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1、全国中考英语试题专题练习:倒装句一、选择题1、Will you attend the party?一If you do , .A . so will IB . so I willC . so do I2、John likes walking in the open air,.A. so does TomB. also does TomC. Tom likes also D. so Tom does3、John likes walking in the open air on weekends,.A. so does TomB. also does Tom C. Tom likes alsoD.

2、 so Tom does4、一You have made great progress in English.A. So I do.B. So do I.C. So I have D. So have I.5、If he doesn t go to the cinema tomorrow , .A. so do IB . so shall IC. neither shall ID. neither do I6、 If you don t go to the cinema tonight,.A. so will IB. neither do IC. nor will IID. so I will

3、7、 If he does not practice playing the violin this weekend , .A. So will IB. Neither do IC. So does he D. Neither will I8、You haven t read the notice to the students, and.A. either have IB. neither have IC. neither I haveD. so have I9、 Li Lei doesn t do well in running.A. So do IB. Nor do IC. So I d

4、o10、 - He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.- _A. So did weB. So we didC. We did soD. Did so we11、 Tom, Im watching a football match What about you?A So do I B So am I C So I do.D So I am.12、 I didn t know the answer and .A. so did heB. he did, eitherC. nor did he D. neither he did13

5、、I like reading interesting stories.A. I do like themB. The same to youC. So do I14、She has been to Hangzhou before.A.So I haveB.So have IC.Neither have I15、I am not allowed to bring my mobile phone to school. . Our teacher says it s bad for our study.A. So are weB. So do we C. Neither are weD. Neit

6、her do we16、 My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. . Shall we go together?A. So am IB. So do IC. So I amD. So will I17、Tom has made great progress this term.,andA. So he has, so you haveB. So he has, so have youC. So has he, so have youD. So has he, so you have18、 I have changed my job.A

7、. So do I.B. So have I.C. So I do.D. So I have.19、一 Has your mother ever been to London?Yes, and.We went together.A. so have IB. so I haveC. neither have ID. neither I have20、一 I m not going swimming this afternoon.I have to help my mother do some cleaning.A. So am I.B. So I am.C. Neither am I.D. Ne

8、ither I am.21、- Im afraid Jim knowslittle English.I failed the English examagain.A. So am IB. So do IC. Neither am ID. Neither do I22、-Many students won t take part in the after-school activities today.We have so much homework to do!A. So will IB. So do IC. Neither will ID. Neither do I23、-All the s

9、tudent are working hard now.Because all of them want to go to good senior high school.A.So are they. B.Neither they are.C.So they areD.So they.24、一 I don t like action films. They are too noisy. I never watch action films.A. Neither do I B. Neither I doC. So do ID. So I do25、-My new bike rides very

10、well though it doesn t costmuch.Let me have a try.SoA. it isB.is itC.does itD. it ,does.26、He likes playing basketball.A. So am IB. So I amC. So do ID. So I do27、一 Lucy cant go mountain climbing with us tomorrow.一 I have to do housework athome.A. So can I. B. Neither can I.C. Neither I can.28、I neve

11、r go to school late;A.so does Tom B.neither does Tom C.so Tom does D.neither Tom does29、一 Hi, Lucy. Have you finished your homework yet?No, just a half. I am really bored with so much homework.A.So do I.B.So am I.C.So I do.D.So I am.30、- Our town has changed a lot in the last few years.A.So theirs d

12、idB.So has theirsC.So theirs hasD.So did theirs31、 I m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. . I have to clean up my bedroom.A. So am IB. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am参考答案一、选择题1、 A2、 A3、 A4、 C5、 C6、 C7、 D8、 B9、 B10、 A11、 B12、 C13 C14 B15 C16 D17 B18 B19 A20 C21 D22 C23 C24 A25 D26 C27 B28 B“neither+ 连系动词 be/ 助动词 / 情态动词+主语”,表示前面所述的否定情况也适合后者,而且前后主语不是同一个人或物。29 B30 B31 B


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