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1、 Unit 1 Cultural RelicsTeaching goals1). Ability goalsA. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.B. Improve the students reading ability.C. Train the students ability to grasp key information while listening.D. Enable the students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways

2、to protect them.2). Learning ability goalsHelp the Ss to learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics.Teaching important points1 ).The new words and expressions;2). Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room;3). Train the students speaking ability.4). Improve the students readi

3、ng ability.Train the students ability to grasp key information while listening.Teaching methods1). Watch some videos about the cultural relics. (individuals)2). Have a discussion. (group work)3). Write an article about the discussion. (individuals) Part 1Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming-upT: When

4、talking about cultural relics, what comes to your mind?S1: The Great Wall.S2: The Pyramids in Egypt.S3: T: Well done. As is known to all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many o

5、f which are world famous. Now look at the pictures and guess what heritage they are. All these are cultural relics.Imagine you have a chance to travel these places. Which place would you like to go?Why? What is a cultural relic?(Ss can find the answer from the Warming up.)Step 2 Speaking task If you

6、 find a cultural relic, what will you do with it? Step 3 Pre-readingT: OK, class, do you think these cultural relics are beautiful? Ss: Yes, very beautiful.T: Suppose one of them got them, what will you do with it?Part 2 Reading and comprehendingKnowledge:Learn some new phrases and some new sentence

7、 patterns.Ability:1. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2. Improve the students reading ability.Teaching methods:1. Learning and practicing.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Greetings and lead-inT: We learned some cultural relics just now. Well, were going to learn another cultural relic.

8、 Look at the pictures on; do you know what it is called?Ss: The Amber Room.T: Yes, Its called the Amber Room.What do you know about the cultural relic” the Amber Room”?T shows the Ss some pictures of “the Amber Room”Step 2 Fast reading:T: Do you want to know more about the Amber Room? What does the

9、text tell about the Amber Room? Read the passage first and try to answer the questions:Whats main idea of the passage? What happened to the Amber Room?(finish the text)Step 3 language pointsin search of , search for ,search sb/sth in the / ones search for;state, nation, country;gift; make into; in r

10、eturn; wonder; remove; furniture; Step 4 Discussion Do you know how amber works? Part 3(Text analyses and language points)Knowledge:1. Words: ton, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, light, mirror, wonder;2. Phrases: look into, belong to, in search of, in return, at war, take

11、apart, think highly of;3. Sentence patterns(1). In 1770, the room was completed the way (that) she wanted it(2). There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Kingsburg, at that times a German city on the Baltic Sea.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionT: In the last period, we learned

12、 something about the Amber Room and we also know that this room has a strange history, could you tell me what happened to this room chronologically? The Ss talk it about by themselves for some minutes, and then T gives the answer:Built in Prussia- Frederick William I- Sent it to Peter the Great (Rus

13、sian)- winter palace Czar- Catherine II Move outside St Petersburg- The war between(R&G) Nazi German Secretly stole-Sent to Konigsberg (G)mystery- Now RebuiltStep 2 Learning about the language points Difficult sentences:1.Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when(it is)heated.Feel her

14、e means: to give or produce the stated sensation (给人以某种感觉)2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(同位语从句)Ask S to Check up the phrases you have found in the reading text with your partner.Language points:1. 情态动词 + have

15、 done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等 意。如:You should have told him about it yesterday. could have done 可能做过;本来可以做(却未做) might have done 或许做过;本来或许会做 may have done 或许做过 would have done 本来要做(却未做) must have done 肯定已做过(表推测)2.when heated 是when it is heated 的省略形式。状语从句中,若其主语和主句的主语一致,同时谓语动词含有系动词be, 或it is/was结构,可省去该从句的主

16、语和系动词be,留下其余部分。3.once 为从属连词,意为“一旦”Once you see it, youll like it.4. “be + of + 名词(词组)” , 表示主语的某种形状、 特性或特征。e.g. Im pleased to have been of help to you. All of the boys in the class are of the same age.5. fancy vt. 想象,推测,假想fancy + that-/ones doing sth./sb. to be/sb. as/sth./doing sth.1) Dont fancy tha

