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1、College English Creative Reading 3跨文化交际英语阅读教程3Unit 2 Using Information Found on the WebNote on the TopicLearning Objectives1. Be aware of the importance of checking the information we gather; 2. Learn different ways of structuring a passage.Before You Read 1.Watch the following video and discuss the

2、 following questions with a partner. 2.Discuss the following questions with a partner.2.1 According to the video, why arent people recommended to use information from the Web?Because anyone can create content and publish it to the Web, so the contents credibility, reliability and intent should be qu

3、estioned.2.2 How to evaluate resources from the Web?CRAAP is suggested to evaluate resources. It stands for the resources currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose.2.3 Whats a better way to cite sources according to the video?Use library databases to find information.2.4 How often do you

4、use information from the Web in your research papers? And why?Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:I almost use information from the Web in all my research papers, because its very convenient and easy to find various information on the Web. Or, I seldom use information from t

5、he Web in my research papers since it is not that credible and reliable. 2.5Have you ever evaluated the Web resources? If yes, how? If no, will you follow the methods in the video to evaluate the Web resources hereafter?Answers will vary to this question. A sample answer could be:No, I havent. But I

6、 will start to evaluate the information because research papers should be very academic and reliable. Reading AChecking Is BelievingThe Web is being expanded all the time and is able to supply an almost limitless amount of information on most subjects. Apart from offering a great deal of information

7、, the Web is also fast and convenient to use. Today we have many different devices which are capable of connecting to the Internet and displaying information, even when you are on the move. The Web, then, can provide a convenient means of accessing information and has become greatly valued by studen

8、ts. If a student has Internet access, then there is no need for him/her to go to a library to search for information. This not only saves a great deal of time but also eliminates transportation costs. It is probably true to say that students have more time than many working people to browse the Web,

9、 and they have the added motivation that information found on it may be able to help them complete assignments.Background Information: The Text: Checking Is BelievingThe text basically advises students to check the information they find on the Web for its quality, otherwise they may be misled into u

10、sing wrong or inadequate information. The argument of the text may be easier to see as a flow chart. The following chart shows the structure of the “final” text after students have completed the Developing Your Skills section. As a key visual, this can be used to illustrate the overall argument of t

11、he text. It can also be used for a revision activity by getting students to verbalize the main ideas (using the key visual only and not looking at the text).The Web is a fast and convenient source of information.butAnyone can add information to the Web.andIn the print media publishers check the qual

12、ity of what is published.In the mass media there are even more quality checks.yetMaterial varies in quality.The Web is unregulated.sothats whyStudents should check the quality of Web material. byExamining documents for their uses of academic conventions.Asking questions about authors.and参考译文:验证为实网络随

13、时在拓展,它几乎可以给大多数学科提供无限量的信息。除了提供大量信息之外,网络使用起来也方便快捷。如今,我们拥有很多设备它们可以联网并展示信息,即使当你在赶路时也是如此。因此,网络可以提供一个获取信息的方便途径,而且网络已经受到了学生们的极力推崇。如果一位学生有条件上网,那么他/她就没有必要去图书馆查找资料。这样不仅节省了大量的时间也省去了交通费。几乎可以这样说,学生们比上班族有更多的时间浏览网页,网络上提供的信息有助于他们完成学习任务,这一点成了他们上网的额外动机。Reading BThis freedom is, of course, in sharp contrast to traditi

14、onal media. Publishing companies, for example, can be very selective about their authors. Such companies have high standards and will only publish a book if the author is well qualified and experienced in the subject area. Publishers get other experts to review a book before it is printed and furthe

15、r improvements to the book are made by editors and book designers employed by the publishing companies. Editors frequently make suggestions to make the book longer or shorter and to improve the authors use of language to make the writing clearer and more easily comprehensible to readers. Designers h

16、andle the layout of a book, including the cover, photographs and other graphics and even the font type and style of the text.Key Words:review: the process of studying or examining a situation, policy or idea again in order to decide whether it is satisfactory or suitablecomprehensible: able to be un

17、derstood参考译文:网络提供的这种自由和传统的媒介相比当然有着明显的区别。例如,出版公司会慎重选择作者。这样的公司要求很高,所以只有当作者在某一领域很有资历和经验时,才会出版他的书。在一本书出版前,出版商会请一些别的专家对该书加以评论,而且公司聘请的编辑和设计人员会对该书做进一步的改善。编辑们通常给出建议,将一本书改长或者缩短,还会改善作者的语言以使作品更清晰、更容易让读者读懂。设计人员则处理书的版面问题,包括封面、照片和其他图形类的东西,甚至还包括字体以及文本的风格。Reading CFew such restrictions apply to the Web. It is an un

18、regulated medium at every level. There are no bosses deciding who will get published, no reviewers to check the reliability of information, no editors or designers to improve the way it is written or presented and few enforceable laws or government regulations to check the acceptability of the infor

