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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟62大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟62大学三级(B)分类模拟62Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the foll

2、owing passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 5. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Online advertis

3、ing is the means of selling a product on the Internet. With the arrival of the Internet, the business world has become digitalized (数字化) and people prefer buying things online, which is easier and faster. Online advertising is also known as e-advertising. It offers a great variety of services, which

4、 can not be offered by any other way of advertising. One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is not limited by geography or time. Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the world. Besides, it reduces the cost and increases the profit of

5、the company. Small businesses especially find online advertising cheap and effective. They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements. In a word, online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising, whose success has so far fully proved its great potenti

6、al (潜力). 1. According to the first paragraph, buying things online is more _.A.convenientB.fashionableC.traditionalD.reliable答案:A解析 事实细节题。本题询问网上购物的特点。根据本文第一段第二句提供的信息可知,人们乐于网购是因为它既快捷又方便,A项(更便捷)较好地概括了网购的特点,故而为正确答案。解答本题的关键词在于easier和faster,单从这两个词不能认为网购是否更流行(fashionable)或是更可靠(reliable),所以排除B项和D项;由于网购是随着网

7、络发展而产生,因而并非传统的购物方式,据此排除C项。2. Compared with any other way of advertising, online advertising _.A.attracts more customersB.displays more samplesC.offers more servicesD.makes more profits答案:C解析 事实细节题。本题询问在线广告区别于其他广告形式的特性。通过第一段第三句“它提供各种各样的服务,而这些服务却是其他任何广告形式无法提供的”可以得出,在线广告能够提供更多的服务。因此C项为正确答案。3. Which of

8、the following statements is TRUE of online advertising?A.It has taken the place of traditional advertising.B.It will make the Internet technology more efficient.C.It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products.D.It can spread information without being limited by time.答案:D解析 事实细节题。本题考查对于在

9、线广告有关叙述的判断。定位到第二段第一句,在线广告的一大好处在于可以迅速传递信息,不受任何时空限制,故正确选项为D项(传递信息时不会受制于时间)。选项A项(取代传统广告)、选项B(提高网络技术的效率)、选项C(有助于出售最新款的数字产品)原文没有提到。4. Who can especially benefit from online advertising?A.Local companies.B.Small businesses.C.Government departments.D.International organizations.答案:B解析 事实细节题。本题询问在线广告的最大受益者。

10、定位到第三段,小型企业利用在线广告吸引更多顾客,并且节约广告费用,故B项为正确选项。选项A(当地厂商)、选项C(政府部门)、选项D(国际机构)原文没有提到。5. This passage is mainly about _.A.the function and the use of the InternetB.the application of digital technologyC.the development of small businessesD.the advantages of online advertising答案:D解析 主旨大意题。本题询问这篇文章的主要大意。本文开头指

11、出在线广告快速便捷的特点,接着叙述其传播渠道广泛、不受时空限制,对于小型企业帮助很大。由此可知,本文主主要描述线广告的优势,故正确选项为D。A项(网络的功能和用途)、B项(数字技术的应用)和C项(小型企业的发展)在原文中都是为了衬托在线广告而存在,不是文章的主要内容。Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 6 to 10. During our more than 60-year history, with our vast

12、knowledge and experience, Trafalgar has created perfectly designed travel experiences and memories. Exceptional value Traveling with Trafalgar can save you up to 40% when compared with traveling independently. We can find you the right hotels, restaurants, and our charges include entrance fees, toll

13、s (道路通行费), etc. Because were the largest touring company with great buying power, we can pass on our savings to you. Fast-track entrance Traveling with us means no standing in line (排除) at major sights. Trafalgar takes care of all the little details, which means you are always at the front of the li

14、ne. Travel with like-minded friends Because we truly are global, you will travel with English-speaking people from around the world, and that leads to lifelong friendships. Great savings We provide many great ways to save money, including Early Payment Discount (折扣), Frequent Traveler Savings and mo

15、re. Fast check-in Once your booking has been made, you are advised to check in online at our website and meet your fellow travelers before you leave. 1. Because of its great buying power, Trafalgar _.A.can find the cheapest restaurantsB.can pass on its savings to touristsC.takes tourists to anywhere

16、 in the worldD.allows tourists to travel independently答案:B解析 事实细节题。本题询问特拉法拉旅游公司拥有强大购买力的作用。定位到第二段第三句,该公司具备强大的购买力,可把公司获得的优惠转拨给游客,故正确答案为B项。文中提到该公司可以为游客寻找合适的旅馆,但这些内容与公司的购买力(buying power)无关,故A项(找到最廉价旅馆)不正确;C项(带领游客玩遍全球)、D项(允许游客单独出游)原文没有涉及。2. Traveling with Trafalgar, tourists do not have to _.A.bring thei

