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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near herePart 1:听写第八单元单词1.邮政2办公室3由B局4警察潸察局6.旅店;酒店7馆 _8艮行_轶院_10大街_11.付费12付费电话_13在附近.14过;穿过15.在 对面16前卸17在前回_1骑后面19.镇;市镇_20到处;大约_21.nd匕;d匕方 adj.,北方的_22沿着_23.沿着(这条街)走._24转向;翻25向右边;n.右边_26. 1可左边n.左边27十字路口 28街区;街坊_29.花(时间、钱等)._30花时间31爬32路_33.时常;常常 34空气 35阳光 36免费的37.享受;喜爱 38容易

2、地 39钱Part 2:本单元基本语法1. Is there a bank near here ?- Yes, there is / No , there isnt 。 Its on the street解析 1:这是一个 there be句型的一般疑问句,其结构为 .肯定回答是: ;否定回答是: J且遵循 原则 Eg:There an apple and three pears on the table.There five tigers and one panda in the zoo.解析2:辨析have/has 与there be 之间的区别:1) . have/has 在解释为“有”

3、的时候,他表示所属关系,可指有生命的人或动物拥有什么,eg :I have two brothersA cat has four legs2) . There be 句型表示“某地有某物 ,be动词的单复数形式取决于后面紧跟的名词的单复数,即主谓致,采用就近原则。Eg : There is some water in the river-可编辑修改-解析3 :表示“在街上”,既可以用 on the street 也可以用in the street ,但习惯上用 on例 1 :-there a library near the post office?-Yes, thereA. Is ; isB

4、. Is ; are C. Are ; isD. Are ; are例 2 : There a book and two pens on your deskA. are B. is C. amD. beExercise 1:翻译 他有3本字典和1个篮球你的床上有一件衣服和 3条裤子。2. The pay phone is across from the library.解析1.: across from是固定短语,译为“在.对面”,后面接表示地点的名词或者代词如:They live across from the street辨析:across 和 across fromacross为介词,译

5、为“横过而across from 译为在.对面“Eg:My school is across from the bridge.The little girl go across the bridge.例 3 : Excuse me,where is the museum? Is it the library?A. across B. across from C. from D. on3. The pay phone is next to the library.解析1. : next to 是固定短语,译为“紧挨着,在.旁边”,相当于beside、 close to Eg:He sits ne

6、xt to me = He sits close to me.解析 1 : betweenand4. The pay phone is between the library and the post office.表示“在.和.之间”它即可以表示时间,也可以表示空间Eg : April is between March and May.Its between the bank and the library.拓展:between后面接名词的复数,可以表示“两个同类人或者物之间”Eg : There is a desk between the two beds.5. The pay phone

7、 is in front of the library.解析1.: in front of通常指物体或人位于另外物体的外部或者前面Eg1 : There are some trees in front of the house.The girl is standing in front of the bus.这个女孩站在公共汽车的前面(外面)拓展:in the front of指某个物体本身或范围之内的前部,译为“在 .的前部”Eg2 : There is a big desk in the front of the classroom (教室的前部有一张大书桌)The girl is sta

8、nding in the front of the bus.这个女孩站在公共汽车的前部(里面)Exercise 2 :单选1) . Why are you standing there, Tom? I cant see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys aresitting me.A. in the front ofB. in front of C. behind D. next to2) .The teacher is standing the desk when it begins to class.A.in the front ofB. in f

9、ront ofC. behindD. next to3) . The teacher is standing the classroom when it begins to class.A.in the front ofB. in front of C. behind D. next to6. 一 Excuse me , where is the bank?- Its next to the post office.解析1 :表示询问方向的基本句型是:首先在问路时,要说 Excuse me ,表达客气的语气,然后再用以 下的几种表达方法:a) Where is?b) How can I get

10、 to.?c) Can you tell me the way to .?d) Which is the way to.?e) Is there near here?f) Can you tell me how to get to .?拓展:常用的客套话有:Excuse me(劳驾一下)All right (好的) never mind (不要紧) It depends(视情况而定)You are welcome (不用谢)解析2:指引方向时,可根据具体情况具体回答,基本句型主要有:a) Go/Walk along the road.b) Take the second turning on

