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1、Unit 1-6 1. have a stomachache 胃痛 2. be stressed out 紧张的,有压力的 3. eat a balanced diet 饮食均衡 4. see a dentist 看牙医 5. get back 回来 6. ride a bike 骑自行车 7. take a vacation 去旅行 8. babysit sb. 照顾婴儿 9. go camping 去露营 10. go hiking 去远足 11. go bike riding 去骑单车 12. go sightseeing 去观光 13. take walks 步行,走路 14. ren

2、t video 借录像带 15. depend on 视。而定,取决于16. take the subway 坐地铁 17. leave for 去某地 18. come over 顺便来访 19. go to the doctor 去看医生 20. practice the piano 练习弹钢琴 21. more than 超出 22. in common 共同的 23. in some way 在某种意义上,有一点,有些 24. look the same 看起来一样 25. the same as与。一样 26. be different from 与.不一样 27. beat sb

3、击败某人 28. have good grades 取得好成绩 29. tell jokes 讲笑话 30. begin with 以开始 31. ride ones bicycle 骑自行车32. think of 想到, 认为 33. around the world 全世界34. on the school bus 在校巴上 35. by boat / bus /taxi/ plane/ air 乘船/ 公车 / 的士 / 飞机36. need to do sth 需要做某事 37. in the hospital 在医院里38. in hospital 住院 39.get there

4、/ home 到达那里 / 到家40. study for a test 温习 41. have a piano lesson上钢琴课42. help my parents 帮助家长 43. come to my party 来我的舞会44. go to a party去舞会 45. go to my guitar lesson 去上吉他课46. go to the baseball game 去打棒球 47. go to the concert 去听音乐会 48. go to the mall去商场 49. the day after tomorrow后天50. thank sb for s

5、th / doing sth 感谢某人做某事51. this week 这周 52. have tennis training 训练网球53. school team校队 54. on Friday evening 在星期五的傍晚55. go to the movies 去看电影 56. play soccer 踢足球57. keep quiet 保持安静 58. be quiet 保持安静59. go to somewhere for vacation去.旅行60. in the mountain 在山里 61. next week 下一周62. at night 在晚上 63. in th

6、e day 在白天64. sleep a lot睡很长时间 65. plan to do计划做某事66. think about doing st. 考虑做某事67. in the countryside 在乡下68. discuss the science report 讨论科学报告 69. be free有空70. the whole day = all day整天 71. as you can see 正如你所看到的72. look different 看起来不一样 73. not as .as 和.不一样74. make sb do sth. 某人做某事75. be outgoing

7、开朗 76. get a job 得到一份工作 77. stay at home 留在家78. stop to do 停下来去做别的事 79. stop doing 停下正在做的事情80. in ones free time= in ones spare time 在某人空闲时间81. make cheese 制造乳酷 82. begin with 以.开始83. between and . 在 和.之间84 .do a survey 做调查85. among some students 在学生当中(三人或以上)86. afford sth. 买得起Unit 7-12 1. turn on /

8、 off 开 / 关 2. cut up 切碎 3. add to 把加到.上 4. mix up 混合在一起 5. pour into 把.倒进. 6. put into. 把.放进. 7. peel the apple削苹果 8. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛 9. sleep late 睡得晚 10. won a prize得奖,中奖 11. get wet淋湿 12. too to 太 以致于不能 13. take part in 参加 14. spend time with sb. 与某人共渡 15. tour the U.S 去美国旅行 16. hum songs

9、 哼曲子 17. major in English 主修英语 18. grow up长大 19. take lessons参与.课程 20. hold art exhibition 举行艺术展览 21. travel all over the world 环游世界 22. at the same time 同时 23. keep fit 保持健康 24. communicate with sb.与某人交流,沟通 25. do the dishes 洗餐具 26. take out取出 27. take out the trash 倒垃圾 28. make ones bed 整理床铺 29. w

10、ork on 从事,忙于 30. do chore做家务, 处理琐事 31. do the laundry洗衣服 32. take care of = care for = look after 照顾 33. fold the clothes 折叠衣服 34. sweep the floor 抹地板 35. have a test测验 36. take sb for a walk 带某人去散步 37. wash the bowl 洗碗 38. close to 靠近. 39. make a banana milk shake做香蕉奶昔 40. boil the noodles煮面条41. ea

