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1、精品文档 8B8B 新教材新教材 Unit 1Unit 1 短语归纳短语归纳 Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 67)Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 67) 1. in the bowl在碗里 2. an hour ago一个小时前 3. used to do sth过去常作某事 4. share food with me和我分享食物 5. be so kind to me对我很善良 6. transport at different times不同时代的交通工具 7. go around the city环游城

2、市 8. go to other cities去其他城市 9. go to school by bike骑自行车去上学 10. take a bus乘公共汽车(动词短语) 11. too many people太多的人 12. a long time长时间 13. It takesto do sth做某事花费某人时间。 14. wait for the next one等下一个(汽车) Reading (P. 811)Reading (P. 811) 1. know Sunshine Town very well很了解阳光镇 2. since I was born自从我出生以来 3. move

3、 house搬家 4. live in the northern part of town住在这个镇的北部 5. get married结婚 6. move two blocks away搬到两个街区远 7. live in this area住在这个地区 8. since then自从那时 9. change a lot变化很大 10. over the years这些年来 11. a post office一个邮局 12. in the town centre在镇中心 13. turninto a new park把变成一个新公园 14. part of the town centre镇中

4、心的一部分 15. a steel factory一个钢铁厂 16. put the waste into the river把废物放到河里 17. realize the problem意识到这个问题 18. take action to improve the situation采取措施改善这种情况 19. much cleaner干净多了 20. in some ways在某些方面 21. most of my old friends我的大部分老朋友 22. move away搬走 23. as often as before和以前一样经常 24. play cards打牌 25. pl

5、ay Chinese chess下中国象棋 26. feel a bit lonely感到有点孤独 27. from time to time不时地 28. see the amazing changes in the town看到镇上令人惊奇的变化 29. because of being alone因为独自一人 30. a group of buildings一群楼房 精品文档 精品文档 31. with streets on all sides四周都有街道 32. know little about Sunshine Town对阳光镇了解很少 33. take place发生 34. y

6、our interview with Mr Chen你对陈先生的采访 35. move to another flat搬到另一套公寓 36. all his life他一辈子 37. in the past在过去 Grammar (P. 1214)Grammar (P. 1214) 1. have nothing to eat没有吃的东西 2. many times许多次 3. since Monday自从星期一以来 4. repair bicycles修理自行车 5. for years数年 6. teach us a lot about教我们许多有关 7. the history of C

7、hina中国历史 8. about the changes in Beijing关于北京的变化 9. over the past century在上个世纪期间 10. learn more about Beijing s past and present了解更多关于北京的过去和现在 11. hear about the film听说这部电影 12. plan to see it again计划再去看它 Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 1517)Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 1517) 1. fresh air

8、新鲜空气 2. living condition生活条件 3. years ago数年前 4. a new railway station一个新火车站 5. travel to and from town进出这个镇 6. another big change另一个巨大的变化 7. used to live in old houses过去常住在老房子里 8. most of them他们中大部分人 9. move into new flats搬到新公寓里 10. return from the USA从美国回来 11. go abroad到国外去 12. at primary school在小学

9、 13. keep in touch with each other互相保持联系 14. communicate by email通过电子邮件交流 15. make communication much easier使交流容易多了 16. be/get used to习惯于 Task (P. 1819)Task (P. 1819) 1. changes in my hometown我家乡的变化 2. open space开阔的空地 3. listen to the radio听收音机 4. mobile phone手机 5. on both sides在两边 6. enjoy a comfor

10、table life享受舒适的生活 7. in their free time在他们的空余时间 8. travel around the town在镇上旅行 9. have their own cars有他们自己的小汽车 精品文档 精品文档 8B8B 新教材新教材 Unit 2Unit 2 短语归纳短语归纳 Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 2021)Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 2021) 1. go to South Hill for my holiday去南山度我的假期 2. have been ther

