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1、 Reading Material 1:Evolution of Chemical Industry1. the beginning of Modern Chemical Industrypara1. Line1. Evolution of an actual chemical industry is much more recent, and came about as with many other industries随其它工业一样 during the industrial revolution, which occurred in the U.K.para3. Line1. The

2、very sound完好的 base which their success in dyestuffs provided for the large German companies-BASF, Bayer, Hoechst-particularly in terms of从.方面说,在方面 large financial经济上的,财政上的,金融上的 resources财源 and scientific research expertise and skills, enabled them to diversify into and develop new areas of the chemi

3、cal industry. 译:这非常坚实的基础使他们发展并多样化进入化学工业的新天地Line5. fairly. 公正地,确实地 strategic 对全局有重要意义的,战略的 strategy战略2. Inter-war year, 191819393. para1. Line1. boom vi.vt. n. 兴旺,迅速发展,趋于繁荣in complete contrast to. 与.形成鲜明的对比para2. Line2. growing steadily (稳定地)持续地增长Line3. The availability for . Crude oil, and refinerie

4、s, led to. and started in .4. Second World War period, 19391945Line3. Britain and America were not affected to quite the same extent 译:对英美的影响没有到同样的程度第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Line5. parachute n.降落伞electrical insulation 电绝缘材料facility 设备,方便,容易5. Post-1945 periodpara1. Line5. Increasing越来越多

5、ownership of automobilesLast line. Above7. resource 通常用pl,资源,物资,财源,财产 energy resources 能源 natural resources 天然资源financial resources 财源 par n.同等,平均量 on a par (with) 和.等同 source pl. 消费来源,出处,源头(河流的),根源(of),原因 last line. Above6. Although the processing costs of the oil tended to increase this was counte

6、rbalanced by the ever-increasing size of the operations (hence the benefits of the economy-of-scale effect) and the improved efficiency of the processes. 译:尽管油品的加工成品有增加的倾向,但这些被不断扩大的运行规律和加工效率的提高抵消了。Last line. Petrochemicals had truly come of age. 石油化学制品已真正的成熟了,石油化学产品的时代真正来了。Para2. Line4. alone: ad. 用

7、在名词或代词后。只有,仅仅译:只有这个因素不能说明从石油中制出的有机化学品的巨大的增长 Line5. Much of the credit may be placed with research chemists, process-development chemists and chemical engineers. 译:(功绩)荣誉绝大部分归于进行研究,工艺开发的化学家和化学工程师Line9. Consideration of the chemical reagents and reactants used in many of these processes shows the impo

8、rtance and influence on the development of the petrochemical industry of one particular area of chemistry, namely catalysis. 译:考虑在许多工艺中用的化学试剂反应物,显示了一个特定的化学领域,即催化反应对石化工业发展的重要性和影响。para3. Line2. and nowhere is this more apparent than in the petrochemicals sector, where. 在石化中间这是再明显不过了,在石化部门每年10万吨很平常 las

9、t line. Power station 发电站第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) para4. This trend to larger-sized individual chemical plants and large complexes of chemical plants has been matched by movement to bigger chemical companies by mergers, or takeovers, or both, as we have already seen happening in the 192

10、0s with the formation of ICI. Nowadays the multinational giants dominate the international chemical scene. 译:这种像大规模的单一企业和综合化工工厂演化的趋势与通过合并,接管或两者都有的这种向化学公司演化的动向是一致的,就像我们已经看到的在20世纪20年代发生的ICI的形式。Para5.Line1. The chemical industry has been to the fore during the last decade or two in utilizing the tremen

11、dous advances in electronics. Thus complete automation (even full computer control) of large continuous plants is commonplace. 译:化学工业是一个能源消耗大户,因此能源成本上很低百分点的节约就可能意味着数万或数十万的美元或英镑 ,而区别在赢利或亏损。第 页练习长句的译法(二)倒译法:有时英语长句的叙述层次与汉语相反,翻译时,应根据汉语习惯,改变原文语序适用情况:主句后面带很长的状语;主句后面有长的定语从句或宾语从句。1. This is why the hot wate

