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1、Task I Banked Cloze (10 minutes)窗体顶端When you get an invitation to a job interview, you are halfway toward your goal - a job offer. No matter how many 1 responses you have gotten to your job inquiry letters, with rare 2 you will not get a job offer without an 3 . Go to the library to find all possibl

2、e 4 about the company and, if you can, on the person who will interview you. Have material with you that the 5 might ask for - samples of your work, names and addresses of references, extra copies of your 6 . An employment manager for a major construction company 7 this advice. “If its obvious you h

3、avent spent any time preparing for the interview - that is, you dont know what the company does, where it does it, what kinds of jobs it has - then dont expect the company to take you very 8 .” 9 to an interview the employer has probably seen your rsum and perhaps talked with you on the phone. What

4、employers look for in interviews is what you might call personal chemistry - how you look and act, whether you exhibit self-confidence, how you would 10 in with other members of the organization. 窗体底端A information B. materials C. employer D. employee E. rsum F. exceptions G. interview H. fit I. suit

5、 J. offersK. seriously L. smart M. prior N. encouraging O. ahead 1. N 2. F 3. G 4. A 5. C 6. E 7. J 8. K 9. M 10. HCan money buy happiness? Yes, (11) _ B/4 the authors of a new study-but only up to a point. Psychology has shown that richer people generally rank the overall quality of their lives mor

6、e (12) _ B/4 than poorer people do. At the same time, their actual happiness seems to be (13) _ B/4 less by their ability to buy more than by being able to keep up with those with comparable resources in their own age group. Our findings point to the possibility that, rather than promoting overall h

7、appiness, continued income growth could (14) _ B/4 an ongoing consumption race where people have to consume more and more, just to maintain a (15) _ B/4 level of happiness, writes Glenn Firebaugh of Penn Sylvania State University. The study was (16) _ B/4 at the American Sociological Associations 10

8、0th Annual Meeting. Whether the rich are happier as a whole than their less (17) _ B/4 fellows is becoming an increasingly hot topic for debate. Recent years have (18) _ B/4 many writings on the science of happiness.Richer people are happier because money can help purchase goods and services and it

9、is the (19) _ B/4 of these materials that increases ones enjoyment of life and ones sense of well-being. Firebaugh and his colleagues measured the age, total family income, and general happiness of (20) _ B/4 aged 20 to 64, generally considered the working lifespan (工作寿命) for most Americans. Regardl

10、ess of such standards as physical health, education, and marital status (婚姻状况), peoples happiness was affected by what others earned. The higher the income of others in ones age group, the lower ones happiness.WORD BANKA)constant B)wealthy C)claim D)deny E) motivated F) consumption G)consequently H)

11、implement I)automatic J)presented K)witnessed L)rejected M) individuals N) favorably O) challenging11. 答案:C 根据句子结构分析可知此处需要一个及物动词作谓语,主语为authors,可选范围缩小到C、D、E、H、J、K和L,因为这里是对一个问题的回答,故可确定正确答案为C。12.答案:N 根据句子结构分析可知这里需要一个副词作句子的状语,可选范围为G和N,因为前面有more这个表示比较级的单词,而consequently无比较级,结合文章主题,故可确定正确答案为N。13.答案:E 此处需要一

12、个动词过去分词,可选范围为E、J、K和L,根据文章的主题money对 happiness的影响,并结合下文与不定式to buy的搭配,可确定正确答案为E。14.答案:H 这里需要一个动词原形作that从句的谓语,可选范围为D和H,根据上文rather than promoting overall happiness可判断空白处应填单词H。15.答案:A 这里需要一个形容词或相当于形容词功能的单词,可选范围为A、B、I、J、K和L,根据前面的谓语动词maintain可确定答案为A。16. 答案:J 这里需要一个形容词或动词的现在或过去分词,可选范围为B、I、J、K和L,根据下文at the Am

13、erican Sociological Associations 100th Annual Meeting可确定正确答案为J。17. 答案:B 这里需要填入一个形容词或相当于形容词功能的单词来修饰fellows,可选范围为B、 I、K和L,分别放入空白处,根据上下文可确定正确答案为B。18.答案:K 这里需要填入一个动词的过去分词,可选范围为K和L,根据上文becoming an increasingly hot topic for debate可确定正确答案为K。19.答案:F 这里需要填入一个名词或动名词,可选范围为F、M和O,根据上文purchase goods and services

14、可确定正确答案为F。20.答案:M 此处需要填入一个名词或动名词,可选范围为M和O,根据下文对年纪的描述可确定答案为M。Banked Closed 1 All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and set backs that crop up in our everyday life. If we (31) _B/2.5 that life wont be perfect, we will be able to avoid that (32) _B/2.5 to quit. Bu

15、t even if you are strong enough to persist the obstacle course of life and work, sometimes you will encounter an adverse event that will (33) _B/2.5 knock you on your back. A quick look at the history will tell you that history is full of example of men and women who (34) _B/2.5 greatness despite fa

16、cing hurdles. Moses was a stutterer, yet he was (35) _B/2.5 on to be the voice of God and led the ancient Hebrews to the Graceland. Abraham Lincoln overcame a difficult childhood, depression, the death of two sons, and (36) _B/2.5 ridicule during the Civil War to become our greatest president ever.

