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1、Remain的用法总结 1. 作系动词意为保持仍然是其后通常接以下词或结构作表语。 后跟 名词 The labor shortage remained a problem. 劳动力短缺仍然是个问题。 形容词 Three out of four of them remained single. 他们之中四分之三的人仍是单身。 过去分词 In fact the work remained unfinished. 实际上工作还没有完成。 现在分词 The children remained listening. 孩子们还在听。 介词短语 The Indian people remain in dee

2、p poverty. 印第安民族仍然处于极度贫困之中。 2. 作不及物动词意为剩下。通常不用于被动语态。 If you take 3 away from 8 5 remains. 八减三等于五。 After the fire very little remained of the house. 火灾过后寒舍所剩无几。 3. 常与there连用意为剩下还有。 There remained now only one woman and two children. 现在只剩下一个妇女和两个孩子了。 There remains a still more difficult task for us to

3、 accomplish. 还有一项更艰巨的任务需要我们完成。 4. remain后也可接被动结构的不定式意为尚待.。 Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen. 它对我们是有害还是有益还得等着瞧。 It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确以后可见分晓。 5. 其形容词形式为remaining意为剩下的。 The remaining students will serve the audience. 剩下的学生将为观众们服务。 The remaining 10 compu

4、ters belong to me. 剩下的10台电脑是我的。 6. 其名词形式为remains意为剩余物古建筑等的遗址。 Linda drank up the remains of her coffee. 琳达把剩下的咖啡喝得一干二净。 The remains of the ancient temple are worth seeing. 那座古庙的遗址值得一看。 二、习惯搭配 1. remain in逗留在某地呆在家里。 It is said that they remain in Shanghai. 据说他们仍在上海。 We remained in because of the heav

5、y rain. 大雨如注我们只好闭门不出。 2. remain on停留在.上。 His English remains on only a spoken level. 他的英语水平还只是停留在口头上。 The quality of the product still remains on this kind of level in this company. 这个公司的产品质量仍停留在这种水平上。3. remain up超过就寝时间仍然不睡。 The boy remained up because he was looking forward to his mothers coming back. 那个男孩盼望着他母亲回来所以他还没有睡。


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