安徽省示范高中2017届高三上学期第三次联考英语试题 扫描版含答案.pdf

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1、- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 2017 届安徽省示范高中高三第三次联考 英语参考答案 第一部分: 1-5 ABCCA6-10BCACB11-15ACCBA 16-20 BBBCA 第二部分: 第一节: 21-25 CBCCD 26-30 ADDAB 31-35 ADCBB 第二节: 36-40 EGAFC 第三部分: 第一节: 41-45 BBCAB 46-50 CACDC 51-55 BDBAD 56-60 ADCAD 第二节: 61. yourself 66.conversations67.remembers 第四部分: 第

2、一节: In the afternoon we left for the sea. It was rainingheavywhile we were on the highway. Father drives at about heavilydrove 100 kilometers per hour. With great care, we arrived athotel we had booked. the The next morning, it took us only 30 minutes to get to the beach, that parking cost us 20 Yua

3、n. The water is where not too deeply near the beach. Father paid for lifebuoys (救生圈) , in which prevented us from get drowned! My deepgetting little sister was fascinated by the sand and played with them happily. - 9 - 62. to speak63. whom64. advice65. that 68.with 69.worrying70. more it Within two

4、days, my neck and arms were sunburntbut began to hurt. We ended the trip earlier than expecting. andexpected Anyway, we have been to the beach. 第二节:Possible version Dear Tom, How are you getting along these days? Nowadays wed like to buy some books, newspapers and magazines for our school library, w

5、hich are suitable for middle school students to read. But I have no idea what we should buy. I wonder if you can do me a favor by recommending some bestsellers as well as some newspapers or magazines which American middle school students are fond of. Their language ought to be plain and not too diff

6、icult for Chinese students whore studying English. I would quite appreciate it if you could send me a booklist with the book names, authors, publishing houses and the prices. It will be better if you can tell me how we can buy them. Thank you! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【参考答案解析】 阅读理解 21.C 细节理解题。依据第一节中t

7、o participate in our nationally recognized performance-based learning techniques.可知,C 项正确。 22.B 细节理解题。 依据第二节中最后一句话中所列举的种种活动可知Folger 通过很多有关莎 士比 亚的建筑、文稿等让人们了解莎士比亚(bring Shakespeare to life),这些构成了一个 莎士比亚的世界,故选 B。 - 10 - 23.C 细节理解题。依据第三节最后一句The program also includes pre-show materials and post-show conv

8、ersation with actors.可知 C 项正确。 24.C 推理判断题。依据第一段最后一句Folger Education offers all kinds of programs for all kinds of students. Interested? Then come and join us!以及全文可以推断出这些活动鼓励孩 子们来参加。 25.D 推理判断题。依据第二段Stineman 说的话可知她对这政策相当满意,而她代表妈妈们。 因此 可以推断出这项政策满足了妈妈们的需求,故选D 项。 26.A 观点态度题。依据第三段raises concerns about em

9、ployee productivity and distractions forcolleagues.可知,这一政策引发了人们对于员工生产率以及分心的 担忧,故选 A。 27.D推理判断题。 依据第五段Chris Madill 所说的话 After the novelty wears off, babies become a fixture in the office and are not seen as a distraction, 可知,新鲜感过去后, 婴儿成为办公室里长期固 定存在的事物,就不会让员工分心,故选D。 28.D 细节理解题。依据最后一段The program attemp

10、ts to handle the current workplace problem by allowing for an easier transition( 过渡) back into work for the mother. 可知,这个项目试图通过让妈妈们更容易回归工作来处理目前劳动力问题,故选D。 29.A 细节理解题。依据第一段第二句Surprising as it was to his many former teachers, he had made it to senior year.可知,尽管他以前的很多老师都很惊讶,最终他还是上了毕业班。故选 A。 30. B推理判断题。依

11、据第三段So far it was actually one of my worst experiences. The period was a pause for me, and we got a lot completed that week. However, the week soon came to an end.可知,这个学 - 11 - 生一直令作者头疼,后来,该生因违纪被“停课一周”, pause 意为“中停”,特指该学 生“停课一周” 对作者来说,是漫长受罪过程的“间歇(放松,不受罪)”,那一周之后,那个学生就 又返校了,很 可能更会变本加厉!停课期间与停课前后(紧张,烦恼等

12、)的感觉是相反的,而且作者 在那一周还能 静下心来做了许多事情(got a lot completed that week)故选 B。 31.A 细节理解题。依据文章最后一句I believe that justgiving him thepower to decide for himself worked the wonder.可知,我认为给 Tyler 自己做决定的机会创造了奇迹,故选A 项。 32.D 细节理解题。依据第二段 The researchers owed the ozones being smaller to the continuing decline of CFCs 可知

