消除薄弱环节 译.doc

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1、供应链管理消除薄弱环节运用精益质量管理工具来加强全面供应链管理比尔 D. 贝利教授,玛丽埃塔南方理工州立大学质量保险课程的理学硕士协调员,获得位于特雷霍特的印第安那州立大学技术管理-质量体系博士学位,美国质量学会的资深会员以及美国质量学会注册六西格玛黑带。霍华德 阿尔塔,乔治亚州诺克劳斯市 OFS Fitel LLC精益质量管理高级经理,获得玛丽埃塔南方理工州立大学技术管理硕士学位以及工商管理硕士, 美国质量学会会员,美国质量学会认证质量管理师,工程师以及六西格玛黑带。在过去的二三十年里,人们为推动低成本产品生产所做的努力与日俱增。在复合产品生产和供应链方面,这些努力引发了供应链体系的次优化问

2、题。当人们追求最低成本却反而对供应链体系带来损失时,就出现了次优化问题。通过分析整个供应链来决定哪些是非增值行为的系统方法其中一些方法是在寻找低成本供应商的过程中发现的有助于优化和合理化供应链,从而节约成本,提高效率。让我们以一家全球通信公司X公司的案例为例。这家公司产品生产有80% (按收入) 外包,因为该公司生产成本比竞争者高,面临价格压力。在外包前很长的一段时间里,该公司在质量管理和持续改善方面取得了一些成绩。然而,人力成本还是太高,尤其是当竞争者把产品外包到低成本国家,因此能压低X公司的报价。实行外包后不久,X公司的一些供应商开始进行持续改善从而节约成本。其中一次持续改善使得一条产品生

3、产线的人工成本节约了40% ,通过率增加了 0.5% 。但是,通过这种方式节约成本发现不了供应链体系中的浪费所在。寻找最低成本供应商给供应链增加了复杂性和远距离。成本优化给供应链体系带来了次优化问题,增加了运送方面的浪费,需要额外处理一些问题,这就使得质量问题的后果更加复杂化。诸如资源配置和装运损坏之类的质量问题加剧了供应链环节的浪费。供应商统计的光纤跳线(一段电缆) 通过率仅为88.7% 。经过一些研究之后,该公司决定使用精益管理工具价值流程图(VSM)以及八对1和 七种供应量浪费2 来完善供应链和避免次优化问题。供应链的精益管理20世纪90年代,精益生产在美国开始广受欢迎。到2000年代中

4、期, 越来越多的美国公司把生产基地外包到亚洲和其它低人力成本的地区。在这段时间,美国制造企业在供应链方面的投资大幅度增加。因为减少售后服务的次数是精益管理的基础,所以很多企业都认识到在供应环节实施精益管理的重要性。3图1说明了X公司相关的顾客与供应商之间的关系。供应商负责从顾客认可的供应商那采购,然后根据顾客提供的流程、图样和规格进行生产。供应商把完工品直接运送给终端用户。图1供应链精益管理的成功取决于供应商和顾客之间的信任度。4供应链精益管理对项目的改善通常能使批量减少并且减少库存量。这些改善带来了诸多好处,但改善的过程本身也会产生费用。如果需要供应商来承担这些费用,而顾客只享受由此带来的利

5、得,就会影响到整个供应链体系中供应商和顾客之间关系的稳定性。5精益管理思维让人们认识到,在日新月异的环境下,始终能通过评价各环节和消除浪费来找到改善的空间。6把整个供应链当做一个体系,在评价时考虑到所有的环节是非常重要的。 总体目标就是消除浪费和由此带来的损失。如果一个企业决定对供应链实行精益管理,就必须认识到企业所有的生产环节和供应链必然是与顾客紧密相连的。在这个案例中, X 公司实行了供应链精益管理。产品经理对质量、运送及价格把关,相当于终端用户的代表。在评价供应链时,切记供应链不仅仅是产品的运送,而是能给终端用户带来价值的各环节的一种连系 。7需重点考虑的方面包括所有成本弹性影响和可能为

