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1、Module 6单词复习1. contain vt. The old box contains some treasures. What does the medicine contain? Sea water contains salt. The dinning hall can contain 500 people.contain 和 include 虽然都有包含的意思,但 contain 可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 则只是包含一部分。 The parcel contained a dictionary . The parcel included a dicti

2、onary . The tour _ a visit to Paris . 这次旅行包括游览巴黎。 The basket _ a variety of fruits . 这篮子装有各种水果。 (2) including 可以作介词连接介词短语。 Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , _ my mother . Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , my mother _ .In order to keep healthy, youd better eat more

3、 green vegetables _2. access accessibleits accessible through a computer.The World Wide Web(the web) is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet.He designed the first “web browser”, which allowed computer users to access documents

4、 from other computers.Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system.词组:have access to be accessible to Do you have access to the Internet at home?Every teacher and every student in our school has free access to the lab.Put the tools where they can be easily accessible

5、. an accessible person3. design vt. 设计、拟定、筹划、意图 n. 图样、图案、设计 the latest designs I dont think he arrived late by design.4. permissionpermit doing permit sb to do sth. advise doing advise sb to do forbid doing forbid sb to do sth. allow doing allow sb to do4. percentage百分数的构成:数字+percent/percent注意:perce

6、nt 不能用复数。若在句中做主语,谓语动词要依据其后的_来决定。About 20 percent of the apple _bad.About 20 percent of the apples _ bad.About 80 percent of the population of China _ farmers.5. concentrate vt. vi 集中(注意力、思想等)concentrate on=concentrate ones attention on/upon6. independent be independent of/from Are you quite independ

7、ent of your parents now?7. disadvantage/advantage at a disadvantageto ones disadvantage8. averageabove average below averageon average 句型1. as much time as I canas-as I can 为比较状语从句。as-as possible他尽可能快的跑着。你必须尽可能经常的说英语。2. -but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.not 和everyone连用构成部分否定Not

8、everyone has been there.Not 与_连用,构成_.表示全部否定的不定代词_任何事都不能阻止他去那儿。We cant eat in the restaurant, because _of us have money with us.A. everyone B. not all C. none D. nobody3. Why not give me a call?-How about putting some pictures into the report?-_A picture is worth a thousand words.A. No way B. Why not

9、 C. All right D. No matter4. consists of millions of pages of data.consist of -Well, G8 is an international organization _the richest countries in the world, five of which are quite small and two of which are island states.A. is consisted of B. consisting of C. consists of D. consisted of5. It then

10、became possible for universities to use the system as well We went to the zoo and visited the museum as well.As well asYou and he _to school on foot.(go)You and he _to school on foot.(go).John plays football _, if not better than, David.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as6. At

11、the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down.7. He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.Come up withPut forward8. He now works as a lecturer at the Institution of Technology in Boston.Work asWork for9.

12、 Compare your list with other studentsCompare-withCompare-to _with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared10. Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.populationhave a population of the population of The population of China _very large.70% percent of the population of China _peasants.那个城市的人口是多少?上海的人口比北京的人口多。


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