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1、五年级英语上册单词拼写专项提升练习译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据汉语提示写单词或短语,补全句子。1She is young and_(腼腆的).2We have maths and music on_(星期四).3What can you do?I can_(画漫画).4I like vegetables. Theyre_(健康的).5I live in a small_(村庄).2. 看图写出相应的单词。3. 看图完成句子。(1)My little sister likes to _ _.(2)Jenny likes to _. (3)My cousin likes to _ _.(4)

2、My mother likes to _ _.(5)My father likes to _ _ _ _.(6)Do you like _ _ _? (7)My family _ _ _ _ every morning.4. 根据图片和首字母将单词补充完整。1a_ 2s_3s_ 4w_5. 根据句意及首字母或中文完成句子1. What are you doing?Im_(看) TV.2. You shouldnt eat anything_(甜的).3. These_(葡萄) are not good. I dont like to eat them.4. His brother is doi

3、ng the the d_.6. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。1. Can you w_the clothes?2. I can h_you.3.Can you do any kung fu?No, I c_.4. Can you s_a birthday song?5. Lets go to play b_after lunch.6. Jack Chen is a famous k_movie star.7. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。1. Today I won a chess game. Now I feel h_.2. Yesterday I lost my pen. I a

4、m s_.3. I want to eat something. I feel h_.4. I helped my mother tidy the room. I am t_.5. She took my beautiful dress. I feel a_.8. 读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词。1. - What do you need for winter? Its too cold. -I need a s_. Its warm.2. I like this red blouse b_its too small.3. Please keep s_. The stud

5、ents are having an English lesson.4. Kitty likes this coat b_its pretty and warm.5. - Can you see the nice clothes? - Only c_people can see them.6. Can I have a dress with a long z_?9. 补全单词。1电脑c _ mp _ t _ r 2电灯li _ h _ 3你的y _ _ r4图片pi _ tu _ e 5八ei _ _ t 6什么wh _ t7时间t _ _ e 8黄色y _ llo _ 9短裙sk _ _ t

6、10. 根据序数词的缩写形式,写出完全形式。(1)1st_ (2)2nd_ (3)3rd_(4)5th_ (5)9th_ (6)20th_11. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Please_(open)thedoor.2.Doyouwant_(play)chess?3.Areyou_(feel)angrynow?4.Icant_(find)mywatch.Doyouseeit?5.They_(win)achessgameyesterday.12. 找出隐藏中的单词,按要求归类,并写在四线格中。13. 按要求写出对应的单词。1. my (名词性物主代词)_2. his (名词性物主代词)_3.

7、hers (形容词性物主代词)_4. yours (形容词性物主代词)_5. fish(复数)_ 6. do(第三人称单数)_7. friend(形容词)_8. foot (复数)_14. 根据句意,选词填空。1._(我的)mathsteacherisMr.Zhang.Hesyoungandtall.2._(她的)Englishteacher,Mr.Black,iskindandfunny.3._(他的)PEteacherisMr.Wu.Hestallandstrong.4._(我们的)artteacherisMissLiu.Shesoldandkind.15. 根据图示,将下列单词丢失的字母补充完整。4 / 4


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