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1、 *区*中学 2005 学年高二期中质量评估试题第二学期英语一听力( 共 15 小题,计 15 分)第一节 听下面五段对话, 每段对话后面有一个小题, 请从所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How much does a new bicycle cost?A. $20B. $60C.$802.Where is the man now ?A. In BostonB. In New YorkC. In WashingtonB. She will go to a concert3.Why cant the woman go with the man ?A. She w

2、ants to go to the labortary.C. She wants to read.4.What is the mans plan for the weekend?A. Going travelling.B. Going to a concert.D. Going to the cinema.5.What will they do next?A. They will see somebody off.C. They will stay together.B. They will go separately.第二节 听下面两段对话和一段独白,每 段对话或独白后面有几个小题,请从所给

3、的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第六段材料,回答 67 题。6.Where is the woman going?A.To New york7.How much is the ticket for the late train?A. $30 B. $50 C. $22听第七段材料,回答 8-10 题。8.How many members does the speakers new neighbour have?A. 2 B. 4 C. 69.Whats the name of the neighbours son?A. John B. Tom C. Jenny10.W

4、hat may happen next?A Tom will go to help the new neighbour.B. To BostonC.To TokyoBThe two families will watvh TV together.CThe new neighbour will go on a trip.听下面一段独白,回答 11-15 题。11.Where did the story take place?A.On a train12.What was the weather like that day?A.Sunny B. RainyB. On a busC. On a pl

5、ane.C. Cloudy 13.What happened when passengers were enjoying themselves?A A fat man began to smoke. B. A fat man lit a candle.C. A fat man took a knife out of his pocket.14.What did the womon do?A.She jumped up and left. B.She poured a glass of water to the fat man.C.She asked the man not to smoke p

6、olitely.15.What did other passengers think of the woman?A She was rude. B. She would be punished. C. She was right二、单项选择( )16、Happy Teachers Day, Miss Li!_, boys and girls.A Thank youB You too C The same to you D. Yes, I am very happy( ) 17. Im taking my driving test tomorrow.-_!A. Cheers( ). 18.It

7、was because of bad weather_the football match had to be put off.A. so B.so that C.why D. that( )19.The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself_B.Good luckC.comeD.CongratulationsA. hear( )20. I dont like _you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in thatD.the way of which( )21. I cant hear

8、 the radio. Would you please _?A. turn it on B. turn it down C.turn it up( )22.Does _matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. this B.that C.he D.it( )23._,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.B.to hearC.hearingD.heardC.the way whichD.turn it offmA.However late is heC.However is he lat

9、eB.However he is lateD.However late he is( )24.Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I_ go to the concert instead.A. must( )25.Wood can be _desks and chairs.A.made into B.made of C.made from( )26.I will show you how to hit the ball and then you must _my example.A.copy B.listen C.set D.makeB.wou

10、ldC.shouldD.mayD.made in( )27.Will you go to the cinema with me this evening?-Id love to, but I have _work to do this evening.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.far too( )28._out of the window, I saw my head teacher talking with someone. A. To lookB.lookedC.lookingD.Being looked( )29.What do you think

11、made Mary so_?-Losing her new bicycle.A.upsetB.disappointedC.excited D.amused( )30.He _prison two years ago and now he was set free.A.was put B.was shut into C.put into D.was put into三. 完形填空It was my uncle who taught me how to box(拳击).When I waseight, I was_31_into the depth(内地)of England to the_32_

12、where my mother had been born. Ibecame_33_of attack for the village boys. When he returned home from work, my uncle woul.get to hisknees and _34_me to hit him on_35_I have been_36_to himever since.One day , on my way to school I was surrounded about badly attacked by_37_.It was aterrible_38_, but _3

13、9_my uncle s advice and decided to fight my attackers. I_40_a tall boytwice on the nose. He fell_41_the ground and blood ran_42_his nose. All the others ran away.We were_43_ at school to play some game or other every afternoon and those who_44_to doso were punished. I had_45_ interest in football or

14、 tennis but I liked boxing.31.A.expected32.A.restaurant33.A.a kindB.invitedB.cottageB.a helperB.adviseC.sentD.orderedC.museumD.schoolD.a subjectD.refuseD.legsC.an objectC.permitC.arm34.A.invite35.A.chestB.nose36.A.harmful37.A. a tall boy38.A.exercise39.A.gaveB.wonderfulC.usefulD.thankfulB.several bo

