小升初英语毕业总复习: 阅读理解.pdf

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1、小升初英语毕业总复习:小升初英语毕业总复习: 阅读理解阅读理解 小升初英语毕业总复习: 阅读理解 小升初英语重点单词汇编 阅读是英语理解能力的表现形式,也是词汇、句式、语法的综合 运用。阅读包含朗读(认读)和理解,也就是说一篇 既要能够朗读下,也要理解短的意思,进而完成与短相关的题目。所 以理解部分也称为阅读理解。 阅读是一个比较综合的题目,对所掌握的英语技能的程度要求 比较高。所以在同学们平时的学习中,既要重视对英语 基础知识的掌握,又要养成阅读的好习惯,加强练习。 1、当你拿到一篇短时,先要通读全。切记不要一上就一句一句 地看,一句一句一理解,这样做会影响你对整篇 的理解和认识。在通读的时

2、候如果遇上生词,先不要管它,略过生词 继续通读全。 2、读完第一遍,再从头阅读。这一遍要注意句式和语法,了解 内容,特别是事发生的时间,同时猜测一下生词的 含义。 3、在你读第三遍的时候,要关注中提到的人物、时间、地点、 发生了什么事等信息。这样你就可以完全了解 一般说,在练习、考试中完成阅读理解的题目和去阅读一篇是有 区别的。在练习、考试中阅读一篇更多的是为 了完成各种题目,而并非要真正对一篇有全面的了解, 所以方法上会 有一些不同。 1、首先要关注的题目,因为题目往往就是的中心所在。 2、其次在认读整篇后,要关注中出现了哪些人物,提到了什么 时间,说到了哪个地点,发生了什么事情,这些都 是

3、你完成题目的关键信息。 3、 第三要看清题目的形式, 通常会有 3 种类型: (1) 选择题; (2) 判断题; (3)回答问题。在这三种形式中,相对而言 ,判断题的难度最小,回答问题的难度比较大。完成判断题的选择题 最为有效的方法,也是同学们使用最多的方法是用题目中 的句子去和里的原句对照,通过对照进行判断或选择。 在完成回答问 题的题目时,先要读懂问句的意思,再从中找出 相应的内容, 在对问题进行笔答时, 要注意句式、 人称与动词的形式、 时态等。 (一) 根据短内容判断正(T)误(F) 此类题目要求快速浏览所给图片和字, 初步把握内容, 了解大意; 然后细读,抓住主要内容和细节,标出关键

4、词语,以 便验证;也可以先浏览题目,明确要求后再看,然后做出判断。这样 不但节省时间,提高速度,而且可以抓住重点,做到 有的放矢。 1 阅读短,根据短内容选择正确答案, lass I stud at u Hng Priar Shl in Guangzhu I have frtseven lassates (同学) Tentthree are bs and tentfur are girls ur lassr is a nie ne It s ver big There are fur inds and t drs in it e have a big blabard and a sall ne

5、 The big ne is fr ur teahers and the sall ne is fr us r Li is ur hinese teaher He is an ld an e dnt lie hi at all But iss hen, ur English teaher, is a ung an She is ver nie e all lie her ver uh S e lie English the best e ften pla basetball ith iss Li (1) ( ) I a a A student B pupil teaher (2) ( ) Th

6、ere are A Frteight B frtseven frtsix (3) ( ) ur lassr is A sall B ld nie (4) ( ) There is nl ne in ur lassr A blabard B sall blabard big ind () ( ) ur favrite subet is A hinese B English basetball 2 i is a girl She is telve Her parents are dtrs i an d an things After shl, she ften helps her ther She

7、 studies ver hard She is gd at ath, and she an spea English and hinese After supper, she athes TV ( ) 1 is father is a dtr ( ) 2 is ther is a nurse ( ) 3 i ant d an thing ( ) 4 i ant spea hinese ( ) She desnt ath TV ( ) 6 She is gd at ath 3、阅读,并判断所给的句子是否与短的内容相符,如相符,在 括号内写”T”,如不符,在括号内写“F”。 There are

8、three hildren under the tree The are all gd friends The b in bla is T The girl in pin and the girl in red is Ea T is in the sae lass ith e e ften pla ftball tgether T s ther is a nurse and his father is a teaher T ants t be a dtr in the future anes ther and ther r at the sae fatr The are als gd frie

