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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟130大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟130大学三级(B)模拟130Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. The question will be spoken two times.

2、 When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Yes, I am.B.So I can remember all the new information.C.OK, Ill take the notes.D.No, thank you.答案:B解析Tom, why do you take all these notes?解析 问题是“汤姆,你为什么记笔记”,首先这是一个特殊疑问句,答案肯定不是Yes或No开头,故排除A

3、和D;根据问题,C选项也不符合题意,只能是B选项。2.A.New York.B.For two months.C.Last week.D.Two weeks later.答案:D解析When will our summer holiday begin?解析 问题是“暑假什么时候开始”,而A选项给出的答案是个地点,故排除;B选项是个时间段,不符合题意;C选项是过去的时间,而本题是对将来的某一时间进行提问,所以D选项为正确答案。3.A.It is not good at all.B.No, I borrowed it.C.The history book is very interesting.D

4、.Yes, l will.答案:D解析Will you buy this history book?解析 Will you buy this history books?”是个一般疑问句,A,C选项不是对观点的肯定或否定,故排除;B选项时态和意思都不对;D选项对问句进行了肯定的回答,符合题意,所以D选项为正确答案。4.A.You have to buy it.B.This afternoon, I think.C.On the third floor of the library.D.Its 10: 30.答案:C解析Excuse me, where could I find English

5、magazines?解析 问题是“打扰了,哪里有英语杂志”是对地点的提问,而B和D选项却是对时间提问的回答;A选项不符合意思;C选项“在图书馆的三楼”符合题意,故C为正确答案。5.A.Pretty well, thanks.B.Yes, thanks.C.Nice to meet you.D.How do you do.答案:A解析How are you going?解析 “How are you going?”是我们经常听到的一句问候语,属于特殊疑问句,故不能选择B;C选项的问句应为“Nice to meet you”;D选项的问句应为“How do you do”;所以只有A选项符合题意,

6、故正确答案为A。Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. Both the dialogue and the question will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.She broke the bicycle herself.B.She fixed the brok

7、e bicycle.C.She was able to get the bicycle fast.D.She hurt herself on the broken bicycle.答案:B解析M: Did Jane have someone repair the broken bicycle?W: No, she did it herself.Q: What did Jane do?解析 对话中男士问“简是不是让人把那辆坏的自行车修理了”,女士回答“没有,她自己修的”,不难判断出B选项为正确答案。2.A.He had two classes yesterday.B.He will have c

8、lasses all morning.C.His class begins at 9:00 oclock.D.His class lasts two hours.答案:D解析W: How many classes did you have yesterday?M: Just one, from 8:00 to 10:00.Q: What does the man mean?解析 本题中男士问“你昨天上了几节课”,女士回答“一节课,从八点到十点”,四个选项中的信息只有D选项符合对话内容,其他选项不符合题意。3.A.Swimming is also a good exercise.B.She li

9、kes swimming better.C.She prefers hiking to swimming.D.Hiking is not a good exercise.答案:A解析M: Going hiking is a good exercise.W: So is swimming.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 对话中男士说“远足是一项很好的练习”,女士回答“游泳也是”,很明显A选项的意思符合女士的意思,所以A选项为正确答案。4.A.He is amused.B.He is happy.C.He is calm.D.He is upset.答案:D解析W:

10、My wallet is lost and I am very sad.M: Im sorry to hear it. Can I help you?Q: How does the man feel?解析 对话中女士说“她丢了钱包感到很难过”,这里面sad这个词很关键,问题问的是“男士的感觉”,四个选项里只有D选项中的upset和sorry意思相近,所以正确答案为D。5.A.He left his notes in classroom.B.He couldnt write his notes.C.He had an exam.D.A classmate borrowed his notes答案

11、:D解析W: Did you prepare for the exam?M: I couldnt. I lent my notes to Jack.Q: What happened to the man?解析 问题是“你准备考试了吗”,男士回答“我没办法准备,我把笔记借给杰克了”,故D选项“有个同学借了他的笔记”为正确答案。Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some word

