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1、反意疑问句一、反意疑问句在对话中常用来征求对方的看法、赞同与否或求证某一事实。由前面的陈述句和后面反意疑问句两部分构成。两句之间须用逗号分开。如陈述句为肯定形式,反意问句通常用否定形式,前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。两部分的主语必须指同一人或事物,反意疑问句的主语要用代词,两部分谓语应在时态、人称、数上保持一致。E.g. You study English, dont you?They have decided not to do it, havent they?She will be attending the university in September, wont she?

2、Hes ready, isnt he?1. 陈述句的谓语中含有情态动词时,反意问句也应用相应的情态动词E.g. She can drive, cant she?He should stay in bed, shouldnt he?(少用oughtnt he?)He dare not do it, dare he?We must try to get there on time, mustnt we?(但表示“必要”时,可用neednt we?)2. 当must意含“一定”、“想必”等推测性词义时,反意问句不用must,要看陈述句的具体情况来定。E.g. After a days work he

3、 must be very fired, isnt he?You must have waited here for a long time, haven you?3. 陈述句中如有seldom, scarcely, hardly, barely, few, little,以及never, nothing等否定词时,反意疑问句要用肯定式。E.g. We seldom see these animals, do we?He hardly ever go to the movies, does he?John barely failed in his exams, did he?4. have作实

4、意动词时,反意问句用do, does, did, 作助动词时,仍用,have, has.E.g. Mary has two children, doesnt she?We have a maths quiz tomorrow, dont we?He has arrived there by now, hasnt he?5. 陈述句为there be句型时,反意问句也用there。E.g. There is a football match, isnt there?There seems to be some misspellings in your paper, doesnt there?6.

5、 Lets和Let us的反意问句Lets(表示提议)肯定式用shall we? 否定式用all right? 或?O.K.? E.g. Lets start early, shall we?Lets not talk about it, all right? Note that: Let me(单数)和Let us(复数)表示第二人称祈使句(意为:你让我,你让我们)的反意疑问句要用will you, 请求对方的同意。不可和Lets混淆。E.g. Lets us go home, will you?Let us go to the party, will you?7. 一般祈使句后面的反意问句

6、用will you,使语气委婉客气。E.g. Have a cup of tea, will you?Have a little more wine, will you?8. 感叹句的反意问句要用be的一般现在时形式,而且一律用否定式。E.g. What a tall building, isnt it?What a beautiful girl, isnt she?9. 陈述句的主语为everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, nobody, no one时,反意问句主语用they。E.g. Everyone wants

7、to see the picture, dont they?No one was hurt in the accident, were they?10. 复合句的反意问句如何表达主要根据说话人所要征求或求证的重点来决定。不一定根据主句的谓语动词。E.g. Believe your answer is right, isnt it?I am afraid the match will be ended in ten minutes, wont it?I am the only person who is to blame, arent I?Its the first time that she

8、has been abroad, isnt it?Note that: 缩写s可表示is或has, d可表示would或had,如何选择要看其后面所跟用的动词形式。如果跟的是过去分词,则s为has,d为had;s后面跟现在分词时,s则为is;d后面跟原形动词,则d为would。E.g. Hes left, hasnt he?Hes writing his term paper, isnt he?Theyd go with us, wouldnt they?二、易错点:()关于否定句的界定,除了一般意义上含有not的句子以外,只要句子中出现never, no, hardly, seldom, r

9、are, 我们也把它界定成为否定句,反意疑问的时候用肯定形式,如:You have never been to USA, have you?He can hardly answer your question, can he?()如果句子中出现了few, little(几乎没有),我们也视为否定句,使用肯定形式提问; 但是句子中出现了 a little, a few, (一点)视为肯定句,用否定形式提问,如:You have little money, do you? 你基本没什么钱,是吧?You have a little money, dont you?你还是有一点钱的,是吧?(3)如果句

