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1、420132014学年第一学期期末考试 商务技巧期末考试试卷适用班级: 商学A1261、A1271、A1272Business Skills - Final Exam .TrueorFalse(Please judge the following statement ,10*2=20) 1. The top skill required by employers is team working. ( )2. The traffic light reading system will make you more effective because it encourages different

2、reading styles. ( )3. Blind brainstorming involves working on your own ( )4. When linking paragraphs, a rearward link shows there are weaknesses in the argument above that will need further exploration ( )5. Mind mapping is an effective technique for planning what you will write because it is a tech

3、nique used by creative people ( )6. Simplifying the whole into parts to display the logical structure is an example of analysis. ( )7. What is procrastination is a compulsion to put off doing something. ( )8. When presenting written material, the best font to use for clarity is Arial 9. The warrant

4、applies the evidence to the premise. ( )10. The most important personal skill in managing a protean career is networking. ( ) .Choice(please choose a best answer in the following options,15*2=30 )1. One common habit of high-achievers is( )A. They multi-task. B. They work alone.C. They work on one go

5、al at a time. D. They work long hours.2. The maximum number of points you should make on one slide is( )A. 3 or 4 B. 7 or 8 C. 8 or 9 D. 5 or 63. Macromicro writing refers to what? ( )A. a method of structuring and planning writing B. a method to ensure correct writingC. a method of writing small an

6、d large paragraphsD. large and small fonts 4. According to The Business Skills Handbook, which of the following is NOT a type of creative thinking? ( )A. reapplication B. destruction C. evolution D. revolution5. Which of the following are regarded as higher-level skills? ( )A. evaluation, synthesis

7、and knowledge application B. synthesis, evaluation and analysisC. analysis, synthesis and understandingD. synthesis and evaluation6. Which of the following is NOT a branch of emotional intelligence? ( )A. undermining emotions B. understanding emotions C. perceiving emotions D. managing emotions7. Mi

8、rroring is a technique that( )A. provides an insight into other peoples experience B. is disrespectful to peopleC. makes sure you look presentable D. copies everything someone else does8. According to The Business Skills Handbook, the project triangle consists of what aspects? ( )A. stakeholders, ti

9、me, money B. scope, time, moneyC. people, time, money D. people, stakeholders, money9. What is learning? ( )A. being better at doing things B. a permanent change of behaviourC. knowing more things D. becoming more intelligent10. RiBS charts set out the project details of( )A. tasks B. skills C. reso

10、urces D. risks11. In which of the following areas would you expect to offer more evidence than usual? ( )A. when there are a lot of warrants B. when the only evidence is from the InternetC. when chain premises are usedD. when the point is central to the argument12. In categorising team politics, wha

11、t is the name of the group member described as a group member who aligns with the team for their own benefit? ( )A. ally B. fence-sitter C. bedfellow D. opponent13. What is the main reason for using references? ( )A. so that readers can save time finding sourcesB. so that authors can indicate that s

12、ome ideas and writing are not their ownC. because everyone must do itD. so that other people can find the original sources of the work14. Which of the following points will not be assessed when tutors assess presentations? ( )A. your background and originsB. the clarity of your speaking voice C. he

13、amount of eye contact you makeD. presentation content15. The psychological contract is defined best as( )A. an unwritten formal agreement B. a written statement about organisational behaviourC. a well-defined and expressed set of expectationsD. unexpressed obligations.Giveanexplanationforthetermsbelow(5*3=30) 1.E-learning 2.Teamworking 3.PDP 4.Higher-lever skills.Answerthequestionbelowinbrief? (10*3=30 ) 1.How to get the most from seminars? 2.What skills need to display according to a lifelong learners? 3.How can we judge if our team is effective?


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