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1、五五年级年级英英 语语 试题试题 一、写出星期日到星期一的原型与缩写。一、写出星期日到星期一的原型与缩写。 星期天星期一 星期五星期三 星期六星期四 星期二 二二. . 选择填空。选择填空。 () 1. A:_ is your math teacher?B:Miss Wu. A. WhosB. WhatC. Who () 2. A:_ shelike?B:Shes tall and thin. A. What isB. WhatC. Whos () 3. My sister is _ university student. A. aB. anC. the ()4. A: _ is it tod

2、ay?B: Its Thursday. A. What dayB. WhatC. When ()5. We have English class _ Wednesdays. A. inB. onC. at 三、根据中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。三、根据中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。 1. The girl is very_(文静的). 2. What would you like for_(午饭)? 3. The_(土豆)are yummy. 4. Our English teacher is s_, but hes kind.(严格的) 5. We all like

3、m_ class, because we can sing and dance in class.(音乐). 四、根据中文意思,选出正确答案。四、根据中文意思,选出正确答案。 ()1.当你询问同学新来的校长是谁时,你应说:_ A. Whos that man ? B.Whos our new teacher ? C.Whos our new principal ? () 2.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克迈克很风趣时,你说:_ A. Shes very funny. B. You are funny. C. Hes very funny. ()3.当你询问今天是星期几时,你应说:_ A. What

4、is it day ? B. What it is today ? C. What day is it today ? ()4.当你询问别人星期二的课程安排时,你应说:_ A. What day do you have on Tuesdays ? B. What do you have on Tuesdays ? C. What do you like on Tuesdays ? ()5.当你采访 60 年国庆阅兵领队喜欢吃什么水果时,你应说:_ A. Whats your favorite fruit ? B. What do you have ? C. What would you lik

5、e for lunch ? ( )6. 如果你想知道别人的爸爸长得怎样,你可以问: A. Whats your father like?B. What is your father? C. Do you like your father? 五、题中有五个句子分别描述了一幅图画五、题中有五个句子分别描述了一幅图画, ,请将图片的字母标号填在相应句子前面的括号内。请将图片的字母标号填在相应句子前面的括号内。 ABC DE () 1. I like to eat fruit.() 2. Our Chinese teacher is very kind. () 3. I like pork. Its

6、healthy.() 4. What day is it today? Its Friday. () 5. I often do my homework on Saturdays 六、词形变换。 Iwould(缩略形式)tall(反义词) two(同音词)theyre(完全形式) do not(缩略形式)Sun.(完全形式) do housework(汉语)university student(汉语) 看电视(英语)potato(复数) 七、找出不同类的词,将其字母填入题前的括号中。 ()1. A. cabbageB. porkC.tomato ()2. A. studentB. funnyC

7、. teacher ()3.A.artB. tofuC. music ()4.A. appleB. gragesC. yummy ()5. A. FridayB. fishC. Sunday 八、连词成句。 1. aboutyouwhat? 2.havescienceweandmath. 3.whatislikeshe? 4.dontIpearslike. 5.todayiswhatitday. 九、选择正确的答案,将字母填入题前的括号里。 ()1. Mr Lin is our math teacher. Hes a. A. boyB. manC. woman ()2. What do you

8、 haveMondays? A. onB. forC. to ()3. Is he strict?,heis. A. NoB. yesC. Yes ()4. Potatoesmy favourite food. A. areB. isC. am ()5. I like mutton. ButIlike beef. A. dontB. doC. not ()6. Is he tall?. A. Yes, he isnt.B. No, he isnt.C. No, he is. ()7. Whatyou like for dinner? A. doB. haveC. would ()8. The

9、grapessour. A. areB. isC. / ()9. I like pork.tasty. A. ItsB. TheyreC. It ()10. Do you like milk? Yes, I. A. dontB. amC. do 十在四线三格内写入与所给单词属同一类的另一个新单词。 MondaySundayThursday cabbageeggplanttomato strongthintall sourtastysalty EnglishartP.E. 题 答 准 线 不 订 内 线 装 封 密 十一看图完成句子。 1. My favourite day is _. 2.I

