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1、电子测绘仪经纬仪十字丝放样照准部一、 英英释义Vertical lineContourLeveling二、词汇汉译英地理信息系统地图学等高线大地水准面高程三、词汇英译汉GeomanticGeodesyPhotogrammetryAerial photographField workHorizontal surveyLatitudePlumb lineMean sea levelTacheometry四、句子英译汉水准测量全站仪方位角准确度卫星测距Level staffVertical circleCounter clockwiseTopographyLevel surfaceStadia ha

2、irPrismPrecisionRandom errorGPS receiver1. It is processed and manipulated with state-of-the-art informationtechnology using computer software and hardware.2. It has applications in all disciplines which depend on spatial data.3. Once the positions and attributes of geographic entities (实体) have bee

3、n digitized and stored in computer memory, they are available for use by a wide variety of users.4. Land surveys are the oldest type of survey and have been performed since earliest recoded history.5. Construction surveys are made for purposes of locating structures and providing required elevation

4、points during their construction.6. To judge the exact horizontal line, we should move tape up and down along the plump line and we will find the changes of reading in the tape.7. If the distance is longer than the length of tape, then we can divide the distance into several segments and get the tot

5、al distance by plus each segment together.8. Since different tapes have different starts of zero of the tapes, it is important to judge where the zero of the tape begins.9. Vertical Line is a line that follows the direction of gravity as indicated by a plumb line.10. A spirit level is used to fix th

6、e line of sight of the telescope.11. Random Errors are introduced into each measurement mainlybecause of human and instrument imperfections as well as uncertainties in determining the effects of the environment on measurements.12. If a quantity is measured several times and the values obtained are v

7、ery close to each other, the precision is said to be high.13. The GPS receiver on the ground is the unknown poin,t and must compute its position based on the information it receives from the satellites.14. When the two spheres intersect, a circle is formed, so it must be somewhere on that circle.15.

8、 In addition , both the L1 and L2 GPS signals would be made available to civil users and a new civil 10.23MHZ signal would be authorized.5、 段落英译汉1. The science and technology of acquiring, storing, processing, managing, analyzing and presenting geographically referred information (geo-spatial data).

9、 This broad term applies both to science and technology, and integrates the following more specific disciplines and technologies including surveying and mapping, geodesy, satellite positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information system(GIS), land management, computer systems, env

10、ironmental visualization and computer graphics.2. A horizontal angle is the angle formed in a horizontal plane by two intersecting vertical planes, or a horizontal angle between two lines is the angle between the projections of the lines onto a horizontal plane. For example, observations to differen

11、t elevation points B and C from A will give the horizontal angle DBAC which is the angle between the projections of two lines (AB and AC) onto the horizontal plane. It follows that, although the points observed are at different elevations, it is always the horizontal angle and not the space angle th

12、at is measured. The horizontal angle is used primarily to obtain relative direction to a survey control point, or to topographic detail points, or to points to be set out.3. The first step in measuring the distance between the GPS receiver and a satellite requires measuring the time it takes for the

13、 signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver. Once the receiver knows how much time has elapsed, the travel time of the signal multiplies the speed of light (because the satellite signals travel at the speed of light, approximately 186,000 miles per second) to compute the distance. Distance

14、measurements to four satellites are require to compute a 3-dimensional (latitude, longitude and altitude) position.6、 扩展试题Explain the process about this question that how does the GPSreceiver located itself with four satellite .答案1. A line that follows the direction of gravity as indicated by a plum

15、b line;2. An imaginary line on the ground with all points at the same elevation above or below a specified reference surface;3. The process of finding elevations of points or their difference in elevation.Geographic information system;Cross-hair/reticle;Cartography;Set out/lay off;Contour;Upper plat

16、e;Geoid;Leveling;Elevation;Total station;Electronic distance measurement Azimuth;Accuracy;instrument;Theodolite/transit;Satellite ranging.三、测绘学,地理信息学;水准尺;大地测量学;垂直度盘;摄影测量;逆时针;航片;地形,地势;外业;水准面;平面测量;视距丝;纬度;棱镜;铅垂线;精度;平均海水面;随机误差;视距测量法;GPS8收机。四、1.它使用先进的信息技术,通过计算机软件和硬件来处理和操 作。2.它在所有建立在空间数据上的学科都有所应用。3.一旦地理实体

17、的位置和属性被数字化和存储在计算机内存中它们就可以由各种各样的用户使用。4.土地测量是最古老的测量类型并且从最早有记录的历史时期就有所使用。5.建设调查的目的是在建筑物的建设期间对它们进行结构并提供所需的高程点。6.要判断准确的水平线,我们应该沿铅垂线上下移动尺子,可以发现尺子读数的变化。7. 如果距离超过尺子的长度,然后我们可以把距离分成几段,把每一段的距离相加得到总距离。8. 因为不同的尺子的零起点不同,判断尺子的零点在哪里很重要。9. 铅垂线就是一条沿着重力方向, 也就是一个铅垂的线的方向的一条线。10. 水准器经常用来固定望远镜的视线。11. 随机误差引入每次测量中, 主要是因为人为因

18、素和仪器瑕疵因素,以及在测量过程中一些不确定性因素对环境的影响。12. 如果测量了多次, 获得的这些数据彼此之间都很接近, 这个精度就很高。13. 地面上的GPS收机是一个未知的点,必须根据它从卫星所接 受的信息来计算它的位置。14. 当两个圆球相交时, 就会形成一个圆, 因此它必须在这个圆上的某一位置。15. 而且,L1和L2 GPS信号都可以用于民用,一种新型的民用10.23MHZ 的信号也应该授权。5、1. 获取、存储、处理、管理、分析和上呈地理参考信息(地理空间信息)的科学和技术。这个广泛的术语应用于科学和技术,以及测绘学、大地测量学、卫星定位、摄影测量学、遥感、地理信息系统、土地管理

19、、计算机系统、环境可视化和计算机制 图等领域。2. 水平角是指在一个水平面内由两相交的竖直面形成的角, 或者说, 两条线之间的水平角是这两条线在水平面上的投影线的夹角。例如,在A点观测不同高度的B和C点,其水平角DBAC是由 AB 和 AC 两条线在水平面上的投影构成的。由此得出结论, 虽然被观测的点在不同的高度上, 测出的总是水平角而不是空间角。 水平角主要用来由联测控制点获得相对方向, 或者 地形测量碎部点、或者放样点。3. 测量GPS收机和卫星距离的第一步,要求测出从卫星到接收机的信号传播时间。 一旦接收机知道用了多少时间, 用信号的传播时间乘上光速(因为卫星信号以光速传播,大约 186

20、,000英里每秒)来计算距离。计算一个三维(纬度、经度和高度)位置需要 4 颗卫星的距离值。6、The GPS receiver “ locks on ” to one satellite and calculates the range to be 12,000 miles. This fact helps narrow the receiver location down, but it only tells that the receiver are somewhere on a sphere which is centered on the satellite and has a 12

21、,000 miles radius. Now, consider that the receiver picks up a signal from a second satellite at the center. It must, therefore, be somewhere where these two spheres intersect. When the two spheres intersect, a circle is formed,so it must be somewhere on that circle. If the receiver picks upanother s

22、atellite, says at 11,000 miles away, another sphere is formed, and there are only two points where the three spheres intersect. Usually the receiver can discard one of the last two points because it is nowhere near the earth. So, one point which is the location of the GPS receiver is left. In practice, a fourth measurement is needed to correct for clock error.


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