11、t the noodles 吃面条 42. 2 slices of bread 2片面条43. 1 teaspoon of butter 1茶匙黄油44. on the top 在顶部 45. school trip学校旅行46. go to the beach 去海滩 47. have / eat ice cream 吃雪糕48. go to the aquarium 去水族馆49. see some seals / sharks看海豹/ 鲨鱼 50. take photos 照相51. go to the zoo 去动物园 52. have a hamburger 吃汉堡包53. buy

12、a souvenir 买纪念品 54. get ones autograph 得到某人的亲笔签名55. enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good / great time 玩得高兴56. watch a dolphin show 看海豚表演 57. after that 在那之后58. at the end of 在的最后 59. in the end 在最后60. go for a drive / a walk 去兜风 / 去散步61. sound good / nice / fun 听起来好/ 有趣 62. sound like听起来像 63. have

13、 fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣 64. watch DVD看DVD65. in the yard 在院子里 66. have a yard sale庭院旧货出售67. in my opinion 据我看来 68. on ones day off 在某人的休假69. in the future 在未来 70. go on a school trip 去学校旅行71. in the sea 在海里 72. was / were born 出生73. start / stop hiccuping 开始/ 结束 打嗝 74. start doing 开始做某事75. for exampl

14、e / for instance 举例子76. become a movie star 成为一个电影明星77. learn to ride a bicycle 学生踩单车78. see sb. do 看见某人做某事 see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事79. at the age of 岁 80. most of 大多数81. be alive 活着 82. computer programmer 电脑编程人员83. study computer science 学习电脑科技 84. study hard 努力学习85. be an actor 成为一个演员 86. move

15、 to somewhere 搬到.87. fashion show时装表演 88. find a part-time job找到一分兼职工作89. save money省钱 / 存钱90. write article / letter / report / lyrics / 写文章/ 信/ 报告/ 歌词/91. be sure of sth. 对某事有信心 be sure to do 有信心做某事 be sure that 后跟宾语从句92. get lots of ecercise 做大量运动 93. eat healthy food吃健康的食物94. get sth. from sb. 从

16、某人得到某物 95. over = more than 多于, 超过96. play sports 做运动 97. build a subway 建造地下铁98. have a welcome party 开欢迎派对 99. go to a meeting 去开会100. stay out 不回家 101. use the computer 使用电脑102. hate the chores讨厌家务 103. buy some drinks and snacks买饮料和零食104. borrow sth from sb. 向某人借某物105. invite sb. to somewhere /

17、do sth. 邀请某人去某地 / 做某事106. go to the store去商店 107. feed animal 喂动物108. forget to do忘记去做某事 forget doing sth.忘记做过某事109. need some help 需要帮助 110. come over 过来111. get angry生气 112. be on vacation在旅行113. comfortable seat 舒适的座位 114. big screen大屏幕115. close to home 离家很近 116. good quality clothes质量好的衣服117. d

18、o a survey of 做的调查 118. cut price 减价119. in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在春天,夏天,秋天,冬天120. in the world在世界上 121. in a music store 在唱片店里122. go out 外出 123. as you know正如你所知道的124. ask sb. to do sth.叫你做某事125. not .at all = not in the slightest 一点也不126. one of + 最高级+ 可数名词复数 最 之一127. lay egg下蛋 128. t

19、he capital of . 的首府129. go for a walk = go for walks去散步 130. one day = some day 有一天131. come from = be from 来自 132. on the farm 在农场133. ride horse 骑马 134. talk with / talk to与某人谈话135. travel to somewhere去某地旅行136. eat out with my family与家人出去吃饭137. read books读书/ 看书 138. take sb to somewhere带某人去某地139.

20、get up起床 140. wear uniform穿校服141. look + 形容词 看起来. 142. because of 因为143. at that time 在那时候 144. after class 下课后145. mind sth. 注意某事 mind your manners146. eat with their right hands用他们的右手吃饭147. stay still静止不动 148. in western country 在西方国家149. share sth.分享某物 150. in fact 事实上151. try to do尝试做某事 try not to do 试着不要做某事152. pay for付款 153. be different from 与.不同154. going Dutch AA制,各自付帐155. leave sb. sth. = leave sth for sb. 留某物给某人156. leave a tip付小费 157. get a lot of money 得到很多钱158. stay healthy 保持健康 stay + 形容词 保持.159. make many different kinds of food 制作各种各样不同的食品160. cook meal 煮饭4


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