10、often _ on Sunday . 3. The _ are sour . 4. I usually _ after school . 5. Tom s teacher is _ . 十二选出画线部分发音不同的一项。 ()1.A. peachB. teaC. meatD. bread ()2.A. blueB. brownC. blackD. block ()3.A. houseB. mouthC. ourD. short ()4.A. cowB. yellowC. snowD. grow ()5.A. fruitB. friendC. frogD. flat 十三选出每组中不同类的一项

11、()1. A. youngB. smartC. eatD. quiet ()2. A. lunchB. fishC. breakfastD. dinner ()3. A. saltyB. sourC. sweetD. food ()4. A. porkB. playC. readD. watch ()5. A. heB. weC. itD. hi 十四为句子选择相应的图片。 题 : 名 答 姓 线 准 不 ()1.I often play basketball on Tuesday afternoon. ()2.My friend is very smart. We all like him.

12、 ()3. My science teacher is tall and strong. ()4. My favourite day is Thursday .Because we have PE. on that day . ()5. Our principal is very kind and old . 十五选择合适的一项。 ()1. I like ice-creams. They are _. A. sweetB. sourC. salty ()2. -Is your English teacher quiet ? - No. she is_. A. prettyB. activeC.

13、 fat ()3. I often play ping-pong _ Saturdays. A. inB. /C. on ()4. -_your Chinese teacher ? -Mr Liu . A. WhatsB. WheresC. Whos ()5. I want to buy some meat . So I _. A. go swimmingB. go to the parkC. go shopping ()6. -Whats your favourite _? - Football . A. foodB. colourC. sport ()7. The first day of

14、 the week is _. A. MondayB. SaturdayC. Sunday ()8.These green beans are _ salty . A. tooB. toC. of ()9.I often read some _ and watch TV . A. bookB. booksC. a book ()10.Pork and mutton are _. A. fruitsB. meatC. vegetables 四年级英语(下册)期末测试卷 一、按字母顺序,写出空缺的字母的大小手写形式。 B()D()F()H()()i 二、在下列每组四个词语中,根据它们的意义找出一个

15、与其它三个不同类的单词,并把其序 号写在左边的括号里。 1. () 2. () roomC.visitorD.TV room 3. ()A.yellowB.redC.blueD.your 4. ()A.English classB.math class 5. ()A.twoB.firstC.fiveD.ten 三、根据 A 和 B 的对话在括号里填入正确答案的序号。 ()1.time is it ? A.WhyB.WhatC.When ()2.Its time

16、English class. ()3.Its timeget up. ()4.Itsthe second floor. A.inB.atC.on ()5.cap is it? A.WhichB.WhoseC.What ()6.I usually go to school6:30. ()7.Is this the computer room? 姓名:_ A.No, she is .B.Yes, it is.C.No, it is. ()8.How many _ do you have? A.20.B.I like

17、sheep.C.sheep ()9.-How many horses are there?-_ A.Twelve.B.Good.C.Yes, they are. ()10.-_ is it?- Its ten yuan. A.How manyB.How muchC.Whos 四、情景填空,把正确答案的序号写在括号里。 A.What time is it now?B.How many horses do you have? C.How much is this pair of shoes?D.Where is the library? E.What colour is it?F.How many

18、 cows do you have? 1.想问“图书馆在哪里” ,可以说: () 2.想知道“现在是什么时间了” ,可以问: () 3.想知道“你有多少匹马” ,可以问: () 4.问“它是什么颜色的” ,你应该说: () 5.想问“这双鞋子多少钱” ,可以说: () 五、连线:将英语文字和对应的汉语意思用直线连接起来。 1.this那个 that这个banana you照片orange your你们pear picture你的watermelon 六、英汉互译,注意字母大小写和句子的标点符号。 1.What colour is it ? 2.How many sheep do