11、e before以前已经去那儿 3. join you加入你们,成为你们的一员 4. get ready准备好 5. get all my things得到我的所有东西 6. take the bag拿走这个包 7. be a holiday for me对我来说是个假期 8. place of interest名胜 9. the Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔 10. the Little Mermaid美人鱼 11. the Statue of Liberty自由女神像 12. the Tower Bridge塔桥 13. the Sydney Opera House悉

12、尼歌剧院 14. the capital of Denmark丹麦的首都 15. come from the story by Anderson来自安徒生的故事 Reading (P. 2225)Reading (P. 2225) 1. a trip to Hong Kong一次去香港的旅行 2. since last week自从上个星期 3. miss you so much非常想念你 4. have been in Hong Kong for two days已经来香港两天 5. have a fantastic time玩地非常开心 6. spend the whole day度过整整

13、一天 7. go to the park by underground乘地铁去公园 8. have fun on Space Mountain在太空山玩得开心 9. an indoor roller coaster一个室内的过山车 10. in the dark在黑暗中 11. move at high speed以很快的速度移动 12. through the whole ride在整个旅程中 13. hurry to a restaurant匆忙去一家饭店 14. have a quick meal快速地吃顿饭 15. on the way在路上 16. Disney cartoon ch

14、aracters迪斯尼动画人物 17. such as例如 18. Snow White白雪公主 19. Mickey Mouse米老鼠 20. get excited变得兴奋 21. a parade of Disney characters迪斯尼人物的游行 22. later in the afternoon在下午的晚些时候 23. the best part of the day一天最好的时光 24. run after them追赶他们 25. can t stop taking photos不停地拍照片 26. watch a 4-D film看一部四维电影 27. smell th

15、e apple pie闻到苹果派 28. feel the wind感受到风 29. do some shopping/go shopping购物 30. a couple of key rings几个钥匙圈 31. at the end of the day在这天结束的时候 32. watch the fireworks看烟火 33. in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle在睡美人城堡前面 34. look bright and beautiful看上去明亮、漂亮 35. under the fireworks在烟火下 36. have gone to

16、Hainan去了海南 精品文档 精品文档 37. enjoy yourselves(你们)玩得开心 38. let me have a look让我看一看 Grammar (P. 2628)Grammar (P. 2628) 1. have been to South Hill去过南山 2. have gone to Hong Kong去了香港 3. have been to Xian twice去过西安两次 4. be with us和我们在一起 5. havent seen Mr Wu for days几天没见到吴先生 6. go to Tianjin to attend a meetin

17、g去天津参加会议 7. have been to the beach there去过那儿的海滩 8. see Andy playing on the sand看到安迪在沙滩上玩 9. by the way顺便问一下 10. invite Andy to go for a picnic邀请安迪去野餐 13. since 2007自从 2007 年以来 14. on the first day of the winter holiday在寒假的第一天 15. help me learn more about Hong Kong帮助我更多地了解香港 16. a few days几天 17. in O

18、cean Park在海洋公园 18. be on for about half an hour开始大约半小时 Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 2931)Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 2931) 1. places for travelling旅行的地方 2. Chinese gardens中国园林 3. natural beauty自然美 4. seaside cities海边城市 5. theme park主题公园 6. Mount Huang黄山 7. places to go去的地方 8. the Wi

19、ndow of the World世界之窗 9. all year round一年到头 10. love water sports喜爱水上运动 11. great fun很有趣的事 12. go there in any season在任何季节去那儿 13. on cold and snowy days在寒冷、下雪的日子里 14. the best time to go there去那儿的最好时间 15. at that time of year在一年的那个时侯 16. there may be some rain可能有些雨 17. plans for the May Day holiday五

20、一假期的计划 18. have been to Chengdu on business twice去成都出差两次 19. take a direct flight to Chengdu乘直达航班去成都 20. check it for you为你检查一下 Task (P. 3233)Task (P. 3233) 1. visit places of interest参观名胜 2. Ocean Park海洋公园 3. dolphin show海豚表演 4. delicious seafood美味的海鲜 5. exciting Space Mountain ride令人兴奋的太空山骑乘活动 6.

