眼视光专业毕业论文(Graduation thesis of eye light).doc

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1、眼视光专业毕业论文(Graduation thesis of eye light)Abstract: as a result of technical innovation is accelerated, the speed of the progressive lens replacement is becoming more and more fast, after 2005, combined with the binocular vision eye movement parameters into the mainstream of modern soft design, the p

2、rogressive lenses by gradually into the era of personalised design. With the improvement of peoples living quality, and the requirements of the job, gradual become necessities lens, how to improve the comfort of wear, and how to choice suitable progressive lenses for customers become a new topic. Ke

3、ywords: upgrading, needs, comfort, and is suitable for introduction: choose a pair of glasses lens is a top priority for your eyes, when many people worry for glasses fatigue, high number of people will feel near is eyes too tired, worried about higher degree, the elderly feel far look nearly two pa

4、irs of glasses, too much trouble! Asymptotic multi-point lenses provide the wearer with a clear vision of the distance from the distance to the near point. In this paper, the problems of the patients with hyperopia were solved. Progressive multi-point mirror films have become a mainstream, which is

5、necessary to meet peoples visual needs. 1, a brief introduction of gradual structure gradually piece is composed of three regions, depending on the far area, near vision area and the astigmatic on both sides of the area, and on the lens side fixed depending on the area and far below the lens fixed n

6、ear vision area has a refractive power continuous change of the transition area between domains, the lens area is known as the gradient area. In the area, through the lens curvature radius became smaller and the lens refractive power (degree) gradually increase, so as to provide the wearer from far

7、to near, continuous and clear vision. 2, the advantages and disadvantages of gradual piece advantages Invisible faults child From the lower part of the lens, bent horizontal line No jump around like a deformation and the phenomenon of swimming (with head movement of the object movement) exist no son

8、 ring around the blind area Intermediate view width less than three lens Any distance can be a satisfactory vision Near vision vision less than double lens visual is closer to the old depending on the initial head motion increased degree of lens without sudden changes Additional, to achieve full wea

9、rer need more vertical eye movements 3, the design of the progressive piece of 3.1, the design of the progressive categories: (1) the lens on the part of diopter remains the same, but some of the lenses have change in distant area degree; (2) design is longer than the gradient area, make gradual cha

10、nges slowly is called soft design, and design a shorter gradient area, make the transition speed change faster is referred to as the hard design; In the whole additional area, the same design of the base arc is called pure design; The design that varies with each additional degree is called multi-sa

11、mple design; (4) the lens can be arbitrarily used in known as symmetrical design for the right or left, or if a glass lens Different design called asymmetric design. 3.2, the hard and soft design of the progressive comparison: rigid design soft design depending on the area near and distant area stab

12、le optical part of the wider The gradient zone boundary is not obvious Depending on the area near position is higher Near vision area is low The middle area is relatively narrow The middle area wide A longer adjustment period The adaptation is shorter Look straight line are bending Look straight lin

13、e curve is not obvious Deformation of the surrounding area maximum refractive power than soft design big deformation of surrounding area maximum refractive power is smaller than the hard design soft design has a wide distribution aberration changes surrounding the downy, along with the head movement

14、 and appear the phenomenon of swimming less, easy to adapt. But the soft lenses depending on the far area, near vision area is lesser, depending on the area near position is low, the eye need to rotate more. Rigid design with astigmatism aberration increase faster, more intense, to adapt to the more

15、 difficult, more time, curve effect more apparent, the gradient area relatively narrow. 4, the wearer of a gradual choice 4.1, 1) applicable people age, sex, refractive status, visual requirements, such as original correction mode factors influence the acceptance ratio of gradient lens. 2) the gradi

16、ent mirror is suitable for most old see this wear. There is a ideal wear people/close work needs, expectations and beautiful appearance, receptive to new ideas.3) presbyopia patients who are troubled by the lack of spots such as the double photoscope and the tri-scope, the dividing line, the distant

17、 alternate vision and the middle eyesight are often also happy to choose the gradient mirror. 4) on the two glasses (see far and near) malcontents 4.2, 1) the librarian taboo crowd, construction workers, the pilot work of visual demand to nearly goods look far from below, when viewed from above, so

