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1、初一年级英语学科教案总 课 题Unit1 This is me!总课时8第 1 课时课 题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New教学目标知识目标To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night 能力目标To learn how to greet with each other in English.情感目标To train the Ss love to each other and respect each other 教学重点To learn how to greet with ea

2、ch other.教学难点The same as the above.课前预习Preview the new words.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Revision Step2 PresentationStep3.PresentationFree talk Ask the Ss to greet their partners. 1)Show Ss a clock and say:At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner?2)Today we are going to

3、 meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at Page 7 and read aloud what the Ss say.Show Ss a picture & say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: Its a dog. Then Hobo: Its an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name?Say:

4、I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Who is his master?Ss greet with each other. Ss read and find what the Ss say. listen and say通过这样一个情境的设置,可以激发学生的学习动机,更好地参与到课堂中来。教学环节教学过程学生活动备课札记Step4.listen and answerStep5 compositionStep6TestDo you know?Present: master and look afterT: Wheres the do

5、g?Play the tape and answer the questions1.What is it? ( Its an e-dog .)2.Who is Eddie? ( He is the master.)3.Who is Hobo? ( He is the e-dog.)4.Do you like this e-dog/Eddie/Hobo?5.Does Eddie like the dog? How do you know?Get some students to answer them in English.ask the students to write a composit

6、ionTest in class. HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook.Revise the use of the Prep. in English.Think of the question.Work in groups.write a compositionDo the exercises.培养学生综合运用英语的能力。教师要多做个别指导。当堂巩固,检测课堂效果。教学反思总 课 题Unit1 This is me!总课时8第 2 课时课 题Reading课型New教学目标知识目标Vocabulary : year, grade, club

7、, music, after, wear, glasses, enjoy. 能力目标Patterns :He enjoys playing computer games.& She is good at swimming.3.Skills: Learn to say情感目标培养学生积极健康的兴趣爱好。教学重点The same as the aims.教学难点Aim 2课前预习Preview the new words.Listen to the tape.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1.RevisionStep2ReadingStep3.Practice教学环节

8、Revise the dialogue betweenEddie and Hobo.Show Ss the picture , say: Are theSs at Sunshine SecondarySchool ?. They are our friends.Do you know them? Lets meetMillie first. Listen and read carefully.Ask: How old is Millie?Does she like reading?In the same way to learn sth. About Simon and Sandy etc.A

9、sk the Ss to read again and finish Part B on Page 9 andPart C on Page 10.Ask: What activities do his教 师 活 动Look and answer.Look and learn carefully.Answerthe questions学 生 活 动听,说,读写 综合训练。备课札记Step 4DiscussionStep6 TestStep7 homeworkstudents like? Please help him to put the correct letters in the box.1

10、.Ask the Ss to finish Part B2, discuss the answers with the Ss2 Learn the language points.We know something about Millie ,Simon, Kitty, Amy, Sandy and Daniel now. Do you know more about them? Lets do the following exercises.3 Ask the students to do the exercises.Test in class.Finish the exercises in

11、 the workbook. do and discussDo the exercises in the Part C1do the test paper.给学生一些时间寻找课文中不理解的知识点,教师有针对性讲解。教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me!总课时8第 3 课时课 题Vocabulary课型New教学目标知识目标Vocabularies: swimming, volleyball, football field, badminton, court, swimming pool, badminton court.能力目标To learn to use them情感目标培

12、养学生积极健康的兴趣爱好教学重点Aims.教学难点The same as the importance.课前预习Preview the new words.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1. Revision.Step2. Presentation.1.Talk about sports with the class. Ask students what sports they know the English word for. Then show the real sports things for the students to learn their En

13、glish names.2.Ask some questions: What sports do you like?Do you like Playing football?Can you swim?What other sports do you like?1. Ask students to complete Part A and check answers orally with the class.Draw this table on the small blackboard. Use “swimming” as an example. Then ask students to dra

14、w the following table on the paper. say the names of the sports. Answer the questions.Ss fill in the blanks and check it.可以开展小组比赛,激发学生的热情。让学生独立完成检查掌握情况。Step 3 PractiseStep 4 Test Step 5:Homework. Tell students to work in pairs to complete the chart. Then ask students to make their own sentences abou

15、t the sports that they have written down in the table. For example: I play badminton with a badminton racket. Ask the students to complete the sentences. Ask the students to do the test paper.Make up the sentences.Complete the sentences.do the test paper.给学生充分的机会来表达英语。教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me!总课时8

16、第 4 课时课 题Grammar课型New教学目标知识目标1 to make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb to be能力目标2 To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things.情感目标 none教学重点The Simple present tense.教学难点The same as the importance课前预习Preview Simple present tense.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动

17、备课札记Step1 RevisionStep 2 Presentation.Step 3Ask and answerStep4 learnStep5:HomeworkGet the students to review be and prons and understand its usage.1.Go through the tables with students.Point out the contractions.2 Students read the sentences on their own.3. Ask students to complete the sentences in

18、 Part D. Then in pairs, Students compare and check answers.4. Get the students to read after the teacher and read in pairs.1 Go through the tables with students.2 Ask students to read the sentences in Part E. Let them use the correct forms of the verb to be to make positive/ negative statements and

19、questions. 3 Ask student to complete the sentences and check for correct answers and pronunciation.4 Let them read after the teacher and read together.Then ask groups of three to read the conversation. Then ask them to replace the information with their own information andread the new conversation.

