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1、2017201720182018 学年度第二学期期末考试学年度第二学期期末考试 七年级英语试题七年级英语试题 ( (考试时间:考试时间:120120 分钟分钟满分:满分:150150 分分) ) 注意事项注意事项: : 1 1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。 2 2、作答试题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题纸规定、作答试题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题纸规定 的位置上的位置上, , 并认真核对。并认真核对。 3 3、答案必须填在答题纸上、答案必须填在答题纸上, , 在其他位置作答一律无

2、效。每小题做出答案后,用在其他位置作答一律无效。每小题做出答案后,用 2B2B 铅铅 笔、钢笔或圆珠笔填在答题纸的相应位置。笔、钢笔或圆珠笔填在答题纸的相应位置。 第一部分第一部分选择题选择题 ( (共共 8080 分)分) 一、听力(共一、听力(共 2020 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 2020 分)分) 第一部分第一部分听对话回答问题听对话回答问题 本部分共有本部分共有 1010 道小题,道小题, 每小题你将听到一段对话,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。每段对话听两遍。 在听每段对话前,在听每段对话前, 你将有你将有 5 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你

3、还有秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有 5 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答 案。案。 1. What pet does the woman have?1. What pet does the woman have? A.A.B.B.C.C. 2. How is Li Lei going to Xiamen?2. How is Li Lei going to Xiamen? A.A.B.B.C.C. 3. Where did the man go last summer?3. Where did the man go last summer? A.A.B

4、.B.C.C. 4. What does Lucy often do on Sunday?4. What does Lucy often do on Sunday? A.A.B.B.C.C. 5. What does the man want to be?5. What does the man want to be? A. A singer.A. A singer.B. A dancer.B. A dancer.C. A doctor.C. A doctor. 6. Where did the man go just now?6. Where did the man go just now?

5、 A. To the office.A. To the office.B. To the post office.B. To the post office.C. To the museum.C. To the museum. 7. How much should the woman pay?7. How much should the woman pay? A. 64 yuan.A. 64 yuan.B. 72 yuan.B. 72 yuan.C. 96 yuan.C. 96 yuan. 8. How often does Amy take her dog for a walk?8. How

6、 often does Amy take her dog for a walk? A. Once a day.A. Once a day.B. Twice a day.B. Twice a day.C. Three times a day.C. Three times a day. 9. What will the weather be like tomorrow?9. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. Rainy.A. Rainy.B. Sunny.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.C. Cloudy. 10. What can we

7、learn from the dialogue?10. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. MaryA. Mary s father sometimes cooks.s father sometimes cooks. B. Mary often cooks with her mother.B. Mary often cooks with her mother. C. MaryC. Mary s mother does most of the cooking.s mother does most of the cooking. 第二部分第二部分听对话和

8、短文回答问题听对话和短文回答问题 本部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间本部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间 阅读相关小题,每小题阅读相关小题,每小题 5 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有 5 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的 备选答案。备选答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第听下面一段对话,回答第 11-1211-12 小题。小题。 1l. What day is it today?1l. What day is it today? A. Friday.A. Friday.

9、B. Saturday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.C. Sunday. 12. Why does the girl want to know12. Why does the girl want to knowtomorrows weather?tomorrows weather? A. Because she wants to fly to another city.A. Because she wants to fly to another city. B. Because she wants to visit her good friends.B. Because she

10、 wants to visit her good friends. C. Because she wants to fly kites in the park.C. Because she wants to fly kites in the park. 听第一篇短文,回答第听第一篇短文,回答第 13-1513-15 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Plan for summer holidayPlan for summer holiday doesndoesn t want to stay at home.t want

11、to stay at home. TomTom plans to goplans to go1313. . is going to visit Harbin.is going to visit Harbin. DavidDavid will stay there forwill stay there for1414days.days. will learn how to play thewill learn how to play the1515. . AliceAlice wants to be a musician.wants to be a musician. 13. A. fishin

