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1、Library Management System09级 (三)班20097610311段 世 栋 Library Management SystemTable of Contents0Summary1Chapter 1 Introduction211 System Overview2Chapter 2 The System Analysis221 Feasibility Of The System222 System Requirements Analysis31. Library Management System Analysis Table3Chapter 3 System Desig

2、n631 System Functional Modular Design61. System Functional Analysis62. System Functional Modular Design632 System Database Module Design71. Database Design72. Concept Structural Of The Database Design93. Logical Structure Of The Database Design1133 User Interface Design131. Login Interface132. The M

3、ain Interface Form133. Inquiries Of Readers Information134. A List Of Readers Information135. Adding Readers Information146.Adding Readers Types147. List Of Readers Type148. List Of Checking In Information149. Adding Checking In Information1410. Inquiries Of Borrow Information1411 List Of Borrow Inf

4、ormation1412Adding Borrow Information14Chapter 4 System Implementation And Testing1541 Programming151Know the performance of computer systems environment.152. Programming1542 System Testing151Unit Testing162General Testing163Validation Testing164System Testing1643 System Operation16Chapter 5 System

5、Reference Source Code17A list of books Information:18Book information:22Query Books Information:28A list of books types:31Book Types:33borrow Information37Version Of The Interface:46SummaryLibrary as a distribution center for information resources, including a lot of the information and data managem

6、ent. In this paper, the library management usually flow to C / S model design of a library management system, the majority of small and medium-sized to meet the requirements of the library management.In this paper, information on the library management system not only carried out a detailed analysis

7、 and design, but also on system security, data sharing, and portability, as well as from stand-alone upgrade to the online version of the contents of the feasibility of such a detailed discussed. The full text is divided into five chapters, the introduction,the system analysis, the system design, sy

8、stem implementation and management, system reference source code, system testing and safety design, system development summary. The systems front-end development tools is Visual Basic 6.0, the background database selected large-scale relational database, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.Keywords: library ma

9、nagement system, Delphi database application, SQL language Chapter 1 Introduction11 System Overview During normal operation of a library always face to lots of readers and books information and the information of their interaction. These are necessary for the librarys administrators to keep the read

10、ers and the books information and keep every aspect of the change update. Chapter 2 The System Analysis21 Feasibility Of The SystemThe technical feasibility: General factors of all aspects, this system development platform as Visual Basic6.0, background database system is used in Microsoft SQL Serve

11、r 2000. General the proficiency in this area, we can facilitate the conduct of system development, maintenance.The economic feasibility: in the development of the management system, on the one hand, to exercise our ability, on the other hand, to do our homework. The feasibility of options: through t

12、he discussion of system evaluation, repeatedly modified, the program could be adopted.22 System Requirements Analysis1. Library Management System Analysis TableThe demand for information systems analysis, needs analysis to be described in depth of functionality and performance of software, to identi

13、fy software designed constraints and software system with other system elements of the interface details, to define the validity of the demand for other software. The main steps of its implementation including the four steps (Figure 1)The current systemModel ofPhysical ModelabstractionLogic modelTar

14、get systemPhysical ModelLogic modelInstantiatedSpecificexport Figure 1Set up the logic of the target system model. Analysis the different between the target system with the logic of the current system. Clear the system goal, in order to export the logical model of the target system from the logic of

15、 the system of the current model. Through the above-mentioned analysis, we organize the books deal flow is as follows:Books being checked out Process: The reader select the books which he want and hang the management the books and library cards. The managers make the books and library cards bar code

16、 read into the processing system. The system based on bar code find the corresponding records from readers and loan documents. According with the corresponding records, if there are one or more of the following procedures, the library procedures will not apply The reader borrow more than the allowed

17、 maximum number of library. The readers has the sign of prohibited. The reader is holding the book which beyond due. The books is stoped lending.If the reader meets all the conditions of the library, be made. The system in the loan document add a record, credited to the readers code , bar code book,

18、 loan date, and so on.Books being checked in Process: The reader hands over to the managers.The administrator input the books bar code to the system. And found the loan documents from the corresponding record.And the date of the book is also written on the historical documents to borrow. Delete it o

19、n the loan documents of the corresponding record. At the same time,System determine whether over the period through calculation. If no, the process end. If over, then calculate the number of days beyond the period, a fine of a few, and print tickets, credited to the fine paper and import the record.

