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1、中考英语高频词汇短语及中考真题一、 高频词汇及短语1. player-players(复数)-players(复数名词所有格)2. hero-heroes(复数)-heroes (复数名词所有格)3. wise adj. 明智的,充满智慧的wisely adv. 明智地,充满智慧地4. seldom 很少,不常(表否定意义)hardly 几乎不 (表否定意义)5. patient-impatient 耐心的/不耐烦的6. pioneer-pioneers 先锋,开拓者7. places of interest 景点,名胜8. modest adj. 谦虚的 9. height n. 高,高度1

2、0. alive adj. 活着的 awake adj. 醒着的asleep adj.睡着的 只能作表语,不作定语11. in order to do sth 以便/为了做某事12. so that +从句 以便,为的是=in order that +从句 以便,为的是13. how soon 多久以后(对in+一段时间提问)how often 多长时间一次(对事情频率提问)how long 多长时间(对一段时间提问)how far 多远(对距离提问)14. weight n. 重量15. sb+ spend +时间/钱 doing sth花时间/钱做某事sb+ spend +时间/钱 on

3、sth 花时间/钱在上sb pay for 为付款 It takes sb +时间 to do sth 做某事花了某人多长时间sth + cost sb +钱 某物花了某人多少钱16. sell well 畅销(用主动表被动)sell out 卖光,售罄be sold out 被卖光/被卖完17. luckily adv. 幸好,幸运的是unluckily adv. 不幸地sadly adv. 伤心地,令人遗憾地18. excellent adj. 杰出的,极好的19. easily adv. 容易地,不费力气地20. clearly adv. 清晰地21. mainly adv. 主要地,大

4、部分地22. provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 提供某物给某人23. cant wait to do sth=cant stop doing sth 迫不及待做某事24. direction directions n. 方向(可数)in all directions 四面八方director-directors n. 导演(可数) 25. hand in 上交 hand out 分发 (代词放中间)26. honest adj. 诚实的,正直的an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩dishonest adj. 不诚实的27. harm n. 伤害

5、,损害do harm to sb 对.有害harmful adj. 有害的be harmful to sb 对有害28. absent adj. 缺席的be absent from 缺席29. appear-disappear(反义词)出现/消失30. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事31. speech=talk 演讲,演说32. spell v. 拼写spelling adj. 拼写的spelling mistakes 拼写错误33. serious adj. 认真的,严肃的 34. turn down 调低(音量) turn up 调高(音量)turn on 打开

6、turn off 关闭 turn out 原来是,结果是35. traditional adj. 传统的36. invite 邀请 be invited 被邀请37. survey n. 调查 do a survey 做调查38. carelessness n. 粗心39. careful adj. 细心的,认真的carefully adv. 细心地,认真地careless adj. 粗心的carelessly adv. 粗心地,满不在乎地40. pollute v.污染 polluted adj. 被污染的 pollution n. 污染41. cut in 插嘴 cut down 砍到cu

7、t out剪出 cutinto 把.切成42. whether 是否 (引导宾语从句)43. prefer 更喜欢,宁愿选择prefer to do sth =would rather do sth更喜欢做某事prefer doing to doing sth =would rather do than do sth与相比更喜欢做某事44. difficulty 困难,费力have difficulty (in)doing sth 做某事困难=have trouble/problems doing sth45. certainly=of course 当然,必定地46. stressed 紧张

8、的,有压力的47. put in 安装 put out 扑灭 put up 搭,举起,粘贴 put off 推迟,拖延48. suggest v. 建议suggest doing sth 建议做某事49. suggestion n. 建议 (可数)advice n. 建议 (不可数)50. mark-marks 分数(可数)51. break into 强行闯入 break out 爆发 break down 坏掉,出故障52. awake adj. 醒着的53. look for 寻找 look up 向上看,查找look after 照顾,照看 look out 向外看,当心54. asl

9、eep adj. 入睡的,睡着的fall asleep 睡着,入睡55. doubt 怀疑doubt if/whether+从句 怀疑是否dont doubt that+从句 毫无疑问56. worth adj. 值得,值钱be worth doing sth 值得做某事57. strict-stricter-strictest 严格的/更严格的/最严格的be strict with sb 对某人要求严格58. valuable adj. 宝贵的,贵重的be valuable to 对宝贵59. friendship-friendships 友谊60. silent adj. 安静的,寂静的s

10、ilence n. 安静,寂静,沉默in silence 安静,沉默61. worry-worries 担心,烦恼(可数)62. dictionary-dictionaries 字典(可数)63. reply- replies n. 答复,回答(可数)64. progress n. 进步,进展(不可数)65. whatever conj. 无论何事,无论什么whenever conj. 无论何时 however conj. 无论如何,不管怎么样wherever conj. 无论哪里66. simply adv. 仅仅,简直simply because 仅仅因为是67. university-u