21、leave for the airport前往飞机场 7. in the early morning在清晨 8. three and a half hours三个半小时 9. fly to Hong Kong坐飞机去香港 10. the next day第二天 11. the most famous theme park最著名的主题公园 13. enjoy that day most最喜欢那一天 14. buy presents for our relatives为我们的亲戚买礼物 15. go to a seafood restaurant去一家海鲜餐厅 16. some day有一天 精品

22、文档 精品文档 8B8B 新教材新教材 Unit 3Unit 3 短语归纳短语归纳 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 3435)Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 3435) 1. online tours在线旅游 2. look like a TV看上去像电视 3. remote control遥控器 4. here it is它在这儿 5. change the channel换频道 6. main unit(电脑) 主机 7. send and receive e-mails收发电子邮件 8. do wor

23、d processing进行文字处理 9. search for information搜寻信息 10. watch videos看录像 11. Whatfor?为了什么? 12. use it to do sth用它做某事 Reading (P. 3639)Reading (P. 3639) 1. Around the World in Eight Hours八小时周游世界 2. your tour guide你的导游 3. at the top of the page在这一页的顶部 4. click on it点击它 5. here we are我们在这儿 6. the biggest c

24、ity in the USA美国最大的城市 7. Wall Street华尔街 8. the world-famous trade centre世界著名的贸易中心 9. at the southern end of Manhattan Island在曼哈顿岛的南端 10. international bank国际银行 11. further on再向前 12. Times Square时代广场 13. thousands of people成千上万的人 14. on New Years Eve在除夕 15. see the huge glass ball看到巨大玻璃球 16. fall thr

25、ough the darkness通过黑暗降临 17. in the centre of the island在这个岛的中心 18. Central Park中心公园 19. a good place to relax一个放松的好地方 20. after a days hard work一天的辛苦工作后 21. be famous for its theatres因为它的剧院而出名 22. since the early twentieth century自从 20 世纪初 23. hear of the song听说这首歌曲 24. the famous Broadway musical著名

26、的百老汇音乐剧 25. so much for New York关于纽约就讲到这里 26. at the bottom of the page在这一页的底部 27. pick another city挑选另一座城市 28. fall from the sky从天上掉下来 29. be called被称为 30. buy tickets to different places买票去不同的地方 31. of course当然可以 Grammar (P. 4042)Grammar (P. 4042) 1. have been to Canada twice去过加拿大两次 2. visit the P

27、alace Museum参观故宫 3. the other day前几天 4. last summer去年夏天 5. up to now到目前为止 精品文档 精品文档 6. so far迄今为止 7. till now直到现在 8. write an e-mail to my friend写一封邮件给我的朋友 9. some of our classmates我们的一些同学 10. since I was born自从我出生以来 11. have been there three times已经去那儿三次 12. eat lots of local food吃许多当地的食物 13. lucky

28、 you你真幸运 14. dream of traveling around the world梦想周游世界 15. without a passport没有护照 16. realize your dream实现你的理想 17. by taking an online tour通过进行在线旅游 18. return from the USA从美国回来 Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 4345)Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 4345) 1. how to use the website如何使用网站 2. tak

29、e you to different places around the world带你去世界各地不同的地方 3. further down at the bottom of the page进一步下降在页面底部 4. look like a ship with many sails看上去像一个有许多帆的船 5. in the north-east coast of Australia在澳大利亚的东北部海岸 6. climb the Harbour Bridge爬上港口大桥 7. 8. on the website在网站上 9. be the opposite to ours和我们的相反 10

30、. for example例如 11. Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗? 12. show me how to start this online tour展示给我看如何开始网上旅游 13. click on the icon点击按钮 14. my pleasure愿意为您效劳 15. an online course一个在线课程 16. daily English日常英语 17. book tickets and hotels预订票和旅馆 18. in daily communication在日常交流中 Task (P. 4647)Task (P. 4647

