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1、The mode of operation of third-partyThe mode of operation of third-party logistics organizationslogistics organizations Abstract: With the development of modern logistics in China, the growing role of third-party logistics taken seriously, although there have been many in China are now engaged in th

2、e logistics business, but the organization of the scientific, convergence and collaboration of all sectors of the normative service functions, the diversity and quality of service are lacking, it is worth further exploration and practice. Papers on the main executors of third-party logistics - trans

3、portation,warehousingindustryandinformation industry organization, made a number of collaborative model. Analyzing the current status of Chinas logistics industry, identifiesthethreemainmodes:first,thetraditional 1 outsourcing model, and second, alliance patterns and the third istheintegratedmodel.A

4、nalyzedtheadvantagesand disadvantagesofvariousmodels,andorganization, responsibilities,andotherissuesofsharedwassome discussion. With modern information technology, the development of modern logistics in developed countries has become a new pillarindustryinthefollowingtoreduceresource consumption an

5、d improve productivity, after being referred to as “the third profit source.” According to statistics, the United States and other developed countries into the supply chain, 5%, while China has about 30%, showing that the logistics market is enormous profit margins are deserving of our efforts. The

6、rise of the logistics market makes the role of third-party logistics are increasingly being valued by the third party 2 logisticsabroad, oftenreferred toascontractlogistics, logistics or logistics outside of the League, is the mid-80s in Europe and the United States developed the concept of emergenc

7、e , at home and abroad still no exact definition of a recognized classification is to independence and production, marketing logistics activities other than the bearer collectively referred to as third-party logistics. Third-party logistics has increasingly become the main body of the logistics mark

8、et in the United States, 57% of the logistics volume is done through a third party logistics industryin the community-based distribution developed the best in Japan, third-party logistics industry in the total logistics market is more was as high as 80%. China from the 20th century, 80 years the con

9、cept of logistics was introduced from Japan, has not yet formed a complete set oftheoreticalguidancesystemisthelackofpractical experience in recent years, gradually expand the scale of the logistics market, logistics operations are also subject to further normative perfect. I currently made a number

10、 of Chinas 3 logistics market research and analysis, and to third-party logistics organization and operation of enterprises grouped into three forms. 1, Market Analysis AtpresentChinahasanumberofrapidlyemerging enterprises engaged in logistics, but generally speaking, third-party logistics market, f

11、ar from perfect, there is no scale, summed up the reasons for the logistics market constraints have the following two aspects: First, third-party logistics needs of the serious inadequate. According to reports, the ongoing search for third-party logistics service enterprises are mainly the multinati

12、onal corporations or joint ventures, the majority of enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises lack of logistics concepts and abide by the planned economy when the “large, small and complete” business ideas, self-built logistics system, resulting in stagnating the level of Chinas overall logis

13、tics; followed by the current facilities, 4 logistics enterprises are mostly simple, single function, it is difficulttoprovidecomprehensivethirdpartylogistics services, and service level is not high, customer satisfaction is low. Chinas current emerging logistics company, most of the original and so

14、me transport companies and warehousing companies from alterations, such as Sinotrans, COSCO Group have set up their own logistics companies, but these logistics companies in the service function is very limited, from the integrated logistics request a fair distance. In addition, there aresomeprivate

15、logisticsenterprises,forexampleby “treasure for” Dongguan “Teng Chun,” Zhuhai “Nine Sichuan” and so on, but its small size, only in a fixed area to provide limited logistics services, on the overall logistics market driven role is limited. From the geographical point of view, the success of logistic

16、s enterprises are concentrated in the economically developed areas in Guangdong, Shanghai and Beijing as the center, the Mainland third-party logistics market, is far from developed. 5 Second, the logistics operation of three kinds of models (A), the traditional outsourcing-based logistics operation

17、 Simplecommonlogisticsoperatingmodelisthe independent third-party logistics company contracted with one or more manufacturers or dealers of some or all of the logistics business. Outsourcing logistics operations, reduce inventory, and even to achieve “zero inventory”, saving logistics costs, while s

18、treamlining the department, focused on funding, equipment on their core business, improve enterprise competitiveness. Third-party logistics companies in order to contract the form of their own long-term relationships with clients to ensure their stability and volume of business, avoiding the equipme

19、nt idle. This model to the manufacturer or distributor as the 6 center, third-party logistics enterprises is almost no need to purchasespecializedequipmentandtraining,and management process is simple. Orders from both sides have completed production and sales, third-party logistics services only to

20、complete contracting is not involved in the production and sales plans. At present the majority of our logistics business is that this model, in fact in this way than traditional transportation, warehousing, and did not go far. This approach to the manufacturers or distributors as the center, the la

21、ck of coordination between the third-party logistics, there is no greaterscopeofresourcesoptimization.Thismodels biggest flaws is the production enterprises and sales of businesses as well as a lack of communication between the third-party logistics information platform, will result in the productio

22、n of the blind and capacity of waste or less, and the stock structure of the unreasonable. And the statistics, there are the logistics market to sub-main agent was relatively small, difficult to form scale. 7 (B), strategic alliance-based logistics operation mode The second is the third-party logist

23、ics, including transport, warehousing, information operators, and so in order to contract the form of strategic alliances, internal information sharing and information exchange, mutual cooperation, the formation of third-party logistics network system, the Union may include a number of the same plac

24、e and off-site types of transport enterprises, the station, warehouse operators, in theory, larger union, the greater the overall benefits available. Information to deal with this one, you can hire a co-operator of the information platform of information by the operator responsible for thecollection