19、you have? 3.Its time to get up. 4.How much are they? 5. 我喜欢蓝色的连衣裙。 七、连词成句,注意字母大小写和句子的标点符号。 1.washroom,the,this,is(.) 2.time,what,it ,is(?) 橙子 苹果 梨子 西瓜 香蕉 3.time,its,up,get,to(.) 4.colour,what,it ,is(?) 八、写出给定单词或词组的汉语意思。 playground ()go home()how many () canteen ()computer ()twenty() lunch ()hen()hor

20、se() tomato ()TV room ()teachers desk () Chinese ()cucumber ()potato () dog ()onion()carrot () get up()green() 九、根据意思写出下列英语单词或词组。 我的计算机多少 写字板小的七 裙子_玩;踢_十五_ 暖和的_红色的_音乐_ 四年级期末测试卷 1.图文配伍。 根 据 下 面 句 子 内 容 选 出 相 应 的 图 片 , 将 图 片 标 号 填 入 题 前 括 号 内 。 ABC DE () 1、Look! This is our playground. Oh ! Its beauti

21、ful. () 2、Can I help you? I want some bananas. () 3、Its hot today. Can I wear my T-shirt? Yes, you can. () 4、This farm is big. Are they sheep? No , they arent. They are goats. () 5、Its 10:30. Its time for music class. 2.情景对话。 根据栏的问句,从栏中找出恰当的答案,将标号填入括号内。 ()1.What time is it?A、Its cool. ()2.Can I help

22、 you?B、I want some bananas. ()3.Whats the weather like there?C、Its blue. ()4.How many sheep are there?D、Its nine oclock. ()5.What colour is it?E、Twelve. 3.用所给的单词完成句子。将序号填在横线上。 (每题 2 分,共 10 分) A. WhereB. weatherC . How manyD. prettyE. want 1、Good morning. This is thereport. Its cool in Lhasa. 2、is my

23、 skirt? Its on your bed. 3、cows do you have? One hundred. 4、Can I help you? Yes. Ia pair of sneakers. 5、Look at that dress. Its. 4.、英汉互译。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) A)根据下列汉语句子,完成英语句子。 1. Its 8:30. Its time forclass. 八点半了,该上语文课了。 2. This shirt is preaty, but its too. 这件衬衫是漂亮的,但是它太小了。 3. I have a new.Its colourf

24、ul. 我有一条新连衣裙,它的颜色很丰富。 4. I want some. 我想要一些橙子。 5. There arecows in the picture. 图画上有十一只奶牛。 B)根据下列英语句子,完成汉语句子。 6. The library is on the first floor. 在一楼。 7. Where are my socks? 我的在哪里? 8. Its snowy in Harbin. 哈尔滨的天气是。 9. How many rabbits can you see? 你能看见多少只。 10. Are these tomatoes? 这些是吗? 5、给下列句子找到合适的

25、答语。将序号填在横线上。 A . Its ten yuan.B. Theyre onions.C. Its on the second floor.D.Yes, they are.E. Yes, it is. () 1. Where is the art room? () 2. How much is it? () 3. What are these? () 4. Are they ducks? ()5. Is this your skirt? 6、阅读判断。 (正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F” 。 ) My bedroom This is my bedroom. It s small and

26、 clean. There is a chair ,a desk and a bed in my room. Ive got some books on the desk. The chair is near the desk. The bed is near the window. A picture is on the wall. And there are some flowers and trees in it. There is a computer near my bed. It s on the table. I play computer games on Sunday. I

27、like my bedroom. () 1. My bedroom is big and clean. () 2. There is a picture on the desk. () 3. There is a computer on the table. () 4. There are some flowers and trees in the picture. () 5. The bed is near the desk. 四年级英语四年级英语 Unit1Unit1 试题试题 一、看图片,写单词。一、看图片,写单词。 二、看图读单词,将图片与相应的单词用直线相连。二、看图读单词,将图片与

28、相应的单词用直线相连。 fanlightpicturedoorwindow teachers deskfloorblackboardcomputerwall 三、单项选择。三、单项选择。 () 1.-Wheres your picture?-_ A. Its so big.B. Its near the window.C.Its a window. () 2.-Lets clean the classroom.-_ A. OK.B. Goodbye!C.Thank you. () 3._ go and see. A. LetB. Let isC. Let us () 4.Let _ clean