31、) 1. introduce a country介绍一个国家 2. the United Kingdom联合王国 3. Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠和北爱尔兰 4. an island country一个岛国 5. be made up of由组成 6. the capital city首都城市 7. have a long history具有悠久的历史 8. its ruler它的统治者 9. in this old European country在这个古老的欧洲国家里 10. Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 11. the ho

32、me of kings and queens国王和王后的家 12. for a long time很长时间 13. be famous for its museums因为它的博物馆而出名 14. the British Museum不列颠博物馆 15. the world s culture世界的文化 16. many places of natural beauty许多自然美的地方 17. the Lake District湖泊区 18. such as例如 19. prepare for it为它做准备 20. the best time to visit the UK参观英国的最好时间

33、精品文档 精品文档 8B8B 新教材新教材 Unit 4Unit 4 短语归纳短语归纳 Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 4849)Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 4849) 1. a good read一个好的读物 2. do with处置 3. decide what to do with these books决定如何处置这些书 4. not yet还没有 5. give them to me把它们给我 6. I didn t know我本来不知道 7. have to use them to do sth

34、不得不用它们来做某事 8. reach the box on the fridge够到冰箱上的盒子 9. what type of books什么类型的书 10. read a book about Germany读一本有关德国的书 11. in World War 在第二次世界大战中 12. be interested in history books对历史书感兴趣 13. improve my knowledge of the past提高我的过去的知识 14. in your spare time在你的空余时间 15. French writer法国作家 Reading (P. 5053

35、)Reading (P. 5053) 1. crash against the rocks冲击岩石 2. as far as sb. could尽可能远地 3. by the time到时间为止 4. feel the land under my feet感受我的脚下的土地 5. be tired out筋疲力尽 6. fall down on the beach跌倒在海滩上 7. go to sleep入睡 8. be tied to the ground被拴在地面上 9. move up over my stomach动了我的胃 10. look down向下看 11. the same

36、size as和一样尺寸 12. climb all over me爬了我一身 13. shout at them对他们大叫 14. make them fall over使他们跌倒 15. move across my body在我的身体上移动 16. know what to say知道说什么 17. try to pull one hand free试图把一只手拉自由了 18. manage to break the rope设法弄断绳子 19. lift my left hand into the air把我的左手举到空中 20. a huge army of small men一大群

37、小男人 21. come straight towards me朝我冲过来 22. run away from them从他们那儿逃跑 23. know how to get away知道如何逃掉 24. keep doing sth不断地做某事 25. find himself unable to move发现他自己不能移动 26. climb onto his body爬到他的身体上面 27. communicate with sb.和某人交流 Grammar (P. 5456)Grammar (P. 5456) 精品文档 精品文档 1. decide what to read决定读什么

38、2. know who to talk to知道和谁交谈 3. forget when to meet his friends忘记何时会见他的朋友们 4. decide which to choose first决定首先选哪一个 5. wonder where to ask for help想知道去哪里求助 6. know how to write the report知道如何写这个报告 7. advise us which to choose建议我们选哪一个 8. discuss which colour to paint the walls讨论把墙油漆成哪种颜色 9. so many in

39、teresting books如此多有趣的书 10. find out弄清楚 11. in such a short time在如此短的时间里 12. before next Friday在下周五之前 13. be there to help us在那儿帮助我们 14. before writing在写之前 15. keep the books clean保持书干净 16. return the books on time准时还书 17. keep them longer借它们时间更长点 18. bring your library card把你的借书证带来 19. every time yo

40、u go to the library你每次去图书馆的时候 20. remember to do sth记住要做某事 d Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 5759)Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 5759) 1. read them to her sister把它们读给她的妹妹听 2. a British writer一个英国作家 3. date of birth出生日期 4. publishing house出版社 5. at first起先 6. refuse to publish it拒绝出版它 7. b

