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1、TEST 1 Your responses to the Physics Subject Test questions should be filled in on Test 1 of your answer sheet (at the back of the book). SAT PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1 426 | Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test Questions 1-4 For an object traveling in a straight line, its velocity (v, in m/s) as a fun

2、ction of time (t, in s) is given by the following graph. v t Questions 1-4 relate to the following graphs. (A) t (D) t t (B) (E) t t (C) 1. Which graph best depicts the objects momentum? 2. Which graph best illustrates the objects acceleration? 3. Which graph best depicts the objects kinetic energy?

3、 4. Which graph best illustrates the objects distance from its starting point? Questions 5-8 (A) Displacement (B) Velocity (C) Acceleration (D) Linear momentum (E) Kinetic energy 5. Which one is NOT a vector? 6. If an objects mass and the net force it feels are both known, then Newtons second law co

4、uld be used to directly calculate which quantity? 7. Which quantity can be expressed in the same units as impulse? 8. If an objects speed is changing, which of the quantities could remain constant? Part A Directions: Each set of lettered choices below refers to the numbered questions immediately fol

5、lowing it. Select the one letter choice that best answers each question or best fits each statement, and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. A choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all in each set. PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1 75 Questions Time limit = 1 hour You may NOT

6、use a calculator. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued The Princeton Review Practice SAT Physics Subject Test 1 | 427 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Questions 9-10 (A) Newtons law of universal gravitation (B) Red shift of light from other galaxies (C) The fact that every element of atomic

7、number greater than 83 is radioactive (D) The zeroth law of thermodynamics (E) Massenergy equivalence 9. Which provides the basis for the observation that the universe is expanding? 10. Which principle could be used to help calculate the amount of radiation emitted by a star? Questions 11-12 (A) Ref

8、lection (B) Refraction (C) Polarization (D) Diffraction (E) Interference 11. Which is due to the change in wave speed when a wave strikes the boundary to another medium? 12. Which phenomenon is NOT experienced by sound waves? PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued 428 | Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Tes

9、t GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Part B Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. 13. An astronaut standing on the surface of the

10、 moon (mass = M, radius = R) holds a feather (mass = m) in one hand and a hammer (mass = 100m) in the other hand, both at the same height above the surface. If he releases them simultaneously, what is the acceleration of the hammer? (A) mv r 2 (B) GM R2 (C) GMm R2 (D) 100 GM R2 (E) 100 GMm R2 Satell

11、ite #2 Satellite #1 E 2r r 14. Two satellites orbit the earth. Their orbits are circular, and each satellite travels at a constant speed. If the mass of Satellite #2 is twice the mass of Satellite #1, which satellites speed is greater? (A) Satellite #1, by a factor of 2 (B) Satellite #1, by a factor

12、 of 2 (C) Satellite #2, by a factor of 2 (D) Satellite #2, by a factor of 2 (E) Neither; the satellites speeds are the same. Questions 15-17 refer to the collision of two blocks on a frictionless table. Before the collision, the block of mass m is at rest. 4 kgm just before collision just after coll

13、ision 4 kgm 8 m/sv 6 m/s 15. What is the total momentum of the blocks just AFTER the collision? (A) 12 kg-m/s (B) 16 kg-m/s (C) 18 kg-m/s (D) 24 kg-m/s (E) 32 kg-m/s 16. If the collision were elastic, what is the total kinetic energy of the blocks just AFTER the collision? (A) 16 J (B) 32 J (C) 64 J

14、 (D) 128 J (E) 256 J 17. If the blocks had instead stuck together after the collision, with what speed would they move if m = 12 kg ? (A) 2.0 m/s (B) 2.7 m/s (C) 3.2 m/s (D) 4.0 m/s (E) 4.6 m/s PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued The Princeton Review Practice SAT Physics Subject Test 1 | 429 GO ON TO TH

15、E NEXT PAGE +Q +q fixed in position 18. The figure above shows two positively charged particles. The +Q charge is fixed in position, and the +q charge is brought close to +Q and released from rest. Which of the following graphs best depicts the acceleration (a) of the +q charge as a function of its

16、distance (r) from +Q ? a r (A) a r (D) a r (B) a r (E) a r (C) 19. Two particles have unequal charges; one is +q and the other is 2q. The strength of the electrostatic force between these two stationary particles is equal to F. What happens to F if the distance between the particles is halved? (A) I

17、t decreases by a factor of 4. (B) It decreases by a factor of 2. (C) It remains the same. (D) It increases by a factor of 2. (E) It increases by a factor of 4. 20. A simple harmonic oscillator has a frequency of 2.5 Hz and an amplitude of 0.05 m. What is the period of the oscillations? (A) 0.4 sec (