12、r system in a furnace will operate without the use of a water pump, if the pipes are arranged so that the hottest water rises while the coldest water rums down again to the furnace.译法:先译if 引导的条件状语从句。译:如果把管子装成这个样子,使最热的水上升,而最冷水的再往下回流到锅炉里去,那么,锅炉中的热水系统不用水泵就能循环,机理就在于此。2. We learn that sodium or any of it

13、s compounds produces a spectrum having a bright yellow double ling by noticing that there is no such line in the spectrum of line when sodium is not present ,but that if the smallest quantity of sodium be thrown into the flame or other soarces of light,the bright yellow line in stantly appears.译:我们注

14、意到,如果把非常少量的钠投入到火焰或其它光源中时,立即出现一条光亮的黄色的双线,当钠不存在时,光谱中就没有这样的双线。由此我们知道钠或钠的任何化合物所产生的光谱即带有一条亮黄色的双线。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Reading Material 3:Excel in you EngineeringPara1.line4.And we fulfill our mission amongst the demands and guidelines of the business world.译:我们在需求和商业规则中完成任务(实现目标)意译:我们在满足各

15、种需要和商业规则的同时来实现我们的目标(完成任务)。Para2.Line1.But sometimes we get so bogged down in the everyday aspects of our jobs that we lose sight of the picture. 译:但有时在每天的日常工作的各方面陷入困境以致使我们看不到重要的前景。1. Enhance technical skillsPara1Line2.The ability to grow is one reward of a good job.译:能力的提高是一个好工作的最好收获。Line3.As your i

16、nterests and involvements changes, and as technology changes you need to keep learning.译:当你的兴趣和相关事物变化了,当技术变化了,你需要学习。2. Home interpersonal skillsPara1.Line2.Its important to learn about people, motivation, organizational behavior, written and oral communication and visual aids.译:学习有关各种人,动机,组织行为,书面和口头

17、交流和实实在在的帮助是很重要的。Line4.With these skills as with any others, practice makes perfect (or at least proficient).In addition, remember that we are also “business people” and, as such, should keep up on trends in the business world, particularly in our industry.译:有了这些能力,当和其它任何人一起时,业务会很出色(至少很精通)。Para2.Line

18、1.In addition, remember that we are also “business people” and, as such, should keep up on trends in the business world, particularly in our industry. 译;另外,记住我们是商人,像这样(的情况),我们就得跟上商业世界的趋势,尤其是工业上的商业。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Line4.For example, its very easy to get into leadership positions

19、in volunteer organizations All you have to do is attend some meetings and show that youre willing to help out, and soon you will move right into whatever you want to do.译:例如,在自发团体(社会团体)中,很容易进入领导位置,你必须做的一切只是去参加某些会议而且表明你愿意帮别人解决难题,而且很快你将使你想做的恢复正常(走上正轨)。3. Do the whole job4.Ppleted staff work 完整的工作para2

20、.Line2.That means not only writing the report, but also the cover letter and transmittal notes it will need to flow smoothly through channels.译:那意味着不仅要写报告而且还包括封面及传真纪录报告将需通过各个渠道顺利交流。7. Beware of diversionsPara2.Line3.Dont let yourself value the means over the end . If youre a working on computer task

21、s that support personnel can do more efficiently, youre probably not employing your time well.译:不要让自己重视手段超过目的。假如你进行计算机方面的工作而供应商可以把这个工作做的更有效,那么样你可能没很好地利用你的时间。第 页作业:e industry can no longer rely on long-term growth in demand.译:工业对需求方面的Unit13. Unit Operations in Chemical EngneeringP133.para2.A coordina

22、ted series of.译:一系列相互协调的relatively few of them are involved in any porticular process译:任何特定的过程只涉及到比较少的几个单元操作。The compexity of chemical engineering results from the variety of conditions as to temperature ,pressure,etc,under which the unit actions must be carried out in different processes and from t

23、he limitations as to material of construction and design of apparatus imposed by the physical and chemical character of the reacting substances.译:由于温度、压力等条件的不同变化使化学工程具有复杂性,不同的过程中单元行为在不同条件下进行,而且受到由于反应物物理化学性质引起的如制造材料、设备(设计)结构的限制。Reading Matering 5:Major Sectors of the Chemical IndustryP54 Para. 1 valu