15、ysC.a taller boyD.a high boyB.expressionB.rejectedB.stuckC.experience D.experimentC.tookD.forgotD.kissed40.A.struckC.kickedD.towardsD.along41.A. atB.toB.downC.in42.A.underC.at43.A.noticed B.forbiddenC.requiredD.allowedD.failed44.A.hadB.hopedB.noC.managedC.much45.A.greatD.a little阅读理解 40 分 (每小题 2 分)A

16、One day newly-wedded(结婚的) Nancy lost her ring when they were busy working in their fields toplant potatoes. Friends were called and the field was searched long but in ran (无效地).Later , when thepotatoes were harvested everyone looked out for the ring but it remained lost. Another year came roundand a

17、ll the farmers working in the fields kept their eyes open.The following year was the same. And year after year, whoever had business in the fields always had Nancys ring in his mind.Then the farm changed hands but it went to further than to cousins (表兄弟).So the memory of thelost ring remained alive

18、until thirty-eight years had passed. Then came a spring day when a man wasploughing(耕地) the field behind a pair of horses. Even after thirty-eight years he still looked out for thering, and knew just which part of the field Nancy had lost it in. At this time,when he came there, he found it. He picke

19、d it up, put it carefully into his pocket, left his horses, and ran allthe way down to village and placed it into Nancys hand.46.How did Nancy come to lost her ring? She lost it while _.A. helping to plant tomatoes in the fields B.watering the plants in the fieldsB.doing some ploughing in the fields

20、D.gathering potatoes in the fields47.What was done to try and find the lost ring?A.Friends were asked to join the searchB.The field was searched for a long timeD.Both A and B48.Why did people keep looking for the ring even after the farm changed hands?C.Dogs were called to look for itA.It was a very

21、 expensive ringC.Thet all hate Nancy.B.They all wanted to do something for NancyD.Everybody wanted to have this ring49.What did the ploughman do after finding the ring?A.He picked it up and put it in his pocketC.He placed it to the ownerB.He ran back to tell everybody else in the villageD.He returne

22、d it to the owner50.What can you inter from the owner?A. The ring was not valuableB.People on the farm were honest and helpfulC.The rings mysterious disappearance was the work of supernatural power(超自然的力量)D.Nancy no longer expected that her ring would be found again.BTom was very pround of his dog B

23、lackie. Whenever he got the chance, he would ask his dog toplease his friends with some tricks(技法).One day Tom went to visit his friends Jack who was sick at home with a bad cold.“ How are youfeeling?” asked Tom. .”Worse than yesterday,” answered Jack,” I have a terrible cough, and there is not adro

24、p of medicine in the house .” “Dont worry, Jack. Ill send Blackie to the drugstore(药房) for somemedicne. Hell be back in a minute , before you know it” Tom put a five dollar note in Blackies mouth andthe dog ran down the street.” And keep the change.” Tom shouted after him.“Oh, Tom, dont be silly. Yo

25、u know that dog won t be back with any medicine. ” Said Jack.”Oh, yes,he will.” Answered Tom. Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned. Tom was feeling worriedand felt angry at his friends little smile.“Something has happened to him, I m sure.” Said Tom. “He obeyed me as a rule. ” Just

26、then Jacksaw Blackie at a distance. He hurried to open the door and let him in. Jack was shocked to see a bottle ofmedicine in the dogs mouth.“Good boy,” Said Tom,” But what took you so long?” Blackie ran over to the window, barking(吠) and wagging (摇) his tail. Tom looked out of the door and saw a b

27、one outside.51.What was Jacks trouble ?A. He had got a bad cold and a terrible coughC.He began to feel bad that morningB.There was no medicine in the houseD.Both A and B52.Jack felt_when Blackie was late.A.badB. surprisedC.happyD.amused53.The reason why Blackie came back so late was that_.A. he forg

28、et the way backC.the drug store was too farB.he was delayed( 耽误) by the trafficD.he did something for himself54.Why did Blackie barked at the bone on the ground?A. Because he was very excited to see itB. Because he wanted to express his thanks to his master for itC. Because he wanted to tell his mas

29、ter the reason of his delayD. Because he wanted to have it55.What did the story mainly imply(暗含)?A.Tom liked to show off (炫耀) his dogB.Dogs are made to obey their masters ordersC.Dogs are always dogs, however clever as human beingsD.Dogs are as clever as humans beingsCA new law helps people with dis

30、abilities. The law says that people with disabilities must be able to getinto and out of all public buildings. It also says that business must offer special service to people whohave special need. Companies can not refused to hire disabled workers.Many business may have to change their buildings and