10、子中的某个词是携带否定前缀的,我们并不把那句话视作否定句,如:He is unhappy, isnt he?(4)关于反意疑问句的回答:无论问句是怎么问的,我们都按照事实回答,如: You like basketball, dont you? Yes, I do. 你喜欢篮球是吧。是的,我喜欢。You dont like basketball, do you? Yes, I do.你不喜欢篮球是吧。是的,我喜欢。所以,无论别人怎么问,是就是yes,不是就是no (5)关于反意疑问句中,疑问部分的人称,基本上都是人称代词充当的,如:Tom is a lovely boy, isnt he?后面疑

11、问部分用人称代词he,不用Tom.Your classmates love your class, dont they?但,也有例外,就是there be句式中,用there反意疑问。There are two teachers, arent there?(6)当句子中,人称代词的性质不确定的时候,我们要根据情况再看。如:Those are old books, arent they?如果能够确定主语是复数的,我们就用they作反意疑问。e.g. Everything is ready, isnt it?如果能够确定主语是单数而且指代“物”,我们就用it反意疑问。如果主语是不定代词 someb

12、ody, someone, anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone, nobody, none, neither(指代人),一般我们用they作反意疑问。e.g. Everyone is here, arent they?如果主语是单数而且指代人,但是不能够确定是男是女,一般意义上我们用he指代。The student is coming, isnt he?反意疑问句练习Directions: Choose from the 4 given choices the one which fits best in the following blanlets1.

13、Have a cup of tea, _?A) will you B) wont youC) would you D) arent you2. There is one thing you must remember. I am the boss, _?A) is it B) isnt itC) am I not D) arent you3. He little realized that he had missed his last chance, _?A) hadnt he B) didnt heC) had he D) did he4. We have to wait for the b

14、us, _?A) havent we B) have we C) wont we D) dont we5. We would have to buy our tickets in advance, _?A) havent we B) do weC) wouldnt we D) would we6. I am very dirty, _?A) am I B) dont IC) arent I D) wont I7. No one can do it well, _?A) can he B) can theyC) cant he D) cant they8. He ought to study h

15、ard, _?A) should he B) shouldnt heC) didnt he D) ought he9. Carl thinks you had better clear the ashes away first, _?A) hadnt you B) does heC) didnt you D) doesnt he10. There has not been a great response to the scale, _?A) does there B) hasnt thereC) hasnt it D) has there11. Lets listen to the radi

16、o programs that the teacher mentioned, _?A) do we B) will weC) dont we D) shall we12. Come here a moment, _?A) will you B) do youC) shall you D) dont you13. John isnt a diligent student, for it is the third time he has been late, _?A) wasnt it B) hasnt itC) isnt it D) hadnt he14. When Toms mother wa

17、snt feeling well last night. Tom washed the supper dishes, _?A) dont they B) did theyC) did he D) didnt he15. John need not come at present, _?A) must he B) does heC) need he D) neednt he16. Everybody here likes classic music, _?A) isnt he B) do theyC) doesnt he D) dont they17. They should have gone

18、 earlier, _?A) have they B) should theyC) havent they D) shouldnt they18. Your boy friend used to visit you quite often, _?A) didnt he B) wouldnt heC) wasnt he D) hadnt he19. Nobody said a word about the incident, _?A) did he B) didnt heC) didnt they D) did they20. Youd like the popular music, _?A)

19、dont you B) hadnt youC) didnt you D) wouldnt you反意疑问句练习参考答案B B D B C C .B .B .D D D A C D C D D A D D1、Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_a. dont they b. didnt they c. did they d. do they2、-Youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you ? -_. how I wish to visit the dinosaur world.a. Yes, I have b. No, I havent c. Certainly, I haved. Of course, I havent3、His sister had a bad cough, _she?a. wasntb. doesnt c. hadnt d. didnt4、Mr. green went to Shenzhen on business last week,_?a. isnt he b. doesnt he c. didnt he d. hasntheCBDC


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