41、e a great success很成功 8. be translated into 96 languages被翻译成 96 种语言 9. so far迄今为止 10. in the very beginning在最开始的时候 11. know where to find them知道在哪里找到它们 12. at a time一次 13. How long may I keep the books?这些书我能借多长时间? 14. tell me how to renew them告诉我如何续借它们 15. come to our desk every time每次来我们的桌子 16. rene

42、w them online在网上续借 17. find them exciting发现它们令人兴奋 18. look for hidden treasure寻找隐藏的珍宝 19. give me a lot of confidence给我许多自信 20. as shy as I used to be和我过去曾经一样害羞 Task (P. 6061)Task (P. 6061) 1. reading habits阅读习惯 2. read before going to bed睡觉前读书 3. read a lot读了许多 4. four great classical Chinese novel

43、s中国四大古典小说 5. opposite my home在我家的对面 6. give me lots of advice给我许多建议 精品文档 精品文档 7. discuss what to read讨论读什么 8. open up a whole new world to me给我开辟一个全新的世界 8B8B 新教材新教材 Unit 5Unit 5 短语归纳短语归纳 Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 6465)Comic Strip &Welcome to the unit (P. 6465) 1. old enough to do sth年龄足够大

44、做某事 2. learn about manners了解礼节 3. share things with others与他人分享东西 4. never too old to learn活到老学到老 5. do the right things做正确的事情 6. drop litter everywhere到处扔垃圾 7. leave the tap running让水龙头一直开着 8. obey traffic rules遵守交通规则 9. queue for your turn排队等候轮到你 10. keep the library clean保持图书馆干净 11. write in the

45、books在书上写字 12. put them back把它们放回去 Reading (P. 6669)Reading (P. 6669) 1. invite Jenny to talk about manners邀请詹妮谈论礼仪 2. the proper way to greet people问候别人的合适方式 3. British people英国人 4. say hello to sb向某人问好 5. shake your hand握住你的手 6. for the first time第一次 7. greet people with a kiss用一个吻问候人 8. start a c

46、onversation开始一个谈话 9. talk about the weather谈论天气 10. avoid subjects like age or money避免像年龄或金钱的话题 11. behave politely in public在公共场合表现礼貌 12. push in before others在其他人之前挤进去 13. bump into someone in the street在街上撞到某人 14. be in their way挡他们的路 15. push past you从你身边挤过去 16. be polite enough to wait till you

47、 move足够有礼貌等到你移动 17. as well也 18. all the time一直 19. keep your voice down压低你的声音 20. in public在公共场合 21. shout or laugh loudly高声大叫或大笑 22. just as an old saying goes正如那句老话 23. When in Rome, do as the Romans do入乡随俗 24. push in推进去 25. by accident偶然地 26. try not to do something尽力不要做某事 27. queue for somethi

48、ng排队等东西 28. in a strange place在一个陌生的地方 29. greet each other彼此打招呼 30. improve our manners改善我们的礼貌 精品文档 精品文档 Grammar (P. 7071)Grammar (P. 7071) 1. adj. enough to do sth足够做某事 2. too to 太而不能 3. any time任何时候 4. make everyone laugh使每个人笑 5. on ones own独自 6. the radio show广播节目 7. join the discussion参加讨论 8. b

49、e kind enough to do足够善良做某事 9. too polite to shout loudly太有礼貌不可能大声喊叫 10. express oneself clearly清楚地表达自己 11. write down all the main points写下所有的重点 12. take her hat with her把她的帽子随身带上 13. be busy with her dancing lesson忙于她的舞蹈课 14. too hard for us to understand对我们来说太难,不能理解 Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 7275)Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 7275) 1. public signs公共标志 2. keep us away from danger使我们远离危险 3. warn sb. against (doing) sth.警告某人某事 4. No smoking禁止吸烟 5. No photos禁止拍照 6. No parking禁止停车 7. No littering禁止扔垃圾 8. be bright in colours颜色是明亮的 9. the famous painting by Picasso毕加索的名画


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