17、t you can succeed without hard work.2) I cant fancy his doing such a thing.3) I fancied him to be dead.6. in return (for): 回报,作为报酬What can we do for them in return for all the help they have given us?I gave him some books in return for his turn 轮流地,依次; 反过来 take turns轮流地 by turns 轮流地,时而

18、时而7. serve as 担任,充当He served as a waiter there. When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket.8. addto把加进里去 He added that he was very pleased with our work. Please add some sugar to the war 处于战争状态,介词at可表示状态或动作。 at peace at breakfast 10. There is no doubt= Its clear= Its

19、 beyond argumentThere is no doubt 后接名词时,需用介词 about / of ,eg. There is no doubt about / of his honesty.Step 3 HomeworkIn order to master the usage of these words and expressions, please do some related exercises. 1. Translate the sentences on Page 43 into English. Write the English sentences in one o

20、f your exercise book and hand it in tomorrow. 2. Finish the Reading Task on Page 44. Record after teaching:Part 4Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision.Have a dictation of some words and expressions of reading part.Step 2 Learning about Language.1. Ask the Ss to find the word that means each of the fol

21、lowing (Discovering useful words and expressions.) from the reading passage.The Ss begin to do this exercise. After a while, teacher begins to collect their answers and give the correct answers.2.T: Look at the dictionary entry for the phrasal verb “belong to”, and match the meanings with the senten

22、ces in the right box.belong to phr v (T)a. to be the property of: That coat belongs to me.b. to be a part of; be connected with: That top belongs to this box.c. to be a member of: He belongs to a large family.Task 1: Ex. 2 (P4)(1).Here are the farmers. They discovered the underground city last month

23、. Here are the farmers who / that discovered the underground city last month.(2). Xian is one of the few cities with walls. Its walls remain as good as before.Xian is one of the few cities with walls whose walls / the walls of which / of which the walls remain as good as before(3). Shanxi Province i

24、s a place with many cultural relics. Its relics are well looked after. Shanxi Province is a place with cultural relics whose relics are well looked after.(4). The woman remembered the day. She saw Nazis burying something near her home. The woman remembered the day when she saw Nazis burying somethin

25、g near her home.(5). The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and moving it away. You are talking to an old man. The old man (who / whom / that ) you are talking to saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and moving it away.Task 2: Fill in the blanks using which, as, when, who,

26、whom, where, when, why, that.(1). St Petersburg is a very beautiful city, _ was once called Leningrad.(2). In Xian, I met a teacher, _ has a strong love for cultural relics and took me to visit the history museum.(3). I dont remember the soldier, _ told me not to tell anyone what I had seen.(4). My

27、grandfather was a child then, _ people didnt pay much attention to cultural relics in the old days. Task 3: Practice.(1).What surprised me was not what he said but the way _ he said it.(2). Were just trying to reach a point_ both sides will sit down together and talk. (06山东)(3). _ is often the case,

28、 we have worked out the production plan.(4).This is the very house _ he livedCorrect the mistakes:1.The reason why he explained at the meeting surprised us.2.I can remember the days when we spent together.3.The way in which you talked about is very important for us.4. Put the book in which you can i

29、t easily.Step 5 Homework1. Finish Ex1 on P4: find out the sentences with attributive clause.2. After class, read the passage on Page 5.Part 5Step 1 RevisionDictation1. There was no doubt that the house belonged to my grandfather.2. We will look into the matter tomorrow, when the owner will be back.3

30、. I wont go there if invited.Step 2 Reading, listening and writingDiscussion: What must a judge do in a trial?Step 3 Reading P 5Task 1: Listen to the tape and make sure what the three people say about the missing Amber Room and try to find who is giving the most facts.Step 4 Explanation1.“疑问词+不定式”,构

31、成不定式短语,在句中作主语,表语,宾语等成分.(1).Where do go tomorrow has not been decided.(2).He has to learn how to send e-mails.(3).Will you show me how to surf the Internet?(4).Perhaps the most difficult thing is how to survive without friends?(5).I just want to know when to start?2. consider (1) 考虑 consider sth. / d

32、oing sth.We are considering going abroad.Have you considered his decision?(2) 认为 consider +that-clause consideras/ (to be)They all consider that we should start now.He is considered as / (to be) the best player.(3) considering 鉴于,考虑到,就而言She did very well, considering his age.(注意:此处不可以改成considered)3.