12、s or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blanks. Nancy walked out into the yard and took a deep 1 of cool, fresh air. She was eager to begin work. This time of year, with the new growth everywhere, always made her feel th

13、at she had to help things 2 . She gathered her tools and went to the patch of freshly turned earth and began to 3 rows of holes. Then she carefully picked up one fragile plant and 4 it in a hole. Over and over she performed this same task and then gently patted the earth around each plant. Her growl

14、ing stomach and the sun high overhead told her when it was time to 5 . (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: breath解析 11-15 Nancy walked out into the yard and took a deep 11 breath of cool, fresh air. She was eager to begin work. This time of year, with the new growth everywhere, always made her feel that she

15、had to help things 12 grow . She gathered her tools and went to the patch of freshly turned earth and began to 13 dig rows of holes. Then she carefully picked up one fragile plant and 14 placed it in a hole. Over and over she performed this same task and then gently patted the earth around each plan

16、t. Her growling stomach and the sun high overhead told her when it was time to 15 take a break. 2.答案:grow3.答案: dig4.答案: placed5.答案: take a breakPart Vocabulary and StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically corr

17、ect sentences.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices.问题:1. What he said _ reasonable this time.A.tastesB.soundsC.looksD.feels答案:B解析 答案中的四个选项都是系动词,taste翻译为“尝起来”;sound翻译为“听起来”;look翻

18、译为“看起来”;feel翻译为“摸起来”。根据题意可知这句话的意思是“这次他所说的听起来有道理”,所以选项B为正确答案。问题:2. Seldom _ my neighbor in such good mood(心情) since I moved here.A.I sawB.I have seenC.have I seenD.Do I seen答案:C解析 这道题测试的是部分倒装的用法,当句子的开头出现了seldom,hardly,never等否定词汇,句子要部分倒装,即助动词提前。本句的意思是“自从我搬到这里来,我很少见到我的邻居有这样好的心情”,是个现在完成时态的句子,所以助动词是have,

19、正确答案为选项C。问题:3. He is going to pick up his parents, so we _ with him.A.neednt to goB.dont need go.C.neednt goD.neednt going答案:C解析 这里考查的是need作动词和情态动词的用法,当need作为动词时,本题的否定应在need前面加dont,而后面和动词go之间应该有不定式to,即dont need to go;而need作为情态动词时,否定形式是在need后加not,后面直接接动词原型go,即 neednt go;故只有选项C为正确答案。问题:4. The situatio

20、n will continue to become worse _ we take some measures.A.whenB.becauseC.ifD.unless答案:D解析 本题的意思是“如果我们不采取一些措施,情况将会变得更糟糕”,四个选项前三个不符合题意,很容易排除,但是D选项unless有很多同学翻译成“除非”,这样就很难把握句子的意思,大家不妨把它看作“if.not(如果不)”,这样就比较容易理解和翻译了。问题:5. It is said that this medicine is _ against fever.A.economicB.easyC.expensiveD.effe

21、ctive答案:D解析 这是一道词汇辨析题,本题的意思是“据说这种药抗感冒很有效”。economic翻译为“经济的”;easy翻译为“容易的”;expensive翻译为“昂贵的”;effective翻译为“有效的”,所以根据题意应选D。问题:6. He has changed his _ about spending so much money on the book.A.brainB.headC.mindD.thought答案:LC解析 本题考查的是词组辨析,C选项构成的change ones mind的意思是“改变主意”,其他选项都不符合搭配,故正确答案为C选项。问题:7. While _

22、 in Paris, the old artist picked up some French.A.stayingB.stayC.stayedD.to stay答案:A解析 这句话的意思是“当那位老画家在巴黎待着的时候,他学会了一些法语”,这里考查的是分词的用法,句中的主语the artist和stay的关系是主动,现在分词表示“主动,进行”,过去分词表示“被动,完成”,这里应该用stay的现在分词staying,故正确的答案为A选项。问题:8. Please wait me for a moment. I will be readyA.by the wayB.right awayC.at l