19、mation or to make authors accountable for their material. The Web therefore lacks the quality assurance controls which operate in most media and which help the public to trust what they view, read and hear. The results of this lack of quality control are easy to see. The Web is littered with sites w

20、hich would be illegal if presented by the more traditional media. The Web allows people to publish their opinions, even if these are unfounded and use discrimination.Key Word:discrimination: unfair treatment of someone because of their religion, race, or other personal features参考译文:然而这样的限制很少应用于网络。网络

21、从各个层面上来说都是不受控制的媒介,没有老板决定谁的书将会出版,没有评论家去验证信息的可靠程度,没有编辑或者设计人员去改进书的原样,也很少有法律或政府规定去验证信息的可接受性或者要求作者对他们的资料能够做出解释。因此,网络缺少大多数媒体都具备的质量保证,这种质量保证有助于广大读者相信他们的所见、所读以及所闻。这一缺陷造成的结果是显而易见的。网络上随处可见一些网站,这些网站的内容如果用传统媒介呈现出来则会被认为是非法的。网络允许人们发布观点,就算这些观点毫无根据或带有歧视。Reading DTV, video and radio companies work under even stricte

22、r regulations than publishing companies. The law controls the content of their programmes in order to limit the amount of bias (sexual, racial and political) listeners and viewers are exposed to. Strict legal limitations are also placed on the amount of sex and violence in programmes. The language u

23、sed in such programmes is also carefully controlled so that the audience is not offended by excessive bad language. Where doubt exists about a programme, the company responsible for broadcasting the programme will get lawyers to check that the content and language used in the film do not break any l

24、aws.Key Words:strict: having definite rules that people are expected to obey completelybias: an attitude that you have that makes you treat someone in a way that is unfair or different from the way you treat other people参考译文:影视和广播公司比出版公司具有更加严格的规定。为了限制它们暴露给听众和观众的(色情的、种族的和政治的)偏见的数量,法律控制着它们节目的内容。严格的法律限

25、制也对节目中色情和暴力的数量进行控制。为了让听众和观众不受到脏话的冒犯,这类节目中的语言也被严格控制。当对一个节目存在疑问时,负责播放该节目的公司往往会请律师核查节目中的内容和语言有没有触犯法律。Reading EIt is clear, then, that students who wish to use the Web as a source of information to help them complete assignments will need to be cautious about using material found on it. It is important

26、to check whether a site has been created and registered by a recognized body such as a university or a publisher or whether it has been created by an individual, i.e. a private Net account holder. Look for the organizations logo or a structure chart showing its various departments and offices, its m

27、ission statement, and also for some information on its history and its plans for the future. In other words, check for the features that you would expect to find on an official and professionally produced website.参考译文:那么,很明显,想要把网络当作信息来源去完成学习任务的学生在使用从网络上搜寻到的资料时就需要小心谨慎。很重要的一点就是要核查一个网站是由权威机构(如大学或者出版商)登

28、记创办的,还是由某个个人,即某个私人网络账户持有者创办的。同时要查一下该组织的标志或者标明其不同部门和办公室以及任务说明的机构结构表,也要寻找有关它的历史以及未来计划的信息。换句话说,要查询一个专业的官方网站所具有的那些特征。Reading FThis is not to say that sites produced by individuals are all unreliable far from it some are excellent. Some very highly respected professors and authors of academic textbooks h

29、ave their own websites and these are valuable and trustworthy sources of information. But if an author of a website fails to provide a means for browsers to make contact or has forgotten to put up his/her affiliations and some biodata giving their qualifications and experience, then he or she is jus

30、t asking to be treated with suspicion.参考译文:这并不是说个人创办的网站都不可信,远非如此,有些个人网站是很不错的。一些德高望重的教授和学术教科书的作者拥有他们自己的网站,这些网站是很有价值的,它们提供的资料是值得相信的。但是,如果一个网站的作者没有能够把他/她的联系方式提供给浏览者,或者忘了给出证明其资历的个人资料,那么他/她就会受到怀疑。Reading GBiodata, information on the qualifications and experience of an author, is very helpful for students

31、 checking the reliability of a site. Look at the authors affiliations and career record. Look carefully, too, at his/her qualifications, research record and publications. Then ask yourself questions: which university does he or she currently work in and for how long? Is the university recognized and

32、 respected? Does the author have a substantial number of years of experience in the subject area? Does the author have a PhD (some excellent researchers dont, but nevertheless possession of a doctorate is an encouraging sign when were checking a persons credibility)? Has the author been involved in

33、research projects and has he/she published articles in journals and academic books with reputable publishers? Be critical and ask questions.参考译文:个人资料,即关于一位作者资历的信息,对学生们核查一个网站的可靠性非常有帮助。看一看作者为谁工作以及他/她的职业记录,也仔细查看一下他/她的资格证书、研究记录和出版物,然后想一想下面的问题:目前他/她就职于哪所大学?将工作多长时间?这所大学有名望吗?该作者在这一学科领域是否有足够长时间的经验?此人获得了博士学位

