组培实验的资料(Tissue culture experiment data).doc

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1、组培实验的资料(Tissue culture experiment data)Name: skeletal muscle (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)Longitudinal muscle fibers: zonal / long column; nuclear multiple, long oval / rod-shaped, close to the subsarcolemmalThe muscle fibers have light and dark stripes. (15 points)Transverse view:

2、 muscle fibers are irregularly shaped or round, with nuclei ranging from 1 to several, punctate, located in the periphery. (10 points)Name: myocardial (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)(heart fibers are arranged in a more complex direction and see sections at the same time.)Longitudinal

3、 view: the cardiac fiber is short columnar and has branches attached to the web. The nucleus is ovoid and located in the center. MyocardiumFibers have stripes, but not as much as skeletal muscles. There is a darker line at the distance between the fibers of the myocardiumIntercalated disk. (20 point

4、s)Transverse view: the fibers are round or irregular in size, with the nucleus located in the center and some not cutNuclear. (5 points)Name: spinal cord (neurons) (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)In the anterior horn, multipolar neurons can be seen. The soma is large and irregular in

5、shape, and the projection of the cell body is often severed. CellsThe nucleus is located in the center of the cell body. It is large and round with pale staining and prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasm purple red, cytoplasm can be seen in manyA purplish blue patch of varying size, i.e., Nissl body. The de

6、ndrites contained Nissl bodies, axons, and axis mounds.Name: middle and middle vein (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)(1) the internal and external elastic membranes of the middle artery are divided into three layers: the intima, the tunica media and the adventitia1. the intima is thin

7、and the endothelial cells protrude into the lumen. (the lower layer of the endothelium is an extremely thin connective tissue that is difficult to distinguish). The inner elastic film is visible and dyed bright red. The endothelium seems to cling to the undulating inner elastic membrane.2., the most

8、 thick, mainly annular smooth muscle.3. the tunica adventitia is thinner than the middle membrane, mainly connective tissue. It contains small nutrient vessels and nerves. External elastic membrane is better than external elastic filmThe inner elastic membrane is clear.(two) the structure of the mid

9、dle veinMiddle vein: the boundary of the three layers of the tube wall is not as clear as that of the middle artery. The internal and external elastic membranes were not obvious. In the filmThin, smooth muscle fibers with fewer layers. Compared with the outer membrane membrane slightly thick, no ext

10、ernal elastic membrane, visible longitudinal smooth muscle.123456th pages (1)Name: skin (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)The epidermis is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with uneven base and dermal junction. From free surfaceTo the basement surface can be divided

11、:1. horny layer: thick, deep red2. transparent layer: some are not obvious3. Granular layer: 3-5 spindle cells, containing strong basophilic granules in cytoplasm4. spines: layers of polygonal cells. The deepest part is the inside,.5. basal layer: a cell with a low columnar arrangementThe deep layer

12、 of the epidermis is dermis, composed of dense connective tissue.Name: thymus (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)The surface of the organ is covered with connective tissue membranes, which extend into parenchyma to form interlobular septa, which divide the thymus into many incomplete org

13、ansLeaflets (5 points). The area around each lobule is darker and darker, and the nuclei of the lymphocytes are very smallCytoplasm is few (5 points). The central staining is medulla, and the number of lymphocytes in the medulla is less than that of the cortexIs also more dispersed (5 points). There

14、 are thymic corpuscles in the medulla, which are of different sizes and are composed of multiple flattened epithelial reticular cellsThe cytoplasm of the central part of the proximal body became eosinophilic and the nucleus disappeared (10 points).Name: lymph node (25 points) under light microscope:

15、 (25 points)1. membrane: covering the lymph nodes, for dense connective tissue. The membrane is inserted into the parenchyma to form a trabecula. (5 points)2. cortex: located below the capsule, consisting of lymph nodules, secondary cortical areas, and cortical lymph sinuses. Lymph nodule (4)The mid

16、dle part of the center is slightly stained, the germinal center. (lymph nodule well-developed dark area, and the area can be divided intoNodule cap.Located between the deep cortex and the lymphoid nodule, the secondary cortical area (3 points) is a diffuse lymphTissue, thickness, etc. Irregular lacu