13、研究人员认为臭氧洞变小要归功于CFC(氟氯碳)减少,故选D。 33.C 猜测词义题。依据词汇所在句后面内容可知,火山活动会影响臭氧洞的恢复过程,2015 年智 利一座火山喷发对臭氧洞是灾难,即臭氧洞扩大,而火山活动不频繁时臭氧洞就会减小, 故选 C。 34.B 推理判断题。依据最后一段We have to wait and see, but we probably will see a much smaller ozone hole this year.可知,Kinnison 对于臭氧洞变小有信心,故选B。 35.B 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了臭氧洞变小、原因以及对未来的预测,故选B 项。 3

14、6.E 前一句说女性发现难以理解男性,这一句说的是原因,下一句举例子。 37.G 前一句说男生喜欢通过自己动手想出解决办法,后一句说成年男性也是这样。 38.A 依据本段首句以及内容可知本段主题是男性喜欢胜利。 39.F 前一句说不要让他参加解决问题的讨论,后一句承接上句意思,说不要强迫他按照“符 合逻 辑”的方式来做事。 40.C 前面说读说明书之类会让男人感觉自己比较弱,让他知道自己做错了。谁需要这样呢? 他(没 有任何帮助)已经过得很好了,为什么要改变? 41.B 由第一句 I was born standing up and havent relaxed since.可知我不会放松,经

15、 - 12 - 常情绪崩溃。故 选 B。 42.B 此句把自己与其他孩子作对比,其他孩子不在乎的事我却会崩溃。故选B。 43.C 结合后面一句 Then I walked off the stage可知,我晕场了,本句在描述当时舞台 上的情景:灯光亮得让我目眩。故选C。 44.A 由上下文“原来在台上,后来到了观众席”,可知作者是下了“舞台”。故选A。 45.B 前几句描述了自己舞台上一次失败经历,此句是那次经历后的感受以及影响:害怕在人 前失 败,开始回避社交场合。故选B。 46.C 见上一题解析。 47.A 与前主句中“回避社交场合”应该达到的预期效果相反(however),work 意为

16、“管用、 起作 用”,最符合语境。 48.C 承接上句, 说明 “没有有效果” 的表现我还是认为众人是我压力的 “起因” (cause) 。 49.D 结合语境 I fell while walking 可知,我摔倒了,有人过来“帮”我,而come to ones rescue 来救某人,需要的情景是“有生命危险”,故选D。 50.C 文章首句以及第一段可知作者特别容易焦虑,下文对方安慰作者“不必感觉 awkward”, 与该处 embarrassed 意义相近,也就是对方安慰他的原因。故选C。 51.B 联系作者的话 No. Im just a little embarrassed 可知此句

17、为路人安慰我不要因“摔 倒”而难为情, 因为人人都可能会“摔倒”,故选B。A 项“人人都会犯错误”是一个普遍真理,缺乏上 下文语境支 持,不是最佳选择。 52.D 联系 like a big bell 以及后文可知这位路人的话对我触动很大,一直在我脑中回响。 “钟声” 与“回响”对应,故选 D。 53.B 由前一句 I began writing down the things that troubled me most.可知,作者列出 一系列困扰自己的事情,所以此处应该是列出的名单。故选B。 54.A 依据后文 Or if they did, they werent as bad as I

18、thought or the situation had solved itself.可知,是 - 13 - 我过度忧虑,所以此句应为:几乎“没有什么事”发生。故选A。 55.D 依据本句可知问题并没有我想象的那么多那么难,所以此处应为很多事情自行解决了。 故选 D。 56.A 依据 I found almost all never happened. Or if they did, they werent as bad as I thought or the situation had solved itself.可知作者现在发现很多事并不需要自 己帮助。故选 A。 57.D 联系前一句 T

19、he universe didnt need my help as a matter of fact. (这个宇宙根 本不需要我的帮 助!);不再为这个宇宙负责,对我来说是多么“放松”啊!故选D。 58.C 根据上句,我们不必一定要是强者,这里指失败“也没关系”。故选C。 59.A 由上文以及本句中的still 得知我依然会紧张。故选A。 60.Dbut 提示两个分句是转折关系:虽然现在还会为某件事情紧张,但是,已经意识到,自己 所紧张的事情中,很少有几件是“值得(紧张)的”,说明作者心情逐渐放松,心理成 熟了起来,故选 D。 语法填空 61. yourself62. to speak63.