20、 When the readers hand the receipt of fine, the system based on bar code to search the fine document. The corresponding record will be written into the history of fine paper, delete the record, removing the prohibited lending tag of the reader. The process of books being checked out data flow diagra

21、m in the below.Readercheck the readers situationRecord loan situationReaders Document Loan documentscheck the readers situationBook file The process of books being checked out data flow diagram The process of books being checked in data flow diagram is shown below. Loan documentsLoan historyFine pap

22、erReaders DocumentCalculation of fine print ticketsmodify the file determine the date ofcheckReader The process of books being checked in data flow diagram In order to make a complete description on the library management system the above logic model need to be done some more points here. First of a

23、ll, describe the library management system user interface for using graphics. The aim is to ensure that the whole system of user interface consistency, and contribute to the development of follow-up staff to better understand the implementation of the necessary functions of the system. Secondly, not

24、e the number of library management system performance requirements of special beads. Such as checking in and out services time spent not more than five minutes once. Above mentioned focus on the flow described in detail of Borrow and back the book. Here are the overall library management system func

25、tional requirementsSimple library management system includes the following features:Books being check out: completing the process of the checking out business.Books being check in: completing the process of the checking in business.New books arriving and being shelved.Books not returned on time.Book

26、s lost or damaged.Searches on book, authors ISBNs, ect Chapter 3 System Design 31 System Functional Modular Design 1. System Functional Analysis Management of books Information System required to complete the functions : The standards of the types of readers, enter the type of address. Including the

27、 type of number, the name, the expiry date, note,etc. The type of readers information changes and inquiries, etc. Input the basic information about readers. Including readers code, and the readers names, the types, the gender, the works place, home address, phone number, email address, the date of i

28、nter note, etc. The query and modify about the basic information of readers. Including the readers code, the names, the type, the gender, the work place, the home address, the phone number, the email address, the date of inter, remarks, and so on. Standard the categories of books, input the types of

29、 information. Including the type of number, category name, keyword, information, note, and so on. Input the information of the books. Including the book number, the name, the title, the type, the author name, the publishing name, the date of publication, the pages, the keyword, the date of registrat

30、ion, the note, etc. Enter the information of checking out. Including the code information, the readers ID, the readers name, the books ID, the books name, the date of checking out, the note, etc. The access and modify the information of checking out. Including the code information, the readers ID, t

31、he readers name, the books ID, the books name, the date of checking out, the note etc. Impute the information of the books. Including the code, the readers ID, the readers name, the books ID, the books name, the date of checking out and checking in, the note, etc. The access and modify the informati

32、on of checking in. Including the code, the readers ID, the readers name, the books ID, the books name, the date of checking out and in, the note, etc.2. System Functional Modular DesignTo sub-block the above-mentioned functions. In accordance with the structural design of the procedure, the Block Di

33、agram of the systemhas been shown in Figure 3-1.Library Management SystemSystem ManagementReaders Information ManagementInformation of books Management Lending Information ManagementUser ManagementPassword managementSet the type of the readersSet the readers informantionSet the type of booksSet book

34、sinformation Checking out information management Checking in Information Management books information inquiryAdding the type of the readersInformationOfreaders addingInformation of readers inquiryAdding the type of the booksChecking out information changingChecking in information addingChecking in i

35、nformation changingbooks information addingBooks information changingChecking out information addingChecking out information inquiryChecking in information inquiryChanging the type of the readersinformation of readers changingChanging the type of the books Figure 3-132 System Database Module Design1

36、. Database DesignDesigned database system should first fully understand the needs of users in all aspects. Including the increase of demandthe on existing and the possible of the future. Database design generally includes the following steps: Analysis of the database requirement. Concept structural

37、of the database design. Logical structure of the database designAnalysis of the database requirementThrough the analysis and investigate the needs of library management information, the system data flow has been shown in Figure 3-2.Setting the types of booksSettings the types of ReadersInput the bas

38、ic informationInput the basic information Record of the readersRecord of the readers the types of books information management the types of readers information managementInput the basic informationInput the basic informationBooks Information ManagementReaders Information ManagementEntry checking out

39、 and in informationEntry readers informationBooks information backingLending Information Management Figure 3-2Aimed at the general library management information systems, through the process of the library management content and data flow analysis, design data items and data structures shown in the

40、following items: The types of Readers information, including data items are: the type of number, type the name of the number of the books been checked out, keeping period, the expiry date, note,etc. Readers information. Including data items are as follows: readers ID, readersnames, the types of read

41、ers, the gender, the work place, the home address, the phone number, the email address, the date of inter, note, and so on. The type of books, including the data items are: the number of the type, the type name, the keyword, note, etc. Books information, including data items are: the books number, t

42、he title, the type, the author name, the publishing name, the date of publication, the pages, the keyword, the date of registration, note, etc. Loan information, including data items are: loan number information, the reader ID, the reader name, the book number, the book name, the date of checking ou

43、t and in, note, and so on. 2. Concept Structural Of The Database Design In accordance with the above the design and planning entities are: the entities of reader tppes information, the entities of readers information, the entity of books types information, the entities of books information, the enti

44、ties of loan information. Specific description of the various entities of E-R diagram is as follows. The readers types information entities E-R diagram as shown in Figure 3-3.。readers types informationReared Type IDThe books borrowed numberKeep timeType name. Figure 3-3Readers information entities E

45、-R diagram as shown in Figure 3-4Readers informationReader ID Inter dateReaders typeName . . Figure 3-4Books types information entities E-R diagram as shown in Figure 3-5Books types informationNote informationType IDkeywordType name . . Figure 3-5Books information entities E-R diagram as shown in figure 3-6Books informationpublishing houseBooks IDBooks typesBooks name . . Figure3-6The entities of loan information E-R diagram as shown in figure 3-7Loan informationDate of checking outLoan information ID


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