17、nae around the membrane and around the trabeculae, i.e., the cortical lymph sinus (3 points).3. medulla: composed of medullary cord and medullary sinus. The medullary cord consists of irregularly arranged lymphoid tissue, and the cells are densely stainedDepth (5 points). The space between the medul

18、lary cords is the medullary sinus, the cells are sparse and the staining is shallow. (5 points)Name: spleen (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)The surface is covered with a dense connective tissue membrane that is inserted into the parenchyma to form a trabecula and the trabecula is ofte

19、n severedIn a mass or funicular manner. (5 points)White pulp (15 points): scattered in the red pulp, composed of the lymphatic lymphatic sheath and splenic corpuscle, and the dense lymphocyte groupA:1. the lymphatic sheath around the artery: the central is the central artery, surrounded by dense lym

20、phoid tissue2. spleen corpuscle: it is lymph nodule, and it is the most frequent germinal center.Red pulp (5 points): composed of splenic sinusoids and splenic cords.123456th pages (2)Name: thyroid (25) under light microscope: (25 points)The surface of the thyroid gland contains a connective tissue

21、capsule, and the parenchyma contains a large number of thyroid follicles of varying size (5 points)The wall of the vesicle is a single layer epithelium (10 points). It is usually cuboidal and can be changed randomly. It can be short columnar or flatPing. There is a small amount of follicular cell be

22、tween the epithelial cells, but it is difficult to distinguish between the HE staining sites intracavityContaining red jelly (10 marks). There is a small amount of connective tissue and plenty of capillaries in the follicles.Name: Adrenal (25) under light microscope: (25 points)The surface of the ad

23、renal gland has connective tissue membranes, and the parenchyma is divided into the surrounding cortex and the medulla. (10 points)The 1. cortex is divided into extroversion and extroversion(1) globular band: (5 points) the band is narrower, near the membrane, and the cells are arranged into a mass.

24、(2) zona tract: (5 points) located in the deep layer of the globular band, which accounts for most of the cortex. The cells are arranged in cordsThe cytoplasm is shallower and has many vacuolated structures. The capillaries are visible between the cords of the cells.(3) mesh belt: (5 points) this be

25、lt is located in the deep part of the zona, and there is no obvious boundary between the zona and zona, and the pithThe quality boundary remains clear. Cell cords interlace into nets.2. medulla: the central vein is visible and the cavity is irregular. The cells are arranged in bundles, and there is

26、a sinusoid between the cords.Name: pituitary gland (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)1. the glandular cells in the distal part of the body aggregated into masses and cords, and there were abundant capillaries in the mass and between the cords. Cytoplasmic stainingThe light is blue as ch

27、romophobe, basophils, eosinophils were stained red. (10 points)The 2. middle part is between the far side and the nerve part. (5 points)The 3. nerve system is visible in the scattered, red homogeneous masses of the body and more abundant capillary blood. (10 points)Name: esophagus (25 points) under

28、light microscope structure: (25 points)Mucous membrane: the epithelium is the stratified squamous epithelium without keratinization; the lamina propria is connective tissue, forming the papilla projecting epithelium;The muscularis mucosae are well-developed and undulating with folds.Submucosa: loose

29、 connective tissue with acini of blood vessels, nerves, and esophageal glandsHaving a cut to the oesophageal gland. (sometimes visible) a nerve plexus consisting of large, round, pale colored neurons and nerve fibersComposed of dimensions.)The inner and outer muscle layer: longitudinal. Myenteric pl

30、exus can be seen between the muscle layers.Outer membrane: loose connective tissue.Name: stomach (25 points) under light microscope structure: (25 points)It is divided into mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia. (8 points)Mucosa: a single columnar epithelium with abundant primary granules at

31、the top of the cytoplasm and translucent. Epithelial to naturalThe layer formed by invagination of gastric pits. A large number of basal lamina glands are found in the lamina propria. The muscularis mucosae of mucosa is thicker. (7 points)The structure of the gland of the stomach: consisting of the

32、main cell, parietal cell, cervical mucous cell and endocrine cell.Main cell (5 points): more at the bottom and body of the gland. The cells are columnar and round, located on one side of the cellThe substance contains zymogen granules and blue.Parietal cells (5 points): large, round or triangular ce