17、Hellen Keller made an (37) _B/2.5 on the world despite being deaf, dumb, and blind from an early age. There are (38) _B/2.5 examples. These were people who not only looked adversity in the face but learned (39) _B/2.5 lessons about overcoming difficult circumstances and were able to move ahead. Bear

18、ing all these examples in our mind, we can come to terms with any possible difficulties and (40) _B/2.5 on to embrace the final victories. WORD BANKA) impact I) valuable B) called J) constantC) completely K) accurate D) hold L) achievedE) dropped M) impulse F) expect N) miracleG) pulse O) relatively

19、 H) endless31.答案:F此处需要一个动词,而且可以跟宾语从句,同时要求用一般现在时,只有hold和expect符合要求,但是第56题需要hold,因此此处选expect表示预计,料到的意思。32.答案:N此处需要一个名词,而且从句意来看和后面的t。quit相符合,只有impulse。33.答案:C根据语法,此处需要一个副词,从给出的两个副词当中来看,只有completely合乎题意。. 34答案:M此处应选择一个及物动词的过去式,而能够和greatness搭配使用的只有achieved。35.答案:B此处需要动词的被动形式,called on表示被要求做某事。36.答案:J根据语法

20、,此处需要形容词作定语,只有constant和endless可以,而实际情况是当时经常有人讽刺林肯,并不是无数的讽刺,因此填入constant。37.答案:A此处需要填入一个名词,而且是元音开头,只有impact,表示冲击,符合题意。38.答案:H此处需要形容词作定语,在剩下的形容词中endless表示无数,符合题意。39.答案:I此处需要形容词作定语,根据learned lessons推测valuable为正确答案。40.答案:D此处需要动词,并且和on to搭配,正确答案hold。Perhaps its only natural that so many of us 1_B/5 about

21、 fame and plot out ways to gain it. After all, we live in a culture 2._ B/5 with the doings of famous people. Just take a look sometime as youre walking through the check-out line at your local grocery store. The racks are full of magazines 3._ B/5 on the lives of TV and film stars, athletes, singer

22、s, 4._ B/5, famous politicians, and foreign royalty. At least three out of four magazines feature a 5._ B/5on the cover and promise some juicy bit of celebrity gossip 6._ B/5, perhaps a 7._ B/5 at J. Lo s (詹妮弗.洛佩兹) wedding dress or Carson Daleys(卡森.戴利)new girlfriend.The televisions in our homes are

23、just as full of celebrity faces and facts. Some TV shows 8._ B/5 on nothing but the lives of famous people. Other news, drama, 9._ B/5, and sports programs introduce us to the actors, athletes, singers, and program hosts who become the 10._ B/5of our fascination.A) obtained B) celebrity C) objects D

24、) longing E) obsessed F) fantasize G) candidate H) phenomena I) inside J) peek K) reporting L) forward M) musicians N) comedy O) focus1. so many of us是that 从句的主语,后面缺失动词,而且根据and plot out知道,该填原形动词,从F(幻想后加about), J (偷看,后加at) ,O(聚焦于后加on)来选。F是正确答案2. we live in a culture 2._ with 这个句子已经有谓语动词,而后面又有介词with,所

25、以应该选个非谓语动词。从A(获得无需加介词) D(渴望 后搭配for) E (使痴迷;使迷恋, be obsessed痴迷;迷恋于后加with) K(报道) 中选。E是正确答案3. The racks are full of magazines 3._ on这个句子已经有谓语动词,应该选个非谓语动词。从A(获得) D(渴望 后搭配for) K(报道) 中选。杂志报道.应该选K。4 film stars, athletes, singers, 4._, famous politicians,这里应该填和前面的电影明星,歌手,著名政治家相同类的词,都指名人,且都是复数,所以选M。5. 至少有四分之

26、三的杂志用作封面, 第五个空需要个单数名词,B(名人)和G(选手)K(偷看)来选,B合题意。6. promise some juicy bit of celebrity gossip 6._ 这里谓语和宾语都有了,后面又没有其他成分,该填副词。I和L来选。这句的中文意思为:而且暗示其内容中有跟明星们有关的绘声绘色的小道消息,所以该选I 在.里面7. a 后面该填个名词,G(选手)J偷看)来选,后面有at,选J合题意。8. Some TV shows 8._ on nothing but the lives of famous people,这里的TV shows是名词,做主语,后面需要个动词原

27、形。根据后面的介词on,我们可以知道选 O。9. Other news, drama, 9._, and sports programs, 这并排的词告诉我们,第9个空应该选某某节目,所以选N。 10. 第10空,the后面没有名词,所以要选个名词。其他的新闻、话剧、喜剧和体育节目向我们介绍演员、运动员、歌手和节目主持人,他们是我们喜欢的-_这个空,填C,(人、物、对象)。全文翻译:或许这么多人幻想着出名并想方设法来实现,本身就很正常。毕竟,我们居住在一个被名人的所作所为所纠缠的社会。只在当地杂货店排队等候结账时,偶尔看一看。架子上摆满了报道影视明星、运动员、歌手、音乐家、知名政治家和海外皇室

