Paradise Lost.doc

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1、Paradise LostTheme: The central theme of the poem deals with the Christian story of “the fall of man”. 1. The conflict between common people and God.2. The humanist pursuit for happiness, which is the spirit of Renaissance.Satan is the symbolic of Bourgeois revolutionary, but God is the symbolic of

2、the absolute rule of the time.Style (artistic feature):1. The blank verse, i.e. the unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, is used throughout the epic and is characterized by its employment of long and involved sentences, which run on many lines with a variety of pauses, and achieving sometimes an ora

3、torical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect. This richness of poetical style has frequently been called “Miltonic style”.2. Miltons style is also commonly said to be Latinate. Instead of using the common English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object order, Milton uses more elaborate patter

4、ns dram from Latin.3. Milton is very fond of using inversion. For instance, a sentence sometimes begins with a prepositional phrase, or the object of the verb, or the verb itself.4. Another characteristic of his style is the use of allusion to other works, especially the classic works. Milton is a l

5、earned poet and he uses his learning to make his poetry richer and more meaningful.Shakespeares 6achievements:1. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to the desires and aspirations of the people. After long years of domestic and foreign wars, both the people and the newly ris

6、en bourgeoisie were longing for peace. Shakespeare wrote a number of plays with the history of England as their background.2. Shakespeares humanism: More important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age. The sudden awakening of national glory w

7、as inseparable with the sudden discovery of the glory that man found in himself.3. Shakespeares characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his play he described a great number of characters.4. Shakespeares originality: Shakespeare drew most of his material from sou

8、rces that were known to audience. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old material a new spirit that gives new life to his play.5. Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas ar

9、e poetry. His style varied with the different moods he expressed. It can be lyrical, poetical, ecstatic, pathetic, cynical sarcastic and ironic.6. Shakespeare as a master of the English language: he had a command of about 15000 words.Hamlets character Without knowledge of his character, Hamlets stor

10、y would hardly be intelligible. Hamlet is neither a frail nor weak minded.Though he is deprived of his right to the throne, he is still loved and respected by everyone, though a scholar he is also fearless and impetuous in action. We see him rushing after the Ghost, killing Polonius, dealing with Gl

11、adioluss agents, boarding the private leaping into the grave and at last executing his revenge. A mere scholar can never do such things.Hamlet is a humanist, a man who is free from medieval, prejudices superstitions. He has an unbounded for the world. His revenge is a firm belief in mans power over

12、destiny. Such a delight in nature and man is characteristic of humanist of the Renaissance.MetaphysicsMetaphysical poets and those of cavaliers are two schools of poets during the reign of Charles . Metaphysical poetry is a derogatory term invented by John Dryden and later adopted by Samuel Johnson

13、describing a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, and complexity of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression. The main theme of the metaphysical poets is love, death and religion. Accordi

14、ng to them, all things in the universe, no matter how dissimilar they are to each others, are closely unified in God. The chief representative of this school was John Donne. His intellectual genius is outstanding. He is a close observer of man and manners. His quick perception drives him to penetrat

15、e below the surface of things and questions what others take for granted. So he is forever unmasking his world.From these we may know that Hamlet is not a mere scholar, simply meditative by nature. On the contrary, Hamlet is a man of genius, highly complicated. HumanismHumanism is the ideal of renai

16、ssance, a literary movement began in the 14th century in Italy and later spread to France, Spain, the Netherlands and England. Its the rebirth of Greek and Latin culture. With the spreading of the Greek and Roman culture there appeared a number of humanist scholars who took great interest in the wel

17、fare of human beings. According to them it was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of this life for an afterlife. They argue that man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion, they demanded the reformation of the church. In art and literat

18、ure, instead of singing praise to god, they sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life. Humanism shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of mans mind by the Roman Catholic Church and opened his eyes to“a brave new world” in front of him. John Milton expresses the humanist

19、 pursuit for happiness, the spirit of renaissance.Mrs. DeborahMrs. Deborah is the waiting-woman-to Bridget and a self-styled overseer of the house. It is a assuage marked with subtle satire on the vain and hypocritical servant woman, whose pretensions in virtue lack of compassion for the innocent ba

20、by are clearly depicted in contrast with Mr. Alloworthys true benevolence and natural behavior. In the ensuring excerpt we see how Mrs. Deborah acts a hound and a persecutor on search for Toms mother. Fielding is a great master of human portraits ad dialogues. In the immediately following chapter, M

21、r. Alloworthys attitude and speech toward Jenny again show him as an upright gentleman with a sense of justice. He is Fieldings embodiment of all that is good. In an ironic juxtaposition to him is the selected part of Mrs. Deborah, whose meddling measures and lording airs in front of the poor calls for our disgust, yet it is a disgust undercut through Fieldings comic technique, indirect statement and phrases which are seemingly positive. It is Fieldings intention to instruct through smile and laughter that has decided his comic approach to human vanity and falsehood demonstrated here.


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