6、终端用户和X 公司股东提升价值的机会。弹性影响包括减轻供应链的风险。要认识到成本影响,需要对包括物流、海关出口、库存运送及供应商产品损失在内的企业所有可能的花费进行系统思维和评价。表 1 罗列了一个任何供应链都会发生的典型浪费的清单。8清单根据这个案例进行了修改。这些浪费给供应链带来了极大损失,用供应链价值流程图(VSM )很容易就能发现。表 1八对要了解供应链,对供应商表现的很多特征进行评价是很重要的。尤其是在精益管理环境下产品和服务的八个特征大家所知的八对是必须要进行评价和了解的。八对包括:1. 对的产品2. 质量过关3. 状态良好4. 对的地点5. 对的时间6. 对的来源7. 价格适宜8

7、. 服务周到八对和七种供应链浪费之间并不是一一对应的关系,所以企业在追溯八对方面做得不好的根源时,可以把供应链浪费当成一个整体来考虑。The most common tool used to address the eight rights is a plan for every part (PFEP).10PFEP is used in the planning for all new parts and suppliers. It is a holistic tool in which all supply chain performance characteristics of a pu

8、rchased component are documented. A PFEP allows an organization to drill down into details of the supply chain and determine optimal methods to manage suppliers so complexity can be driven out.The eight rights are a subset of a PFEP in that they allow for the measurement of critical performance para

9、meters of purchased parts for every shipment received. Each right is measured by the percentage of successful executions. The perfect execution score is derived by multiplying together percentage (proportion) of successful executions for each of the eight rights.The percentage calculated for perfect

10、 execution can be used as a simple overall combined measurement to monitor supplier performance and be used to determine receiving inspection metrics and supplier performance scores. Remember, though, that this doesnt necessarily estimate the percentage of parts that are perfect for all eight rights

11、 simultaneously because the eight rights arent necessarily statistically independent of one another.A PFEP is a living document and requires updating based on the perfect execution scores. Specific actions should be taken when a suppliers perfect execution score indicates an execution problem. Table

12、 2 shows the perfect execution scores before (current state) and after (future state) improvement in this case study.Table 2Value stream mappingVSM is used to evaluate the entire supply chain for opportunities to remove waste and cost and to mitigate risk.11A VSM is a visual map similar to a flowcha

13、rt that shows the path and flow of physical products and electronic information in a supply chainfrom raw material inception through delivery to the customer. A VSM consists of symbols that represent each step in the process, such as a storage point or transportation method. Transportation lines are

14、 detailed to show physical products and information.The PFEP tool has been used in conjunction with VSM to create a comprehensive supply chain management evaluation tool. The PFEP tables (Table 2) provide measurements of supplier performance for the eight rights. When poor performance is identified,

15、 VSM is used to identify the seven wastes, which may be the cause of the poor supply chain performance.Plan-do-check-actThe plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle also can be used in conjunction with PFEP and VSM to evaluate a supply chain and remove waste. The plan phase begins when the PFEP and current-st

16、ate VSM are created by a cross-functional team representing all departments involved with supply chain management. If a perfect execution score does not exist, it can be established based on existing data, such as on-time delivery and receiving inspection metrics.The team performs root cause analysi

17、s of suppliers that exhibit a poor perfect execution score and evaluates the VSM to identify potential wastes. Some areas in which waste might be found include: Distances between suppliers and customers, including international barriers. Modes of transportation. Warehousing needs. Inventory quantity

18、 and costs. Lead times. Container costs for overseas shipments. Special packaging needs.In the do stage, the team selects improvements to be implemented based on estimated cost reductions (to be achieved by minimizing transportation) and risk. The team creates a future-state VSM based on the selecte

19、d improvements.The check phase includes a review of the plan and do phases. The cross-functional team evaluates each proposed change to verify potential cost savings and ensure changes will not adversely affect product and service quality, or add complexity or other wastes into the system.The act ph

