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1、学霸春节必备技能:用英文聊十二生肖,看完果断收藏!“羊年到,鸿运当头照”!送走了马年,迎来了羊年。有今年是本命年的小伙伴吗?大家的属相都是什么呢?你知道跟十二生肖有关的英文表达吗?逢年过节,随口秀上两句地道英语表达,保证你在亲朋好友中的人气蹭蹭蹭涨不停,说不定压岁钱也滚滚而来哦快来学学下面这些表达吧鼠年: Year of the Rat牛年: Year of the Ox虎年: Year of the Tiger兔年: Year of the Rabbit龙年: Year of the Dragon蛇年: Year of the Snake马年: Year of the Horse羊年: Ye

2、ar of the Sheep猴年: Year of the Monkey鸡年: Year of the Rooster狗年: Year of the Dog猪年: Year of the BoarChinese zodiac: 生肖It derives from the observation of the 12-year period that it requires for the planet Jupiter (木星) to complete its orbit. Chinese associate each year with an animal and believe it hel

3、p indicate fortune and the course of events. Chinese zodiac refers to the collective concept(生肖总称). For example: The Chinese zodiac is used to help people predict their fate. To refer to each animal in the zodiac, you can say Chinese zodiac animal sign(属相,指具体属相). For example: The ox is one of the Ch

4、inese zodiac animal signs. Or you can simply put it as Chinese animal sign.Horoscope 星座,运程The horoscope serves as a map of the sun, moon and other stars in the sky over a specific location at a particular moment in time. It is used to analyze the character of individuals born at that time and predic

5、t their future. Astrologers (占星师) divide the year into 12 parts and each part has its own constellation. It is called the zodiac (黄道十二宫). However, we cant say Whats your constellation (你是什么星座?). Constellation refers to the group of stars in the sky. We should use star sign in this context.How to tal

6、k about the zodiac animals in English:1. 你属什么?我属鼠。What is your Chinese animal sign?I am a Rat.2. 你知道明年是什么年吗?是羊年。Do you know what the Chinese zodiac animal will be next year?It is the Year of the Sheep.3. 你是什么星座的?我是金牛座。Whats your star sign?I am a Taurus.4. 你今年运势怎么样?今年是我的本命年,希望运气不要太差。What does your horoscope/star sign say for this year?Its the year of my Chinese animal sign so I hope my luck wont be too bad.5. 你知道属兔的人和什么属相的人最配吗?别迷信了!那些都不可靠。Do you know which animal signs are best paired with people born in the Year of Rabbit?Dont be so superstitious. It is not that reliable!


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