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1、GAC022AE#3 Austin Yang 215g205GAC015:Academic English III: Reading and Writing SkillsCompare and contrast 19th century colonialism and contemporary globalizationStudents Name: Austin Yang Student ID#: 215g205Teacher: Peter Due Date: 17 April 2015Word Count: 1150Abstract: In order to be more familiar

2、 with the impacts between the colonialism and globalization in 19th century, I did a research in the Internet. It included the reasons, the passes and the results of the colonialism and globalization. The reasons why the globalization was so fast are because of colonial plunder.Body:Colonialism is t

3、he establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colony in one territory by a political power from another territory. It is a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and often between the colonists and the indigenous population. The colonialis

4、m paved the way for the growth of many industries. Before the colonial period there were only self sufficient villages where people use to produce the goods manually in their home in accordance with the requirement of their village community. But with the expansion of colonialism, all over the world

5、 the demand for the goods increased considerably. Gradually the production style was completely changed under to meet the greater demand. The people started work collectively and the small scale industries came into existence. But with the growth of science the missionaries were being introduced in

6、the field of production. It was inevitable to meet the greater demand of the goods all across the world. This paved the way for factory system which in turn resulted in the growth of capitalism as middle class people who were capable of invest the capital became the factory owners and accumulated hu

7、ge capital at the cost of the labor provided by the working class people. So the growth of capitalism, exploitation of the working class people, increasing gap in the society, were some important negative effects of colonialism.From eighteenth Century60 tonineteenth Century70 years,thefirstindustria

8、l revolution was finished by UK , and expanded to theUS,Germany,Russia,Japan and other countries,which led tothe improvement of social productivity,and the bourgeoisiegot theunprecedented strength.On the one hand,some of the worlds majorcountries through thebourgeois revolutionor reform removedobsta

9、cles to the development of capitalism,and established thecapitalist systemin the world;on the other hand,the capitalist powersacceleratedexternal aggression and expansion.After the industrial revolution in nineteenth Centuryoff the secondcolonialclimax,thiswas throughto expand thecolony andthe commo

10、dity markettodeepen the expansion in West Asia,East Asia,andSouth America and other regions oftheAfro Asian Latin American.Many countries and regionsbecamethecolonial and semi colonial,andthey used advanced transportationto output industrial productsto these areas,plunderedindustrial raw materials,o

11、r evendirectly outputted capital. They established thecapitalist enterprisesin the local area,the colonies and semi coloniesbecame thevassal oftheireconomies.So,the initial formation ofthe colonial system was completed inthe worldin the late nineteenth Century.Finally,theindustrial revolution has en

12、tered a new stage in nineteenth Century70 years.They further improved thesocial productivity,the capitalist system andachievedworld domination.At the end of the nineteenth Century,the developed capitalist countriesincluded theindependentand semi independentAfricainlandandthe Asian inlandinto thecapi

13、talist world system.At the beginning of the twentieth Century,the world(exceptAntarcticahas no permanentpopulation) was shared by the European powers, America and Japan.With theestablishment ofthecolonial system,a global economic systemformed. The internationaltrade increases rapidly from nineteenth

14、 Century. British establisheda large number of overseascolonies, and sale the industrial products to them, which led tothe realsystem of international division of laborhas been established. The international division of labor is mark of the world market. The worldreflectsthe characteristics of globa

15、lization from many aspects. The first one is that a substantial increased in the number and variety of goods, and the commodity structure has changed. The second one is the world trade gradually formed the single currency gold. The third one is because of the unprecedented development of world trade

16、, international economic relations became even more complex. The globalization,is a concept, andis also a processof the development of human societyphenomenon.There are many definitionsof globalization,in the usual sense of globalization refers to thegrowing global linkages,the rise ofthe developmen

17、t ofhumanlifebased on a global scale andthe globalconsciousness.Between countries in thepolitical,economic and tradeinterdependence. Conclusion:In theprocess of globalization,the economic,political and culturalaspects,aredeeply marked bythe stigmaof colonialism.Colonialismhas undeniablerole inthe pr

18、ocess of globalization. Colonialism isin a bad wayorevilways to promotethe development of the globalization. Thisprocess is full ofwar,looting,killing,exploitation,servitude, whichcan be said to be inblood and fire tochange the development of history.Colonialismhas resulted in twodistinct consequenc

19、es.For the colonialcountries,they plundered a lot of wealthto developed Europe. For the majority of thecolonial peoples,colonialismis a disaster. They wereinvolved inthe globalization andsuffered colonialismbrought misery. It is resulting inAsia and Africaand Latin Americabehind.Until today,itstill

20、remains to bethe complete elimination ofsequelae. Therefore,what actually happenedin theglobalizationisan unequal basisfromglobalization because of the colonialfactors are involved.There is a big gap from our pursuit globalization. ReferencesMike(2010), what is globalization, what is all online. Ava

21、ilable at: http:/ April 16, 2015Bob(2007), Impact Of 19th Century European Colonialism History Essay, ukessays online. Available at: http:/ Accessed April 16, 2015Bob Davis(2014), European Imperialism in the 19th Century, sunysuffolk online. Available at: http:/ April 16, 2015Dr. Constance Wilson(2013), seasite online. Available from:http:/ Accessed April 16, 2015416/04/15


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