28、生活的杂志。生活至少有四分之三的杂志用明星作封面,而且暗示其内容中有跟明星们有关的绘声绘色的小道消息,或许是关于詹妮弗洛佩兹的婚纱或是卡森戴利的新女友。自家电视也充斥着名人的脸孔和他们的报道。有些电视节目甚至只注重名人的生活。其他的新闻、话剧、喜剧和体育节目向我们介绍我们所喜欢的演员、运动员、歌手和节目主持人。According to a study, going for a run outdoors is better than exercising in the gym because it has a positive effect on mental and physical heal

29、th. The study has found that exercise in the natural environment is linked to greater feelings of revitalization, 1. _B/5energy and a positive attitude. Levels of 2_B/5, anger and other negative feelings were found to be 3_B/5 by exercising outside. In 4_B/5 with exercising indoors, outdoor exercise

30、 shows more positive results. The research was done by a professional team that 5. _B/5 data based on 11 trials involving 833 adults. The team compared the effects of outdoor exercise to those of indoor exercise. The adults who were studied 6. _B/5that they had greater enjoyment by exercising outsid

31、e. The researchers also found that mental health can benefit more easily from exercising outdoors. Researcher Dr. Jo Thompson-Coon said, The fact that there are added 7. _B/5 effects to be gained from exercising in the natural environment is very attractive to modern people. By using the data we hav

32、e added strength to the link between mental and physical health and outdoor exercise, but further research and focused 8. _B/5are needed to better understand this link. Professor Michael Depledge, another researcher in the study, added, About 75 percent of the European population now lives in urban

33、areas, so an increased effort needs to be made to 9. _B/5people with nature. Our research helps urban people realize how to 10. _B/5fight to prevent the negative effects of modern life, such as obesity and depression. They need to spend more time in the natural environment to enjoy a healthier life.

34、A) reconnect B) interaction C) beneficial D) analyzed E) respectively F) tension G) increased H) moderate I) comparison J) rational K) acquire L) trials M) lowered N) reported O) efficiently解题技巧及详解:1. 第一步:决定方框里面的词义及词性(略)2. 阅读全文,决定每个空要填的词性及根据上下文决定词义1名词前,需要一个定语。研究表明,在自然环境里做运动,与更强的振奋感,_的能量及积极态度关系紧密。选G。

35、增强的2. 介词后面唯一的空,应该填名词,从B F I L这四个中选,后面的名词是生气,及其他消极感情,所以用F “紧张、压力”合题义。3. were found to be _by exercising outside, 这里,be后面应该填过去分词,表被动。主语是负面情绪的层度会被填M合题意。表“降低”4. In _ with exercising indoors, outdoor exercise shows more positive results. 这里是介词后面,该填名词,且是indoors, outdoor的对比,所以填I合题意。5. 第五题是定语从句后面,that是主语,指前

36、面的professional team,后面的宾语是data based on 11 trials(基于11个实验的数据),所以此题该填动词,选D,表分析。6. The adults who were studied _ that,这里,who were studied是定语,被研究的成年人,所以,后面需要一个动词,作为The adults的谓语,that后面的宾语从句是宾语。所以这里填N 报告。7. 应该懂得分析这个长句。The fact that there are added _ effects to be gained from exercising in the natural en

37、vironment为此句的主语,is very attractive to modern people.对现代人很有吸引力。The fact that there are added _ effects to be gained from exercising in the natural environment, that后面是同位语从句,在这个从句里,是there be的结构,added _ effects是这个结构的名词,是这个there be句子的主语。这个名词里,有added修饰了,还有一个空,也应该填定语,修饰effects。选C 有益的。8. further research a

38、nd focused_ are needed to better understand this link,需要进一步的研究及目标明确集中的_.和研究并列的名词,选L,实验。9. 不定式后面,应该选动词原形。从A和K来选。an increased effort needs to be made to_ people with nature. 前面讲到,大部分人现在都住在市区,因此“需要加强努力来把人和自然” 这里选A,表:重新连接起来。10. how to_ fight to prevent the negative effects of modern lifeHow to do这里应该用副词

39、修饰动词,从E “各自地”O“有效地”两个来选。所以该选O。New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has 1._M_S/5. Its now a global village where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communication equipment is greatly 2._N_

40、S/5by foreign language skills. Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople that have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support 3._O_S/5business efforts. Overseas assignments are becoming

41、 4._A_S/5 important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being out of sight and out of mind. He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the companys plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an a

42、ssignment 5._E_S/5. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superior will have greater 6._K_S/5 in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent. Thanks to a variety of

43、relatively inexpensive communication devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets. English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A seco

44、nd language isnt 7._S/5to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a 8._F_S/5 the edge when other qualifications appear to be 9._G_.S/5 The employee posted abroad who speaks the countrys principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultu

45、ral insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can 10._D_S/5well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.A. increasingly B. same C. applicant D. communicate E. abroad F. candidate G. equal H. quickly I. required J. improving K. confidence L. abroad M. shrunk N. enhanced O. domestic


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