18、in these cases are not suitable for wearing gradient lens. 2) patients with two eyes, vertical refractive, , plus or minus 2.00 D. This type of patient has a prismatic effect that cannot be tolerated because of the large number of refractive parameters and the focal length of the eyes. When reading,

19、 the two eyes not only turn inward, but the lower end is rotated to the nose side, resulting in a slight difference in the dispersion light axis and the distance using the scattered light axis. The dispersion is too large, which will affect the correction of the near use of astigmatism. 3) far sight

20、ed, never wear glasses, and hope that a pair of glasses can see the far, medium, close-range objects of multiple focal lenses. These patients had a lower success rate with progressive focus glasses. 4) it is not recommended to use progressive multi-focal lenses when the degree exceeds or exceeds 6.0

21、0 DS, or when vision correction is less than 0.6. 5) some kind of body posture fixer: such as neck very short, neck arthritis, shoulder arthritis, spine disease, spine bending and other diseases are not easy to wear. 6) if there are motor disorder and poor balance function, such as motion sickness,

22、seasickness, or similar vertigo symptoms: internal ear work can be an obstacle. Its important to think twice. Step 1: customer communication. To understand the vision needs, ask the customers glasses history, occupation, the need for new glasses. Step 2: naked eye/protoposcopy. In the determination

23、of the dioptometry, the dioptometry must be based on the dioptometry of the original glasses and the requirement of the customer to use the vision. Step 3: master sleep optometry (television). The principle of determining the customers diopter is: on the basis of the principle of being able to use v

24、ision at a distance, the myopia can be shallow and shallow, while the distant vision can be sufficient and the new astigmatism should be cautious. Binocular balance, with the original glasses prescription alignment, try not to modify the original glasses. Step four: nearly with optical measurement,

25、using the old visual test method of determination were nearly additional degrees, combined with testing the strength of demand and nearly comfort, is used to adjust with prescription, additional degrees shoulds not be too deep. If your eyes are attached, you can adjust your prescription so that you

26、can make it as consistent as possible. (note: some brand under the progressive lenses and light is fixed as in depending on the road of teenagers gradually, to the customer must be noticed when push the lens) step 5: nearly with the correct vision try, adjust and determine the step 6: VisionPrint me

27、asurement. Step 7: let the customer take a moment to relax and make sure that the proper measurements must be done in a natural state. Step 8: introduction, communication and suggestion. Check them all, ask customers professional and demand for glasses, recommend suitable for progressive lenses 6, c

28、hoose frame pay attention to the vertical height of the frame and sell the products correspond to the steps, generally long channel of gradual need more frames (32 mm above), short channel requires gradual little picture frame (24 mm above). The longer the gradual band, the larger the lens of the ey

29、eglass frame, the larger the frame must have the inner area of the frame, which can accommodate the near area. The frame of the frame, choose the lens shape of a square, do not choose the frame of the nose that is too oblique, do not choose not have adjustable nose to design the frame, such as most

30、plank, TR90. Do not choose the mirror of the taiping, or the scope of the field is small, and the wear is not easy to adapt. Dont choose a soft, easily deformed spectacle frame, such as a frameless frame. Dont choose a shelf that is too different from the customers PD, or the lens will need to move

31、a lot, causing the customer to move around. Dont choose frames that cant adjust the tilt Angle, such as the width of the zhuang head and the legs. Mirror foot welding spot is not too high, otherwise it will affect the location of the remote area and the near area. Try not to choose the frame, the ri

32、mless lens is too big.7. Adjust the frames according to the wearing glasses of the wearer, so as to fit the face of the wearer, facilitate the correct measurement, and also try to enlarge the visual field of the lens. The adjustment mainly includes: frame balance, front rake, vertex distance, mirror

33、 leg length, face bend, etc. Until the patient is most comfortable and satisfied. The vertex distance is as short as possible, so as not to touch the eyelash, to maximize the available field of vision, this principle is comparable to the keyhole effect. The frame must be adjusted forward according t

34、o the facial features of the wearer, generally between 8 and 12 degrees. When the eyes are closer to the eye area and the middle area, the corresponding field of vision will be larger. The frame should match the face and have a certain face bend, which helps to keep a wide range of views. 8, measuri