29、 the windows. A. meB. IC. my () 5.The desks _ yellow. A. thisB. isC. are () 6.- Whats in the classroom?- Two doors anddesks. A. manyB. oneC. a () 7.- What colour is the computer ?- Its. A .blackB. bigC.nice () 8.教室里面有什么? A. Whats in the classroom?B. Where is it? () 9.我们有一间新教室。 A. I have a new classr

30、oom.B. We have a new classroom. () 10. 让我们一起擦玻璃吧! A. Let me clean the windows.B. Lets clean the windows. 四、连词成句。四、连词成句。 1.Wheremydeskis(?) 2.Letstheclassroomclean(.) 3.cleantheLetwindowme(.) 4.seegoLetsand(.) 5.haveaclassroomnewWe(.) 五、阅读短文,判断对“”错“”。五、阅读短文,判断对“”错“”。 Hello! Im Zoom. This is my new cl

31、assroom. It s very big. In the classroom you can see a big blackboard, 2 doors, 6 windows, 10 desks, 20 chairs, 4 pictures and 8 lights. The wall is white. The floor is green. My classroom is nice and clean. I like my classroom very much. ()1. The classroom is very big. ()2. The blackboard is small.

32、 () 3. There are 6 windows in the classroom. ()4. The floor is yellow. ()5. The classroom is nice and clean. Unit2Unit2 单元检测卷单元检测卷 一、读一读,找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号里。 ()1. A. heavyB. maths bookC. Chinese ()2. A. blackB. whiteC. schoolbag ()3. A. eraserB. penC. colour ()4. A. nearB. toyC. under ()5. A. lostB

33、. tenC. two 二、选择正确的图片,将其序号填入题前括号里。 ()1. Put your Chinese book in your desk. A. ()2. I have two keys. B.C. A.B.C. 三、将下列句子选择合适的答语,将其序号填入题前括号里。 ()1. I have a new schoolbag.A. Good night, Zoom. ()2. What colour is your maths book?B. Its brown. ()3. Where is my toy?C. Really? ()4. Good night, Mum.D. Its

34、in the toy box. 四、看图写单词,补全下列句子。 1. I have _books and a _. 2. I have _pens in my _. 五、阅读理解,判断句子正误,对的在括号里打“” ,错的打“” 。 Sarah: I have a new schoolbag. Miss White: Really? What colour is it? Sarah: Its pink. Miss White: Whats in it? Sarah: Look! 20 storybooks, 32 pencils, 8 rulers and 3 pencil boxes. Mis

35、s White: Wow! Good! ()1. Sarah has a new pen. ()2. The schoolbag is pink. ()3. There are twelve storybooks in it. ()4. There are eight rulers in it. ()5. Sarah has six pencil boxes. Unit3 一、找出不是同一类的单词,将其序号填入括号内(10 分) ()1. A. shortB. strongC. toy () 2. A. quietB. friendlyC. sister () 3. A. shoesB. ch

36、airC. glasses () 4. A. tailB. greenC. black () 5. A. windowB. tigerC. floor 二、单项选择(20 分) () 1. -I have a new_. A. strongB. friendC. friends ()2. - Whats in your schoolbag? -_ A. An English book and two maths book. B. Two keys and three notebooks. C. A English book and a Chinese book. () 3. -Whats _n

37、ame? - His name is Wu Yifan. A.herB. heC. his () 4. -This is Zhang Peng. He _ short hair. A. haveB. hasC. is () 5. 你是对的。_ A.Youre right. B.Youre welcome. C.Im sorry. () 6. She has blue_ A. glassesB. glassC. shoe () 7. I have a new friend. He_ friendly. A. amB. isC. are () 8. This is my sister. _ nam

38、e is Lily. A.HerB. herC. His () 9.他又高又壮。_ A.He is short and strong. B.He has tall and thin. C.He is tall and strong. () 10. 她有长头发。_ A.He has long hair. B.She is long hair. C.She has long air. 三、根据图片,写单词。(8 分) 1.2. 3.4. 四、连词成句。(注意四项书写格式)(12 分) 1. his,What s , name(?) 2. red, a, he, bag, has(.) 3. hai