20、ase is used to implement the selected changes and measure the results. These changes may initiate the qualification of new suppliers and would prompt communication of new requirements through the supply chain as needed. Data are typically gathered and used to revise the eight rights, perfect executi

21、on and receiving inspection, and to verify supplier performance targets.Company X case studyWhen Company X launched its improvement project to drive waste out of its global supply chain, it was operating a touchless supply chain. This is one approach to global sourcing and can be explained as: Rathe

22、r than actually touch the product, large brands will simply orchestrate all the moving parts that comprise their supply chain.12A touchless supply chain was developed by Company X during a previous outsourcing effort. Company X handles information and manages its suppliers, but never takes possessio

23、n of the product. Company X places an order with Company B. Company B extends the order to upstream suppliers (Company A) and also ships directly to the end user (Figure 1).Patchcord assemblyThe current-state VSM (Figure 2) shows the touchless supply chain for a connector assembly made up of a conne

24、ctor and a final assembly patchcord (depicted in the illustration). The patchcord is the finished product delivered to the end user. The current-state VSM (Figure 2) shows six major steps in the supply chain.Figure 2Step one is the connector assembly process performed in China by Company A. Company

25、A used five local Chinese suppliers to provide the components for the connector assembly process. In step two, the assembled connector was shipped to the Company A distribution center in south central United States. The Company A distribution center then shipped the connector to the Company B distri

26、bution center in south west United States (step three), which sent it to a contract manufacturer in Mexico (step four) for final assembly into the patchcord.After the finished product (the patchcord assembly) was assembled, it was shipped back to the Company B distribution center in south west Unite

27、d States (step five). In step six, the patchcord assembly was shipped to the end users warehouse on the East Coast.The current-state VSM (Figure 2) shows the flow of physical products and electronic data. The connector component suppliers are on the far left of the VSM, and the end user is on the fa

28、r right. This arrangement reflects the flow of materials. The flow of information goes from the end user to Company X to Company B and back through the supply chain. The shipping distance in mileage is shown beneath the truck and airplane symbols. Note the map is not to scale.Table 3 shows supply ch

29、ain improvements identified through the VSM process. The new supply chain process contains only three major steps instead of six. The connector and patchcord assembly are performed in China by Company A (step one). Company A sends the patchcord assembly to its warehouse in south central United State

30、s (step two) and on to the end user on the East Coast (step three). The new process completely eliminates Company B and three of the six steps.Table 3Although sourcing the patchcord assembly to Company A may not have resulted in the lowest cost for that particular step, the reduction in complexity h

31、as resulted in significant improvements in the system. The future-state VSM (Figure 3) shows these improvements. The overall savings between the current and future VSMs are 14,298 miles annually.Figure 3The poor supply chain performance for the spring was a result of the compound effects of the lack

32、 of perfect performance on time, quality, cost and service. The perfect execution (Table 2) for the newly sourced spring improved from 55% in the current state to nearly 100% in the future state. The connector assembly improved from 89 to 95%. Total lead time was reduced from 96 to 43 days. Connecto

33、r assembly quality increased from 98 to 99%, and performance on right cost improved from 97 to 100%. In addition, the 14,298 miles saved has an impact on the organizations overall carbon footprint.Future improvements plannedQuality and delivery levels for Company X also can be improved through less

34、product movement, and future improvements will include reduced inventory levels. A next step in lean implementation might be akanbansystem to manage product flow.Kanbanis a visual or automatic signal system that triggers replenishment of materials.13This will facilitate a change to a pull rather tha

35、n a push system to align production more closely with customer requirements, and further eliminate waste and reduce work in process inventory.These savings will be calculated after the improvements have been qualified and implemented. Additional improvements, including expanding this approach to oth

36、er products, are being developed.This case study demonstrates the value of systems thinking in supply chain management. Keep in mind that this study focused on a single assembled product, so it represents a small sample of the entire Company X supply chain. What the organization learned from this project can be leveraged across all its product offerings for greater efficiencies and even greater savings.


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