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1、第二部分 完成句子1. ( 2007 ) Last night John was answering the letters that _ ( 寄给他的 ) during the past two weeks . ( arrive ) 2. ( 2008 ) The city _ ( 我成长的 ) is very hot and damp in summer . ( grow ) 3. ( 2009 ) Learning stategies , to _ ( 老师们认为 ) importance , have not yet drawn enough attention of students

2、 . ( attach ) 4. ( 2010 ) My mother was so proud of all _ ( 我所做的 ) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing . ( do )5. ( 2010 ) _ ( 正如我们强调的那样 ) many times , “serve the people ” is our first policy . ( stress )B) 训练题:1. - Doyouhaveanythingtosayforyourself? - Yes,thereisonepoint(我们必须坚持) . (insist)

3、2.Therewereabout50foreignstudentsstudyinginChina, _(绝大部分人是德国人).(most) 3.Ioftenthinkofmanycases_(学生对英语单词熟悉),but cant speak English well . (familiar) 4.Anewsubwaywillhavebeencompletedbytheendof2010 , _(那时我们会很便利) to go sightseeing .( convenient ) 5.TheChinesegovernmenthasdecidedtodevelopthewestofChina

4、, _(这会使 穷人受益).( benefit ) 6. (正如已宣布的那样),wellhavetotakethecollegeentranceexamination.(announce) 7.Theroom , (窗户朝南) ,isaccessibletocars. ( face ) 8. Thisdependsontheway(我们对待他们的方式).(treat) 9.Theboywillneverforgettheday(他一个人留在家里).( leave) 10.There was a time _(他们经常锻炼身体) in the stadium . ( work ) 11.(正如上

5、文所述),fewpeoplearetotalwinnersorlosers.( mention ) 12.Hestoodbehindthedoor ,(从那儿他能听见正发生的事).( happen ) 13.Thereason(我兄弟为何戒了烟)isthatitisbadforhishealth .( give ) 14.Heislateforclassagain,(这是常有的事). ( case ) 15.Youmustdothething(你认为做不到的).( think ) 16. _ (正如大家所看到的),greatchangeshavetakenplaceinChina.( see

6、) 17.Thisisnotsucha good film(正如我所希望的) . ( expect ) 18.Hetoldus that he had been to Iraq,(这使我们很意外) .(surprise)19.Thisisthesamekindofpen(和我昨天丢失的). ( lose ) 20.Myhometownisnotthevillage(以前的). ( used ) 21.Therearetwothousandstudentsinourschool,(其中2/3是女孩).( whom ) 22.Onthethirdfloortherearetworooms, _(其

7、中较大的一个) is used as a meeting room .( use ) 23.Whoistheboy(在那边树下读书) ? ( read ) 24.Thisistheverybook(我一直在找的)these days . ( look ) 25.Mikeisshortandfat,(这使得他在班上很显眼).( stand) 26.Hehasgothimselfintoadangeroussituation(他很有可能失控)of the plane.(likely) 27.Heisreadingabook,(我不知道名字的).( which ) 28.Hetalkedhappil

8、yaboutthemenandthebooks_(令他非常感兴趣)atschool.( interest ) 29.I thinkTitanicistheonlyoneofthemostwonderfulmoviesinHollywood_(迄 今所生产的) .( produce ) 30.Iwanttofindtheverypen(写过这封信的).( write ) 31.ThisisthefirstAmericanmovie(我以前看过的).( see ) 32.Englishisthemostdifficultsubject(你这些年要学的).( learn ) 33.Theboy(昨晚

9、你见过的)isthegroupleaderwhostudiesveryhard.( meet ) 34.Anyone(没有通过考试的)shouldbepunished.( fail ) 35. His letter reads _ (全文如下) . ( follow ) 36. Water , _ ( 看似简单 ) , makes life possible . ( seem ) 37. Madame Curie , _ (对她来说生活以前很艰难) , was successful later . (whom) 38. The growing speed of a plant is influ

10、enced by a lot of factors , _ ( 绝大部分超出 ) our control . ( beyond ) 39. The computer _ ( 他请人修过的 ) broke down again . ( repair ) 40. The media can help draw attention to situations _ ( 需要协助 ) . ( need ) 第二部分:完成句子A) 高考原题 1. had arrived for him 2. where / in which I grew up 3. which teachers attach / hav

11、e attached 4. (that) I had done 5. As we have stressed / As has been stressed B) 训练题1.which wemustinsiston / on which we must insist 2.mostofwhom/ of whom most werefromGermany 3.wherestudentsarefamiliarwithEnglishwords 4.whenitwillbeveryconvenientforus5.whichwillbenefit the poor / beofgreatbenefitto

12、thepoor 6.Ashasbeenannounced 7.whosewindow/thewindowofwhichfacessouth 8.(that/ in which ) wetreatthem 9.whenhewasleftaloneathome10.when they often worked out 11.Ashasbeenmentionedabove 12.fromwherehecouldhearwhatwashappening 13.why / for whichmybrothergaveupsmoking 14.asisoftenthecase 15.which / tha

13、tyouthinkyoucannotdo 16.Aseverybodycansee 17.asIexpected 18.which surprised us greatly 19.asIlostyesterday20. thatitusedtobe 21.twothirdsofwhom/ of whom twothirds aregirls 22.thelarger(one) ofwhich 23.thatisreadingunderthetreeoverthere 24.thatIhavebeenlookingfor25.whichmakeshimstandoutinhisclass 26.

14、whereheislikelytolosecontrol 27.ofwhichthename/ the name of which Idontknow 28.thatinterestedhimgreatly 29.thathasbeenproduced so far 30.withwhichIwrotetheletter 31.thatIhaveeverseen 32.thatyouwilllearnduringtheseyears 33.thatyoumetlastnight 34.whofailed(in) theexam 35. as follows 36. which seems simple 37. for whom life had once been very hard 38. most of which are beyond 39. which / that he had had repaired 40. where / in which help is needed


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