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1、科教版六年级英语上学期单词拼写专项强化练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图完成短语。up haveto seven toat2. 按要求写单词。(1)swim(现在分词)_(2)watch(第三人称单数)_(3)ride(现在分词)_(4)write(现在分词)_(5)want(第三人称单数)_(6)get(现在分词)_(7)go(第三人称单数)_(8)have(第三人称单数)_(9)come(过去式)_(10)eat(现在分词)_3. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1.live_ 2.read_3.do_ 4.go_5.teach_ 6.watch_ 7.work_8.play_9.make_

2、 10.like_4. 根据图意,完成单词。(1)prs_nt(2)bke(3)hmb_rger(4)nne(5)f_tball(6)skte(7)fsh(8)clck5. 首字母填空。1.There are a lot of shops a_ our school. Many students like to visit them after school. 2.Cindys hobby is g_ shopping. So she is very happy to f_ a shopping c_ near her new house. 3.The floor is w_. You sho

3、uld be careful. 4.D_ the sign m_ “No smoking”?Yes, It m_ you s_ sell(卖) the cigarettes(香烟)here. Because this is a school. 5.You c_ take your d_ into the supermarket. Can you see the sign “No pets”? 6.Jim f_ s_. Because his bird was dead(死). 7.W_ can we see the sign “No fishing?”We can see it n_ the

4、river.6. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1Mum is c_eggs in the kitchen.2Its very warm in s_.3I p_on my shorts rand T-shirts in summer.4We i_our friends to our house for the New Years Day.5There is a book on the f_.7. 单词拼写。1.裤子_ 2.衣服_3.单调乏味的_ 4.穿戴_5.幸运的_8. 根据要求填空。1.sing(名词形式)_2.write_(名词形式)_3.dance(名词形式)_4.do(单三形式)_5

5、.drive(名词形式)_6.story(复数形式)_7.country(复数形式)_8.worker(动词形式)_9.teacher(动词形式)_10.man(复数形式)_9. 词型转换。1.country(复数)_2.far(比较级)_3.open(现在分词)_4.quick(副词)_5.sea(同音词)_6.we(形容词性物主代词)_7.one(序数词)_8.hear(同音词)_9.sun(形容词)_10.ran(原形)_10. 根据短文内容和首字母,补全单词。Today is October 1st.It is Toms 1.b.He sees a 2.c on the table w

6、hen he comes back 3.h.It says, “Theres a present 4.fyou,Tom.Look for it in 5.yroom.”Tom runs to his 6.r.His parents are watch ing 7.hand smiling.On his bed,he sees a new red box.There 8.ia card in9.tbox.The card says “Im 10.ybirthday present!”11. 写出下列单词相对应的原型或过去式。(1)is_ (2)were_(3)visit_ (4)went_(5)

7、take_ (6)play_12. 按要求写一写。1.see(过去式)_2.arenot(缩写形式)_3.thin(比较级)_4.have的过去式_5.I(宾格形式)_6.first(基数词)_13. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Thanks for_(同意) to let me watch the match on TV.2. The city streets are full of_(来往车辆).3. Xi Jinping is the_(国家主席) of China.4. The children took a boat_(旅行) along the Yellow Rive

8、r last Sunday.5. We had to move_(里面)when it started to rain.6. Im p_for the trip to Guangzhou. It will cost a lot of money.7. They a_at the stop too late, so they missed the bus.8. The teacher w_who broke the window.9. Our team w_the basketball match final today.10. He stayed at home and watched TV

9、i_of going out to play with his friends.14. 根据首字母提示及上下文完成填空。1.There w_ a parrot s_ in the zoo yesterday. We s_ many interesting birds. We h_ lunch in the zoo. We b_ some bread and honey and some drinks. But there w_ ants on t_. We could not eat them. Then it rained. We were h_ and wet. W_ a day!2.Many years ago, there w_ not many cars in the city. I c_ only ride to school. Now I t_ the metro to school. I also have a c_. I can read an w_ news on the Internet.15. 看图写单词。1.The dog is thirsty. Look. It is_water.2.Usually I go to Hangzhou by_.3.Tom_a horse in the forest park yesterday.5 / 5


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