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1、北师大版六年级英语上册单词拼写练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 练一练。1_(我)am a teacher.2My father is talking with_(我)3_are Chinese.(我们)4Her sister is helping_.(我们)5_are a beautiful girl.(你)6_are students.(你们)7_is a cat.(它)8_are playing football.(他们)2. 根据要求写单词。1. new(对应词)_2. there(同音词)_3. American(复数)_4. star(复数)_5. see(同音词)_6. and(对应词

2、)_7. know(同音词)_8. you(物主代词)_9. I(宾格)_10. we(宾格)_3. 按要求写单词。(1) dont (完整形式)_ (2) Ill (完整形式)_(3) let us (缩写形式)_ (4)draw (ing形式)_(5) one (序数词)_4. 按要求写出单词或短语。(1)bring(过去式)_ (2)dry (反义词)_(3)禁止吸烟(英语)._ (4)危险(英语)_(5)clean(反义词)_5. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Therearesomewhite_(goose)swimmingontheriver.2._(this)niceT-shir

3、tsareouruniforms.3.Mr.Wangsofficeisonthe_(four)floorofthebuilding.4._(be)TomsparentsborninEngland?5.LiLeisfatherlikes_(cook)Chinesemealsverymuch.6. 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. I have l_at school at 11:45.2. F_is the second month of the year.3. Its not easy to play the piano. Its really d_for me.4. They celebrate

4、 T_Day on September 10th.5. My dads hobby is taking p_.7. 根据图意填入所缺的单词。(每空一词)(1)-Whats the? -I feel sick. I have a.(2)Xiao Minglast weekend.(3)My fatherinHarbin.(4)My litter sister ishe.(5)I climbed mountains yesterday. Imanythere.8. 根据汉字提示,把下列字母重新排列。1b y o d_(身体)2e h a d_(头)3h a r i_(头发)4a n d h_(手)

5、5a f c e_(脸)6f t o o_(脚)9. 单词拼写。1. Please dont_(u s p h) the car.2. My uncle_(p p r d d e o) a book on the floor.3. The cook can_(r a c r y) many plates.4. Its late. They have to_(h r y r u).5. He_(d o n u f) a nice plate.10. 按要求写单词。1know(同音词)_2brother(对应词)_3close(反义词)_4sheep(复数)_5tomato(复数)_6west(反

6、义词)_7happy(反义词)_8eat(过去式)_9three(序数词)_10.write(现在分词)_11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (have) a dream last night.2. She_ (go) to a farm yesterday.3.He _ (do)go to school last night.4.Peter came _ (four).5. _ (do) Ken win the race yesterday?6. Who was_( one) in the race?7. Were going to _(run ) in some races.12

7、. 写出下列英语单词的原形。1seeing_ 2looking_3broken_ 4waiting_5was_ 6photos_13. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.We_(have)ourEnglishexaminationnow.2.Youcandotheworkvery_(good).3.Thankyoufor_(invite)me.4.Thisappleis_(big)oneinthebasket.5.Alotof_(visit)cometoourcountryeveryyear.14. 单词拼写。1My father_his_to work yesterday.2I_with my grandfather every day over the holiday.3The boy_his_on his holiday.4My brother_a big_yesterday.15. 仿照例子写单词。例:singsinging1. ride_ 2. dance_ 3. write_4. make_ 5. swim_ 6. run_4 / 4


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