17、r passports with themB.pay for their hotels and mealsC.stand in line at major sightsD.take their luggage with them答案:C解析 事实细节题。本题询问游客跟随特拉法拉旅游公司出行不需要做什么。定位到第三段,旅客主要随团游览景点,总是排在队伍前列,故正确答案为C项(无须排队)。A项(随身携带护照)、D项(随身携带行李)文中没有涉及;该公司可以为游客节省开支、找寻旅馆和酒店,但并没有说吃住都不用花钱,故B项不正确。3. Traveling with Trafalgar, tourists

18、 may _.A.meet tour guides from different countriesB.make new friends from around the worldC.win a special prize offered by the companyD.have a good chance to learn foreign languages答案:B解析 事实细节题。本题询问游客随公司旅游团出行的好处。文章第四段提到,随团出行可以碰到世界各地讲英语的人,或许可以获得终身的友谊。据此可知,游客可以在旅行中交到新朋友,故正确答案为选项B。A项(见到不同国家的导游)、C项(获得旅游

19、公司提供的特别奖)、D项(得到学习外语的大好机会)没有在文中提到。4. Which of the following is mentioned as a way to earn a discount?A.Early payment.B.Group payment.C.Office booking.D.Online booking.答案:A解析 事实细节题。本题询问游客赢得折扣的方式。根据第五段的内容可知,提前付款或作为常客旅行等都是能够享受折扣的方式。由此可知,A项(提前付款)为正确答案。B项(团队付款)、C项(售票处预订)文中没有提及;最后一段提及网上办理登机手续(check-in onli

20、ne),而非网上预订机票,因此D项也不正确。5. After having made the booking, tourists are advised to check in _.A.at the hotelsB.at the airportC.by telephoneD.on the website答案:D解析 事实细节题。本题询问公司建议游客办理登机手续的方式。定位到最后一段,游客在预订机票之后,可以在旅游公司的网站提前办理登机手续,故D项为正确答案。A项(在旅馆)、B项(在机场)和C项(电话办理)与原文内容不符,因此均予以排除。Task 3Directions: The followi

21、ng is a job application letter. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 11 through 15 in no more than 3 words in the table below.Dear Sirs, Im writing to tell you that your latest shipment (装运) of apples is not up to the standard we expected from you. Ma

22、ny of them are bruised (擦伤), and more than half are covered with little spots. They are classed as Grade A, but I think there must have been some mistake, as they are definitely not Grade A apples. We have always been satisfied with the quality of your produce (农产品), which makes this case all the mo

23、re puzzling. I would be grateful if you could look into the matter. We would be happy to keep the apples and try to sell them at a reduced price, but in that case we would obviously need a credit (部分退款) from you. Alternatively, you could collect them and replace them with apples of the right quality

24、. Would you please phone me to let me know how you want to handle it? Yours faithfully Fiona Stockton Purchasing Manager A Letter of Complaint Produce involved: Grade A 1 Causes of complaint: many of the apples are bruised more than half of the apples are covered with 2 Suggested solutions: allow to

25、 sell at 3 and give 4 , or collect them and replace them with apples of 5 1.答案:apples2.答案:little spots3.答案:a reduced price4.答案:a credit5.答案:the right qualityTask 4Directions: The following is a list of terms used in the waybill (详情单) of the Express Mail Service. After reading it, you are required to

26、 find the items equivalent to (与等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet numbered 16 through 20.AGuard against damp. JOpen here. BHandle with care. KOpen in dark room. CKeep away from heat. LProtect against break

27、age. DKeep away from cold. MPoison. EKeep dry. NTake care. FKeep flat. OThis side up. GNo naked fire. PTo be kept upright. HNo use of hooks. OUse no knives. INot to be thrown down. 1. _远离热源 _请勿用刀答案:C Q2. _此面朝上 _此处开启答案:O J3. _竖立安放 _暗室开启答案:P K4. _小心轻放 _注意平放答案:B F5. _不可抛掷 _保持干燥答案:I ETask 5Directions: T

28、he following is a set of instructions about how to use washing machines. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No. 21 to No. 25). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding Answer Sheet.Dear Mr. Sampson, I want to tha

29、nk you very much for interviewing me yesterday for the position of design engineer. I enjoyed meeting with you and learning more about your research and design work. The interview made me all the more interested in the position and working for XELL Company. I believe my education and work experience

30、s fit nicely with the job requirements, and I am certain I could make a significant contribution (贡献) to the company over time. I would like to re-emphasize my strong desire for the position and working with you and your staff. You provide the kind of opportunity I seek. Please feel free to call me

31、at the following phone number if I can provide you with any additional information: 0811-8222-5520. Again, thank you for the interview and for your consideration. Sincerely, Mary Cruz 1. Why did Mary Cruz write this letter? To give thanks to Mr. Sampson for _ her yesterday. 答案:interviewing2. What po

32、sition did Mary Cruz apply for? The position of _. 答案:design engineer3. Which company did the writer wish to work for? _. 答案:XELL Company4. Why is the writer strongly interested in the position? Because the company provides the kind of _ she seeks. 答案:opportunity/job/position/work5. How can the writer be contacted? By calling her at _. 答案:0811-8222-5555 14 / 14


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