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1、冀教版六年级英语上册单词拼写课后提升训练班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用括号中的词的适当形式填空。1.We should _(eat) fruit and vegetables every day.2.MrGreen_(drink) too much yesterday.3.There are _(step) in the swimming pool.4.It often _(rain) in summer.5.Dongdong often_(watch) TV at home on Sunday.6.They_(have)an English lesson now.2. 按要求写单词。1. dis

2、h(复数)_ 2. sit(现在分词)_3. we(宾格)_ 4.write(现在分词)_5. dirty(反义词)_ 6. tomato(复数)_7. nine(序数词)_ 8. she(宾格)_9. photo(复数)_ 10. class(同义词)_3. 读句子,结合首字母填空。1. I p_on my hat and coat.2. S_is warm and rainy.3. He couldnt go. He had no f_.4. In s_, I like to sit in the sun.5. Why do you like winter? B_I like to mak

3、e a snowman.4. 用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1.He _(visit) the Great Wall last year.2.We_(have) a good time yesterday.3.We often _(go) to school by bus last year.4.I _(live)in the village when I was a child.5.Mike_(see) a big tiger in the nature park last year.6.Sam_ (do) the housework yesterday.7._(do) you _(enjoy

4、) yourself yesterday?8._(do)you _(play) the violin in the artroom yesterday?5. 写单词,补全句子。(每空一词)1.A:_areyougoingtothepartytomorrow?B:I_goingtogobycar.2.A:_heusuallyhavebreakfastatsevenoclock?B:No,buthe_breakfastatsevenyesterday.3.A:IsZhangHuashorterthanyou?B:No.Heis_than_.4.A:_Idomyhomeworkhere?B:Yes,

5、butyou_talkhere.5.A:_thereanypicturesinyourroom?B:Yes,there_apictureofLeiFeng.6. 按要求写单词。1.eat(过去分词)_2. quick (副词)_3. have(现在分词)_4. care(形容词)_5. Saturday(缩写)_6. be careful(英译汉)_7. 另一个的(汉译英)_8. made(原形)_7. 按要求写出单词或短语。(1)bring(过去式)_ (2)dry (反义词)_(3)禁止吸烟(英语)._ (4)危险(英语)_(5)clean(反义词)_8. 按要求写单词。1know(同音词

6、)_2brother(对应词)_3close(反义词)_4sheep(复数)_5tomato(复数)_6west(反义词)_7happy(反义词)_8eat(过去式)_9three(序数词)_10.write(现在分词)_9. 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. addrss_ 2. chpsticks_3. knfe_ 4. Astralia_5. plesed_10. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_11. 写出下列形容词的比较级形式。(1)tall_ (2)big_(3)strong_ (4)lazy_12. 按要求写单词。1. play(现在分词)_ 2. radio (复数)_3

7、. right(同音词)_ 4. rainy(动词)_5. cloudy(名词)_ 6.bring(过去式)_7. teach(过去式)_ 8. happy(反义词)_9. took(原形)_ 10.drink(过去式)_13. 看图写单词。_14. 把字母重组成单词补全句子。 Its _ the library. What a great _! _ is the post office? The shop is _ to the door. Today is Tuesday. We have _.15. 根据首字母提示补全单词。(1)The food tdelicious. You are a great cook.(2)You must be cwhen you cross the road.5 / 5


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