31、 services.-Ramps(坡道) must be built so people can get into buildings.-Elevators(电梯) need floor numbers in Braille.This law will help millions of people. One woman who has been in a wheel chair for many years, said,“ Its like a dream.”56. The fact that the new law has been passed shows that_.A. The go

32、vernment has paid no attention to the disabilitiesB. The government wants to help these disabilitiesC. normal people show mercy(同情) to the disabilitiesD. companies will have millions of disabled people57.According to the passage we can see that_A. it will be difficult for the normal persons to get i

33、nto the public buildingsB. the buildings of all the business will have to be changedC. most businesses used to offer special services to the disabledD. it was difficult for the disabled workers to find jobs in the past58Ramps can help people_.A.with hearing problemsB.who have difficulty in using the

34、ir legs or feet c.who have difficulty in using their legs or feetD.who dont like stairs59.Life need floor numbers in Braille because_.A.the new law is passed for the blind B.it can help people with weak eyesC.it is helpful to the blindD.all the blind know Braile60.What do you think the disabled woul

35、d feel about the new law?A.They may think the new law reasonableB.Some of them are sure to be for the new lawC.They must feel very excited and happy.D.They feel it is like a dreamD.There are some special traditions in Hawaii. People are very friendly and always welcome visitors. Theygive visitors a

36、lei, a long necklace of beautifju fresh flowers. Men wear bright folwered shirts, andwomen often wears long folwered dresses. There are traditional Chinese ,Japanese and Philippinesholidays and all the holidays from the United States. They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means bothhello and goodb

37、ye. It also means I love you.Usually when people from different countries , races and traditions live together, there are seriousproblems. There are a few problems in Hawaii, but , in general, people have learned to live together inpeace.Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors, and most of t

38、he visitors come from the mainlandand from Japan. . There are so many people living in Hawaii now that there are residential(居住) areaswhere there used to be farms. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippines,where they do not have to pay workers as much money. The familie

39、s of the first people who came from theU.S. mailand own the important banks and companies. Japanese are also buying or starting business.61. A good title for this article might be_.A. Hawaii the Aloha StateC.The flower of HawaiiB.Living in Peace of HawaiiD.The Problems of Hawaii62.The author wants t

40、o show that_.A. we should all go to HawaiiB.it is possible to learn to live together in peaceC.it is not possible to live together in peace D.Hawaii is the only place where there is peace63. A lei is a _.A. group of flowersB.bright flowered shirtC.way to say hello and goodbyD.necklace of flowers64._

41、 plays an important part in the development of Hawaii.A.Modern industryB.AgricultureC.The air lineD.Business in travel65.What does Aloha mean ?A. FriendlyB.Hello and goodbye C. I love you D.Both B and C10 分五. 单词拼写66.Scientists often have to r_ on(依靠) govenment support in order to do research. 67.The

42、 development of nuclear weapons is a big threat to m_(人类)68.In 1898, an American writer wrote a science f_(小说)story.69.Many old people have a strong b_(信仰) in Buddha.70.The soil can a_(吸收)water, so it helps to keeps water from flowing away.71It is wrong to doubt his honesty, I t_(信任) him.72 The poli

43、ce a_(逮捕)Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to give her seat toa white man.73.He is interested in law and he want to become a good l_(律师).74.The film, in which Chinese actress Zhang Man yu appears in many different qipaos, is af_(享受) for the eyes.75.It is very relaxing to take a d_(洗澡) in the poo

44、l in summer.六 短文改错 10 分My bike was stolen from outside of a shop. That dayI went into the shop near my home to buy an exercisebook , forgetting to lock. When I came out of the shop,the bike had gone.76_77_78_79_80_81_At first, I didnt know how to do. I could hardly believeit, because I had been in t

45、he shop only for 3 and 4minutes. Then I searched all the streets nearby, andcould not find it out. So I went to the police stationand reported the loss.82_83_The followed day, with a friend of mine, I went tothe cinema. When I came out I found my own bike placenear my friends.84_85_写作题(15 分)假定你叫 Alice,你本应去机场接 Danial,但是你不得不去医院接母亲回家,你的朋友 主动提出替你去机场接 Danial ,你给 Danial 写信,说明上述情况,并对 Mary 做了简要介绍。词数80-100 个。Something about Mary年龄外貌衣着个性中等(medium )身高,波浪(wary)发,圆脸, 戴着眼镜T 恤衫,裙子,高跟(high-heeled)鞋友善的,高兴的- -


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