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1、五年级英语上学期单词拼写审定外研版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出下列词的过去式。(1)go_ (2)do_ (3)clean_ (4)water_ (5)play_ 2. 按要求写出下列各词。1.ring(过去式)_ 2.go(过去式)_3.are(单数)_ 4.skip(动词ing形式)_5.start(第三人称单数)_3. 按要求写单词。1China (形容词)_2sit (现在分词)_3chat (现在分词)_4visit (第三人称单数)_5dance (现在分词)_6go (第三人称单数)_7her (主格)_8picnic (复数)_9uncle(对应词)_10writing (动词

2、原形)_4. 花落谁家。(选择合适的单词填空)half take policeman nurse work1. Mary is a _. She works in a hospital.2. I go to bed at _ past nine.3. Hello,children. Ill _ you to school.4. My sister goes to _ at nine oclock.5. The _ is Johns uncle.5. 根据句意及首字母填写单词。1.W_doyougetup?Ioftengetupatsix.2.Ioftenplaysportsat7:30inth

3、em_.3.Inevers_inclass!4.IneverwatchTVatn_.5.Ioftengotobedat9:00inthee_.6. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。1. Today I won a chess game. Now I feel h_.2. Yesterday I lost my pen. I am s_.3. I want to eat something. I feel h_.4. I helped my mother tidy the room. I am t_.5. She took my beautiful dress. I feel a_.7. 读

4、句子,根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子所缺的单词或词组。1. There are twelve m_in a year.2. Dont take any money or candy from s_in the street.3. Cooking can be fun, but you must be c_.4. Im going to the z_to watch an animal show(表演) this Sunday.5. The knife is sharp. You may cut y_.6. They are excited because they will_(去野营) at

5、the weekend.7. Do cross the road at the_(安全的十字路口).8. When you are_(遇到麻烦) at school, tell your teacher.9. The floor is wet. Dont walk there. You may_(跌倒).10. I well get there_(按时).8. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(1)sleep_ (2)drive_(3)sing_ (4)read_(5)leap_ (6)make_(7)fly_ (8)write_(9)swing_ (10)wash_9. 按要求写单词。(1)sp

6、eak(现在分词)_ (2)clean(现在分词)_ (3)write(现在分词)_ (4)wash(现在分词)_ (5)come(现在分词)_ (6)call(现在分词)_ 10. 按要求写单词。(1)Thefishis_(游泳)intherivernow.(2)Usuallyhe(玩)footballontheweekend.(3)Therearemany(蝴蝶)andcowsonthefarm.(4)They_(经常)domorningexercisesontheplayground.(5)Mayisthe_(第五)month.11. 看图,写短语。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_ 6_12.

7、根据所给的音标词写出下列单词。1.We mustnt start a_kmpfai in the forest. 2.Supergirl can smell the_smk. 3._helkptz are flying above the mountains. 4.The people live in the Stone Age always eat_r meat. 5.We mustnt play with_mtz.13. 根据中文,补全下列单词。1. 地铁 s_ 2. 居住 l_ 3. 远的 f_4. 近的 n_ 5. 主意 i_ 6. 学校 s_7. 自行车 b_ 8. 有时 s_ 9.

8、 小汽车 c_10. 太,也 t_14. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(1)A:_doyoueatdinner?B:Iusuallyeatdinnerat7:20.(2)A:_seasondoyoulikebest?B:Ilikefallbest.(3)A:doyoulikewinter?B:BecauseIcansleepalongtime.(4)A:_isshedoing?B:Sheisjumping.(5)A:theboycountinginsects?B:No,heisnt.(6)A:youlikeswi

9、mming?B:Yes,Ido.(7)A:Grandma,areyou_noodles?B:Yes,Iam.Wellhavenoodlesfordinner.(8)A:Areyou_tomusic?B:No,IamlisteningtoEnglishstories.(9)A:Aretheyplayingchess?B:No,they.(10)A:youfortellingmeaboutyourday.B:Yourewelcome.15. 按要求写单词。1. can not(缩写)_ 2. sit down (中文)_3. play(第三人称单数)_ 4. help(形容词)_5. him(主格)_4 / 4


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