39、r, she, has, long(.) 4. tall, he, strong, is, and(.) 五、 阅读短文,判断对“”错“” (10 分) This is my friend. His name is Li Peng. He is fifteen. He is tall and strong. He has short black hair, big eyes and small ears. He has blue glasses and his shoes are white. He has a new schoolbag. There is a Chinese book, f

40、our English books and ten storybooks in it. We like him very much. () 1. Li Peng is thirteen. () 2. He has short hair. () 3. His glasses are blue. () 4. He has four stroybooks and a Chinese book. () 5. He has a new schoolbag. Unit4-5 1. 根据图意,选出正确的单词,把编号填在括号里。 (10 分) AsofaB. plateC. chopsticksD. shel

41、fE. noodles F.juiceG. tableH. kitchenI. room ()()()()() ()()()()() 2 选择填空: () 1. Is your father in the study? No, _. A. he isB.he isntC. she isnt () 2. Wheres your mother? _in the kitchen. A. HesB. ItsC. Shes () 3. What would you like for breakfast? _ some vegetables. A. I likeB. Id li

42、keC. Have () 4. _ can you see in my room? A. WhereB. WhatC. How many () 5.Where are your books? _ on the shelf. A. TheyreB. ItsC. Are they 3. 从 II 栏中选出 I 栏的正确答语,把编号填在左边的括号里。 (5 分) II () 1) Is this your study?A. Its near the window. () 2)What would you like for dinner?B. No, they arent. () 3) Are the

43、y teachers?C. Id like some vegetables. () 4) Wheres the sofa?D. Yes, it is. () 5) Can I have some soup?E. Sure. Here you are. 4. 根据所给中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。(10 分) () 1. 想问她是不是在客厅,可以说: A. Is she in the living room?B. Where is she?C. Is he in the living room? () 2. 欢迎客人来你家,可以说: A. Nice to meet you.B. Welcome

44、to my home.C. Help yourself. () 3. 怎么样表达晚餐准备好了? A. Whats for dinner?B. Dinners ready.C. Lets eat dinner. () 4. 你想对别人说让我试试,可以说: A.Let me show you.B. Let me see.C. Let me try. () 5. 你想给对方提供帮助时,可以说: A. Can I help?B. Help yourself.C. Let me show you. 5. 根据汉语提示,结合句意,写出适当的单词,每空一词。(10 分) 1.I like_.(鸡肉) 2.I

45、 have a new_.(教室) 3.What colour is your _?( 床 ) 4.Can I have some_?(面包) 5.Is the ball near the _?(椅子) 第三册单元第三册单元 1 1、找出不同类的单词。、找出不同类的单词。 ()1.A. uncle1.A. uncleB.auntB.auntC. grandmaC. grandmaD. manD. man I ()2.A. music2.A. musicB. canteenB. canteenC. artC. artD.mathD.math ()3.A. near3.A. nearB.under

46、B.underC. forC. forD. onD. on ()4.A. chicken4.A. chickenB.deskB.deskC. chairC. chairD. doorD. door ()5.A. spoon5.A. spoonB. chopsticksB. chopsticksC. classroomC. classroomD. forkD. fork ()6.A. door6.A. doorB. boardB. boardC. deskC. deskD.chairD.chair ()7.A. forty7.A. fortyB. twelveB. twelveC. threeC

47、. threeD.fridgeD.fridge ()8.A. TV8.A. TVB. fanB. fanC. canteen.C. canteen.D. computerD. computer 2 2、选择正确的答案。、选择正确的答案。 ( () 1. How many _ are there in your family?) 1. How many _ are there in your family? A. peopleA. peopleB. peoplesB. peoplesC. a peoleC. a peole ( () 2. Come _ meet my family.) 2. Come _ meet my family. A. onA. onB. forB. forC. andC. and ( () 3. My family _ seven members.) 3. My family _ seven memb


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