12、g13. A. fishing 14. A. 514. A. 5 B. campingB. campingC. swimmingC. swimming B. 6B. 6C. 7C. 7 15. A. guitar15. A. guitarB. violinB. violinC. pianoC. piano 听第二篇短文,回答第听第二篇短文,回答第 16-2016-20 小题。小题。 16. When did the girl find the rabbit?16. When did the girl find the rabbit? A. Last Christmas Day.A. Last

13、Christmas Day.B. Last ChildrenB. Last Children s Day.s Day.C. Last New Years DayC. Last New Years Day . . 17.17. Who didnt let her keep the rabbit at first?Who didnt let her keep the rabbit at first? A. Her teacher.A. Her teacher.B. Her parents.B. Her parents.C. Her grandma.C. Her grandma. 18. Where

14、 did Lucy want to take the rabbit?18. Where did Lucy want to take the rabbit? A. Her school.A. Her school.B. Her home.B. Her home.C. An animal hospital.C. An animal hospital. 19.19. How does she feel when shes with the rabbit?How does she feel when shes with the rabbit? A. Happy.A. Happy.B. Sad.B. S

15、ad.C. Angry.C. Angry. 20. What does the girl wish her parents to do?20. What does the girl wish her parents to do? A. To sell it.A. To sell it.B. To treat it kindly.B. To treat it kindly.C. To buy it.C. To buy it. 二、单项选择二、单项选择(共共 2020 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 2020 分分) 21.21. Do you know _ girl with

16、 long hair? Do you know _ girl with long hair? Y Yes, she is Mary. She plays _ piano very well.es, she is Mary. She plays _ piano very well. A. a; /A. a; /B. the; theB. the; theC. the; /C. the; /D. a; theD. a; the 22.22. What_ did you have for your hard work? What_ did you have for your hard work? A

17、 free trip to Taizhou zoo. A free trip to Taizhou zoo. A. messageA. messageB. ideaB. ideaC. awardC. awardD. problemD. problem 23.23. Would you please bring me Would you please bring meto eat?to eat? Sorry, there is Sorry, there isin the fridge.in the fridge. A. anything; somethingA. anything; someth

18、ingB. anything; nothingB. anything; nothing C. something; anythingC. something; anythingD. something; nothingD. something; nothing 24.24. Big animals are a lot of trouble. Maybe you should keep a small pet, like a rabbit. Big animals are a lot of trouble. Maybe you should keep a small pet, like a ra

19、bbit. _. _. A. Thats all right.A. Thats all right.B. Youre welcome.B. Youre welcome. D. Never mind.D. Never mind.C. Thats a good idea.C. Thats a good idea. 25.25. A foreign English teacher will teach us English next term. A foreign English teacher will teach us English next term. Wow! _! We can prac

20、tice our oral English better. Wow! _! We can practice our oral English better. A. What an excited newsA. What an excited newsB. How exciting newsB. How exciting news C. How excited the news isC. How excited the news isD. What exciting newsD. What exciting news 26.26. Would you like to watch the new

21、film called Would you like to watch the new film calledDangalDangal ( (摔跤吧!爸爸摔跤吧!爸爸) with me?) with me? Thanks. But I watched it _. It was really moving( Thanks. But I watched it _. It was really moving(令人感动的令人感动的). ). A. other dayA. other dayB. another dayB. another day C. the other dayC. the other

22、 dayD. the another dayD. the another day 27. Tom fell off his bike yesterday, and he hurt his legs _.27. Tom fell off his bike yesterday, and he hurt his legs _. A. quietlyA. quietlyB. badlyB. badlyC. slowlyC. slowlyD. bravelyD. bravely 28.28. The two children are so afraid. Shall we _the bushes to

23、find the ghost? The two children are so afraid. Shall we _the bushes to find the ghost? OK, lets have a look.OK, lets have a look. There may be something strange. There may be something strange. A. searchA. searchB. search forB. search forC. look forC. look forD. lookD. look 29.29. It took you a who

