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1、Unit 1一根据句意填单词,首字母已给出。1 .His temperature is very high . He has af.2 .-How many fdoes a cat have?-Four.1.1 have a t, so I want to see adentist.4 .At the airport, there are many p.5 .He had a bad cold and c all night.6 .His mother should ldown and havea rest.7 .She is not feeling well. She has a h.8 .

2、 My little brother was too careless, he ffrom his bike and hurt himself.9 . She can t eat anything becauseshoef has as.10 .Her son got an “ A” in the Englishc.11 .We must know the iof saving lives.12 .A teacher must chis class.13 .Finally, he made a dto go to thewest part of China to help poor peopl

3、e.14 .He could hardly believe his little dogdbecause it was lovely yesterday.15 .Nancy loves to take r in themountains with her friends ,but I think it dangerous.二.词语运用1. His(dead) made me very sad.2. Mr. Brown fell down and(hurt) himself.3. He is used to(get) up early.4. Mr. Green cut his finger an

4、d lost too much (blood)5. He gave up(drink).Unit 2Section AI.根据括号里的汉语提示,填入适当的单词或1 .You could 份 发)food at thefood bank.2 .We need to(StB,提出) a plan.3 .They both work as(志愿者) in the supermarket.4 . We need to 筒下)a plan.5 .We are ready to(筹集钱)for homeless people.II.根据中意用所给单词、短语的正确式填空。 put off, hand out

5、, put up,come up with, cheer up1. Could you please help the books to the class?1.1. Never till tomorrow whatyou can do today.3. Though I tried my beat, I still could not an answer tothis question.4. Let,s a notice to find the owner of the dog.5. The good news everybody who heard it.III.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺

6、单词或用括 号内所给词的正确形式填空。1. It s Friday today. Don t p off itmore.2.There is a s.It says“NoSmoking! ”3 .Those league members volunteer their time (help) the disabled student.4 .Can you tell me the way of(get)the zoo?5 .We had to put off(go) for a picnicbecause of the rain.Section B词汇运用1 .He is b in one ey

7、e.2 .You can 四象)how different the table manners there are from ours.3 .They(set) up a food bank next year.4 . Something is wrong with the TV . I ll r it.III.用所给单词的适当形式填空1 .Most of us can use our hands(easy).2 . He was excited about(get) a pet dog.3 . I am able to have a dog helper because of your(ki

8、nd).4 .Thank you for(help)me so much.5 .We must make plans (set)up anEnglish club.6 . Disabled people can not use their arms or legs(good).7 . He always imagines(fly) into the skylike a bird.8 .W e must come up with a good way (solve) this problem.9 .He is sad. Let s cheer(he) up.IV 用所给词的适当形式填空或根据汉语

9、及句意填空。 .1.Can we put off(have)our class meeting?1.1 would like to put my love to good use by_ (work) at an old people shouse.3 .He plans(spend)his summer holidaywith his cousin in Qingdao.4 .Last night I spent two hours(watch)TV .5 .He often(fix)my bike for me when itis broken.6 .Would you like(fini

10、sh)your workbefore ten O clock?7 .Beethoven was a 僚子)musician whowas very famous in the world.8 .We must exercise so that we can have (强壮的)bodies.9 . After six months of(train), I can swim very well.Unit 3Section AI.根据句意及首字母填空1. Could you please take the r outwhen you go out?2. You can b some money

11、from youruncle.3. All the students must s the floor afterschool. _.5. She often helps her mother do the c.II.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号 内所给词的正确形式填空。1. What a (杂舌L) you reade! You d better clear it up before Mum gets home.1.1 was so tired, so I (throw) down my bag on the bed and went to sleep.3 .Every one o

12、f us has ten(finger).4 .He listens to music(反复,频繁),it s so boring.5 . What are you going to do this afternoon?一 I have to help my mother (折叠)the clothes first.Section BI.词汇运用1. Let go to the supermarket and buy some drinks and s to eat.2. Don t play the computers games all day.Itw of time.3. The gir

13、l is old enough (make) her bed.4. For children, (clean) their bedrooms themselves is a good habit.5. He is very friendly and can get on well withall his(邻居)II.词汇运用I.The floor is dirty. So s it afterclass.2. My sister h folding the clothes,but she likes doing the dishes.3. You can b my bike but you m

14、ustgive it back this afternoon, because I use it then.1.1 got up early (目的是,为了 ) catch the first bus.5. As middle school students, we must learn tobe 0虫立的,自主的)。6. Our hotel will(提供)the best service for you.7. Its only a (浪费)of time to speak to her.8. All of us thought the game was (fairness).9. The

15、boy(扔)a stone at the dog and the dog ran way quickly10. Mary (借)her ruler to me yesterday.Unit 4Section A根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.If you can not go, let him go i.2 .We must be honest. Don t c othershomework.3 .Don t be n and relax yourself, youwill soon feel better.4 . Can you(解决)this diffic

