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1、课题教学目标重点难具体环节STEP1In troduci ngour ani malstionwild an imalsUn it 5 wild an imalsTaskTo lear n to orga nize and prese nt factual in formati on in a reportTo lear n to express one s own opinion about an imals in dan gerTo lear n to express one s own opinion about ani mals indan ger人教学过程设计教师行为二次备课In t

2、roduce our frien ds-a ni mals.Get 2-3 stude nts to in troduce the ani mals we have already lear ned.Describ ing the ani mals. Show more pictures of differe nt kinds of ani mals and in vite the stude nts to describe them (Ma inly about appeara nee, en courage the stude nts to in clude as mucosniboema

3、6STEP 2Describ ing the an imalstigersdolphinkanpolarelepha ngiraffeszebrascamels1. Show a picture of a gia nt pan da. Get stude nts to describeGet the stude nts to talk about baby gia nt pan das, too. Ask the stude nts two questio ns:STEP 3Show ing a picture of a gia nt panda1. How many babies do mo

4、ther gia nt pan das have at a time?2. How many gia nt pan das are there in the world now?Get the stude nts to guess and at the same time write their guesses 2. Play the tape for the stude ntson the board.to find the an swers to the twoquestions. Check the answers. Praise the students who get the clo

5、ser an swer.3. Completi ng the followi ng tableSay Pan das are in dan ger. Let s get to know more about them and try to help. Invite the students to read the report on Page 71 and try to complete the following table.STEP 4the students to use the first person to talk about the animals. Tell them to t

6、alk about the five aspects: appearanee, ability,character,food and dan ger.)PANDAS ARE IN DANGER!Appeara neebeautiful black and white;look like a bear/a whitemouse(be born)Characterquiet and peacefulLifestyleeat bamboo shoots and leaves; never eat meat/drink mum s milk; have one or two babies at a t

7、imeDan gersFarmers keep tak ing their land; have no where to live; hun ters hunt them for their furActio nswrite to n ewspapers and magaz in es; let more people know about the problems; ask people to do someth ing to helpSTEP 5 discussi on1. Show the stude nts a picture of a bearGet the stude nts to

8、 describe it, before they ope n their books toread about it.Encourage the studen ts to talk as much as possibleabout it (appeara nee, ability, character, food and dan ger).2. Show the students the followingtable. And ask them to completeit by readi ng the plete it byreadi ng the table.iaeoptrersBEAR

9、S ARE IN DAGERAppeara neebig and strong; smalleyes/black or brown, fur/slpawsCharacterlike to movearound in the daytime; seldom hurt pAbilitycan walk upright; good at swimming and climbingDangerhunters hunt them for their fur and paws; no bea the worldSTEP 6C ompleting the reportIn vite the stude nt

10、s to complete the report about the bears. Then get the stude nts to check the an swers in pairs. Then check it i n class.Get the stude nts to read aloud the passage.STEP 7Divide the stude nts into groups of 4-5. Get the stude nts to figureFiguri ngoutth ? e wayofwriti nganarticleout the way of writi

11、ng such an article.First, get the stude nts to work out the no tes.Then, get the stude nts to report orally in class.Remi nd the stude nts to thi nk of more way to help the ani mals in dan ger.STEP 8Summary作业Making a summary. Tell the stude nts that wild ani mals are our frien ds. We must do someth

12、ing to protect them.a. Write about a kind of endan gered ani mals.b. Finish off the exerciseBEARS ARE IN DAGERAppeara neebig and strong; smalleyes/black or brown, fur/sharppawsCharacterlike to move around in the daytime; seldom hurt peopleAbilitycan walk upright; good at swimming and cl ,imbing treesDangerhun ters hunt them for their fur and paws; no bears in the world板书设计教学反思


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