24、le day to visit the zoo. It took you a whole day to visit the zoo.WerentWerent you tired? you tired? _, but I felt very excited to see so many surprising animals. _, but I felt very excited to see so many surprising animals. A. Yes, I wasA. Yes, I wasB. No, IB. No, I wasntwasntC. Yes, I didC. Yes, I

25、 didD. No, ID. No, I didntdidnt 30.30. Whats on TV tonight?Whats on TV tonight? There _ a good progamme called There _ a good progamme called Across the Sea to See YouAcross the Sea to See You ( (漂洋过海来看你漂洋过海来看你) ) on Zhejiang Satellite TVon Zhejiang Satellite TV. . A. is going to haveA. is going to

26、haveB. is going to beB. is going to be C. are going to beC. are going to beD. are going to haveD. are going to have 31.31. Why was the boy look so unhappy? Why was the boy look so unhappy? Because he was _ to reach the apples on the tree. Because he was _ to reach the apples on the tree. A. long eno

27、ughA. long enoughB. short enoughB. short enoughC. too tallC. too tallD. too shortD. too short 32. Which flat do you live _ and which floor do you live _?32. Which flat do you live _ and which floor do you live _? A. in; onA. in; onB. on; inB. on; inC. in; /C. in; /D. /; onD. /; on 33.33. Mary, is th

28、e blue bike _? Mary, is the blue bike _? No, _ is a black one. No, _ is a black one. A. your; myA. your; myB. your; mineB. your; mineC. yours; myC. yours; myD. yours; mineD. yours; mine 34.34. The newsper says that an old man always sleeps _ his eyes _. The newsper says that an old man always sleeps

29、 _ his eyes _. Thats really amazing.Thats really amazing. A. with; closedA. with; closedB. with; openB. with; openC. has; closedC. has; closedD. has; openD. has; open 35.35. _ Mr Zhang _ Beijing last week? _ Mr Zhang _ Beijing last week? No, but he _ Beijing with his son next time. No, but he _ Beij

30、ing with his son next time. A. Did; visit; visitsA. Did; visit; visits C. Does; visit; visitsC. Does; visit; visits B. Did; visit; will visitB. Did; visit; will visit D. Does; visit; will visitD. Does; visit; will visit 36.36. Excuse me! You cant take photos here. Look at the sign “NO PHOTOS”Excuse

31、me! You cant take photos here. Look at the sign “NO PHOTOS”. . Sorry, I _ it. Sorry, I _ it. A. dont seeA. dont seeB. am going to seeB. am going to seeC. didnt seeC. didnt seeD. wont seeD. wont see 37.37. _ I sing here, Jim? _ I sing here, Jim? Sorry, I Sorry, I m afraid you _.m afraid you _. A. Cou

32、ld; canA. Could; can t tB. Can; couldnB. Can; couldn t t C. Can; may notC. Can; may notD. Could; couldnD. Could; couldn t t 38.38. You look _ today. You look _ today. Y Yes, I went to bed late last night to watch a football match.es, I went to bed late last night to watch a football match. A. easyA.

33、 easyB. happyB. happyC. tiredC. tiredD. smartD. smart 39.39. I visited Qin Lake National Wetland Park( I visited Qin Lake National Wetland Park(溱湖国家湿地公园溱湖国家湿地公园) last Sunday.) last Sunday. Why didnt you tell me earlier?Why didnt you tell me earlier? A. You did?A. You did?B. I hope so.B. I hope so. C

34、. Have a good time.C. Have a good time.D. Its kind of you.D. Its kind of you. 40. Do you think cats _?40. Do you think cats _? A. is easy to look afterA. is easy to look afterB. are easy to look after themB. are easy to look after them C. are easy to look afterC. are easy to look afterD. is easy to

35、look after itD. is easy to look after it 三、完形填空三、完形填空 ( (共共 1010 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1010 分分) ) 阅读下面短文,从文后所给阅读下面短文,从文后所给 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A few days ago, I got a call from an old friend of mine. WeA few days ago, I got a call from an old friend of mine. We4141our sc