16、ult problem?5 . We children should often(交流,沟 通)with our parents.6 .任何, 每一)happens to you, please let me know?7 . When you take the test, you must write the p answers in your test papers.8 .We must have better(关系)with ourneighbors.9 .- What s w wh you?-My bike is broken.10. It is going to rain. Ther

17、e are so muchc in the sky.11. C these two pictures. Which oneis better?12. The weather report said that the bad weather would c.Section B1 .词汇1.1 t a s(an)(usual) experience, few people have chances to do it.2 . The company o the young man a job,but he didn t take it.3 .That box is too heavy,I can c

18、arry it.Let (fH)it together.4 .As students ,we must learn many living s.5.I stayed up late last night because I prepared for the English(compete).Unit 5Section AI.词汇运用1. I heard the alarm (发出响声)from mybed.2. I was so tired that I (睡着)as soon as I got to bed.3. The table is made of(木头)。4. Yesterday e

19、vening we all heard a(奇怪的)noise.5. There will be a (heavy) rain tomorrow.II.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号 内所给词的正确形式填空。1. I (突然)thought of my keys in the office.3 .According to a r in the newspaper, the basketball star was seriously injured.4 . Grandma usually(醒来)early in the morning.1.1 (read) a novel last ni

20、ght when I heard knocks at the door.6 .The sun r in the east and goes down inthe west.7 . The strong wind(逐渐变弱)at this time yesterday.8 .The rain was(敲打)the trees.10. The(面积,区域)of the office is 35 square meters.Section B1 .根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号 内所给词的正确形式填空。1 .The(恐怖 分子)drove thecar straight through th

21、e shop window.2 . To tell the(true), I don tdrinks in that caf . e3 .Please keep (silent), I have something important to tell you.4 .-What s the d today?-It s Fathers Day.II.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号 内所给词的正确形式填空。1. The World Trade Center in Now York was(take down) by terrorists on Sept.11th, 2001.2. This

22、is one of the mostexciting(event)that I have seen.3. Hearing the bad news, we stood there for a moment (沉默)。4. She lost her parents (recent)III.用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空1. Mrs Smith(watch) TV at home a t noon yesterday.2. Toms sister(get) up at six everymorning.3. We(listen) to the radio when th e telephone r

23、ang.4. Many children(skate) on the ice now.5. I didnt hear you, I(make) dumplings then.6. It(rain) heavily yesterday.7. Sally(be) a doctor in five years.8. 1 you often(do)your homework after school?一Yes, we do.9. Some girls(sing) in the park at e ight last night.10. I first saw Lisa two years ago. S

24、he _ (work) in a shop at that timeUnit 6Section A1 .根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.1 ll stay at home( 代 替)going out.2.Boys and girls, don t make any s mistakes in your homework.3.He s the bird with his gun.4.I like this T-shirt, I think it f me verywell.5 .Thanks-giving Day is very important in W c

25、ountries.6 .This old photo (使想起)me of my English teacher.7 .I d like to go out instead of(stay)at home.8 .Don twear that sweater.It makes you look (愚蠢的,傻的).9 .Tony(结女昏)last year.10 .He(be)born in 1998.11 .When I wanted to leave, it suddenly (begin)to rain.12 .He is 川 so he is very w now.Section B1 .

26、The sun (shine)brightly ,so we went hiking.2 .No matter what difficult problems we meet, please face them. (brave)3 .Don tthrow s at the animals. We must care for them.4 .Tom and Tony are good friends and their (wife) are good friends as well.Unit 7Section A1 .根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。2 .The r

27、iver is too d to swim in.3 . London has a p of ten million.4 .The Great Wallattracts lots of t.every day.5 .Our playground is about 2000 s meters in size.5 .Kunming lies in the part ( 西南)of China.6 .We believe our sports meeting will surely bea complete (成功).7 .Everyone knows that pandas like eating

28、 b8 .We must try our best to a our dreams.9 . On the top of the hill stood an a towerwith a history of more than 1, 000 years. 10We must p endangered animals.11.She looked at me with(挑战)。1 2.It ccsd outside.You better put on your t clothes.13 . The higher the mountain is, the (thin) the air is.14 .C

29、limbing is one of(danger)sports in the world.Section BI.词汇运用1 .The gaint panda is one of the worlde animals.2 .Her face began to turn red with(excite)3 .The country is rich in(石油) and coal.5 .(出生时),most babies weigh between 6 and 8 pounds.II.词汇运用1 .G must take actions to protect theendangered animal

30、s.2 .He can t go to school because of his(ill)3 .The r shows that computer gamesmay cause problems.1 .I like go sightseeing because I can enjoy the beauty of n.5 . The s of this car is 200 kilometers per hour.6 .Flying across the PacificOcean for the first time was a great( achieve).7 .The art museu

31、m (成功)indisplaying the new paintings.8 . He wants to drive across the d alone.9 .Elephants have(巨大的)bodies.10 .The water is(freeze).Unit 8Section AI.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.I(water) the flowers already.2.2.-you(write) a letter to yo ur parents? 一 Not yet.3.He often hangs out in the market f

