Unit 7 A Christmas celebration around the world xin.doc

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《Unit 7 A Christmas celebration around the world xin.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 A Christmas celebration around the world xin.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 课堂教学教案学 校 宁夏职业技术学院 姓 名 赵红霞 专 业 名 称 英语语言文学 课 程 名 称 高职英语 课程章节名称 第七单元(第六节) 教案首页课程名称高职英语专业层次高职 年级大一授课方式讲授授课时间20分钟 学时1授课题目: Christmas Celebrations Around the World教学目标知识目标能力目标素质目标To know about the way Christmas is celebrated around the worldTo be able to say Chinese and western holidays in English. To c

2、ultivate students cultural awareness.教学思想1、被教育对象:a;18-23, most of them are introverted even self-contemptuous, few of them are active and positive.2、教学过程要素:a;face to face communication, b; one to many c; two-way communication, teacher-guided3、教育的内涵: knowledge, skill, value, intelligence, emotions, m

3、orality.4、教学工具和载体:Textbook ,PPT and Word teaching plan ,Teachers Manual,Pretco-B Instruction Book, Multimedia classroom, CD, Video clip. pictures教学内容教学内容与组织安排 教材:新编实用英语1第三版 高等教育出版社出版 第七单元 教材 (p154-p160)本单元的主题是节日的庆祝及世界各地庆祝圣诞节的方式以及中国传统节日庆祝的风俗。本单元的内容展示了谈论关于安排、邀请参加社会活动的常用表达,本篇文章主要介绍了不同国家庆祝圣诞节的不同方式。因此,在教

4、学过程中向学生介绍中国及美国传统英文表达,同时展现马来西亚、瑞典、德国以及英国庆祝圣诞节的不式,以扩大他们的视野,提高学习的兴趣以及对我们国家节日的重视。并通过发散性问题来培养学生运用创造性思维思考问题的能力。重点To analyze the structure of the text.难点To know different ways to celebrate Christmas around the world.教学方法导入法、合作学习法、讲授法、任务型教学法课后回忆(经验教训、效果估计或反应,存在问题.) 教案续页教学策略教学安排I. Lead-in 导入 (4mins) Task One

5、: Look at some pictures to guess what holidays they are, then list the holidays in China and America as much as possible.couplet lantern Easter egg roseTask Two: Compare holidays in China and those in America.Holidays in ChinaHolidays in AmericaSpring festivalChristmasLantern festivalApril Fools Day

6、Dragon Boat FestivalEasterMid-Autumn DayThanksgiving DayTomb-Sweeping DayHalloweenMagpie FestivalValentines DayTask three: Consider the following questions about Christmas.1.Why is the festival called Christmas?2. Why do people send or exchange gifts to each other?3. What are the traditional colors

7、in Christmas? Do they have special meanings?II. Reading and exploring 阅读与探索 (10mins)Task One: Use the reading skill “scanning” to read paras.2 to answer the following questions. Why is Christmas celebrated on a small scale in Malaysia?(Because only 10% of the population is Christians in Malaysia )Wh

8、at do business do during Christmas period?(They take the opportunity to sell their goods.)Task Two: Read Para.3 quickly through to fill in the missing words in the following passage.Christmas is a very_ in Sweden._ before ChristmasEve people begin to decorate the streets and shops. Families decorate

9、 everything in _.Each family has a green _in their house, and people place presents_. On_ people also sing_ and dance around the tree.(Key: important holiday. Several weeks, red, Christmas tree, under it, Christmas Eve, Christmas cards)Task Three: Use critical thinking to compare the ways to celebra

10、te Christmas in the countries mentioned in the passage and explore more different ways to celebrate it in other countries.Christmas in China People give apples to their friends, brothers and sisters and parents.on Christmas Eve.III. Post Reading: Knowledge Exploring阅读后:知识与探索 (4mins)pleasure ? happin

11、ess cultural consciousnessIV. Summary 小结 (1min)1. Though the ways of celebration, the dates and traditions vary, the spirit remains the same everywhere.2. We should learn more cultures from foreign countries but not worship everything foreignV. Assignment (1min)Describe an unforgettable experience when you celebrated a Chinese festival with your family members or friends.


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