18、B) 0.2 sec (C) 8 sec (D) 20 sec (E) 50 sec 21. A light wave, traveling at 3 108 m/s has a frequency of 6 1015 Hz. What is its wavelength? (A) 5 108 m (B) 2 107 m (C) 5 107 m (D) 5 106 m (E) 2 107 m 22. A beam of monochromatic light entering a glass window pane from the air will experience a change i

19、n (A) frequency and wavelength (B) frequency and speed (C) speed and wavelength (D) speed only (E) wavelength only PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued 430 | Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE at time t = 0 H m 1 2 m 1 2v0 v0 Questions 23-25 Two cannons shoot cannonballs simulta

20、neously. The cannon embedded in the ground shoots a cannonball whose mass is half that of the cannonball shot by the elevated cannon. Also, the initial speed of the cannonball projected from ground level is half the initial speed of the cannonball shot horizontally from the elevated position. Air re

21、sistance is negligible and can be ignored. Each cannonball is in motion for more than 2 seconds before striking the level ground. 23. Let a1 denote the acceleration of the cannonball of mass m one second after launch, and let a2 denote the acceleration of the cannonball of mass m/2 one second after

22、launch. Which of the following statements is true? (A) a1 = 4a2 (B) a1 = 2a2 (C) a1 = a2 (D) a2 = 2a1 (E) a2 = 4a1 24. If the cannonball projected from ground level is in flight for a total time of T, what horizontal distance does it travel? (A) 1 2 v0T (B) v0T (C) 1 2 v0Tsin 0 (D) 1 2 v0Tcos 0 (E)

23、v0Tcos 0 25. For the cannonball of mass m, which of the following quantities decreases as the cannonball falls to the ground? (A) Kinetic energy (B) Potential energy (C) Momentum (D) Speed (E) Mass 26. Which of the following statements is true concerning phase changes? (A) When a liquid freezes, it

24、releases thermal energy into its immediate environment. (B) When a solid melts, it releases thermal energy into its immediate environment. (C) For most substances, the latent heat of fusion is greater than the latent heat of vaporization. (D) As a solid melts, its temperature increases. (E) As a liq

25、uid freezes, its temperature decreases. PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued The Princeton Review Practice SAT Physics Subject Test 1 | 431 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 27. Four point charges are labeled Charge 1, Charge 2, Charge 3, and Charge 4. It is known that Charge 1 attracts Charge 2, Charge 2 repels Ch

26、arge 3, and Charge 3 attracts Charge 4. Which of the following must be true? (A) Charge 1 attracts Charge 4. (B) Charge 2 attracts Charge 3. (C) Charge 1 repels Charge 3. (D) Charge 2 repels Charge 4. (E) Charge 1 repels Charge 4. Questions 28-30 a b c d e f V All six resistors in the circuit have t

27、he same resistance, R, and the battery is a source of constant voltage, V. 28. How does the current through Resistor a compare with the current through Resistor b ? (A) The current through Resistor a is 9 times the current through Resistor b. (B) The current through Resistor a is 3 times the current

28、 through Resistor b. (C) The current through Resistor a is the same as the current through Resistor b. (D) The current through Resistor b is 3 times the current through Resistor a. (E) The current through Resistor b is 9 times the current through Resistor a. 29. If the total resistance in the circui

29、t is 10 3 R , the amount of current that passes through resistor a is what constant times V R ? (A) 1 20 (B) 1 10 (C) 3 10 (D) 10 9 (E) 10 3 30. If the power dissipated by resistor e is P, how much power is dissipated by resistor f ? (A) P 6 (B) P 3 (C) P 2 (D) P (E) 2P 31. An object of mass 5 kg is

30、 acted upon by exactly four forces, each of magnitude 10 N. Which of the following could NOT be the resulting acceleration of the object? (A) 0 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2 (C) 4 m/s2 (D) 8 m/s2 (E) 10 m/s2 PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued 432 | Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 32. The

31、 total force acting on an object as a function of time is given in the graph above. What is the magnitude of the change in momentum of the object between t = 0 and t = 0.4 sec? (A) 2 kg-m/sec (B) 5 kg-m/sec (C) 10 kg-m/sec (D) 12 kg-m/sec (E) 15 kg-m/sec 33. An object is placed 20 cm from a divergin

32、g lens. If the distance between the lens and the image is 8 cm, what is the magnification? (A) 1 15 (B) 2 5 (C) 1 2 (D) 2 (E) 5 2 34. A rope stretched between two fixed points can support transverse standing waves. What is the ratio of the sixth harmonic frequency to the third harmonic frequency? (A

33、) 1 2 (B) 1 2 (C) 2 (D) 22 (E) 4 35. In which of the following situations involving a source of sound and a detector of the sound is it possible that there is NO perceived Doppler shift? (A) The source travels toward the stationary detector. (B) The detector travels toward the stationary source. (C)