35、ng monocular pd pd meter measuring keep inspectors are inspectors and pd meter location, set about measuring distance as the distance to be measured, can measure the monocular and binocular visual hyperopia (different from) distance near. The average value was measured three times. The height of the

36、 pupil is measured in the same way as the person who is measured, and the facial height of the surveyor is about 40CM. In order to be placed on the frame of choice and school, the frame shall be fitted with a liner. The foresight is the eye level, the head and neck the natural place. Use a marker pe

37、n to draw a horizontal line on a pair of eyeglasses at the height of the pupil center. The front surface of the glasses is inverted on the eyeglasses measurement card. The lower margin of the bilateral frame is located at 0 horizontal line, and the pupil height is read from the position of the bilat

38、eral horizontal short line on the vertical scale line. If a pupil a difference of 1 mm high, eyes eye pupil for high level assembly benchmark, a difference of 2 mm eyes pupil high level after the compromise between the attachment for the assembly benchmark, 10, the choice of gradual When the custome

39、r give priority to in order to see far, advised to choose a long gradual; When it is used for a long time, it is recommended to use either medium or long intakes; It is suggested to use the short asymptotic band (due to the nearness and lack of movement, the influence of the left and right deformati

40、on area is small and the field of vision is wide). If the ADD value is larger, choose the long asymptotic belt to improve the fitness and increase the success rate. Customers see high demand, such as sculptors, painters, etc. He is accustomed to bending over; The librarian and the scribe wait for th

41、e workers who are near the top; High-altitude work, pilot, etc. They are not suitable for use in the workplace with progressive lenses. Super short progressive band, suitable for the selection of fashionable small frames. But edges like a scattered area steep and not easy to adapt, and broad gradual

42、 channel edge like scattered area soft gentle easy to adapt to the customer to choose the appropriate lens combination degree of customer, and each brand lens range of reference, such as: (1) the moons gradual astigmatism cannot exceed 2.00 DC, gradual piece + to + 5.00 degree maximum range, ADD 1.0

43、0 + 3.50 +, the scope of the biggest joint luminosity to + / - 8.00 8.00 (2) 360 miles depending on jue, lens suitable for old patient early (old patients can also be), eager to old visual masking is best method of presbyopia. Corresponding to the minimum length of three different gradient design gl

44、asses for height: 14 mm, 16 mm 18 mm 3 miles farce, suitable for seeking may provide higher visual acuity of the progressive lenses Dai Jingzhe, with complex Wear mirror light conditions, the traditional progressive lenses are difficult to adapt to the person or wear before other progressive lenses,

45、 glasses for 17 mm height (4) minimum Zeiss 3 d bo rui, three-dimensional design using the latest technology to develop a very broad field of vision, the space feels very good lens provides two kinds of channel length. High standard channel pupil 18 mm frame 30 mm short channel: high 14 mm box 26 mm

46、 (5) the pupil Zeiss become sharp gradually, even individual parameters special customers by wearing the lenses can also obtain the broad scope, however, the minimum size requirements: high pupil 14 mm box 22 mm 11 and made out a prescription for 12, gradual intersection wearing guide: more posture

47、- wearer should maintain good posture; Regular shaping and adjustment of the cross line for the customer center. Check for distant vision, such as correct use of alcohol or acetone to remove temporary markers.When using a remote area, let the customer look at the distant target, see clearly and slow

48、ly raise the chin eye not to transfer the experience to the change of degree, and explain that it is because of the gradual area. Use nearly with zone, let the head fixed eyes turn to close to text, and tell the customer can only read Cant browse articles (average 3.5 cm x 5 cm range), in the far, a

49、lternate, near to the by the rotation of the eyeballs look far, medium, close, practice found far with area, progressive area and near area. Let it look like a deformed area by moving the left and right side of the eye, making it look like the presence of a deformed area, and telling the customer to look at the left and right side of the object with the head spin, not the eye roll. Let it walk, feel the shape of a gradual slice, and tell the customer to lower the head when you look close. Try to see one metre away. Tell the customer to have a


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