20、whom64. advice 69.worrying 65. that 66.conversations67. remembers 短文改错 68. with70. more 1.第二句 heavyheavily 2.第三句drivesdrove 3.第四句 at 和 hotel 中间加 the 4.第五句 thatwhere 5.第六句 deeplydeep 6.第七句in 删除 7.第七句 getgetting8.第八句themit 9.第九句 butand 10.第十句expectingexpected 附:听力录音稿 Text 1Text 1 W: Good morning, sir.

21、 What do you think ofmy term paper? The theme is TouringResources in China. M: The topic is not bad, but youd better polishyour wording. Text 2Text 2 - 14 - W: Well, you cleaned out the refrigerator thistime. M: Im sorry for that, but I was starving. Text 3Text 3 W: Ive got a new job. Im really plea

22、sed,though the money is the same. But it meansI can visit lots of different countries. M: Wow! Fantastic! W: I know. But I have to work most weekends. Text 4Text 4 M: Hey, if you cant enjoy that at a sensiblevolume, please use earphones. Im thinkingabout some problems. W: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt reali

23、ze it was botheringyou. Text 5Text 5 W: Good morning. Can I take your order forbreakfast? M:Yes,thankyou.Illstartwithsomegrapefruitjuice.,no.somehot coffee,followed by cornflakes. Text 6Text 6 W: Hi, Dean. I saw fire trucks outside yourhouse when I took out the rubbish thismorning. You didnt have a

24、fire, did you? M: Yes, unfortunately I did. There wassomething wrong with my lamp and itstarted a fire in the living room. The fireburned my nice new curtains. Im going tohave to replace them. W: Oh, thats too bad. Was there any otherdamage? M: No, just the curtains. Text 7Text 7 W: Hello! May I hel

25、p you? M: Oh, Hi. Id like to buy one of your products,the washing machine. Its number is 80080.I saw its ad several weeks ago. I am quiteimpressed. W: Im sorry, but the goods were just soldout last month. If youd like, may Iintroduce another new model to you? M: Hmm. Theproduct is very hot. If I ord

26、erthe old model now, how long will it take - 15 - toget the goods? W: Let me check. It takes about 6 weeks tomanufacture, and another 2 weeks to deliverit. Text 8Text 8 W: What a great day! Dont you think so? M: I guess so. I didnt notice. I feel terriblebecause I surfed the Internet until aftermidn

27、ight last night. W: After midnight! Did you surf so late becauseyou were bored? I usually surf theInternet only if I have nothing to do. M: No, I was unhappy because I left mymeal tickets in the dining room. Theresmore than 100 dollars worth of meal ticketslost. W: Then did surfing the Internet make

28、 you feelbetter? M: I felta bit better while Iwas surfing. Youknow, it took my mind off my troubles. Butafter I woke up this morning, I just felteven worse with myself for wasting somuch time. W: Ive had that feeling before. Text 9Text 9 M: Hi, honey. Im home. W: Hi, Jim. Where did you go? You saidy

29、oud be home 20 minutes before. M: Sorry, honey. There were too manypeople in the gym, so I had to wait for 15minutes just to get into the weight room.Thats what made me a little late. W: Well, dinner is ready. M: OK. How was your day at work, honey? W: Oh, it was pretty bad. Im stuck workingon a pro

30、ject with Dan again, and itsimpossible. He seldom comes to the officeand never works hard. Its driving mecrazy. I dont know what to do. M: Did you talk to the boss about it? W: No, I dont want to seem like I cant workwith others. I am going to stick to it and domy best. M: What youve said is reasona

31、ble. Why dontyou relax tonight after dinner? Ill do thedishes and clean up. - 16 - W: That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Jim. Text 10 M: As the car industry develops, traffic accidentshave become as familiar as the commoncold. Yet their cause and control remaina serious problem that is difficult to s

32、olve.Experts have long recognized that thisdiscouraging problem has many causes. Atthe very least, it is a problem that involvesthree factors: the driver, the vehicle and theroadway. If all the drivers exercised goodjudgment at all times, there would be fewaccidents. But this is rather like saying t

33、hat ifall people were honest, there would be nocrime. Improved design has helped tomake highways much safer. But thenumberofaccidentscontinuestorisebecauseofhumanfailureandan enormousincrease in the number of automobiles onthe road. Attention is now turningincreasingly to the third factor of theaccidents: the car itself. Since people thinkthat the accidents are bound to happen,they want to know how cars can be builtbetter to protect the drivers. - 17 -


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