33、lls, cytoplasm strong, eosinophilic, dyed red. Neck of gland,More body parts.Submucosa: loose connective tissue.Muscle: thick, internal oblique, central and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle three.Outer membrane: a thin layer of loose connective tissue with mesothelial outer covering and ser

34、ous membrane.123456th pages (3)Name: duodenum (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)It is divided into mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia. (8 points)Mucous membrane1. the epithelium is a single columnar epithelium, and the free surface of the absorptive cell has well-developed mic

35、rovilli. The epithelium contains goblet cells,From the duodenum to the ileum, goblet cells gradually increased. (4 points)The 2. lamina propria is fine connective tissueContaining a large number of small intestinal glands (3 points), the lamina propria is rich in lymphoid tissue. The duodenum is mos

36、tly solitary lymphoid nodulesSmall intestinal villi are mucosal epithelium and lamina propria projecting into the lumen of the intestine, and the central part contains pores and capillary blood12 central lacteal tubes. Duodenum: broad, leaflike. (5 points)3. muscularis mucosae: thin layer smooth mus

37、cle.Two. SubmucosaIt is loose connective tissue, containing more blood vessels and lymphatics. There is a duodenal gland in the submucosa of the duodenum.(5 points)Three, muscle: in the ring with two longitudinal smooth muscleFour 、 adventitia: most of the small intestine is serosaName: jejunum (25

38、points) under light microscope: (25 points)It is divided into mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia. (8 points)Mucous membraneThere is a circular fold on the surface of the small intestine, and there are many intestinal villi on the mucosal surface. The villi of the small intestine are charac

39、teristic nodes of the small intestine.1. the epithelium is a single columnar epithelium, and the free surface of the absorptive cell has well-developed microvilli. The epithelium contains goblet cells,From the duodenum to the ileum, goblet cells gradually increased. (4 points)The 2. lamina propria i

40、s fine connective tissueContaining a large number of small intestinal glands (3 points), the lamina propria is rich in lymphoid tissue. The jejunum is an isolated lymphoid nodule.3. muscularis mucosae: thin layer smooth muscle.Small intestinal villi are mucosal epithelium and lamina propria projecti

41、ng into the lumen of the intestine, and the middle part contains Kong MaoxiVessels, 12 central lacteal vessels. Jejunum: the villi appear as fingers. (5 points)Two. SubmucosaIt is loose connective tissue, containing more blood vessels and lymphatics. (5 points)Three, muscle: in the ring with two lon

42、gitudinal smooth muscleFour 、 adventitia: most of the small intestine is serosaName: ileum (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)It is divided into mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and adventitia. (8 points)Mucous membrane1. the epithelium is a single columnar epithelium, and the free surface

43、of the absorptive cell has well-developed microvilli. Epithelium contains cup-shaped thinThe goblet cells gradually increased from the duodenum to the ileum. (4 points)The 2. lamina propria is fine connective tissueContaining a large number of small intestinal glands (3 points), the lamina propria i

44、s rich in lymphoid tissue.3. muscularis mucosae: thin layer smooth muscle.Small intestinal villi are mucosal epithelium and lamina propria projecting into the lumen of the intestine, and the central part contains pores and capillary blood12 central lacteal tubes. Ileum: small intestinal villi. (5 po

45、ints)Two. SubmucosaIt is loose connective tissue, containing more blood vessels and lymphatics. The ileum is a collection of lymph nodules and a collection of lymph nodulesThe submucosa can be inserted into the submucosa from the lamina propria, leaving the muscularis muscularis incomplete. (5 point

46、s)Three, muscle: in the ring with two longitudinal smooth muscleFour 、 adventitia: most of the small intestine is serosa123456th pages (4)Name: liver (25 points) under light microscope: (25 points)They are divided into hepatic lobule and portal area.The hepatic lobules of liver are irregular polygon

47、al, while the hepatic lobules of human liver are not boundedDistinct.I. hepatic lobules (5 points), hepatic cords, centered around central veins (5 points), arranged radially around. HepatocyteThe spaces between the cables were sinusoids (5 points). The liver cell volume is big, has 1-2 nuclei, the cytoplasm is red. (5Points)Two. The portal area (5 points) is located between several hepatic lobules, where connective tissue is abundant and contains three parallel ductsInterlobular artery, interlobular vein and interlobular bile duct.Name: pancreas (25 point


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