23、astD.in that case答案:B解析 本题的意思是“请等我一会,我马上就准备好”。By the way翻译为“顺便问一句”,right away翻译为“马上,很快”at last翻译为“最后”; in that case翻译为“那样的话”。故B选项为正确答案。问题:9. If you travel in a strange place, a tour _ may save you a lot of time.A.director _B.helperC.guideD.assistant答案:C解析 这句话的意思是“如果你在一个陌生的地方旅行,一个导游将会使你省很多时间”。这里面所缺的词

24、是“导游”,为C选项符合题意。问题:10. If you dont _ smoking and drinking, she will break up with you.A.gave upB.give upC.had given upD.will give up答案:B解析 这句话的意思是“如果你不戒烟戒酒的话,她将要和你分手”,这里从主句“she will.”判断出这是一个“主将从现”的句子,而不是虚拟语气,故正确答案为B选项。Section BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. you should fill

25、in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.问题:1. Please remember (turn) _ off the light when you leave.答案:to turn解析 这句话的意思是“当你离开的时候记得关灯”,考查的知识点是“记得去做某事”,即remember to do something,故正确答案为to turn。问题:2. Toms parents are very (friend) _ to his girlfriend.答案:friendly解析 这句话的意思是“汤姆

26、的父母对他的女朋友很友好”,本句中应填词汇在be动词are和副词very的后面,由此判断空白处应该用形容词“友好的”,故正确答案为 friendly。问题:3. He suggested that I (visit) _ my teacher the next day.答案:visit或should visit解析 这道题测试的是虚拟语气。suggest,advise,order等表示“建议”、“请求”、“命令”的词汇,在引导宾语从句时,从句中谓语动词用“(should)+动词原型”。问题:4. I can jump (far) _ than Tom.答案:farther解析 空白处后面是一个

27、表示比较级的than,所以前面应该用副词far的比较级,故正确答案为farther。问题:5. He is asked to (short) _ his thesis to 2,000 words.答案:shorten解析 不定式to的后面应该接动词原形,而所给单词short是形容词,要变成动词需要在单词后加en即shorten。问题:6. Hardly had we get home when it (begin) _ to snow.答案:began解析 这句话的意思是“我刚到家天就开始下雪”,这里到家在前,用的是过去完成时,所以下雪就应该用过去时,故答案应为begin的过去式began。

28、问题:7. Going out to have a picnic will be an (excite) _ experience for us.答案:exciting解析 这句话的意思是“去外面野餐对我们来说将会是一件令人兴奋的经历”,“令人兴奋的”是exciting。问题:8. All the guests (invite) _ at the part yesterday have been killed.答案:invited解析 根据现在分词表示“主动,进行”;过去分词表示“被动,完成”,invite与guests之间是被动关系,所以用动词的过去分词invited。问题:9. The b

29、roken bike needs (repair) _.答案:repairing解析 need,want后面接动词的现在分词表示被动。问题:10. Zhang Yimou, our favorite film (direct) _, is becoming worldwide famous.答案:director解析 本句应翻译为“我最喜欢的导演张艺谋举世闻名”,这里需要的是名词“导演”,即director。Part Reading ComprehensionTask 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find

30、 5 questions or unfinished statements. You should make the correct choices. For the last hundred years the climate has been growing much warmer. This has had a number of different effects. Since the beginning of the 20th century, glaciers (冰河) have been melting very rapidly. For example, the Muir Gl

31、acier in. Alaska has retreated 2 miles in 10 years. Secondly, rising temperatures have been causing the snowline to retreat on mountains all over the world. In Peru, for example, it has risen as much as 2,700 feet in 60 years. As a result of this, vegetation has also been changing. In Canada, the ag

32、ricultural crop line has shifted 50 to 100 miles northward. In the same way cool-climate trees like birches and spruce have been dying over large areas of Eastern Canada. In Sweden the tree line has moved up the mountains by as much as 65 feet since 1930. 1. According to the passage, the Muir Glacie