25、 of information processing information can also be connected within the Union members of the shared database (technically achievable) to achieve information sharing and communication of information . At present some of our e-commerce sites commonly used to this mode. 8 This pattern than the first im

26、provement in two ways: first, by adding an information system platform, information sharing and exchange of information, information for the individual entity to guide the formulation of operational plans, optimize resources within the Union. At the same time information platform can be used as trad

27、ing systems to complete the production and marketing of both orders and the intended third-partylogisticsservicestobuy.Secondly,the implementation of the various entities within the Union in collaboration,somewithintheUniongeneral-purpose instruments can reduce the intermediate procedures, improve e

28、fficiency, making the supply chain interface smoother. For example, the alliance operation of various modes of transport companies to cooperate to achieve multimodal transport, one vote in the end, significant savings in transportation cost. This approach is a cooperative partnership between allianc

29、e members carry out independent accounting, mutual service 9 lease, it is sometimes difficult to coordinate their interests in the case of conflicting interests with each other to achieve a wider range of optimization of resources, there exists a certain limitations. For example, A transport enterpr

30、ises of a certain shipment of goods to B to, B in exactly a group of goods are destined for A in order to reduce the rate of Kong Shi, B to contracttheservicesofatransportenterprisesshould subcontract the transportation, but the A, B 2 in the interests of the co-ordination may be difficult to reach

31、a consensus. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download (C), integrated logistics operation The third model is the formation of integrated logistics company or group. Integrated logistics integrated logistics companys multiple functions - warehousing, transportation, distribution,informationp

32、rocessingandotherlogistics support functions, such as packing, loading and unloading, distribution and processing, the formation of the department to 10 completethecorrespondingfunction,integrated third-party logistics significantly expanded logistics services for the manufacturers to offer products

33、 at home agents, management services and raw materials supply to the dealers under the sole agent for its rationing delivery business, which can complete the business flow, information flow, capital flow, logistics transfer. Integrated logistics projects must conduct an overall network design, namel

34、y, to determine the number of each in a facility, geographicallocation,theircommitmenttowork.The information center system design and functional design, as well as the location of distribution center process design are veryimportantissues.Thebasicfunctionsoflogistics information system should includ

35、e the information collection, information processing, control and management, logistics system, information exchange is currently the main use of EDI, radio and INTERNET, INTERNET because of its lower cost (as opposed to EDI technology) large amount of information has become a logistics information

36、platform development trend. Integrated logistics distribution center is a manifestation of 11 status is very important, it is convergence of logistics and transport, warehousing and other links, Integrated Logistics is a third-party logistics development trend of the way in a variety of channels, at

37、 present China is in the exploratory stage, but it must be Note that to avoid duplication and resource wastage. According to Chinas current status quo authors propose the following three programs: Program One, a project developer, investment in new and retrofitted their existing equipment, improve t

38、he comprehensive logistics facilities, organizingtheimplementationofintegratedlogistics functional business units, such a program very suitable for the urgent need for transformation of large-scale transport, warehousingenterprisescanmakefulluseofexisting resources, with special strength of the orig

39、inal, there is a strong competitive edge. Program II of the project developers to acquire some small storage, transport enterprises, as well as part of the production and sales company-owned vehicles and the original warehouse, carry out a reorganization of its transformation.Accordingtostatistics,b

40、usiness-owned vehicles and storage accounted for about half of the overall logistics facilities, if the facilities can be incorporated in this part of the transformation can be rented directly promoting 12 third-partylogisticsservicestobusinesses,activating third-party logistics market. Program III

41、is a former special logistics operators to stake a joint way, this way, the initial investment costs are low, the formation of short period, the combined logistics operators, the individual is still committed to their own special, the business are familiar with giving play to the core competitivenes

42、s, equity method alliance model can avoid conflicts of interest exist, more conducive to collaboration. Logistics activities are a social-oriented activities, involving a wide range of industries, involving a broader geographical scope, so it is necessary to form a network to be a better play to its

43、 effectiveness. Integrated logistics company or group must be based on the actual situation of their own choice the network organizational structure. There are now two kinds of networkstructure,alargelogisticscenterplussmall distribution network model, and the other is the chain model. The former su

44、itable for business, users are concentrated in a small area, select a suitable location for the establishment of 13 an integrated logistics center in each district to establish a number of small users to focus on distribution points, or sales department to adopt a unified set of goods, layer by laye

45、r distribution approach. The latter is in the business involved in the establishment of chains in major cities, responsible for the city and the surrounding areas of logistics operations, the implementationofinter-regional cooperationofvarious chains, the model area from time to time for a national

46、logistics chain model can also be compatible with the previous model. Third, with regard to Chinas development of third-party logistics Suggestions Development of Chinas third-party logistics industry, it is imperativeneedtostrengthentheconstructionofthe following three aspects: First, strengthening

47、 infrastructure construction: Traffic situation in backward constraints a major factor in the development of logistics, all localities must step up to the roads, ports, field stations, etc. the construction and 14 transformation, to form a reasonable comprehensive transport system; Second, the logis

48、tics of equipment and logistics technology to increase the technology content: Modern logistics is a capital-intensive, technology-intensive industries, especially the modern electronic information technology, communications technology, GPS, ITS, etc., have gradually become a modern logistics necess

49、ary technical means, for logistics enterprises, right before the old facilities must be to transform the logistics, the development of new high-tech logistics equipment, in order to improve logistics efficiency and to adapt to the needs of modern logistics; third is to strengthenthelogisticsandtechnicalpersonneland management talents: Logistics in China started late, the dearth of logistics personnel must be through training and visits and other means to cultivate a number of professional logistics knowledge and talent. Fourth, the concept of conversion operations, improve servi


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