24、e :价值Clearly the increase in value added at each stage must exceed the processing costs if the company is to realize a profit on its activities.翻译:显然假如公司在它的行动(生产)中想实现利润(盈利),每一个工艺阶段增加的价值必须超过加工成本。Activities:process 或at each stage第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Para. 2 building blocks:建筑基料,生产基料The

25、se are the starting points for the synthesis of an enormous range of industrial organic chemicals, which are produced in the downstream processing of the key intermediates in some of the other sectors listed.翻译:这些是生产(合成)众多系列的工业有机化学品的起始点,这些有机化学品在列出的其它类别(部门)的关键中间体的下游加工中生产出来p55. Para. 3Along with drug

26、and plant-protection agents (pesticides), dyestuffs are examples of fine chemicals, I.e. chemicals products in relatively small tonnages which are of high purity and high value per unit weight.翻译:染料和药品、杀虫剂一起是精细化学品的例子,即生产量相对较小但纯度高、单价高的化学品。Para. 4 although this often seems to attract criticism that pr

27、ofits on some drugs are too high.翻译:尽管这常常引起有关药品赢利太高的批评。The latter comments have to be set against the very high risk and costs (in excess of $160 million per marketable compound) of discovering and developing new products.翻译:赢利太高(指后者)被开发新品的高风险和高成本而抵消了(每个上市的。产品超过16亿)。This sector is unique in both its

28、 relationship with its customers and the fact that demand for products is little affected by economic recessions, in great contrast to all the other sectors.翻译:与其它这个生产类别相比,在与顾客的联系和产品的需求几乎不受经济萧条的影响方面,它是特别的(唯一的)。P56 Para.2Different from the other sectors in that its products are sold directly to the p

29、ublic and market share probable has more to do with packing and marketing than the technical properties of the product.翻译:这个行业不同于其它行业的是产品直接卖给公众且市场份额可能更多的与包装和销售有关而不是产品的技术性。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Para.4 let us take as an example polyvinyl acetate and one of applications as a builder in s

30、uch that a homogeneous film is produced on evaporation of the water base.翻译:让我们举个聚醋酸乙烯酯的例子:它作为黏合剂在水基挥发时生成了均匀的膜。Para.5 supported palladium catalyst:负载型钯催化剂Finally this is then mixed with the other ingredients to produce the emulsion paint.翻译:最后醋酸乙烯聚合成聚醋酸乙烯,然后和其它成分一起职称乳胶漆。Sulphuric Acid1. Introduducti

31、onSuch is its importance as a raw material for other presses that its production was, until recently, considered a reliable indicator of a countrys industrial output and the level of its industrial development.翻译 :作为其它工艺的原料它是这样重要,直到最近还被认为是一个国家工业生产力和工业发展水平的一个可靠标志。第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)

32、2. Raw materialsThis involves injection of superheated water and air into the deposits of sulphur via drilling. The resulting aerated liquid sulphur-water-air mixture is buoyant enough to rise to the drill head where it can be separated into its components, and pure sulphur is recovered.翻译:这包括通过钻孔注入

33、过热的水和空气到硫矿中,最后鼓风进入的液态硫水空气混合物有足够的浮力升到钻孔顶端被分离,纯的硫的得到回收。4. Uses of Sulphuric AcidPara. 2calcium fluoride (the ultimate source of about 70% of all the fluorine in fluorinated compounds)氟化产品中的所有氟的大约70的主要来源是氟化钙Exercises2 1 NH3 2 ammonia, absorber 3 NaCl, NH4Cl 4 CO2 5 NH4Cl 6 rotary dryer 7 light sodium c

34、arbonate 8 sodium carbonate第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Unit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and UreaP68Para.1Indeed, until the invention of the Haber process, all nitrogen-containing chemicals came from mineral sources ultimately derived from biological activity.翻译:发明哈勃工艺之前,从无机源得到的所用含氮化合物基本是从生物活动(生物

35、方法)的得到的。Para.2Essentially all the nitrogen in the manufactured chemicals comes from ammonia derived from the Haber-based process.翻译:基本上生产的化合物中所有氮均来自氨,而氨是从以哈勃工艺为基础的工艺上的到的。(more molecules than any other compound, though because it is a light molecule greater weights of other products are produced )解释:

36、虽然因为氨的分子量小,要生产分子量大的其它化合物,所以(氨的产量仍这么大,所以生产氨的)摩尔数比其它化合物更多。1. The Haber Process For Ammonia SynthesisIntroduction.All methods for making ammonia are basically fine-turned versions of the process developed by Haber, Nernst and Bosch in Germany just before the First World War.翻译:所有生产氨的方法基本上一致很好地说明了Haber

37、、Nernst 、Bosch 在第一次世界大战前在德国发展起来的工艺。Turn:调整;使一致unfortunately, nature has bestowed dinitrogen with an inconveniently strong triple bond, enabling the molecule to thumb its nose at thermodynamics.翻译:遗憾地是,大自然使氮气有很难接近的叁键,使分子在热力学上无法接近氮气。Inconveniently:不便地;不自由地;难接近地thumb its nose:对作蔑视的动作第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包

38、括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)P69Para. 2Higher temperatures, however, drive the equilibrium the wrong way, though they do make the reaction faster, chosen conditions must be a compromise that gives an acceptable conversion at reasonable speed.翻译:高温使平衡向错误的方向发展,虽然高温(提高温度)可使反应加快,选择的条件必须是以合适的反应速度、有一个可接受的转化率的折中考虑。Mo

39、dern plants have trended to operate at a low pressures and high temperatures (recycling unconverted material) than nearer-ideal early plants, since the capital and energy costs have become more significant.翻译:自从资金和能源成本变得更重要以来,现代化的工厂和更接近于理想(理论的)条件的早期工厂相比,倾向于在较低压力和较高温度下操作。1. Nitric AcidProduction.方程式后

40、 It might, at first sight, seem that the overall reaction to the acid would be easy; unfortunately, there are complications as nature is good deal less tidy than chemists and engineers would prefer.翻译:可能第一眼变成酸的反应看起来很容易,遗憾的是有很多复杂之处,因为自然界没有化学家和工程师希望的那样好。Reading Material 7:Haber- Bosch ProcessScheme:1.

41、 Rapid population growth needs more and more food supplies.2. Increase in yields per acre must rely on nitrogen fertilizer.3. It is necessary to make use of nitrogen in the air to produce more and more nitrogen fertilizer.第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)4. The method of Cavendish ( that nitroge

42、n and oxygen were sparked together to form oxides of nitrogen from which nitric acid could be prepared.) demanded extremely high temperatures (20003000oC) and therefore uneconomic amounts of electricity. In 1903 Haber showed that show that ammonia could be synthesized at the not unreasonable tempera

43、ture of 1000oC if an iron catalyst was used. However, the yield was infinitesimal and of no commercial significance.5. Then Haber improved the process on the conditions of 200 atmospheres (402kPa) and a temperature of 5000C. Bosch and Mittasch scaled up the process and Bosch developed a cheaper meth

44、od for preparing hydrogen by passing steam over coke.6. Britisherror conclusion on the process (expensive) developed instead the cyanamide process.7. 1920s, Haber-Bosch process British and American high pressure synthesis 第 页教 学 内 容 (讲稿)备注(包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等)Unit 8Petroleum ProcessingP79Para.2The pr

45、ocesses used include various cracking units (which make small molecules from large ones), polymerization, reforming, hydrocracking, hydrotreating, isomerization, severe processing known as coking, and literally dozens of other processes designed to alter boiling point and molecular geometry.翻译:所用工艺包

46、括各种裂解单元操作(可以把大分子变成小分子),聚合、重整、加氢裂解、加氢处理、异构化、像焦化这种苛刻的工艺和很多旨在改变沸点和分子几何形态的其它很多工艺。2. Constituents of PetroleumPara.1No one constituent exists in large quantity in any crude.翻译:没有一种组分在原油中大量存在。Para.3These branched chain materials perform better in internal-combustion engines than n-paraffins and hence are considered more desirable.翻译:这些支链物在内燃发动机里的使用性能比直链的好,因此认为它们更理想。P80Lesser ComponentsPara.2With the general adoption of catalytic cracking and finishing processes, it was discovered that the occurrence of


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