11、niversities 大学(可数)a university 一所大学68. although=though 虽然,尽管69. completely adv. 完全地70. surprise n. 惊奇,差异to ones surprise 令人惊奇的是71. death n. 死亡dead adj. 死的72. winner n. 获胜者73. musician-musicians 音乐家(可数)74. control-controlled 控制75. successfully adv. 成功地76. a lasting value 持久的价值77. gift n. 天赋,才能have a

12、gift for doing sth 对有天赋78. be known/famous for 因而出名79. up-to-date=latest adj. 最新的80. direction-directions n. 方向(可数)81. director n. 导演,指导82. wealthy-wealthier-wealthiest 富有的(比较级最高级)83. unless conj. 除非84. waste n. 浪费a waste of time/money 浪费时间/钱85. so+ adj./ adv. + that + 从句= such a/ an + adj. + that +

13、从句 如此以至于86. actress- actresses n. 女演员(可数)actor n. 男演员(可数)87. moreover 此外88. otherwise 否则,要不然89. cancel-cancelled-cancelled 取消(过去式/过去分词)90. consider v. 认为,考虑consider doing sth 考虑做某事be considered as 被认为是91. truth n. 事实,真相92. somewhere adv. 在某处everywhere adv. 每处,处处anywhere adv. 到处,处处93. widely adv. 广泛地

14、94. probably adv. 大概,或许95. safety n. 安全,保险96. get along/on with 与和睦相处97. possible-impossible(反义词)可能的/不可能的98. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的99. abroad adv. 到国外100. used to do sth 曾经做某事101. be /get used to doing sth 习惯于/适用于做某事102. except prep. 除了以外(不包括在内)103. international adj. 国际的104. opposite n. 对立的人(物)105. mi

15、nd doing sth 介意做某事106. mean doing sth 意思是做某事107. get lost =lose ones way 迷路108. a European country 一个欧洲国家109. knowledge n. 知识(不可数)110. stomach n. 腹部,胃(复数+s)111. success n. 成功(具体成功的人或事可数)successful adj. 成功的successfully adv. 成功地succeed v. 成功succeed in doing sth 成功做某事112. confidence n. 信心(不可数) confiden

16、t adj. 自信的113. experience n. 经历(可数),经验(不可数)114. habit n. 习惯(可数)115. polite adj.-politely adj. 礼貌地/不礼貌地116. avoid doing sth 避免做某事117. risk doing sth 冒险做某事118. purpose n. 目的(可数)119. elderly adj. 年老的,年迈的120. necessary adj.-unnecessary 必要的/不必要的121. chance n. 机会(可数)122. similar adj. 相似的123. closely adv.

17、密切地124. especially adv. 尤其,特别125. spread n. 扩散,分布126. afford to do sth 能做某事127. proud adj. 自豪的,骄傲的be proud of 以骄傲128. develop v. 发展,加强development n. 发展129. asas possible=asas sb can/could 尽可能130. nervous adj. 焦虑的,紧张不安的 连云港2014-2019年中考真题词汇运用 2019年四、词汇运用 (共10小题; 每小题1分. 满分10分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词

18、。46. Leo wanted to catch the cat, but it ran away and_(藏)behind the bushes in the garden.47. Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both _(方向)because of the heavy fog?48. Dont be _(不耐烦的)Learning English takes some time.49. Im sorry. I _(完全地)forgot that it was your birthday yesterday.50. Last

19、 week Professor Li was _(邀请)to make a speech on Chinese traditional festivals.B.根据短文意思和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。 Every year in early October, Albuquerque International Balloon Festival is (51) h _ in Albuquerque, the biggest city in New Mexico. Because of the great number of balloons, it is the worlds (52)

20、 1 _ ballooning event. For more than 30 years, guests from all over the world come to Albuquerque in October to celebrate ballooning. In 2018, over 900, 000 people (53) a_ this event. There were over 500 balloons in the event with over 1,000 pilots. When (54) h _ of colorful balloons flew up high, t

21、he sky of Albuquerque became a moving cartoon It was full of colors and special characters. It was a time when (55) d _came true and romance filled the sky. Grown-ups and children were amazed and joyful during the balloon festival.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._2018年四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题

22、1分,满分10分)A根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。46Dianawasalittlefatinthepast.Butnowsheismuch (瘦的)thanbefore.47Paulhasfoundanewjobandis (考虑)movingtoanewflatnearhiscompany.48DoyoulikewatchingtheseTED (演说)online? Yes,Ivelearnedalotfromthem.49Someforeignerslivinginourcitywillbe_(邀请)tosharetheirlifeexperienceswith us