20、1 teach the students how to write a letter.2Ask students to complete the letter in Part E, Then check the answer in pairs.3Ask students to read together.4Explain : go running , be good at/ be bad at doingWrite a letter to a penfriend.Ss say sentences.Ss look at the table on the small Bb at first , t

21、hen read. Read and check the answers, and compare.Go through and read.Ss complete and pratice reading.Then make a new dialogue using their own information.Ss learn how to write , and pratice reading.调动学生口语表达的热情。培养学生独立自主解决问题的能力。检查学生掌握情况。教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me总课时8第 5 课时课 题 Integrated skills课型New教学

22、目标知识目标1. To extract information from an article.2. To obtain information from listening能力目标 Train integrated skills情感目标Love sport and love life 教学重点Extract and obtain information about Li Hua.教学难点Complete a newsletter article.课前预习1. Learn the new words.2. Read the article . 教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札

23、记Step1 RevisionStep2 Presentation Step3SpeakingStep4Homework 1.Get the students to look at a picture of Yao Ming and ask some questions: Who is he?What does he do ? Where does he work?1. Tell students to look at the headline of the newspaper articleand the picture. Ask:1)Who do you think the person

24、is? 2)What does he do? 3) Which football team does he play for? 4) Which football team did he play for?2. Point out and explain the meaning of these words: score, goal, match, team, the World Cup.3. Tell the students to read the note sheet after the teacher. Then read together loudly. 4. Ask student

25、s to listen to the recorder three times, and completethe information.5. Ask students to check the answers for a class.6. In Part A3, Ss need to extract information from both the article and the note sheet. Then ask them to read after the teacher and practice reading.1. Encourage students to revise t

26、he conversation for self introduction and the giving of personal information first.2. Present the conversation line by line, focusing on intonation and the linking of words. Ask students to repeat complete sentences as they hear them.3. Ask students to replace the underlined words with their own inf

27、ormation.4. Encourage students to expand the conversation to include more formal greetings.Write a newsletter article of a famous person.Ss answer the questions with the picture.Ss look at the headline and the picture, and then answer them.Learn and practice reading the words, then read the note she

28、et.Ss listen to the recorder and complete.Ss complete and practice reading.Make a new dialogue using their own information.教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me总课时8第 6 课时课 题Study skills课型New教学目标知识目标To use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests and give responses能力目标Give instructions, make req

29、uests and give responses情感目标Learn to be polite 教学重点Everyday expressions教学难点Everyday expressions and responses.课前预习 Preview the new words and expressions . 教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 RevisionStep2PresentationStep3 Practice Step 4 Homework 1. Revise some useful expressions. The teacher let them g

30、uess and plays a game to the students: listen to the teacher/ listen carefullyTurn to Page / work in pairs/ Open/ close your booksExcuse me, whats your name, please? Are you ? Where are you from? Are you good at English?Let the students answer them.1. Tell students that they need to speak English in

31、 my class, so its important to learn some everyday expressions. Then let them practice their own phrases they have prepared. 2. Go through Part A with the students.3. Explain “borrow/ borrowfrom/ lend”4. Ask students to work in pairs to exchange requests and responses as presented. Then check a row

32、of students.Do you have an English book?Does he/she have an English book?Can I borrow your ?1. Go through Part B . Let students guess what those sentences mean by the pictures.2. Get students to work in pairs and encourage students to repeat whole sentences from memory.3. Explain: I dont understand.

33、 Im sorry I dont know. Ill start/begin.4. Tell students to learn more phrases in order to understand what the teacher.Do the exercises in students workbook.Play a game: each team guess and add scores. At last, the winners have a prize.Answer the questions. freely.Ask and answer in pairs, in groups a

34、nd the whole classLearn and compare.Learn, practice and talk freely.Students guess with the pictures.Work in pairs.Do the exercises.教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me总课时8第 7 课时课 题 Main task课型New教学目标知识目标Learn two profiles of Millie and Daniel 能力目标To write about themselves 情感目标Introduce themselves to others c

35、onfidently. 教学重点 Learn to write about themselves 教学难点 Learn to write about themselves 课前预习Learn the profiles of Millie and Daniel 教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Organize ideas. Step 2 PresentStep3 Practice Step 4 Play gamesStep 5HomeworkTell students that the class is preparing a handbook containin

36、g a profile of each student. The final drafts of their writing will be collected to make a class handbook.1. Ask students to listen to the recorder and answer some questions about Millie and Daniel.2. Ask students to read the profiles. Tell students to underline words and phrases which they find use

37、ful in the models so that they can include them in their own writing.3. Tell students to read the outline on Page 16. Encourage students to include additional information.1. In pairs, students read, check and correct their partners draft. The teacher goes around the class And provides help and assis

38、tance.2. Ask students to rewrite their personal profiles on a separate sheet of paper and add illustrations, particularly a picture of themselves.3. Ask for volunteers to read out their profiles to the class.1. Tell students not to include their names on the first drafts.2. Divide the class into gro

39、ups of eight. Collect the students first drafts, mix them up and then hand them out to different students within the group.3. Each student reads a personal profile, tries to guess who the write is and returns the personal profile to the writer. Write one or two profiles of himself /herself and anoth

40、er person.Give their drafts of their own profiles. Listen to the radio.Read the outlines.Write profiles of themselves.Students read their profiles. Guess who he /she is.教学反思总 课 题Unit 1 This is me总课时8第 8 课时课 题 Checkout课型New教学目标知识目标To use the new grammar items and vocabulary taught in unit.能力目标The sim

41、ple present tense . 情感目标 Take part in school activities. 教学重点Use simple present tense .教学难点Use simple present tense .课前预习 Do the exercises before class.教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Revision Step 2 Present Step 3 Have a competition Step4 Homework1.Revise some vocabulary and grammar items taught in this unit:be good at doing/ be clever at/ in the reading club/ like/love/enjoy doing/ takefor a walk/ walk home/ a member of/ go running1. Tell students that they will be able to check w


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