36、hool andour school and the good old days. Then, he started talking about his father.the good old days. Then, he started talking about his father. HisHis fatherfather waswas badlybadly illill inin hospital.hospital. HeHe4242sleepsleep atat nightnight andand oftenoften talkedtalked toto himself. My fr

37、iend washimself. My friend was4343about this and shouted at his father to stop talking. Butabout this and shouted at his father to stop talking. But after stoppingafter stopping 4444, , hishis fatherfather fellfell unconscious(unconscious(不省人事的不省人事的). ). MyMy friendfriend waswas veryvery sad.sad. He

38、He thoughtthought it it was his fault(was his fault(过错过错). My friend was so sad that he). My friend was so sad that he4545like a baby on the telephone.like a baby on the telephone. He said he would doHe said he would do4646if his father could wake up.if his father could wake up. SomeSome kids often

39、feel unhappy when they have to take care of theirkids often feel unhappy when they have to take care of their4747. But do. But do you know that our parents take care of usyou know that our parents take care of us4848stay with us for our lifetime?stay with us for our lifetime? My dear friends, from n

40、ow on,My dear friends, from now on,4949say a bad word to your parents. Take care ofsay a bad word to your parents. Take care of them and stay with them. Even if it onlythem and stay with them. Even if it only5050you a second, you parents will be happyyou a second, you parents will be happy to be wit

41、h you! Do you agree with me?to be with you! Do you agree with me? 41. A. talked about41. A. talked aboutB. thought ofB. thought ofC. cared aboutC. cared aboutD. showed aroundD. showed around 42. A. can42. A. can t tB. mustnB. mustn t tC. couldnC. couldn t tD. shouldnD. shouldn t t 43. A. afraid43. A

42、. afraidB. angryB. angry 44. A. speaking44. A. speaking 45. A. shouted45. A. shouted 46. A. anything46. A. anything 47. A. brothers47. A. brothers 48. A. but48. A. but C. tiredC. tiredD. worriedD. worried B. sayingB. sayingC. tellingC. tellingD. talkingD. talking B. smiledB. smiledC. criedC. cried C

43、. nothingC. nothing D. saidD. said B. somethingB. somethingD. noneD. none D. friendsD. friendsB. sistersB. sistersC. parentsC. parents C. orC. orB. andB. andD. soD. so D. neverD. never49. A. always49. A. alwaysB. usuallyB. usually B. paysB. pays C. oftenC. often 50. A. takes50. A. takesC. spendsC. s

44、pendsD. hasD. has 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解 ( (共共1515小题;每小题小题;每小题2 2分,满分分,满分3030分分) ) A A Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I am writing to thank you for looking after me so well when I came to stay with you inI am writing to thank you for looking after me so well when I came to stay with you in E

45、ngland. You made me feel like part of the family. I felt I was AnnEngland. You made me feel like part of the family. I felt I was Ann s sister, although I wass sister, although I was just her friend from Singapore. I had a good time when I was in England. We visited manyjust her friend from Singapor

46、e. I had a good time when I was in England. We visited many different places and took lots of photos. My mother has kept all the postcards I sent to her. Idifferent places and took lots of photos. My mother has kept all the postcards I sent to her. I am going to put them on the bookshelf with some o

47、f the photos.am going to put them on the bookshelf with some of the photos. The journey I went home was very relaxing, and the long flight seemed to pass moreThe journey I went home was very relaxing, and the long flight seemed to pass more quickly than usual, thanks to the book Harry Potter Ann gav

48、e me to read on the plane. Myquickly than usual, thanks to the book Harry Potter Ann gave me to read on the plane. My parents were pleased to see me, and said that they missed me a lot. We will have a busy timeparents were pleased to see me, and said that they missed me a lot. We will have a busy time soon, as we are moving house next month. I have given Ann my new address, and I hope shesoon, as we are moving house next month. I have given Ann my new address, and I hope she will be able to come and stay


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