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1、Old English LiteratureReview Questions1. Give an account of the history of England from the Celtic settlement to the Norman Conquest.2. How did Christianity came to England? Name the most important monasteries of this period.3. Name some representative pieces of the Old English poetry.4. Name the tw

2、o most important Christian poets of this period.5. Analyse the artistic features of Beowulf, using the quoted passage to illustrate your points.Middle English LiteratureI. Fill in the blanks: (30%)1. The first settlers of the British Isles were _, and Britain got its name from a branch of this peopl

3、e called _. But later they were driven to live in _, _ and _.2. The _, _ and _ were _ tribes originally living on the Continent. They moved to the British Isles and became the ancestors of the _ people.3. The most important event of the Old English Period was _, which took place in the year _.4. The

4、 Roman Catholic Church sent _ to England in 597 _ the English people to Catholicism.5. Name two poems of this period apart from Beowulf: _, and _.6. Beowulf is an epic of _ lines, and it tells the events that took place on _ before they moved to the British Isles.7. After the Anglo-Saxon English too

5、k in loan words from _ and _ and lost most of its _ and many of its grammar rules, it was called _.8. Romance can be divided into three kinds according to subject matter. They are _, _ and _.9. Romances of the English subject are tales about _ and his _.10. John Wyclif was a translator of _, William

6、 Langland wrote _ and the most famous English ballads are those about _.II. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): (10%) The two centers of Christian culture in the Old English Period was in Canterbury and Northumbria. Caedmon belonged to Northumbrian School, whereas the Venerable B

7、ede was a member of the Canterbury Abbey in south England. The first English national epic poem is Widsith. Old English poetry is distinguished by its use of alliteration and kennings. Chaucer is the greatest lyrical poet of the Middle English Period The Canterbury Tales is Chaucers masterpiece, but

8、 it is unfinished with only 24 tales written. Modern English is developed from the London dialect of the Middle English Period, which is a great contribution made by Chaucer to the English language. Most of the English popular ballads have their origin in the French folklore. The Normans were intere

9、sted in the Cycle of King Arthur because they wanted to prove they were lawful heirs to the Celtic ancestors of Britain. Chaucers humanistic ideas anticipate the English Renaissance.IV. Explain the following literary terms: (15%)1. epic2. alliteration3. iambic pentameter4. romance5. balladIV. Choose

10、 one from each of the following two groups of questions and write a short essay of about 300 words to the first and about 500 words to the second: (45%)Group One: (20%)1. Give a historical review of the Old English Period.2. Say something about the transition from Old English to Middle English and t

11、he historical elements that had brought about this transition.Group Two: (25%)1. Analyze the theme(s) and artistic features of Beowulf.2. Comment on Chaucers achievements and contributions with examples from his works.English Renaissance PeriodReview Questions1. How did England become the most power

12、ful country during the Tudor reign?2. What does the word Renaissance mean and why do we call this historical period the English Renaissance Period?3. Give a brief account of Thomas Mores life and his major work Utopia.4. Name Spensers major literary work and tell what it is about.5. Name more writer

13、s (poets and playwrights) of this period and tell what you know about them.6. What are Bacons chief contributions?7. Who was the greatest playwright before Shakespeare? Discuss one of his plays.8. What kind of comedy is Ben Jonsons special contribution? And as a playwright how different is Ben Jonso

14、n from Shakespeare?QuizFill in the blanks: (50%)1. _ broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and established _.2. It was _ and _ who introduced Italian sonnets into England.3. Thomas Mores famous line in Utopia that exposes the calamities of the Enclosure Movement is _.4. Faerie Queene was planned

15、 for 12 books, each standing for one moral principle, but only _ books were finished centering on the following six virtues: _, _, _, _, _, _and _.5. Philip Sidneys essay on poetry is called _; John Lylys prose romance has a main character _, whose name is afterward responsible for an expression in

16、the dictionary to represent a style of speech; Thomas Lodge is mainly remembered today for his prose romance _, Thomas Nasbe is believed to have joined Marlowe in writing _; and Robert Greene is connected with Shakespeare for attacking the latter in one of his pamphlets as a(n) _.6. Christopher Marl