34、 Both the source and the detector travel in the same direction. (D) Both the source and detector travel in opposite directions, with the source and detector moving away from each other. (E) Both the source and detector travel in opposite directions, with the source and detector moving toward each ot

35、her. PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued The Princeton Review Practice SAT Physics Subject Test 1 | 433 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36. Sound waves travel at 350 m/s through warm air and at 3,500 m/s through brass. What happens to the wavelength of a 700 Hz acoustic wave as it enters brass from warm air? (A)

36、 It decreases by a factor of 20. (B) It decreases by a factor of 10. (C) It increases by a factor of 10. (D) It increases by a factor of 20. (E) The wavelength remains unchanged when a wave passes into a new medium. 37. Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavele

37、ngth? (A) Gamma rays (B) Ultraviolet (C) Blue light (D) X-rays (E) Orange light 38. The circular metal plate has a concentric circular hole. If the plate is heated uniformly, so that the outer circumference of the plate increases by 4 percent, then the circumference of the hole will (A) decrease by

38、16 percent (B) decrease by 8 percent (C) decrease by 4 percent (D) increase by 4 percent (E) increase by 8 percent 39. A box of mass 40 kg is pushed in a straight line across a horizontal floor by an 80 N force. If the force of kinetic friction acting on the box has a magnitude of 60 N, what is the

39、acceleration of the box? (A) 0.25 m/s2 (B) 0.5 m/s2 (C) 1.0 m/s2 (D) 2.0 m/s2 (E) 3.5 m/s2 mass (in kg) speed (in m/s) Trial 1: 0.5 4 Trial 2: 1 3 Trial 3: 2 2 Trial 4: 3 1 40. The table records the mass and speed of an object traveling at constant velocity on a frictionless track, as performed by a

40、 student conducting a physics lab exercise. In her analysis, the student had to state the trial in which the object had the greatest momentum and the trial in which it had the greatest kinetic energy. Which of the following gives the correct answer? Greatest Greatest Momentum Kinetic Energy (A) Tria

41、l 1 Trial 3 (B) Trial 2 Trial 2 (C) Trial 3 Trial 2 (D) Trial 3 Trial 3 (E) Trial 4 Trial 4 PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued 434 | Cracking the SAT Physics Subject Test GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 41. What did Rutherfords experiments on alpha particle scattering indicate about the structure of the atom? (

42、A) Atoms are roughly spherical with a radius of about 1010 m. (B) The electrons occupy quantized energy levels, absorbing or emitting energy only when they make a quantum jump between these levels. (C) The density of positive charge within an atom is not uniform throughout the atoms volume. (D) Allo

43、wed electron orbits must have a circumference equal to a whole number times the electrons de Broglie wavelength. (E) Alpha particles are positively charged. 42. What happens to the pressure, P, of an ideal gas if the temperature is increased by a factor of 2 and the volume is increased by a factor o

44、f 8 ? (A) P decreases by a factor of 16. (B) P decreases by a factor of 4. (C) P decreases by a factor of 2. (D) P increases by a factor of 4. (E) P increases by a factor of 16. 43. How much current does a 60-watt lightbulb draw if it operates at a voltage of 120 volts? (A) 0.25 amp (B) 0.5 amp (C)

45、2 amps (D) 4 amps (E) 30 amps 1 2 1 2 H+ HHe + X 2 3 44. Identify the particle X resulting from the nuclear reaction shown above. (A) Positron (B) Electron (C) Proton (D) Neutron (E) Alpha particle 45. If a 50 g block of solid marble (specific heat = 0.9 kJ/kgC), originally at 20C, absorbs 100 J of

46、heat, which one of the following best approximates the temperature increase of the marble block? (A) 1C (B) 2C (C) 4C (D) 10C (E) 20C 46. A sample of an ideal gas is heated, doubling its absolute temperature. Which of the following statements best describes the result of heating the gas? (A) The roo

47、t-mean-square speed of the gas molecules doubles. (B) The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases by a factor of 2 . (C) The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases by a factor of 4. (D) The speeds of the gas molecules cover a wide range, but the root-mean-square speed in

48、creases by a factor of 2 . (E) The speeds of the gas molecules cover a wide range, but the root-mean-square speed increases by a factor of 2. PHYSICS SUBJECT TEST 1Continued The Princeton Review Practice SAT Physics Subject Test 1 | 435 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 47. A block of ice, initially at 20C, is

49、 heated at a steady rate until the temperature of the sample reaches 120C. Which of the following graphs best illustrates the temperature of the sample as a function of time? 120 100 0 20 Temp (C) (A) Time 120 20? Temp (C) (B) Time 120 100 20 Temp (C) (C) Time 120 0 20 Time Temp (C) (D) (E) 120 100 0 20 Temp (C) Time 48. Which of the following changes to a double-slit interference experiment with light would increase the wi


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