33、 rather than: 而不是 other than 除了(1).He would die rather than give in.(2).Other than England, there are no other places like this.Step 5 Reading task (P44-45)Task 1: Fast reading-main idea.Why does Big Feng want to save cultural relics?(Big Feng and his friends offer each other help whoever needs help

34、. So Feng believes that hiswork to save cultural relics is a way to thank his friends.)Task 2: Careful reading details.Answer the questions on Page 45.Step 6 DiscussionWhat should we to protect our cultural relics?Step 7 HomeworkDo a research about one of the cultural relics in China. Part 6Step 1 R

35、evision 1.You should praise him _ (介词短语) scold him. 2.A fact is anything that can be _ (动词). 3. A lot of _ (evident) show that he had stolen many things from the house. 4. The answer _ the question is very easy to find. _ (consider) his young age, he did a good job. Step 2 Listening (P41)Task 1: Lea

36、ding-in(1) Have you ever heard of Aswan Dam in Egypt? What is it used for?(2) Do you know there is a similar project being carried out in China?Task 2: Listen for main idea and some key points.Task 3: Listen for detailed information.1. Why was the Aswan Dam built? Was it successful? (The dam was bui

37、lt to stop floods on the Nile River. It was built to give people more electricity.)2. What problems were there during the building of the dam? (The water in the lake behind the dam rose. 53,000 people had to move and some temples were in danger.)3. The Aswan Dam is the largest dam in the world.(1) T

38、rue (2) False (3) Its not mentioned on the tape. 4. Why did Abu Simbel need to be moved?(The dam would put it under water.) 5. What problem did the engineers need to solve?(The engineers needed to find a way to move the relic to safety.) 6. Abu Simbel is the most popular place for tourists who visit

39、 Egypt.(1) True (2) False (3) It is not mentioned on the tape.Step 3 Listening TaskTask 1: Leading-in As we know, the Aswan Dam is one of the ancient cultural relics made by people in the old times. Now there are also some well-designed buildings that may become cultural relics in the future. Show s

40、ome pictures.1. The Bank of China Building in Hong 2. Kong designed by I M Pei Questions: Do you want to know the story of the designer? Now, lets listen to the tape about I M Pei, a famous architect(Architect I M Pei has a lot to smile about.The Bank of China Building in Hong Kong)Task 2: Listen an

41、d get the main idea and some key points.Task 3: Listen and finish Ex. 2(P44).1. Pei studied at _, where he soon became a _ _.2. In 1951, he travelled to _ to see its great _ for himself.3. It was designed to look like both a _ Chinese and _ Western hotel.True or False questions: (1). I M Pei designe

42、d a library for President John F Kennedy.( ) (2). He designed new parts of famous are museums in the capital cities of the US and England. ( ) (3).Two famous Chinese universities honored him. ( )Task 4: Make some notes about I M Peis life and finish Ex.1.(No.1&2)Step 4 Role-playingNo.1: Play the rol

43、es of a reporter and I M Pei according to the notes.No.2: Make a dialogue.Step 5 Homework Prepare for next period.Part 7 Speaking and writingStep 1 Cooperative learningDiscuss and make a dialogue Are you sure he/she was telling the truth? How do you know that? How can you be sure of that? Why / why

44、not? I (dont) believe, because That cant be true. .It is (not) a fact.Situation 1: Jane said she would join you in the game, but now she hasnt turned upSituation 2: Li Hua promised to have a barbecue with you all on Saturday. But something unexpected happened. You dont know whether it was true or no

45、t.Step 2 Reading and writingTask 1: Leading-in We have talked about what we should do to protect the cultural relics; now well learn a letter from a German newspaper. The writer gives his opinion about what should be done with a cultural relic that has been found.Step 3 Explanation1. think highly /

46、much / well of =sing high praise for think little / nothing ofThe headmaster thought highly of me for my good performance.The little boy was well thought of by them.He thought nothing of walking 40 miles. 走40英里, 他不当回事.2. besides (adv): whats moreIts too late; besides, its starting to rain.Step 4 HomeworkWritten work: Translation 8


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