17、owe used _ to write his plays and two of his important plays are _, and _.7. Francis Bacons works are expressions of his thought on _, and his prose style is best represented in an essay called _.8. Ben Jonsons masterpiece is a comedy of humours called _, and he was made _ in 1616.9. List any three

18、of Shakespeares comedies: _, _, and _.10. The four great tragedies by Shakespeare are _, _, _, and _.11. Shakespeare has produced two tetralogies of English history plays, and the most discussed two are _, and _.12. Falstaff was no good companion for _, who later became _, a powerful king of England

19、.13. _ was a Jew and a usurer in _, and he tried to take revenge on the Christians who despised and ill-treated him.14. lago is the villain in _, who set a trap to lead _ to believe that his wife _ was unfaithful to him.15. _ is a spirit in the dramatic romance _, in which he helped _, the former du

20、ke of _ to get back the lost power.16. Shakespeare wrote _ sonnets, which can be divided into groups with _ and _ sonnets in each group.17. The Shakespearean sonnet rhymes _, and the last _ lines are used as a conclusion to sum up the message of the poem.II. Mark the following statements as true (T)

21、 or false (F): (10%) The English Enclosure Movement was a drive to fence up large pieces of land to raise sheep. The Tudor reign reached its most glorious time under King Henry VIII. In 1688 the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada on the high seas. Humanism opposed the Roman Catholic Church and

22、 the medieval bondage on peoples minds. Miracle plays are simple and mostly tell the stories of the Bible. The university wits were all university graduates and they lived on university campuses. in Shakespeares days all the female roles were performed by boys. Romeo and Juliet was written in the th

23、ird period of Shakespeares creative career. The Spenserian stanza contains 8 iambic lines of 5 feet each and one last line of 6 feet. The Arcadia is a romance in verse by Philip Sidney, which consists of 5 books.III. Explain the following literary terms: (15%)1. the Shakespearean sonnet2. blank vers

24、e3. pastoral poem4. three unities5. allegoryIV. Essay question: (25%)Choose one essay question from the given two and write an essay of at least 500 words.1. Give a general account of the first flowering of Literature in the English Renaissance Period.2. Write an introduction of Shakespeare, his lif

25、e and his literary achievements.The 17th Century LiteratureReview Questions1. What historical elements caused the English Bourgeois Revolution and why is it so called the Puritan Revolution?2. Tell what you know about Miltons life.3. Make some comments on the epic poem Paradise Lost.4. In what way d

26、oes Samsons last heroic deed remind us of Miltons last phase of life?Review Questions1. Tell the unique features of the Metaphysical Poetry.2. Choose one poem by metaphysical poets and discuss it as well as you can.3. Introduce the historical background for the emergence of the Restoration drama.4.

27、Choose to comment on one Restoration comedy writer and his play(s).Review Questions1. Choose either Absalom and Achitophel or Mac Flecknoe and analyse it to show Drydens satirical power.2. Why is Dryden called Father of English Literary Criticism? What are his literary views presented in Of Dramatic

28、k Poesie?3. What kind of a writer is John Bunyan?4. Discuss as well as you can The Pilgrims Progress.QuizI. Choose one correct answer from the four offers given after each of the following sentences or questions: (15%)1. Who was the leader of the Puritan Revolution of England?A. John LilburneB. Oliv

29、er CromwellC. MiltonD. Charles II2. Who was executed as the enemy of the English people after the victory of the Bourgeois Revolution?A. James II B. Queen ElizabethC. Charles IID. Charles 13. The Glorious Revolution took place in the year of _.A. 1660 B. 1688C. 1642D 16494. The Bible was translated

30、under the reign of _ and published in _.A. King James I, 1611B. King Charles I, 1625C. King James II, 1688D. King Charles I1, 16605. In the early 17th century there was a group of court poets represented by John Suckling, Robert Herrick, etc. who were called _.A. metaphysical poetsB. cavalier poetsC

31、. satirical poetsD. lyrical poets6. Miltons poem Lycidas is a(n) _ and his Paradise Lost is written in _.A. epic, heroic coupletB. pastoral poem, sonnetC. lyrical poem, rhymed verseD. elegy, blank verse7. Metaphysical poets are noted for their use of _.A. blank verseB. conceitsC. alliterationD. typo

32、graphy8. In the Restoration Period, drama revived mainly because _.A. Charles I1 and his court brought back with them a taste for dramaB. there appeared many good playwrightsC. the new bourgeois class liked dramaD. it was a reaction against the suppression of drama performance by the Puritan governm

33、ent9. Restoration plays have a significance in the history of English literature because _.A. they are very entertaining with witty dialoguesB. they have themes about love and marriage of the city peopleC. they anticipate the plays of social manners by later dramatists like Sheridan and GoldsmithD.