34、吗(有些优秀的研究人员没有博士学位,但是拥有博士学位在我们考查一个人的可信度时仍是一个让人放心的标志)?该作者是否参与了一些研究项目?有没有在杂志上发表过文章?是否与知名的出版商出版过学术书籍?要善于批评和提出疑问。Reading HStudents may find that no email address is given on a site. If this is the case, carry out name searches via online catalogues of publications to try to find out whether the author is

35、 recognized or published in the subject area you are interested in. If an email address is provided, look at it carefully. Does it appear to be a personal rather than organizational address? If you are still in doubt, you could email the author of the pages directly and ask them about their work. Bu

36、t do this politely so that he or she provides evidence of possessing appropriate qualifications and experience to write with authority on the topic in question. Show interest in the topic this may even help you to start a very useful correspondence with the author. You can then start building up a l

37、ist of contacts and start your career in whats known as electronic networking!参考译文:学生们有时可能会发现一个网站上没有电子邮件地址。如果是这样,通过在线出版物目录查找该作者的名字,看他是否出名或者是否在你感兴趣的学科领域发表过什么作品。如果有电子邮件地址,仔细地看一看。它看上去是不是像一个个人信箱而不是集体信箱呢?如果你仍有疑虑,你可以直接给该网页的作者发电子邮件询问有关他们工作的事宜。但是,这样做时要有礼貌,要让他证明他具备写有关这个主题的权威性文章的资格。要表现出对这一话题的兴趣,这样会有助于你和该作者的通信

38、往来。然后你可以列出一份联系表,在建立电子网络关系中开始大显身手。Reading IAnother way you can check Web information is to examine carefully the document itself. Carry out the examination very carefully and look for the conventions academic authors follow when they write. Conventions include the use of up-to-date references to othe

39、r authors and bibliographies for the convenience of interested readers. Academic writers also use footnotes or endnotes to add detail to what they have written. The tone of their writing is likely to be objective and impersonal and the style is likely to be quite formal. Finally, respectable Web con

40、tributors will show that they know a great deal of background information on a topic and will also show familiarity with modern research methods in their fields of study.参考译文:另一个检查网络信息的方法是仔细检查文件本身。仔细检查和寻找学术作者写作时遵循的惯例。这些惯例包括使用其他作者的最新资料,也包括为感兴趣的读者提供方便的参考文献。学术作者也使用脚注或尾注来为自己所写的内容增添细节。他们作品的语气很可能是客观的、非个人的

41、,写作风格可能很正式。最后,值得尊敬的网络贡献者会显得对某个话题的背景知识非常了解,也会显得对他们学习领域的现代研究方法非常熟悉。Reading JThe Web has provided all of us with limitless, convenient and cheap access to vast amounts of information but the quality and reliability of the information must be checked and this means that the student needs to be his or he

42、r own quality control mechanism.参考译文:网络为我们提供了无限、方便、廉价的途径以获取大量信息,但是信息的质量和可靠性应该得到核查。也就是说,学生们需要自己当自己的质量监控师。Reading-Understanding the TextPart A: True or FalseIndicate whether each of the following statements is true or false. Correct any false statements in the box provided.1. One reason students like

43、using the Web is that it helps them to buy things in a convenient way.Students like using the Web because it saves them time and money as they do not need to go to a library for the information2. Publishing on the Web is easier than publishing in the more traditional media.3. In using material found

44、 on the Web for academic purposes, you need to be prepared to take risks.There are risks in using information from the Web, but you should make every effort to minimize the risks check very carefully who is responsible for the information and whether or not you feel they are qualified to be used as

45、a reliable source.4. You should be suspicious of a website which offers no contact details.5. You are the Webs quality control mechanism.Part B: Identifying Main PointsEach of the ten statements below contains information given in one of the sections in the text. Each section is marked with a letter

46、. Identify the section from which the information is derived. More than one statement may refer to the same section.1. Some websites created by individuals are reliable.2. A polite email to the author of pages found on the Web will help to establish if he or she is qualified to write the material.3.

47、 Students have the opportunity to refer to the Web more frequently than most working people.4. Lawyers check the language used in films and TV programmes to make sure it is legal.5. The Web has removed the travel costs that are involved in a visit to a library.6. Traditional publishers employ a rang

48、e of specialists to ensure that the quality of their publications is high.7. The Web is a largely unrestricted medium.8. Certain features can help a Web user determine whether a site belongs to an organization.9. It is a good idea to check the credentials of an individual writer of material placed on the Web.10. Having a PhD increases the chances that an author is reliable.Part C: Selecting Best ChoicesThe paragraph on Page 29 has been taken from the text but includes ten blanks. You are required to select one word or expressi


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