9、nds anes father is a teaher He teahes ath ver ell He is ver ind and e all lie hi Eas fail ust ved int the tn fr untrside Her farther used t be a farer He is n ring in a sall pan Eas ther is a huseife ( ) (1) There are ne b and t girls under the tree ( ) (2) There are nl t peple in Ts fail ( ) (3) Ts

10、 ther is a dtr ( ) (4) ther is a rer ( ) () anes father teahes ath ( ) (6) Ea used t live in the tn ( ) (7) Eas father as a farer (二)根据短内容选择正确答案。 注重理解整篇短的内容, 在阅读时不要抓住一个单词, 一个词组 的意思不放,从而影响对整篇的理解。其实有些生 词是不影响阅读的,而有些生词是可以根据上下的意思推敲出的。 因 此,不必把它拿出单独思考。然后再在理解的基础 上进行分析,通过逻辑思维,做出选择,完成题目。 1 I a a b nae is Li i

11、ng I a ten I a a pupil I have t friends ne is Dann The ther ne is enn enn is pupil, t e are in the sae r e lie Dann ( ) (1) H ld is Li ing? A Hes ten B: Hes eleven ( ) (2) Is Li ing a teaher? A: es, he is B: N, he isnt ( ) (3) Is enn a pupil? A es, she is B: N, she isnt ( ) (4) H ld is Dann? A Srr,

12、I dnt n B: She is eleven ( ) () Are Li ing and enn in the sae lass? A: es, the are B: N, the arent 2 I a ie I a a Aerian b N I in hina I live in Shanghai It s a ver beautiful it I stud in a shl here I usuall g t shl b bus I lie plaing ftball ver uh I pla it ith friends n the eeends ther is a TV repr

13、ter She ges t r b suba She lies singing ver uh She ften listens t usi n TV father is a teaher He teahes PE in a shl He ges t r n ft He lies art He ften dras pitures n Saturda ( ) (1) ie lives in _ n A Shanghai B: Beiing : Aeria ( ) (2) ie is a _ n A teaher B a reprter student ( ) (3) ies hbb is _ A

14、plaing ftball B listening t usi painting ( ) (4) His father ges t r _ A b suba B n ft b bus 3 ne da, after shl the teaher sas t his students: “Trr rning if anne f u an anser first questins, he r she an g he earl” The next da, hen the teaher es int the lassr, he finds the blabard ver dirt He is ver a

15、ngr and ass: ”h did it? Please stand up!” “Its e” Sas T “ N , I an g he Gdbe Sir! ” ( ) (1) T is the teahers _ A friend B student brther D sn ( ) (2) T aes _ dirt A the des B the hair the ind D the blabard ( ) (3) the teaher is ver angr beause_ A T an anser his first questin B T desnt stand up : the

16、 blabard is ver dirt D the lassr is ver lean ( ) (4) The teaher ass the students t _ A stand up B sit dn g hes D lean the blabard ( ) () hih is true? A It is gd fr T t d it B T is late fr shl T ges he earl ever da D T is a naught student 4、选择填空。 ie lies t llet staps He started this hbb f lleting sta

17、p the ear befre last He has staps fr hina, Frane and apan But st f his staps are fr hina, beause he has lts f friends in hina ie s staps are f varius shapes triangle, square, retangle and irle His favrite shape is irle ie puts all his shapes in several albus T inrease his lletin, ie seties exhanges

18、staps ith his friends hn is ne f his friends, h als lie t llet staps His staps are prett and lrful hn and ie eet ne a ee Eah tie the eet the ill sh eah ther their ne lletin (1) ies hbb is t A llet staps B ae friends travelling D eep albus (2) st f ies staps are fr A apan B Frane hina D Nt entined (3

19、) ie has staps f different shapes A five B fur three D t (4) hn is ies A father B neighbr lassate D friend () H ften d hn and ie eet? A fur ties a ee B three ties a ee tie a ee D ne a ee (三)根据短内容回答问题。 此类题目是阅读理解中相对而言较复杂的题型,它要求我们在 理解的基础上进行分析,并做出合乎情理的解答,且要注意 用词和句子结构,要避免语法错误。 1 This is RDZ, the ring rbt