34、they have preserved comedies as a dramatic genre from distinctionI0. William Congreve chose to write his comedies on subjects of _.A. family and social pressures on young peoples free choice in love and marriageB. intrigues and deceptions in the games of love and marriageC. indecent sexual liaisons

35、and the libertine life styleD. the fight over inheritance and marriage for money and rank11. Of the four speakers in his Of Dramatick Poesie John Dryden speaks through the character called _.A. EugeniusB. CritesC. LisideiusD. Neander12. Besides heroic plays, Dryden also produced _ such as Secret Lov

36、e and Marriage a-la-Mode.A. tragi-comediesB. history playsC. dramatic romancesD. problem plays13. In religion John Bunyan was a _.A. Protestant B. Puritan dissenterC. Catholic D. Church of England man14. The Pilgrims Progress is a(n) _.A. fairy tale B. religious documentC. realistic novelD. allegory

37、15. Before Dryden and Bunyan, the English prose mainly followed the _ styles.A. Italian and French B. French and SpanishC. French and Latin D. Spanish and LatinII. Give the full name of the authors of the following works: (10%)1. Grace Abounding to the Chief o/Sinners2. The Way of the World3. Absalo

38、m and Achitophel4. The Flea5. Areopagutuca; or Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing6. The Man of Mode7. The Work of the Beast8. The Altar9. The True Levellers Standard Advanced10. The Plain-DealerIII. Identification exercises: You are given three passages below from the works we have introd

39、uced in this part. Please read each carefully and then answer the questions attached to each passage (30%)1. . at this fair are all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honours, prefermentst, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures, and delights of all sorts, as whores, baw

40、ds, wives, husbands, children, masters, servants, lives, blood, bodies, souls, silver, gold, pearls, precious stones, and what not.Questions: 1) From which work is this passage taken and who is its author? (2 points)2) What is this passage about? (3 points)3) Translate the passage into Chinese. (5 p

41、oints)2. Like mine, thy gentle numbers feebly creep; Thy tragic Muse gives smiles, thy comic sleep.With whateer gall thou settst thyself to write,Thy inoffensive satires never bite.Questions: 1) Name the work from which this poetic stanza is taken. (1 point)2) Who is the author of the poem and what

42、kind of poetry is this? (2 points)3) Who is the poetic persona that speaks these lines and who is the addressee? (2 points)4) Paraphrase the first two lines. (5 points)3. Had we but world enough and time,This coyness, lady, were no crime.We would sit down, and think which wayTo walk, and pass out lo

43、ng loves day.Thou by the Indian Ganges sideShouldst rubies find, by the tideOf Humber would complain. I wouldLove you ten years before the Flood.And you should, if you please, refuseTill the conversion of the Jews.Questions: 1) Who is the poet of this selection and what is the name of the poem from

44、which it is taken? (2 points)2) What kind of poetry is this called? (1 point)3) Translate the underlined verse lines. (5 points)4) What does the young man want to tell his mistress in this selected section? (2 points)IV. Essay questions: (45%)I. Choose one from the given two topics and write an essa

45、y of at least 300 words: (20%)1) Give a brief account of John Drydens literary contributions.2) Discuss John Bunyan and his masterpiece The Pilgrims Progress. 2. Write an essay on the following topic in about 500 words: (25%)Analyse as well as you can John Miltons Paradise Lost.18th Century Literatu

46、reReview Questions1. What are the essential features of Neoclassicism in the 18th-century England?2. Name the major Neoclassic representative writers of this period and introduce their major achievements.3. Comment on Popes literary contributions.4. Analyse Swifts Gullivers Travels.5. Name two important newspap


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