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1、英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 2第8课时表格教案(Project)课 题M5U2来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KThe environment课时8-8Project 主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1) Let the student know our mother river.2) Let them know the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and our environment教学重、难点Know the problems the Yangtze River has, find out the causes and the m

2、easures should be take.教、 学 具slides预习要求workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注来源:Z。xx。k.ComStep 1 lead inShow the students pictures of the Yangtze River. Then ask them questions.Do you like the Yangtze River?Why is it important in our country?Lets divide the class into four groups. Then try your best to tell

3、about the Yangtze River as much as possible. The group which has more ideas will be the winner.1. Basic knowledge:How many provinces does it run across? How long is the Yangtze River? Please give the names of the three longest rivers in the world?Where is the Three Gorge Dam? Do you know anything mo

4、re about the Three Gorge Dam? 2. Match the pictures with the names:Please give the names of the bridges over the river as many as you canPlease give the names of the rare fishes in the river as many as you can.Please give the names of famous cities along the river as many as you canStep 2 listening

5、Now since you have some knowledge about Yangtze river, listen to the tape and tell what the passage is talking aboutStep 3 readingThis time I want you to read the passage carefully and do the exercises below:1) Answer the questions:1. Why do the environmental problems of the Yangtze River draw peopl

6、es attention at home and abroad?Because it is the third longest river in the world and home to a diverse range of fish and animals while many people depend on it for drinking water.2. What has caused the pollution of the Yangtze River?Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge populatio

7、n growth has resulted in the rising amount of water taken from the river, and the waste being put back into the river.3. What bad effects has it had on the ecology of the area?Unsafe drinking water which has led to healthy problems for people living near the river and killing many plants and animals

8、.4. What have been done to deal with the problem?Environmental organizations and projects have been set up to deal with the problem.5. What has The Green River Organization done?It educates and advises people on the importance of protecting this great river. It watches the river. It stops the illega

9、l hunting of animals.6. What has the government done to deal with water and soil preservation?Two special government projects are also under way to protect the river ,Which work out possible solutions to the many problems, such as the water and soil preservation. result in farmers replacing the crop

10、s on their farmland with trees or grassland, and set up a nature reverse for white-flag dolphins7. What has the government done to save white-flag dolphins?The reserve was set up on the lower reaches of the river in Zhenjiang. Boats are prohibited from entering this area in order to keep the dolphin

11、s safe.8. What is the good news for the river?People have finally realized that it is their responsibility to protect this great riverStep 4 language pointsNow we are familiar with the passage, let me explain some key language points for you.1. As the third longest river in the world, it is clear to

12、 see why the environmental problems of Yangtze River have raised concern both nationally and internationally. raise 引起;造成His absence raised fears about his safety. The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical que2. plus 加, 加上, 和Three plus two equals five.This work requires in

13、telligence plus experience.3. 与neither, not 连用, 或与 no, never 等表示否定的词连用也不There is neither river nor stream nearby.附近既无河流也没小溪。Not a man nor a child was to be seen in the village.4 under way在进行中, 发生; 在航行中Preparations are well under way 5. endanger 危及,危害The polluted air is badly endangering the health o

14、f the residents. 6.a range of buildings 一排楼房a range of pictures 一系列画片a large range of motors for sale 一长排待售的汽车Step 5 writingIn this period, we have learned the problems about Yangtze river and know the causes and solutions. We should try our best to protect the river and our environment. Now can you

15、 write a report about Yangtze river since you have known the situations. Now work in groups and write a report.sentence structure organization punctuationvocabulary grammar spellingDuring the editing stage, correct any mistakes you find and offer suggestions to the group on how they can improve thei

16、r report. Ask for comments on your report as well.Presenting .Present your report to the class.Step 6 homeworkRevise the report after class and present it to the class.高考链接拓展阅读Words:313难度系数:建议用时:8分钟Some names have special meanings in popular American expressions.One day,an average Joe was walking do

17、wn the street.An average Joe is a common personeither male or female.He was lost.He did not know where he was going.So average Joe asked John QPublic for directions to the nearest bank.John QPublic is also a common personmale or female.“Jeez Louise,”said John QPublic.This is an expression of surpris

18、e.“Dont you know that all banks are closed today? It is Saturday.”“For Petes sake,”said average Joe.This is also an expression used to show a feeling like surprise or disappointment.“I do not believe you,”said he.At that moment,Joe Blow was walking down the street with a woman.Joe Blow is also an ex

19、pression for a common person.Now this Joe Blow was not walking next to a plain Jane.A plain Jane is a woman who is neither ugly nor pretty.The woman with Joe Blow was a real Sheilaa beautiful woman.Average Joe asked the woman if all banks were closed on Saturday.“No way,Jose,” she answered.This is a

20、 way of saying “no.”“Many banks are open on Saturdays.”Average Joe did not know either of these two people from Adam.That is,he did not know them at all.But he followed their directions to the nearest bank.When he arrived,he walked to the desk and said:“I am here to withdraw some money so I can pay

21、my taxes to Uncle Sam”This represents the United States government.The banker produced some papers and told him to sign his John Hancock at the bottom.A John Hancock is a persons signed namea signature.Historically,John Hancock was one of the signers of the United States Declaration of Independence.

22、Hancock had a beautiful signature and signed his name larger than all the others.【解题导语】本文介绍了美国英语中一些与人名相关的约定俗语的含义及来源。5The main idea of this text is that _.来源:Zxxk.ComAsome popular American names have special storiesBsome popular American expressions have some special namesCsome popular American names

23、 have special meaningsDsome popular American expressions are interesting解析:选C。确定主旨大意题。短文主要介绍美国英语中常用人名所构成俗语的特定含义,故C项正确。6Which of the following refers to an ordinarylooking woman?AAn average Joe. BJohn QPublic.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KCJoe Blow. DA plain Jane.解析:选D。细节把握题。由第二段倒数第二句可知plain Jane是一位既不丑也不漂亮的妇女。7The

24、name “Jeez Louise” is_.Aan expression of surpriseBa feeling like disappointmentCan expression for a common man Da woman who is neither ugly nor pretty解析:选A。词义猜测题。第一段倒数第三句是对Jeez Louise的解释:这是一种惊讶的表达方式。8What does the banker really want to ask Joe to sign on the papers?来源:Z_xx_k.ComAJohn Hancock.BUnited States Declaration.CHis own name. DUncle Sam.解析:选C。细节把握题。最后一段第四句对A John Hancock的解释为:A John Hancock是个人签名指代人的签名,所以那个银行职员想让Joe在文件上签上自己的名字。


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