33、r has retreated because _.A.glaciers have been melting very graduallyB.the climate has been growing much warmerC.the snowline has retreated on mountainsD.vegetation has been changing答案:B解析 根据第一段第一句和第三句“For the last hundred years the climate has been growing much warmer.”可知B为正确答案。2. The snowlines ret

34、reat means that it is getting _.A.higherB.lowerC.widerD.narrower答案:A解析 根据第一段最后两句“Secondly,rising temperatures have been causing the snowline to retreat on mountains all over the world. In Peru,for example,it has risen as much as 2,700 feet in 60 years”本句中retreat和risen是相对应的,所以A选项符合题意,故为正确答案。3. Vegeta

35、tion in Canada has shifted northward because _.A.there isnt enough water in southern CanadaB.the temperature is stable in northern CanadaC.there are much more fields in northern CanadaD.the temperature is much lower in northern Canada答案:D解析 第二段开始提到“温度升高的结果使蔬菜种植地区发生了变化,在加拿大,农业的耕种线向北移动了50到100英里”,因为温度的

36、升高,而北部地区的温度比较低,所以适合种植,因而耕种线向北移动,符合题意的是答案D。4. What is the cause of all these phenomena? _.A.Melting glaciers.B.Rising temperature.C.Snow line.D.Dying trees.答案:B解析 整篇文章一直在谈论温度升高产生的影响,选项A、C、D都是其产生的结果,B表明原因所以正确答案为选项B。5. The passage is convincing because there are a lot of _.A.descriptionsB.examplesC.arg

37、umentsD.conclusions答案:B解析 这片文章令人信服是因为每提出一个观点都会有相应的例子来支撑,所以正确的选项为B。Task 2Directions: After reading you should make the correct choices. Nowadays, cities are becoming more and more crowded. Some pessimists (悲观者)are deeply worried about the serious problems caused by the huge populations. They believe

38、that the public services are already overloaded and near the verge of collapse. Especially in some developing countries, the metropolis(大城市) are overcrowded all the time. Crowded streets, stuffed buses and jammed subways continuously affect peoples lives. Some optimists, however, see the current pro

39、blems as merely part of an evolutionary process. They argue that London and New York had similar problems but were able eventually to establish an orderly and safe environment for their citizens. It seems that people become the controversial factor here. Either they themselves as inhabitants cause i

40、nconvenience to each other, or they participate together in city developing plans and contribute efforts to facilitate city life. Human elements are therefore the center for determining the future of big cities. 1. According to the passage, _ causes the most serious problem.A.pollutionB.noiseC.popul

41、ationD.traffic jam答案:C解析 根据文中的第二句“Some pessimists are deeply worried about the serious problems caused by the huge populations”得知正确答案为选项C。2. If the pessimists are to give examples, _ serves as the best one.A.TokyoB.SingaporeC.New YorkD.Sydney答案:B解析 文中提到悲观者的观点时,举例说“尤其是在发展中国家的大城市更为拥挤”,四个选项中只有B选项属于发展中国

42、家。所以正确答案为选项B。3. Controversial has the similar meaning with _.A.importantB.keyC.disputingD.unusual答案:C解析 controversial的意思是“有争议的”,只有C选项意思较为接近。4. The last sentence implies that _.A.good management systems are essentialB.a great leader is all importantC.the more people, the betterD.big cities have no br

43、ight future答案:A解析 “人类因素是决定大城市将来的关键因素”暗示出良好的管理很关键,符合题 意的只有选项A。5. Why do optimists mention London and New York? _.A.There are a lot of people in London and New York.B.They are developing countries.C.They are crowded.D.Because of the orderly and safe environment in London and New York.答案:D解析 文中提到London

44、、New York,是因为一些乐观主义者提出了在一些人口多的大城市完全可以拥有有序和安全的环境。所以正确答案为D选项。Task 3Directions: After reading the passage, you should complete the correct answers. When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intel

45、ligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do. For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about

46、 himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. And if he cannot make things work out right, he doesnt feel ashamed that he failed; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook on life, and how he fits into it. If you look at children, youll see great differences between what we call bright chi


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