20、 RDZ lives ith the Spa fail in Spaeville(太 空村) He helps the fail ith the huser ever da He leans the huse, ashes the lthes and dishes He ns h t ell RDZ desnt eat nral(普通的) fd He eats tins and athes and he drins il D r and rs Spa eat these things? Never RDZ ften helps r and rs Spa s hildren ith their

21、her This ear he is teahing the Spae language The hildren are ver lever The Spa fail are hlida n ars( 火星) The ill e ba he in t das S RDZ has a nderful tie He nt lean He an sit in frnt f the TV and eat a lt f fd (1)heredesRDZliveiththeSpafail? _ (2)hatdesRDZeatanddrineverda? _ (3)IsRDZteahingrandrsSpa

22、 shildrenEnglish? _ (4)DesRDZhaveanderfultie? _ ()henillrandrsSpabeba? _ 2 nae is ang Lin There are fur peple in fail The are father, ther, little brther and I father is a teaher He lies draing pitures He rs in a shl He ges t r b bus ther is a nurse She lies listening t usi She rs in a hspital She g

23、es t r b bus brther is a student H lies athing TV He ges t r n ft I lie plaing ftball I g t shl b bie (1)hrsinashl? _ (2)hatdesangLinstherd? _ (3)hatdesangLinlieding? _ (4)IsangLinsbrtherastudent? _ ()DesangLinsfathergtrbbus? _ 3 It s nda tda It s telve l n enn and her lassates are having lunh in th

24、e lassr hats n enns des? There are se apples, bread and se eggs h, the are ver deliius (1)hatdaisittda? _ (2)hatsthetie? _ (3)hishavinglunh? _ (4)hatsnennsdes? _ ()Arethereanbananasnennsdes? _ (四) 、根据短内的汉语提示,补全单词。 根据汉语提示补全短,一定要注意中的时态、人称等。填完单词 以后一定要再通读一遍,保证通顺、合理。 The Green (1) (喜欢) ging ut fr a trip

25、n Sunda This (2) (周日)the ant t g t the par a and ie, their (3) (儿子)get up ver earl The put n the sae (4) (牛 仔裤), the sae () (鞋) After that the (6) their ther d the huser The put se bread, eat , (7) (蛋)and se fruit in a baset and (8) ( 搬) it t the ar rs Green taes fur (9) (罐)f e ith her The little dg

26、 is (10) (跑) after her (五)完形填空。 在处理完形填空时,一定要先将的大概意思弄懂, 然后再考虑用 单词的什么形式填空。 1 ne da, r Apere ent ut (1) a al in the street There (2) a lt f peple there But all this as (3) t hi He as thining (4) a aths prble He had n paper ith hi H uld he () it ut? ust then h sa a blabard in frnt f hi He began t rite t

27、he (6) ith a piee f hal n it Then the blabard ved (7) he ved ith it But it ved s (8) that he uld nt ath up ith it He led (9) and sa the “blabard” (10) hi h? It as the ba f a arriage(马车)! ( ) (1) A t B b fr D ith ( ) (2) A ere B are is D as ( ) (3) A nthing B anthing sething D everthing ( ) (4) A n B

28、 ff abut D hard ( ) () A r B start , tae D bring ( ) (6) A rd B start , tae D bring ( ) (7) A fe B little a fe D a little ( ) (8) A earl B fast sll D quietl ( ) (9) A dn B up in D ut ( ) (10) A behind B beside abve D befre 2 Bb thught that he as ver lever He thught that n ne uld fl(欺骗)hi beause he (

29、1) t lever ne da he (2) t Di, the an n athing at the gate:“u (3) fl e Di u (4) t flish!” “ () here b this gate” Ansered Di, “I (6)a a t fl u” then he ent he T hurs later anther ung an (7) alng “h are u standing here?” he (8) bb “ I (9) fr Di, ” ansered Bb, “ he is ging t tr fl e” “Di (10) he ” said

30、the ung an, “ He has alread fled u!” ( ) (1) A is B as ill be D is ging t ( ) (2) A said B sas as saing D is saing ( ) (3) A dnt B didnt an never D never ( ) (4) A ere B are ill be D as ( ) () A ait B aits aited D ait fr ( ) (6) A ill find B fund find D funded ( ) (7) A es B ae had e D ing ( ) (8) A ased B ass is asing D tld ( ) (9) A as aiting B aited a aiting D ere aiting ( ) (10) A ges B has gne had gne D ent


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