text is handed out for translation accompanied by a brief instruction about the source and intended readership. (2) Each participant should draft a firs

36、t version at home and bring it to the following meeting.(3) During this meeting, oral comments are encouraged regarding the content of the original text. (4) One participant reads a paragraph of his translation, sentence by sentence, while the others follow along, first with the original and then wi

37、th their own. (5) All questions and comments that point to dissimilarities between the different versions are formulated. (6) The coordinator asks for a clean copy of the corrected translation for the next class. (7) At the next meeting, the coordinator collects the translations, reviews them at hom

38、e, and returns them with his own comments at the following class. In addition, Visintin (2008) organized his translation classes at the University of Quintana Roo. He introduced the whole steps of his Translation workshop. They are: The teacher selects a text, taking into account the level of the st

39、udents linguistic competence, vocabulary knowledge and general culture; The students skim through the text, with the aim of identifying the type of text, the style, the register, the source, and the readershipThe students read the text aloud, in turns, in order to get acquainted with the topic and u

40、nderstand the general message and meaning. At this stage, the teacher can check the students pronunciation and reading skills; Students read the text individually and silently, underlining unknown terms and thinking about possible translation difficulties; this activity can be carried out preferably

41、 in groups or pairs, to give them the opportunity to share viewpoints, discuss problems and translation strategies and compare possible solutions; Students do a preliminary translation, using monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, synonyms and antonyms lists, and, if needed, other information sourc

42、es, especially if they are not really familiar with the topic (encyclopedias, web pages, specialized books, translation software, experts); In groups, they can compare their versions and come up with one translation per group, or with one translation for each student, in case they dont reach an agre

43、ement about how to translate one or different segments;Each student in the group or one student per group reads out his translated versions: the other students are supposed to listen attentively, and are allowed to ask the reader to repeat a segment, in order to suggest other solutions, make comment

44、s and discuss their fellows choices: in many cases, highly-enriching debates take place at this stage; If students are already familiar with translation techniques, they can discuss their use in the translation, with special attention to the line of thought they followed before choosing what in thei

45、r opinion is the appropriate translation of a segment; this has something in common with the “Think Aloud Protocols” Each group draws up a final version of the translation, which the teacher collects and evaluates according the objectives of the course.2.2.2 Practice of Translation Workshop at home

46、Liu Jingzhi (2001) reports the Translation Workshop in Hong Kong Baptist University. Students establish Translation Workshop by themselves. They were commissioned to assist in the translation of foreign works, which included translation of the Chinese version of Oxford Childrens Encyclopedia, interp

47、retation of the seminar and organization the translation seminars. As for the role of teachers in the Translation Workshop, the author did not address the contents of this part.Wang Yu(2003) from Suzhou University, applied a series of student-centered teaching model, which is similar to the classic translation workshop teaching model,


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