23、.50HaveyoueverusedMeitu?Ofcourse.Itsoneofthemost (广泛地)usedfreephotoeditingappsintheworld.B根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。TheBambooTrain,or“Norry”inthelocallanguage,isquitefamousinCambodia.Thetrainisinfactabigbamboobedwithfourwheelsandasmallengine.Itcanrunatthe(51)s ofupto50km/honthetracks.Lotsof(52)v goto

24、CambodiatoenjoytheBambooTrainride.Theyhavetopay5dollarsperpersonto(53)g onthetrain.Thebesttimetotakethetrainisfrom4to6oclockintheafternoon,(54)bitiscoolwhenpeopleenjoythecountrysideview.“Itfeelsmorelikearollercoaster,butitsreallynice,”aGermanytouristTheresaKessemeiersaidaftershe(55)caride.TheBambooT

25、rainhasbecomeapopulartouristataction.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._2017年四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。46. Some classical pieces at the concert are traditional and have a lasting _(价值).47. Our government has done a lot to protect the environment, Lots of _(被污染的

26、) rivers are much cleaner now.48. If we keep using our natural resources _(满不在乎地), they will run out of sooner or later.49. What do think of the Art Festival in your school? Colorful! All the students enjoy _(他们自己) and show their different talents.50. Why are the students talkin about _(募集) money fo

27、r the people in Sri Lanka? Because a heavy storm hit it at the end of May and thousands of people lost their homes.B. 根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。 Pepole in the Netherlands(荷兰) are quite (51) e _this month. Thats because they welcomed the first pair of Chinese pandas on April 13th. The two pandas, name

28、d Xing Ya and Wu Wen, are both more than 3 years old and will stay in the country for scientific (52) r_ for 15 years, according to Xinhua.The pandas will live at a zoo with (53) n _500,000 visitors each year. It has built the most beautiful panda house in history for the pandas, reported China Dail

29、y.At a cost of nearly 7 million euros(51 million yuan), the panda house covers 9,000 square meters and (54) l_ like an ancient Chinese palace. It has areas for the pandas to sleep and play, as well as rooms for their (55 ) f _babies to live in.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._2016年四、词

30、汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A.根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。46. -When was the new cross-sea _ (桥)in Lianyungang completed? -In April, 2016. 47. Flight 846 _ (降落) safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers. 48. Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue _ (上升)this summer. 49. On his way back home

31、, Frank lost his wallet because of his _ (粗心). 50. -Come on, Sandy. Everybody will be lucky or _ (成功的) sometime in their life. -Thanks, Ill try again. B. 根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。We need friends when we play and work. If we have friends, well feel happy. If we have no friends, we will feel (51) l_.

32、But what is Forever Friend? When youre down, and the world (52) s_ dark and empty, your forever friend cheers you (53) u_ and makes that world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you (54) t_ the hard times and the sad times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.

33、 If you lose your (55) w_, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. 46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._2015年四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。46. “_(无论何事)happens, Ill look aft

34、er my father well.” The Most Beautiful Filial Child (最美孝心少年) Liang Weiyue said.47. Lianyungang, one of the _(东方的)seaside cities, will play an important role in the Belt and Road Initiatives(“一带一路”战略思想).48. He told his parents his ideas about the camping several times, and they_(同意)with him at last.4

35、9. As a _(传统的)festival, Dragon Boat Festival is becoming more and more popular.50. In order to protect the environment, lots of_(工厂) have been moved away from the peoples living areas in the city.B根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。Sometimes we wish that we could have more time. The good news is that 2015 wil

36、l be one second (51)l_ than 2014also known as a leap second (闰秒). Over the centuries, the Earth has been slowing down. This (52)m_ that we must keep changing our clocks to keep in step with the Earths time. To keep up with the Earths time, we(53)a_ a second sometimes. We have been doing this (54)s_

37、1972. And this year will be the 26th second weve added! You will have to stay up(55)l_ if you want to experience it. Itll be added just before 8:00a.m. on July 1 Beijing time. So you will see 7:59:60 on July 1.46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._2014年四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A. 根据句意和汉语提

38、示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。1. Its lime lo have a rest. Lets go out for a (呼吸) of fresh air.2. (幸运地)for the villager, the fireman put out the big fire in time.3. Thomas Bach of Germany was (选择,选为) to be the ninth IOC president last year.4. (无论在哪里)someone falls ill, Doctor Mei often rides for hours to see the pa

39、tient in the mountainous area.5. The guide is so (精力充沛的) and outgoing that he can always help tourists have a good time on the trip.B.根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。Every minute of the day someone somewhere needs blood, maybe a (51) s baby, orsomeones mum or dad, so it is not just for emergencies and (52) a They need blood to help them beat diseases like cancer, or do a planned operation. And thats (53) w


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