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1、1.复合不定代词构成:由some, any, everyone, no加上one, body, thing构成的不定代词称为复合不定代词。 具体见下表:onebodythingsomesomeonesomebodysomethinganyanyoneanybodyanythingeveryeveryoneanybodyanythingnono onenobodynothing2 .用法:There is someone outside the door.n外有个人。I dont have anything to say today.我今天没有任何事想说。Money isnt everythin

2、g.金钱不是所有。3 .复合不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词要放在复合不定代词后面。这和一般的形容词修饰 名词,形容词要放在名词前不一样。形容词修饰普通名词:There is a bcatuiful girl standing under the tree.形容词修饰复合不定代词:I have something important to tell you.There is nothing wrong with radio.4 .复合不定代词表示单数概念,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。Everything begins to grow in spring.1 .some_不定代词 通常用于肯定句中,

3、而any_不定代词则多用于否定句和疑问句中。但在 表示请求,建议等的疑问句中,一般用some_的不定代词。Would you like something to drink?(2019济南)_Sir, called you just now.I told him to phone again.20minutes later._Ok.Thanks, Nancy.A.someone B.nobody C. anyone D.everyone(2019广西耒宾)_Dear classmates, may I have your attention, please? I have to.tellyou

4、.Aimportant something B important anything C something important Danything important.L_Do you have to say for yourself?_No, I have to say.A something; everythingB nothing ; somethingC everything; anythingDanything; nothing2 ._would you like to eat?Yes, please.A something B anything C some things D a

5、ny things3 .Water is important to, so there are many water festivals around the world.A everyone B nobody Csomebody D something二,一般过去时的规则动词与不规则动词 1 ,规则动词过去式的构成和发音一般的动词直接加一edwatchwatched helphelped workworked读音规则:洁辅音后 读何;浊辅音和元音 后读对;辅音w与/d/ 后读/id/以字母e结尾的动词只加一dloveloved arrivearrived livelived以辅音字母加y结尾

6、的动词变y为i,再加一cdstudystudied cry-cried worryworried重读闭音节结尾的动 词,末尾只有一个铺 音字母先双写这个辅音字 母,再加一ed.shop-shopped stopstopped2.不规则动词的过去式的变化各异。需要特殊记忆。必须牢记。(1)动词的过去式和动词原形一样letletput putread readcut cut(2)遇见i改为aswimswamsingsangbeginbegansitsatgive gavedrink-drank口诀:游泳唱歌后开始坐下来给点喝的吧i就变为a(3)过去式以ought和aught结尾的单词bringbr

7、oughtbuy boughtthink thoughtcatch-caughtteachtaught(4)中间去e末尾加tfeelfeltkeep-kept sleep-sleptsweep-swept(5)把i变为。riderodedrive-drovewrite wrote(6) ow/aw 变为 ewknowknewgrow grewthrow threwdraw-drew八年级上册第142页不规则动词表需要听写。每天听好。吧不规则动词表打印出来让学生默 写。(7)以d结尾的单词,把d变为tbuildbuiltlendlentsendsentspendspent(2019北京) Whe

8、re did you go last weekend?_ I to the Great Wall.AgoB wentC will doD have gone_Your brother is an excellent basketball player.So he is.He to play basketball three years ago.A begins B began C beginning D to begin第7页/共7页unit2 How often do you exercise ?1 .频度副词的含义(1)表示事情发生频率的副词称为频度副词,常用的频度副词有always, u

9、sually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, hardly ever, never,事情发生的频率是否小繁,这些频度副词 的差异体现在哪里。(2)表示具体的频率,次数时,一次用once,两次用twice,三次及三次巳上用基数词+times, 讲一下这里的time是啥意思。2 .频度副词在句中的位置放在实义动词前,be动词,助动词或者情态动词之后,有时为了强调,也可以放在句首。We never eat junk food.Lucy is sometime very busy.Usually my fathergets up early.3对频度副词进行提问,

10、how oftenHow often do you exercise?Hardly ever._Do you know the famous basketball player Kobe has said goodbye to the NBA?_Yes.I *m afraid.I will see him on screen.A sometimes B often C always D seldomHow s Susan?Oh, I see her because she lives abroad.A alwaysB often C almost D hardly1 . He is the f

11、irst to get to school every day. He is late for school.A always B often C sometimesD never2 Ms.Lin is very popular with the.students.Yes. Her students are livelyvand interesting.A always B sometimes C hardly D never3 .We play sports on school days . You know, we dont have enough time.A often B usual

12、ly C hardly Dever4.1 dont konw you take a bus to school.Oh, I take a bus, but it is snowing today.A hardly B often C sometimes Dusually5.do you have an English test?Once a monthA How often B how long C how soonUnit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister形容词和副词的比较统1 .形容词,副词比较级的含义形容词和副词的比较级表示更,用于两者之间的比较,说明前

13、者比后者更 那为啥要强调两者之间的比较,因为三者或者三者以上的比较,需要用到最高级 2.形容词,副词的比较级的构成(1)规则变化分类构成方式示例一般情况在词尾加ertalltallerfastfaster以字母e结尾的词在词尾加rnicenicer重读闭音节词词尾只有一个 辅音字母先双写改辅音字母,再加erthinthinner wet wetter fatfatter辅音字母+y结尾的双音节 词先变y为i,再加ereasy-easily early-earily多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加moreinterestingmoreinteresting comfortable morecomf

14、ortable beautifulmore beautiful(2)不规则变化部分不规则形容词或副词的比较级:good/wellbetterbad/badlywrosemany/muchmorelittlelessfarfarther/furtheroldoldcr/elder3 .比较级常用句型结构(1)甲+be+形容词比较级+than+乙 甲+实义动词+副词比校级+than+乙 Tom is taller than Kate.I got up earlier than my mother.I play basketball better than John.(2)甲+be+传数+形容词比较

15、级+than+乙或 甲+实义动词+倍数+副词比较级+than+乙This room is three times bigger than that one.(3)甲+be+the+形容词比较级+ofthetwo (+.)表示甲是两者中较.的My brother is the taller of the two boys.(4)比较级+and比较级或者more and more+原级袅示越来越.The day is getting cooler and coolerThe flowers are more and more beautiful.(5) the+比较级,the+比较级表示越.,越T

16、he more careful you are , the fewer mistakes you will make.(6)疑问词+be+形容词比较级,甲or乙?Which is bigger , the earth or the moon?4 .常见的修饰形容词比较级的前置词(1) much/alot/far+形容词比较级表示加深比较程度,得多He felt a lot better today.(2) abit/alittle+形容词比较级,表示稍微.Im a little taller than him.(3) even+形容词比较级,表示甚至,,更加This book is even

17、more uesful than that one.1 .Although we are twins, Im than my brother.A outgoing B more outgoing C most outgoing D the most outgoing.1.1 f more people give up driving cars, the air will get much in a few years.A clean B cleaner C the cleaner D the cleanest.3 ._Time is money.But I think time is mone

18、y.Aas important asB more important asCthc most important inD more important than4 ._What do you think of Toms speech?No one does in our class.Agood B better C well Dbest5 .The more you smile, the you will feel.A happy B happier C happily D more happily6 . Who is, Tom or.Jim?A outgoing B more heavy C thinner D hardworking7.1 am sorry this coat is not big enough. I want a one.A bigger B big C smaller D small


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