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1、精品文档The sec ond period: Read ingAims:1. to master the new words and some useful expressi ons.2. to un dersta nd the text and finish the exercises in Comprehe nding.Step 1. Look ing and guess ingWork in pairs. Look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be about.1) . Imagine wh

2、at it might be like if you had to stay in your bedroom for a whole year. You could not leave it even to go to the WC or to get a cup of tea. How would you feel?2) . What would you choose if you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room?Step 2

3、Reading to summarise the main idea of each paragraph.Skim the text and summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.Para. One: Anne made her diary her best friendwhom she could tell everyth ing.Para. Two: Anne s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hi

4、de away for a long time.Para. Three: Having bee n kept in doors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.Step 3 Lan guage points1. add (to) v. 1) to put together with someth ing else so as to in crease the nu mber, size, or importa nee; 2) to join (nu mbers or amounts ) so

5、as to find the total.eg: The fire is going out; will you add some wood?The sno wstorm added to our difficulties.Add up these figures for me, please.2. ignore v. to take no no tice of; refuse to pay atte nti on toeg: His letters were igno red.Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.My advice wa

6、s completely igno red.3. concernv.使担心;使不安(+about/for);涉及,关系到;影响到eg: The boys poor health concerned his pare nts.He is concerned for her safety.The n ews concerns your brother.He was very concerned about her.4. loose adj. not firmly or tightly fixed.She wore loose garme nts in the summer.I have got a

7、 loose tooth.Some loose pages fell out of the book.5. purpose n. C an intention or plan; a person sreason for an action.What is the purpose of his visit?The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold ani mals.Did you come to London to see your family, or for bus in ess purpose?6. series n. (of) a group

8、of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after ano ther or in order.Then bega n a series of wet days that spoiled our vacati on.This publishi ng firm is pla nning a new series of school textbooks.They carried out a series of experime nts to test the new drug.7. cheat. 1) v. to b

9、ehave in a dish on est way in order to win an adva ntage;2) n. a pers on who cheats; disho nest pers onsThey cheated the old woma n of her house and mon ey.The salesma n cheated me into buying a fake.He n ever cheated in exams.I see you drop that card, you cheat!I n ever thought that Sam is a cheat.

10、8. share 1) vt .&vi. (inwith amoun tbetwee n) to have, use or take part in someth ing with others or among a group.2) n. (inof) the part bel ongs to, owed to or done by a particular pers on. The money was shared out betwee n them.Sam and I share a room.We shared in his joy.They always share their ha

11、pp in ess and sorrow.I have done my share of the work.9. crazy adj. 1) mad ; foolish 2) +about wildly excited; very in terestedYoure crazy to go out in this stormy weather.Joh ns crazy about that girl.She is just crazy about dancing.10. dare v.& v.aux. . 1) + to do; 2) + vto be brave eno ugh or rude

12、 eno ugh (to do sth. dan gerous, difficult or un pleasa nt).How dare you accuse me of lying!How dare you ask me such a questi on?My youn ger sister dare not go out alone.He did not dare to leave his car there.11. trust 1) n. U (in) form believe in the hon esty, good ness or worth etc, of some one or

13、 someth ing2) v. to believe in the hon esty and worth of some one or someth ing; have con fide nee inI have no trust in him.I don place any trust in the gover nment promises.Why do you trust a guy like him?I trust your wife will soon get well.12. suffer v. (for) to experie nee pain, difficulty or lo

14、ssI cannot suffer such rude ness.He suffered from poverty all his life.My father suffers from high blood pressure.They suffered a great deal in those days.13. advice n. U opinion give n to some one about what they should do in a particular situati onf v. advise to give advice toI want your advice, s

15、ir. I dont know what to do.I asked the doctor for her advice.I f you take my advice, you won tell anyone about this.He gave them some good sound advice.14. com muni cate v. 1) (to) to make (op inions, feeli ngs, in formati on etc. ) known orun derstood by others. e.g. by speech, writ ing or body mov

16、eme nts;2) (with) to share or excha nge opinions, feeli ngs, in formati on etc. Our teacher com muni cates his idea very clearly.He had no way to com muni cate with his brother.Did she com muni cate my wishes to you?We lear n a Ian guage in order to com muni cate.Deaf people use sig n Ian guage to c

17、om muni cate.15. calm 1) adj. free from exciteme nt, n ervous activity or stro ng feeli ngs; quiet2) n. U peace and quiet3) v. to make calmYou must try to be calm.The high wind passed and the sea was calm aga in.The police chief advised his men to stay keep calm and not lose their tempers.There was

18、a calm on the sea.She calmed the baby by giving him some milk.We calmed the old lady dow n.Useful expressi ons:1. add upto join (nu mbers or amounts ) so as to find the total.Add up 3, 4 and 5 and youll get 12.Add up your score and see how many points you can get.If we add these marks up, well get a

19、 total of 90.2. calm downto make or become calmCalm dow n, sir. Whats the trouble?Just calm down, there snothing to worry about!We tried to calm him dow n, but he keep shout ing.3. be concerned about withto worry or in terestMy pare nts are concerned about my studies.Don concern yourself about with

20、other people affairs.She Sconcerned about his son Sfuture.4. go through1) to suffer or experie nee; 2) to look at or exam ine carefully;3) to pass through or be acceptedThe country has gone through too many wars.The new law did not go through.Let s go through it aga in, this time with the music.5. s

21、et down1) to make a writte n record of; write dow n 2) put dow nI have set dow n everyth ing that happe ned.I will set down the story as it was told to me. Please set me dow n at the n ext corner.6. a series of +pl.&n做主语时,谓语动词用单数一连串的,一系列的,连续的There has bee n a series of car accide nts at the cross in

22、g.These days I have read a series of articles on read ing.A series of TV play is on Channel 1 these days.7. on purposein ten tio nally; with a particular stated in ten ti onHe did it on purpose.“am sorry I stepped on your toe; it was an accident. ”“ wasn t You doit on purpose.I came here on purpose

23、to see you.8. according toas stated by sb. or sth.They divided themselves into three groups accord ing to age.Please arrange the books accordi ng to size. According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.Accordi ng to her, gran dfather called at noon.9. fall in lovebeg in to be in love (with sb.)They

24、fell in love at once; it was love at first sight.What will he do if his daughter falls in love with a poor man?They fell in love with each other for years.10. join into take part in (an activity)They are going to join in the singing.She started dancing and we all joined in. Would you like to join in my birthday party?课后反思:本节课分层教学,在阅读课文,理解课文的基础上进行课文知识点的细致处理。需要改进的地方:单词短语部分讲解过多,占了很多时间,可以将其改为课后练习的形式。在以后的教学中要注意改进。


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