11、the left/right=Turn left/right at the secend turning.c) Its about one hundred and fifty meters along on the right.他在右前方约 150 米处d) Its about fifteen minutess walk from here.e) Take the No. 3 bus on the left and get off at the third bus stop.例 4 : Excuse me,is the park? - Its on the Center Street.A. W

12、hatB. WhichC. HowD. WhereExercise 3:1. If you want to go to the bank,please go straight and right at the traffic light.A. takeB. leave C. getD. turn2)翻译:请问我怎样才能到达邮局?一直往前走,在第二个拐弯处左转。7. I like to spend time there on weenkends.解析1 : spend的用法:1) 在使用 spend 时,主语只能是人Eg: He spends aot of money on books.2) 若

13、表示 “在 .上花费 (时间、金钱等) “,常用 spend some money / some time on sth.Eg: Lily spends two hours on her homework.3) ).若表示“花费(时间、金钱等)做某事“,则常用spend some money / some time (in) doing sth.Eg: They spend 4000 yuan (in) buying the color TV.拓展:表示花费时间的词语辨析:spendpaytakecost(1) spend只能人做主语,并且后面的介词是on sth 或者 (in) doing

14、sth,(2) pay的主语也是人,但是后面的介词是for Eg I paid 20 yuan for this book(3) take 的主语是 itEg. It takes me 3 hours to go home.(4) cost 的主语是物,Eg. This T-shirt costs me 119 yuan.例 5: He spends two hours the movie Painted Skin I (画皮 1)A. watch B. on watch C. on watchingD. watchingExercise 4:单选1) This bookme 3 dollar

15、s.A. spends2) IB. costsC.3 dollars for this book.takesD.paysA. spends3) HeB. costsC._ 3 dollars on this book.takesD.paysA. spends4)ItB. costsC. takesme 3 hours to go to Hangzhou.D.paysA. spendsB. costsC.takesD.pays8. The zoo is on the right.解析 1: on the right 译为在右边”在左边是: 在某人的左边:on ones left在.的左边:on

16、the left of.拓展:常用的指路短语:go straight 直走 turn right 右转 等等9. 单词辨析:across cross throughover四者都可译为“穿过”,但词性和用法不同(1) across是介词,表示从物体的表面穿过,即穿过一个平面如: He often goes across the streetto make a telephone call.他经常穿过街去打电话(2) cross是动词,相当于 go across 如:They look left,then right, and cross the street.(3) through是介词,指从

17、物体的中间或里面穿过,如:The box is too tall! It cant go through the door.(4) over是介词,译为“横过,越过”,表示从物体的上空越过,跨过 如:Sun Wukong flies over his Huaguo Mountain and wants to see his littel monkeys.例 6 : The river runs our city.A. across B. cross C. through D. overExercise 5:单选1) Look right and left before you go the s

18、treet.A. across B. cross C. through D. over2) There is a brdige the river.A. acrossB. crossC. throughD. over3) He wants to go the Amazon jungle.(亚马逊丛林)A. acrossB. crossC. throughD. overPart 3:本单元写作 本单元的写作主要围绕建筑物的地理位置展开,意在训练学生对于本单元方位介词的掌握程度你的一位英国朋友Tom下周要来看望你,你需要想他介绍一下去你家的线路。请你根据图片上的信息,写一篇短文机场RenminSi

19、xthStreetAveeventhAAvenueCenter StreetMy house1、用上以下词语:take a taxi, on your right, turn left, turn right, go down, on your left, go through.2、不少于60个词。参考范文: Hello, Tom. I hope you are coming to my house next week. Now let me tellyou the way to my house. Please take a taxi from the airport. Then turn right.Godown Renmin Street, go through Sixth Avenue. You can see bookstore on your left,then turn left and go down Seventh Avenue. At the end of the road, turn right and godown the Center Street, you can see my house on your left.


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