32、or some art(珍品,财富).1.1 have to repair my bike. Could you please lend me some t?5 .He shot a wild rabbit with his g.6 .He tried (give up)smoking, but failed.7 .Grace was(等彳ir)you when Icame here minutes ago.8 .Please be careful , a bus is comingt you.Section BI.词汇运用 1.Shenzhen is a place in the s par

33、t ofChina.2.Money and(成功)alone do not bring lasting happiness.3Have you ever thought about going( 在国外 ) for further study?1.1 (introduce) myself already.5 .With the development of technology, we haveso many mmachines.6 .Go downstairs, and stand in lon theplayground as soon as possible7.I like going

34、on a trip because I can enjoy thebof the nature.8.Bolt has broken so many world s r.He is great.9.-Which is your favorite b.-I like S.H.E best.1.1 It s a fact that Diaoyu IslandbtoChina.11. The rain( not stop) yet. Youd betternot go out12. Ialready (see) the film. I _ (see) it last week.13. _ he (fi

35、nish) his work today ? Notyet .II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Both of them (come) to Hong Kong ten days ago.2 .We already(return) the book.3 .you(find) your w atch yet?4 . I(buy) a book just now.5 . I just(finish) my homework.5.The children(enjoy) themselves i n the party last Sunday morning.Unit 9Section AI.词汇运

36、用1 .Have you ever been to the a park?2 .They can speak German.They are G.3 .The summer holiday is coming, and I want to go somewhere(peace).4 .My little brother enjoys (collect) stamps.5.If you work harder than before , you rapid(进步)。II.根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词或用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.1 you ever (be) to anamusement

37、 park?-Yes, I have.2.As we students, I think we should take partin some(tt 会)activities.3.I was born in Hebei P.4.It s an u experience for me.5. I have learnt so much about the old (发明)in the history museum.Section BI.词汇运用1 .At last the old man arrived at the airport (safe).2 .There are two(thousand

38、) students i n our school.3 . I(仅仅,只不过)cant believe it.4 .They come from Japan, they are J.5 .The trees turn green in s.6 .Some animals are active during the d and some are active at night.II.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.I don t know this woman. I never (meet) her.1.1. Let s go to the cinema. - No, I already (see

39、) the film.1.2. We (finish, not) our homework yet. Will you wait a minute?4. John(come, not) yet. He will be back in a minute.5. Mr. Green often goes to America. In fact, he (be) there ten times.6. 一 Where s John?-He just (go) to the teachers office.7. Jim isn t here. He (go) to the library.He_ (go)

40、 there an hour ago.8. I think you never(hear) such athing.9. you(find) your lost book? Yes,I(find) it hours ago.10. -Jim,you(write) a letter to your aunt? -Yes, I. I(write) it justnow.11. Laurel was a(完美的)girl in every way.2.In the party we watched many wonderful(表演).Unit 10Section AI.词汇运用1 .Don bel

41、ieve him. He is a(honest) m an.2 .This kind of silk feels very s.3 .Don believe him all the time. He was not always t.4 .We can take many photos with c.5 .This toy cost him 60(cent)II.用for或since填空1. Jill has been in Ireland Monday.2. Jill has been in Ireland three days.3. My aunt has lived in Austra

42、lia 15 days.4. Margaret is in her office. She has beenthere 7 oclock.5. India has been an independent country 1974.6. The bus is late. Weve been waiting 20 minutes.7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty many years.8. Mike has been ill a long time. He has been in hospital October.9. He

43、 has lived in Nanjing last year.10. I veiown him we werechildren.Section B1 .词汇运用IMany people , e young peoplelike American movies.2 .The village is a the mountains.3 .He was born in Shanghai, but he considers Hangzhou as his h since he has lived here most of his life.4 .A c is a hundred years.5 . W

44、e all (将,,视为)Yao Ming as the greatest basketball player from China.6 .The young man (live) alone since he graduated from college.7 . I like to swim,(especial) in the sea.10.Our English teacher is standing a thestudents.11 .You can consider(give) him a beau tiful flower instead.12 .Mary can remember

45、almost everything, she has a good m.13 . He colored the picture with c.II.用适当的时态填空1. I already(see) the film. I(see)it last week.2. he(finish) his work today ? Not yet .3. you(be) to Hong Kong ?Yes, I(be) there twice .4. He just(finish) hishomework.5. the young woman ever (travel) to England?6. you(

46、read) “ Gone with the wind yet?7. Have you(get) any new CDs?8. My family have never(be) to Sanya.9. They ever(eat) fish andchips.10. I just(lose) my science book.11. Has Tom(finish) his work?12. I have already(read) this book.13. She hasnt(return) her book yet.14. you ever(eat ) chocolate ?No, never.15. My father just(come) backfrom work. He is tired now.16. Where s Li Ming ? He(go) to the teacher s office.17. He(be) a volunteer inYa an,Sichuan since t


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